J1L;409700 said:
Merry Christmas to you as well DLD and thanks again for setting up and maintaining this forum. It's great because you're so involved and an inspiration and constant motivator!

Warmup: 10min Bathmate + DLD Newbie Routine Stretches
Session: 600 jelqs + 20 min Bathmate
Method: Bath
Max Length/Width: 184 / 5.0
Supplements: Partial TSPR

After the usual session of the Bathmate Warm Up, DLD Newbie Routine, and Warm Down I'm pretty excited to post on a different topics. The session was great with 180 in Warm Up and getting close to my previous max length in the Warm Down. You'll notice from my posts that my post Bathmate girth changes a lot with +/- 0.2-0.5 here and there.

After months of Bathmate use I've learned a lot and with the latest session and return to Penis Enlargement with Bathmate routines there are some things to point out.

With regard to length, the Bathmate will definitely help. The key is to pump very aggressively. I've been wondering why I haven't gotten close to my max length with Penis Enlargement and Bathmate thinking it may be due to the increased girth and stronger pump/sensitivity. What I forgot was I used to pump VERY VERY hard but had done less with the new routine. Today I used the ROCKER PUMPS that I used before to reach my near max length again. ROCKER PUMPS are where you fully compress the Bathmate at a downward angle, and with the max compression applied and held at the bottom of the gaiter, rock the pump pressure towards the top. This is like a 2 step pump, making sure you compress as much as possible and squeeze out even more of a pump. You can really add to your length this way. With the latest gains on the new routine, I'm almost hitting myself for not doing this earlier as I believe it will lead to massive gains quickly. The ROCKER PUMPS will always squeeze a little more pressure and length.

For girth, my numbers have always fluctuated because of fluid retention. With Bathmate Warm Ups and jelqing/DLD Bathmate Girth Blasters this is eliminated. A lot of people post that their gains are temporary and go away. That's because you're looking at FR even if it's slight. I've had the coke can sized girth, but it was FR, not even a real pump gain. You really need to warm up properly to avoid this as it doesn't really help girth gains. Since I've started proper warm up my Bathmate girth isn't as large as before with some FR but it looks completely different. The skin and feel is completely different too. When exiting the Bathmate with a proper session, the penis is large, the skin is tight, and the girth is larger but not as large as with FR. You also get a different sensation while in the Bathmate. It's a tingle or "light pinching" over the entire shaft and head instead of pinching due to FR. It's subtle but noticeable. Overall this has resulted in better girth gains and no more "temporary gains that go away".

It's like when you're working out in the gym and you do a bicep curl. You can do a 40 lb. but your form is off and you're using a lot of muscle to do the rep. It's still a rep, but it's a whole body rep with lots of assistance from your whole arm. If you take 20lb. but focus on using ONLY your bicep, you get a much better direct rep that really targets the muscle. Sure it's not as impressive as the 40lb rep, but over time you will build much more dense muscle and not hit a plateau like you do with the heavy rep. There's a time and a place for the big reps to change up your routine and work different muscles, but you need to focus on the core.

It seems like a lot of extra time, and it is to warm up and minimize FR but if you don't you're wasting time going through the motions and that's even more of a waste of time. Of course these are just my observations and conclusions and I will put them to the test over the next while and post the results.
Great post and very observant. It is wiser to work this way but many guys are addicted to the retention and are scared to give it up. This is why, from the start, I promoted Bathmate Girth Blasters, no retention so the temp. girth is no so great but tissue expansion is amazing.
doublelongdaddy;409768 said:
Great post and very observant. It is wiser to work this way but many guys are addicted to the retention and are scared to give it up. This is why, from the start, I promoted Bathmate Girth Blasters, no retention so the temp. girth is no so great but tissue expansion is amazing.

Schooled. :)
12/27/2010 - Day (65) 9

Warmup: 10min Bathmate + DLD Newbie Routine Stretches
Session: 600 jelqs + 20 min Bathmate
Method: Bath
Max Length/Width: 183 / 5.0
Supplements: Partial TSPR

Getting some consistency in my routine now which is great. I was definitely out of practice and had forgotten things like rocker pumps from not doing Penis Enlargement with the Bathmate for so long. Only managed to hit 175 on the Bathmate warm up. Not getting really engorged during the jelq session so it might be time for a day off even though I used the Partial TSPR.

With the Warm Down I hit 180 in under a minute and continued to a solid 183. I did get a blister which is an annoyance from the pressure and the base of my shaft against the gaiter. I'm going to try rubbing some vaseline in there for the next session to see if that helps. Does anyone else have some suggestions? I've heard condom, wrapping and other techniques.

