smokey - I already have one and if i ever get back into pe i will stretch and jelq Thats it

I cant wait to get this tube out of my penis
remiii;281974 said:
smokey - I already have one and if i ever get back into pe i will stretch and jelq Thats it

I cant wait to get this tube out of my penis

Tube? Tube! TUBE!>>>>>>>>>>>>>:O
BillyMan;281977 said:
Tube? Tube! TUBE!>>>>>>>>>>>>>:O

If i posted a picture of my bag and tube I promise you no one will ever clamp again .... Please ask a mod at �other PE site� to read and share this thread

I know they have a huge thread on clamping , no one should try this exersise
remiii;281980 said:
If i posted a picture of my bag and tube I promise you no one will ever clamp again .... Please ask a mod at �other PE site� to read and share this thread

I know they have a huge thread on clamping , no one should try this exersise

You actually should post a pic man. But I don't think you ever answered, did you actually explain to the Nurse or Doctor exactly what you were doing that caused the injury? And exactly how much blood was coming out? Was it like flowing out or did a smaller amount come out and it burned like hell?
if any one is good with the I phone maybe i can call you and tell me how to send pictures?
remiii;281982 said:
if any one is good with the I phone maybe i can call you and tell me how to send pictures?

After you take a pic you should have an option to SEND it like as in a Picture Message and instead of typing in a phone number type in your e-mail instead.
BillyMan;281981 said:
You actually should post a pic man. But I don't think you ever answered, did you actually explain to the Nurse or Doctor exactly what you were doing that caused the injury? And exactly how much blood was coming out? Was it like flowing out or did a smaller amount come out and it burned like hell?

Yes i told them what i did , I even showed them the cable clamp .I pissed thick blood .... then i started drinking water and my bladder got filled and i could not pee it out get it?

they had to take the urine out with a tube , and i still have the tube in my penis , its attached to a bag on my leg , this is fucken serious shit

people need to stop posting shit that can get you killed ... red you hear me?
BillyMan;281984 said:
After you take a pic you should have an option to SEND it like as in a Picture Message and instead of typing in a phone number type in your e-mail instead.

I even bought the I BOOK and i cant set up my email , if you can help i can call you?
I would say yes but since I don't actually own an iPhone and thats the only way I know how, I doubt that I could help.
remiii;281986 said:
I even bought the I BOOK and i cant set up my email , if you can help i can call you?

People, i know the answer to all this suffering!! Lets kill all the big cock guys and the girls that says size matters!! Kiding! Bad joke.
Remiii this story is scary! I´m in Penis Enlargement for about 1 year and had little time to do work out everyday, thats the reason for no injurys. The only problem i had was some need to piss from hour to hour in about two folowed days, but then stoped.
Yes, i had a very healt serius problem about 6 months ago, but not from Penis Enlargement, but from body building, my heart had some kind of arritmia and i almost died in the local hospital.
Now im taking inderal and others medecins. Never had several problems form Penis Enlargement. i hope you get back soon to life, and try learn that not everything is Sex, Power and money...carefull with the system, they dont care about us.
I did not get injured from having sex while i was clamped , ive done it a couple of times before ....I did not cum while clamped , and didn't have her ride me .... This came out of no where

IM so nervous , cause tomm morning i see my urologist , does he diagnose me tomm>? does he say i dont know whats wrong with you?? AND THE biggest fear is him taking out the tube AND me not being able to piss on my own THEN WHAT?
OK mate. Its a shame what has happened to you and I hope that it sorts out soon and I think it will so dont stress. I work in the medical field and to me I would listen to what the Doctor told you that night i.e. the Uretha being torn. Possible that maybe some tissue has gone down and blocked your bladder and it got clogged with shit like it did?

Secondly, it is NOT MY FAULT. I saw a line in your post ''red do you hear me'' well yes I do. I hear your in pain and I'm sorry for that but you will get better .. think positive.

Clamping, well Constrictors as I call it .. have worked safely for many men incl me ... I CRINGE when I read the shit on here in the injuries such as guys pissing blood and getting this and that cos it should not happen. I have done INTENSE I N T E N S E ... I did clamped hanging on my penis ... my cock has BUILT TO THIS like powerlifters can powerlift massive poundages as they built strength gradually, not just deadlifted 700lbs.

You say you've been doing this years ... I belive you and remember the name you postted but you always MUST REMEMBER the thin line we cannot cross ... I always keep aware of that when I do anything in life and especially with Penis Enlargement.

Mate I feel bad for you, but it is not anyones fault except your own for pushing your body too far that session ... you must have pushed too hard that night and something gave, sadly it gave in. Could happen to anyone of us god forbid.

Its your choice to spread the word that clamping is bad, do that ... doesnt hurt me its your choice and maybe in the future we can stop injuries like this.

Like I have said and always will ... you must be aware of your own bodies limitations, if you push it too far it will break ... doesnt matter if you have 100 years Penis Enlargement experience, you can still get very hurt if you ignore the symptons.

I hope it goes well for you mate.

If I were you I would stay away from all Penis Enlargement from now on.

Listen to what your Urologist says.

Finally read my guide, at the end it says you try it all at your own risk and read the guide at your own risk ... in otherwords, you have a mind and decide what to do with it and hence you took it upon yourself to do clamping .... you gained but on that night something went wrong .... now you must deal with it.
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red thank you , I just pray to god the doctor can figure out whats wrong with me AND no its not your fault , BUT if i did not read your guide i would have not tried clamping.

Im not out to talk shit about you. Im just mad at myself i guess and I will never do any form of clamping ever again . I did not push myself ,It just happened
This has really taken a toll on my well being - my brain is just thiking bad things , Like what if the bag fills up at night and i dont wake up? and then my bladder will start to fill up

i made it to the hospital just in time , give 5 or 10 minutes my bladder would have burst . Pray for me NEVER AGAIN will i put my self thru this
hey dont freak out.. i was in the hospital january 07 for 2 months and i had a tube in my cock too and a bag.. and i never had problem with them.. my urine was red too.. i was in the hospital in the urology with a lot of old men, and i was just 18.. so dont freak out , its normal.. trust me .. after 3-4 weeks your urine gets yellow again.. its because the inserting causes damage..
ah and i had the same with the bladder 12 hours later and i would have been dead :blush:

oh no i mixed up the words i had my kidney full not the bladder.. even worser
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Paid the doctor a visit this morning , I told him my hanging - clamping routine , HE said he has seen many patients try to enlarge there penis and doing alot of damage

Im not going to argue with him , He took the tube out OH THE FUCKEN PAIN , he gave me some pills to help me urinate OTHER than that not much happened which i dont get?

He wants to see me in 2 weeks and stick another tube down my cok TO check out my bladder ..... Im pissing yellow again ILL keep you guys updated if you guys care
abcd3;282083 said:
ah and i had the same with the bladder 12 hours later and i would have been dead :blush:

oh no i mixed up the words i had my kidney full not the bladder.. even worser

ok HOW did you get injured? and what was the diagnosis? are you back doing pe??
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