OK I bodybuild for one and i KNOW that tesosterone levels which along with high hGH and DHT speed the development of penile growth. One reason because DHT is used to recover and grow the cells there when they are damaged and depending on how much hGH and testerone you have, they will naturally grow much larger much faster. The thing is though the hGH and testerone are in their highest from 15 to about 22 years of age and you can increase them by lifting weights and i mean lift them hardcore and eat alot of protein which in turn is used to help build the blocks of muscles fiber. You DONT take this shit by supplements, that's just ludacris just make sure you have a 4-5 day split with alot of fiber, clean carbs, fats and about 200 protein everyday this all creates increases in hGH by up to about 300% so your entire body is in this state of exreme growth. I think that penile growth is very much relevant to the muscle fiber growth... oh yes and you dont grow MORE CELLS the fibers size and strength is increased through that stimulation. So make sure you're entire body is in an anabolic state or your penis will take a long time to grow and recover. I'm sure ou all are asking me about my success, for one i'mnot consistent with this. I remember in my bulking phase of last year i did 4 days straight of Penis Enlargement and i grew probably a 1/2 inch in those 4 days(6.25-6.8), then i stopped now i'm starting again along with rebulking again this time i have ot say after 2 days i feel and see growth, it's quite impressive and surprising how much you can grow given the right circumstances. Make sure you eat alot of clean food though and get your NUTRIENTS, very important i must say, so with all of this you will grow.

EDIT* i forgot to tell you about IGF-1 this helps a shitload in your growth factor an di know how to get the best of it... DRINK MILK!!!!!
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Thats right guys....if you want a bunch of bovine growth hormones in your system...LOAD UP ON MILK!!! MMM MMM! Just because someone is a "bodybuilder" does not mean that they know what hormones will make a penis grow if any. I serioulsy doubt any commercially available synthetic or natural hormone can have an effect on penis size. Much of what this guy is saying is very generalized. Everyone's protien intake is different...we all need different amounts based on body weight to increase muscle mass. Also, he like many other men who dont know much about what they are talking about ....seems to be insinuating that the penis is just like skeletal muscle tissue and that it is easily influenced by direct hormonal stimulation. Any proof? So he saw a 1/2" spurt here and there. How does that back up what he says? ?:(
my 2 cents:

I have heard some reports from GH users of Penis Enlargement, but its so expensive its really not worth it. The chance of it happening are slim. You would need a high dose too.. Much more promising would be IGF-1, which is becoming alot more accessible as of late, but you really have to be careful with it, ill post some articles if you guys are interested
quijjiboo, it's be awesome if you could post some articles about IGF-1
what proof lol i just told you and yes I may be generalizing what i am saying so it can make sense. I go around alo ton the bodybuilding forums and am very active in the sport and i know the penis is not made of muscle but it reacts in the very same ways. It is made up of cells that take nutrients in and out just like muscle cells do. Also out of my curiosity i go round reading alot of sex information based off penile problems and anatomy which i'm sure DLD knows much more of, I just know the basics of it so far...and yes peoples genetic makeups are different but generally it is still the same not that we're entirely different species

and im still not getting why you guys are going about buying these hormones.. just lift weight and eat alot that's enough hGH right there made FREE that's right FREE hGH and guarteed not to screw up your hormonal functions.

but yea i'm starting very vigorously again but my bodybuilding effort has dropped due to school and plus it's very difficult to keep at it, so now i'm just maintaining my body's muscle mass. So i don't expect to grow quite as fast since my body's metabolic state is less anabolic.

and please don't tell me i don't know what i'm talking about.. comon let's all be openminded to these issues.

Still, you never stop amazing me. LOl. This is a really good thread you guys, I have learned a bunch.
How's it goin guy's,

I've been out of state woorking on a contract job, so I haven't been really motivated to post... although, I have been continuing with my Penis Enlargement.

Anyway's, durring the 3 week's of IGF-1 LR3, I had gained a smidgen over a 1/4 of an inch in length and girth. I'm not going to say that it was due to the IGF-1 because the routine I was following was pretty consistant with good workouts. I also gained aprox. 8 pounds of muscle (for those who are intersted).

"Thats right guys....if you want a bunch of bovine growth hormones in your system...LOAD UP ON MILK!!! MMM MMM!"

LOL... I do have to agree with Stillwantmore on this. A full grown adult won't be able to get an elevation of Growth factors orally, because the digestive tract is way too acidic and destroys them and turns them into a very expensive amino acid "suppliment".

Also, eating right and working out is not near as effective as eating right, working out AND taking steroids/growth hormones/factors.

