kyomoto;717887 said:
I have no idea what's going on but lets not behave immature :) [haha]. Rocky I've not seen anyone really nominate judges like templ or shortdick more than people have nominated threak. So what the hey, where's Threak, did he not accept? And why does 1 nomination guarantee a place as a judge.

ThreakX did not accept. One nomination guarantees the place as a judge because we don't have many options/time. Plus not many nominations were made, and the ones that were made I already tried. That being said I do think we have a nice group of judges. We can start the hunt for judges on the next competition earlier, because its not easy to find them believe me.

Anyways, for the next competition now that we know the basic structure I think we can figure out specific dates of what needs to happen when so everyone knows beforehand.
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rocky1243;717908 said:
ThreakX did not accept. One nomination guarantees the place as a judge because we don't have many options/time. Plus not many nominations were made, and the ones that were made I already tried. That being said I do think we have a nice group of judges. We can start the hunt for judges on the next competition earlier, because its not easy to find them believe me.

Anyways, for the next competition now that we know the basic structure I think we can figure out specific dates of what needs to happen when so everyone knows beforehand.

Oh okay thanks for clarification.
(I am writing this from the perspective of wanting to help in any way that I can, and in no way am I trying to take-away the amount of time, effort, creativity, patience that you've exhibited putting this together)

Hey Rock...just a side-note for us guys that don't either have the time or inclination to update our routine threads, maybe we can simplify the entire procedure and have the primary competition overall gains made? The reason I raise this option is due to the fact that I rarely go into my thread because my routine is ever-evolving but also remains basically the re-writing it daily doesn't do it for me and I wouldn't start just for this, (or any other reason, for that matter).

We all have our own 'style' and 'availability' and trying to make it 'fit' is a huge challenge, so I'm just suggesting to simplifying to "Gains" since that's the common denominator here.

Feel free to tell me to eff-off :)
Big Schwanz Acht;717981 said:
(I am writing this from the perspective of wanting to help in any way that I can, and in no way am I trying to take-away the amount of time, effort, creativity, patience that you've exhibited putting this together)

Hey Rock...just a side-note for us guys that don't either have the time or inclination to update our routine threads, maybe we can simplify the entire procedure and have the primary competition overall gains made? The reason I raise this option is due to the fact that I rarely go into my thread because my routine is ever-evolving but also remains basically the re-writing it daily doesn't do it for me and I wouldn't start just for this, (or any other reason, for that matter).

We all have our own 'style' and 'availability' and trying to make it 'fit' is a huge challenge, so I'm just suggesting to simplifying to "Gains" since that's the common denominator here.

Feel free to tell me to eff-off :)

Rocky turned to hard ass mother fucker LMAO. Jk thats a good suggestion though. I recommend it too.
We could simplify and say, "ok the best gains win". That does bring up other sort of problems, we would now require pictures etc. Cause anybody can come after a month claim a .5" and whos gonna argue otherwise? The journal sort of prevents that to an extent.

Anyhow the updating your journal everyday is a guideline not a rule. I don't think any of us did that this month. Could we consider thorough weekly updates to have the same value as daily updates? Theres ways we can go about it, I dont think straight up gains is it. It too easy to cheat and most importantly it takes the emphasis off the process. But if that is what the people want, we can do that.
rocky1243;717996 said:
We could simplify and say, "ok the best gains win". That does bring up other sort of problems, we would now require pictures etc. Cause anybody can come after a month claim a .5" and whos gonna argue otherwise? The journal sort of prevents that to an extent.

Anyhow the updating your journal everyday is a guideline not a rule. I don't think any of us did that this month. Could we consider thorough weekly updates to have the same value as daily updates? Theres ways we can go about it, I dont think straight up gains is it. It too easy to cheat and most importantly it takes the emphasis off the process. But if that is what the people want, we can do that.

But you said gaining was the prize and if you're lying then you're lying to yourself. Pics aren't necessary for the prize that is just gains right? So....
funny what happens when you have an 'incentive' :) "If you want something to proliferate, subsidize it", can't remember who penned that and I believe it was in reference to either welfare or government supported housing (no matter) the saying holds-true to this situation too. I really don't care if someone's ego is too big to be honest and claim the 'winning' gain, the competition isn't about that for me and I'm pretty certain a lot of's the fact that we're fileting ourselves in front of The Brotherhood (warts and all) for the opportunity to make some serious gains. It may happen faster for some, but the goal is the if there's someone fudging for recognition (or a nominal prize) so be it. Just my $0.02
kyomoto;718012 said:
But you said gaining was the prize and if you're lying then you're lying to yourself. Pics aren't necessary for the prize that is just gains right? So....

Right, but now there is a prize. This month's winner wins a LengthMaster or a bathmate, DLD agreed to donate one every two months we schedule this comp. I don't want to throw that act of generosity away like that, unless you guys do think it is best to leave it without prize. Then we can go back to that.

And I think we need to start searching for backup judges for this month's competition, temp hasn't replied and neither has longstretch. If they don't reply in the next week or so, we could take it to a vote.

Big Schwanz Acht;718025 said:
funny what happens when you have an 'incentive' :) "If you want something to proliferate, subsidize it", can't remember who penned that and I believe it was in reference to either welfare or government supported housing (no matter) the saying holds-true to this situation too. I really don't care if someone's ego is too big to be honest and claim the 'winning' gain, the competition isn't about that for me and I'm pretty certain a lot of's the fact that we're fileting ourselves in front of The Brotherhood (warts and all) for the opportunity to make some serious gains. It may happen faster for some, but the goal is the if there's someone fudging for recognition (or a nominal prize) so be it. Just my $0.02

There is a prize... If there wasn't I doubt the argument would have happened in the first place.
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I don't think that little disagreement had anything to do with having a prize or not having a prize...water under the bridge. The Competition that you've graciously soldiered to The Troops, in its purest sense, is collectively gathering a like-minded group for a friendly challenge...for me, that's the beauty.
Big Schwanz Acht;718032 said:
I don't think that little disagreement had anything to do with having a prize or not having a prize...water under the bridge. The Competition that you've graciously soldiered to The Troops, in its purest sense, is collectively gathering a like-minded group for a friendly challenge...for me, that's the beauty.