Makes me think that the Bathmate X-40 isn't wide enough at the base considering the length that it can go up to 8+ inches length but only 5.5" girth? I would think 8+ inches would be around 6 - 6.5" girth if you're growing proportionately?

A solid session either way and I'm hoping to get past my max length in the next several weeks with the DLD Newbie Routine stretches. Still haven't pulled the trigger on getting a Size Genetics device yet but will very soon especially with the MOS discount. It feels like every day I'm not using it is another Penis Enlargement session that isn't all it could be.
Hi J1L. Can't quite figure out how to cut and paste a quote here, so I am referring to your third para of Dec 26 "With regard to length,..,,." I would appreciate it if you would try to describe the rocker pump again with different words as I am a little confused. I want to get length. I have girth. I am about to start X-40 since I am maxed out on Herc. If I start soft in the X-40, will my girth just continue or will it stop after some point and the negative pressure go into length since somewhere it was said that length is not noticed for a few months. If I go into the X-40 relatively hard after hand-stretching in hot water for some 20-30 minutes, will I start to experience length or just bruising? As a plus, I did not notice any FR when only 15 min and going in relatively hard.

If any experts from Bathmate corp are reading this, could they comment please on the advantage/disadvantage of starting relatively hard rather than soft. I get the feeling if I start soft I will only gain girth and I don't want that. I want length.
Kimodo;409879 said:
Hi J1L. Can't quite figure out how to cut and paste a quote here, so I am referring to your third para of Dec 26 "With regard to length,..,,." I would appreciate it if you would try to describe the rocker pump again with different words as I am a little confused. I want to get length. I have girth. I am about to start X-40 since I am maxed out on Herc. If I start soft in the X-40, will my girth just continue or will it stop after some point and the negative pressure go into length since somewhere it was said that length is not noticed for a few months. If I go into the X-40 relatively hard after hand-stretching in hot water for some 20-30 minutes, will I start to experience length or just bruising? As a plus, I did not notice any FR when only 15 min and going in relatively hard.

If any experts from Bathmate corp are reading this, could they comment please on the advantage/disadvantage of starting relatively hard rather than soft. I get the feeling if I start soft I will only gain girth and I don't want that. I want length.

ROCKER PUMP - When pumping the "regular" way, you are just pushing straight down on the Bathmate towards your pelvis. This doesn't squeeze every last bit of air or water out of the Bathmate to get the last 5-10% of pressure.

To do this, the Bathmate should already be at high pressure/vacuum.
Start by pushing the Bathmate towards your pelvis with the Bathmate pointed down. This isn't a full pump, you're just trying to get an extra 5-10% of pressure.
Once you are sure that the Bathmate is fully compressed and won't go any further pointing down.
Hold/Keep the pressure on the bottom of the Bathmate.
ROCK or ROLL the Bathmate upwards and compress the top part of the Bathmate.

You should notice some water come out. Not a lot but enough to get you a couple of millimeters if there was any extra room to pump. If it's still too hard to understand, let me know and I'll make a diagram.
Not really Bathmate related, but it was because of this great tool that I've just ordered a SizeGenetics device which I'll log here for now. My experience so far:

Ordering was easy after following the link from MOS for the awesome discount. Shipping by UPS and paid $185.25USD. UPS is garbage and usually require a lot of details which I couldn't enter on the order form so I e-mailed customer service instead.

My full address didn't appear correctly on the invoice even though I used their pre-completed pull down tab form on the ordering site so I sent another e-mail to customer service.

"Your billed credit card statement will show: SizeGenetics."
I thought this was supposed to be discreet? I don't think the name of the product that can be Googled counts as discreet.

So far the order experience is below expectations compared to ordering a Bathmate and my first impressions of the order process is that it could use some improvement.
J1L;409922 said:
Not really Bathmate related, but it was because of this great tool that I've just ordered a SizeGenetics device which I'll log here for now. My experience so far:

Ordering was easy after following the link from MOS for the awesome discount. Shipping by UPS and paid $185.25USD. UPS is garbage and usually require a lot of details which I couldn't enter on the order form so I e-mailed customer service instead.

My full address didn't appear correctly on the invoice even though I used their pre-completed pull down tab form on the ordering site so I sent another e-mail to customer service.

"Your billed credit card statement will show: SizeGenetics."
I thought this was supposed to be discreet? I don't think the name of the product that can be Googled counts as discreet.

So far the order experience is below expectations compared to ordering a Bathmate and my first impressions of the order process is that it could use some improvement.

I will forward this to SizeGenetics.
doublelongdaddy;409999 said:
I will forward this to SizeGenetics.

Thanks DLD. Looks like my address was correct on their side, it just didn't show up correctly on the e-mailed invoice. Customer service was prompt in replying.
I didn't realize they would be shipping from the UK and are using DHL to deliver the order. If I want to provide additional details for DHL, I'll need to call them and do so.
12/29/2010 - Day (65) 10

Warmup: 10min Bathmate + Stretches
Session: 5min Bathmate + 300 jelqs + 5min Bathmate + 300 jelqs + 20 min Bathmate
Method: Bath
Max Length/Width: 181 / 5.1
Supplements: Partial TSPR

Great session today with some jelq + Bathmate supersets. The expansion was huge and the pump was incredible. Zero FR.

I never did a session like this before and it is definitely far more effective than a routine without the Bathmate in the middle. You can feel a difference in the fatigue of the penis after doing a session like this. I entered the Bathmate erect on all sessions and it made a huge difference in intensity. The whole routine did take longer than usual but it was worth it after a day of rest.

Since ordering a SizeGenetics, I may separate the stretching and SG use when it arrives. Probably something like 5min-10min Bathmate, some stretching then use the SG for 4-8 hours, then move on to the regular Bathmate routine. Not sure if that's possible since it'll take a while to figure out how to use the SG effectively.

Try supersets with the Bathmate to break up your regular routine. Very good results.
12/30/2010 - Day (65) 11

Warmup: 6min Bathmate + Stretches
Session: 5min Bathmate + 600 jelqs + 20 min Bathmate
Method: Bath
Max Length/Width: 183 / 5.1
Supplements: Partial TSPR + ROP

It took several days, but I'm now close to my old maximum length! This may not seem like a gain, but with my increase in girth (+0.50") it is. Since starting supersets of Penis Enlargement and the Bathmate I've notice a huge improvement in EQ and flaccid length and girth.

Today's session started with a shorter Bathmate warm up where I hit a max of 174. Followed up with the DLD newbie routine stretches. I can use more force, but grip is a minor issue. The stretches help loosen things up a lot and I'll definitely stretch before any Penis Enlargement even if it's not a full routine.

I entered the Bathmate flaccid and got a great pump today. With the supersets, you can feel that the penis is more worn out than usual which means better results. I'm confident with this type of routine that the gains will come a lot faster than before.
12/31/2010 - Day (65) 12

Warmup: 6min Bathmate + DLD Newbie Routine Stretches
Session: 300 jelqs + 5min Bathmate + 300 jelqs + 20min Bathmate
Method: Bath
Max Length/Width: 184 / 5.0
Supplements: ROP

Had a great session today and reached my previous max length. The supersets are really helping and every session is feeling better with strong pump pressure. Should have done these routines all along as the previous months with the Bathmate seem like I didn't maximize the time spent. I managed to hit 180 very easily during the 2nd Bathmate use but there wasn't as much pressure as usual due to a weak suction. After the 20min Bathmate session at the end, I can definitely see the difference with this new routine. No FR and it looks pumped in a different way.

I also received my Size Genetics today. 3 days from the UK and had to pay brokerage fees and import tax but the speed of delivery was amazing. Probably because of DHL as UPS is horrible. I had to call DHL to provide my details for delivery. A note for anyone else ordering, if you don't live in a house you need to provide contact details otherwise you'll miss the delivery.

The slip said "Training Materials" and came in a DHL bag. Very discreet. Can't wait to open it up and check it out later.
It's not easy spending hard earned money on the Bathmate and SizeGenetics. When you look at the cost of the devices themselves, it's not cheap but you can also look at it another way.

Think of it as cost per inch(es). Bathmate is $120+, and SG is $150+. If each device promises 3" of growth for a total of 6" the cost would be $280.

Of course these claims are on the very high end so we can be pessimistic and assume they offer 1" of gain each.

$280 (+ minor additional costs) for 2 inches of length on your penis. Sounds like a pretty damn good deal to me. Even $280 for 1 inch sounds like a good deal and that's very realistic and very achievable. Life is made of time, and these products help maximize your time.

At the end of the day, it's only money. You could be spending money on worse things and if you don't grow (which is impossible with dedication and Penis Enlargement) it wasn't that much in the grand scheme of things because you'll probably never spend that money on these products again in your lifetime. That and at least you gave it a shot and the worst you can end up with is where you started.
12/1/2010 - Day (65) 13

After SG: 10min Bathmate / 176
Session: 5min Bathmate + 300 jelq + 5min Bathmate + 300 jelq + 15min Bathmate
Method: Water / Bath
Max Length/Width: 180 / 5.0
Supplements: ROP

Another good session today and my first day with the SizeGenetics Extender which really helped exercise the penis. The Bathmate pump pressure feeling is similar to after a very intense jelq session which tells me that it works. The 5min warm up was intense and the Bathmate pump pressure was almost unbearable at first. I could really feel the blood flowing and the Bathmate working. 160 on the warm up with what felt like a lot of pressure even though it probably wasn't.