That is the beauty, but like you said before " I really don't care if someone's ego is too big to be honest and claim the 'winning' gain," yeah nobody would really give a shit. But you add a prize and things are different, this was my hesistation with that at first.

So lets deal with the situation at hand, there is a prize and there will be a prize thanks to DLD. I don't think we should through that away, I am sure many members out on this forum will benefit from that. And in a way I feel this competition sort filters the guys a little bit and makes sure whoever wins is a person that will put that tool into good use. So given that we have a prize, how do you suppose we can go about deciding a winner? Because just judging gains blindly is not good enough.

Lets hear some ideas.
I agree, Mike's generosity should be accepted and honored but does the fact that there is a prize throw honesty and self-accountability out the window? It may...I'd hate to think so, tho
Big Schwanz Acht;718037 said:
I agree, Mike's generosity should be accepted and honored but does the fact that there is a prize throw honesty and self-accountability out the window? It may...I'd hate to think so, tho

It does, I know most of the established guys here will probably be good to their word. But what about a new guy that wants to join? Do we deny him the benefit of competing? Or do we accept and take the risk he is bullshitting the whole way? Anybody can come in no journal no pictures or anything and say, "oh I gained .5" this month".

You know we have had "questionable" members in the past.
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very true and with anything worthwhile, there will always be that risk...the key is to mitigate w/out suffocate (I just used that word for the alliteration, in no way is this suffocating). Would someone all-of-a-sudden try to pry their way into our competition to get a free prize? Sure, but maybe, (since we already have the participants identified) keep this group intact. (now that I type this, it goes against one of my core beliefs, 'inclusion' so scratch that thought).

I guess I'm willing to take the gamble that we are all upstanding individuals with honesty and integrity in our, it becomes pretty obvious really quickly when someone isn't 'playing fair' :)
Big Schwanz Acht;718040 said:
very true and with anything worthwhile, there will always be that risk...the key is to mitigate w/out suffocate (I just used that word for the alliteration, in no way is this suffocating). Would someone all-of-a-sudden try to pry their way into our competition to get a free prize? Sure, but maybe, (since we already have the participants identified) keep this group intact. (now that I type this, it goes against one of my core beliefs, 'inclusion' so scratch that thought).

I guess I'm willing to take the gamble that we are all upstanding individuals with honesty and integrity in our, it becomes pretty obvious really quickly when someone isn't 'playing fair' :)

It becomes obvious when there is a track record(journal), but if all you have to do is state your gains at the end of the month. How do you know?

My thought process on the journal thing is that:

1. you can probably get away with lying once, but its gonna be real hard lie your way through a month
2. Whoever wins it, deserves the prize
3. Whoever wins it will bring value back to the Brotherhood sharing his future experiences with the device he wins.

I am by no means closed to ideas, I want to hear yall out but we do need a solid idea on how to come up with the winner. I am more concerned about the work it is for the judges than the fact that if someone doesn't have time to post consistently his chances of winning are low. Because no one said winning would be easy, and it goes straight against what this competition is about. And if you don't win, well it is what it is be happy with your gains as you wouldve been in the first place when there wasn't a prize. Not saying not posting everyday disqualifies anyone but there should be a strong effort to contribute to this forum and motivate our fellow members.
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You really don't know, but maybe we can incorporate a 'light' vetting process for any new members that wish to join-in. Since we are already a month into this 2-month cycle, someone wishing to join mid-stream would need to do some routine posting to sorta catch-up. The members that are already/currently participating wouldn't have to go through this since we began at the beginning. Would this be enough to potentially weed-out the 'quick-hitters' just looking for an easy prize/score?
Big Schwanz Acht;718043 said:
You really don't know, but maybe we can incorporate a 'light' vetting process for any new members that wish to join-in. Since we are already a month into this 2-month cycle, someone wishing to join mid-stream would need to do some routine posting to sorta catch-up. The members that are already/currently participating wouldn't have to go through this since we began at the beginning. Would this be enough to potentially weed-out the 'quick-hitters' just looking for an easy prize/score?

I don't know I am not convinced "oh I will never win because I don't have time to post everyday" is a good enough argument to drop the journal idea.(boo hoo) Again I am more concerned on streamlining the process...

What if, instead of having a "Routine of the Week". We just have a weekly winner, this winner is decided by votes. At the end of the 2 month period whoever has won the most weeks will win the price.

Not to mention we rid ourselves of the task of having to find judges, which is a pain in the ass.
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If we base it on The Routine of the Week, then it's an entirely different 'animal'...I still believe it should be about gaining. (BTW, I missed how your measurement went on Saturday)
Big Schwanz Acht;718046 said:
If we base it on The Routine of the Week, then it's an entirely different 'animal'...I still believe it should be about gaining. (BTW, I missed how your measurement went on Saturday)

Not based on the routine of the week it would substitute routine of the week, based on a progress. Why is that you think that it should be based on measurement again?

My measurement the day of measuring was 6.125" a day after that it was 6.25" NBPEL. I left the original measurement of 6.125", I didn't nominate myself anyways.
Big Schwanz Acht;718050 said:
That's progress, isn't it?

Well thats one way of measuring progress, the other way which is what we are asking the judges to consider now... their grind.

But you didn't answer...Why do you think the measurement is the way to go?
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