In the next 5min Bathmate, I easily hit 180 with the last 15 min Bathmate working up to 180 again. With the superset Penis Enlargement routine and SG, the difference in intensity and effectiveness of the Bathmate has gotten even better. The gains should come quicker and I feel like I'm maximizing the time spent on Penis Enlargement.
12/2/2010 - Day (65) 14

Before SG: 10min Bathmate / 174
After SG: 5min Bathmate + 600jelq + 20min Bathmate
Method: Water / Bath
Max Length/Width: 169 / 5.1
Supplements: ROP

I could barely get past 160 on the first pump with the Bathmate during the 20min session from using the SizeGenetics. The pump was more intense than yesterday and I had to re-adjust 10mins in. The problem with readjusting was my girth had expanded so much that upon re pumping I was pinching the base of my penis inside the gaiter. This was not from fluid retention either and is definitely from using the SG. I don't have money for a Bathmate X-40 but that would be the next thing to get. The length is probably way too long, but the girth is probably better. I'm approx 5.5"+ in girth and the pain from the gaiter is getting worse as time goes by.
12/4/2010 - Day (65) 15

Session: 10min + 10min
Method: Bath
Max Length/Width: 170 / 5.0
Supplements: ROP

It's been 2 days in a row now and I'm stuck at 170 where I was previously getting to a max length of 184 again. I attribute this to the SizeGenetics extender since nothing else has changed since then. When I finished the SG use yesterday I was too tired to use the Bathmate after as I normally do. I also thought the rest may do some good as I had problems with pinching from the gaiter during pumping due to girth.

I used the Bathmate and entered it flaccid hoping it would relieve the pinching problem but it didn't. The pressure is still stronger than before using the SG with the Bathmate, and I could still pump more. The problem is I'm filling up the entire gaiter so I can't pump anymore without painful pinching. I guess it's time to save money and buy a X-40. Until then I can still use the Bathmate but it would be for warm ups and warm downs and not for gains because I can't pump aggressively anymore.
J1L;410620 said:
12/4/2010 - Day (65) 15

Session: 10min + 10min
Method: Bath
Max Length/Width: 170 / 5.0
Supplements: ROP

It's been 2 days in a row now and I'm stuck at 170 where I was previously getting to a max length of 184 again. I attribute this to the SizeGenetics extender since nothing else has changed since then. When I finished the SG use yesterday I was too tired to use the Bathmate after as I normally do. I also thought the rest may do some good as I had problems with pinching from the gaiter during pumping due to girth.

I used the Bathmate and entered it flaccid hoping it would relieve the pinching problem but it didn't. The pressure is still stronger than before using the SG with the Bathmate, and I could still pump more. The problem is I'm filling up the entire gaiter so I can't pump anymore without painful pinching. I guess it's time to save money and buy a X-40. Until then I can still use the Bathmate but it would be for warm ups and warm downs and not for gains because I can't pump aggressively anymore.

The X-40 will give you 8.5" of gator girth...plenty of room even for Redzulu:)
12/5/2010 - Day (65) 16

Session: 600jelqs + DLD Slow Squash Jelqs + 20min Bathmate
Method: Bath
Max Length/Width: 173 / 5.0
Supplements: ROP

I finally made it to 173 today before filling up the gaiter again. The DLD SSQs must have helped reduce some fluid expansion. The initial pump at 160 was more intense as usual since I started using the SG extender 4 days ago. When you first pump you can really feel a strong tingling sensation all over the penis.

I could definitely have pumped a lot more with a better max length and more pressure but got stuck again. This is frustrating but on the positive side, gains have definitely been made.
12/7/2010 - Day (65) 17

Session: SG 2+ 2 hours, 10min Bathmate
Method: Water
Max Length/Width: 170 / DNC
Supplements: MultiVitamins

Used the Bathmate about an hour after removing the SG device to get some blood flow going and to promote healing. I used the water method (no bath, no shower, just water) and again was stuck at 170 due to the girth constriction in the gaiter. I have a feeling this will be the same story until I get a X-40.

Even without a strong pump the rib marks from the Gaiter are now very apparent and the pain when releasing the pressure at the base of my penis is really high. I think most people would outgrow the X-40 and should plan on getting a X-40 in 6 months or so after using the Bathmate consistently.

I had Gaiter pain before but it wasn't this bad. With the SG it seems as though my girth went past the threshold literally overnight with 1-2 uses. I was still able to use the Bathmate up to that point even though it was a bit snug.
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