Although, I do agree with MaxVeloc on the theory that the penis will adapt to stress, the same way muscles do through bodybuilding (and anyother body part).... only with Penis Enlargement, we stress the penis through a passive route. (that's just my way of looking at it). I do believe hormones (such as IGF-1) play an important role in penis growth, though not to the extent that some people believe.

Currently I'm 7 inches aprox... depends on how horny my girl makes me;)

Anybody have an opinion on those more affordable supplements that are floating around these days, promising to stimulate your body to produce more HGH naturally?
In all reality, does it really make a difference guys? Shit, �other PE site� and MOS are 2 separate entities controlled by 2 separate people. If Thunder feels it necessary to ban important members of the MOS forum, then that's his choosing to do so. Likewise if DLD decides he wants to ban people who are important over at �other forum�.

Let the childish antics die. It's pathetic to see adult men quarrel over the rights to post on a message board. Please, grow up and let this shit die right here, right now.
I don`t think that the Growth Hormone/other hormones are gonna do anything than increase you muscle size[ building up hipotrophiated muscles, don`t know if that`s te word. I meant under-developed muscles], make you hairier and temporary impotent.
However, if you use the Growth Hormone as a teenager you could stagnate your growth in height but maybe increase your penile size. Hormones have different effects to adults and to teenagers.
And because your body feels that your testosterone level is high your testicles will stop producing. I know that people take these stuff for like 4 months, enough for your balls to shrink and never be able to restore their testosterone production as before.
This stuff can be really dangerous!!!
Actually, HGH/IGF-1 will cause a child/early-teen to grow taller as long as his growth plates haven't fused. As soon as the kid's growth plates have fused, then the chance for him/her to grow taller is impossible.

The only way a kid still in his growing stages will stagnate his height, is if he takes something that will increase his estrogen to cause the fusion of his growth plates (such as an androgenic steroid being converted by his body into estrogen).

Also, I'm not trying to start anything but...

As far as anabolic/androgenic steroids being dangerous... believe it or not, there has not been one case to prove that steroids have caused a single death or iriversable effect (unless the person has been diagnosed with a previous heart problem or illness).

Stop watching the news/media and start reading the clinical studies. The only reason why steroids are illegal is politics. I've taken quite a few different substances and have not had any major... or medium side-effect... as well as quite a few associates. I would bet my life that aprox. 75% of professional athletes use steroids, but you don't see them living an unhealthy life...

PS. Tylenol has killed aprox. 3 times more people a year then ephedra (just recently banned), yet pharmaceutical companies already have trademark's on names for their fat burners that contain ephedra. In other words... never trust the media (they always take the studies out of context because they get some money)... read the actual clinical studies... then decide what's really dangerous. Even if you don't have any interest in this, you should care that the current government is taking away more and more rights and eventually they will take away something you hold dear... but it will be too late because you didn't stand up for other people's rights.... therfore they won't stand up for your rights/beliefs.

PSS. Not to mention that cigarettes and alchol are much more harmful/deadly than almost any other drug/chemical, yet it's not banned because these big companies have politicians/lobyiests hand's in their money-pockets.

In other words, anabolic/androgenic steroids side effects are blown way out of proportion to the point that it is extremely rediculous... and frustrating.

Sorry for the rambling... I tend to get worked up about this subject... please excuse me.
there has been a case of death from hormones. An athlete died of liver cancer. hormones and steroids are very dangerous. and athletes that take them don`t care so much about their side-effects, most of them want to boost their performances at any price.

I mistaken the growth hormone with testosterone... sorry :)
yes, you will grow taller if you use the growth hormone as a kid, but as an adult only your arms and legs will grow, not all the bones or something like that I learned in biology class. I meant only the long bones, the short ones will remain the same lenght.
the growth hormone is STH, right?
how will that help with muscle growth? I thought testosterone did that.
Originally posted by Omul_Paianjen
This stuff can be really dangerous!!!

Huh. Here in the US, doctors are generally praising HGH for its benefits. Of course, most of those cases are cases of using the actual HGH, not some chemical stimulant to produce HGH.
Originally posted by SLICEDBEEF
In other words, anabolic/androgenic steroids side effects are blown way out of proportion to the point that it is extremely rediculous... and frustrating.

I'm not ready to call them as harmless as sugar pills, but I do believe that the risks are greatly exaggerated. Sure, some negative side effects are associated with steroid use, but for every death that has been blamed on them, there have been thousands of users that have experienced relatively few side effects. I myself have never taken any. I would not mind trying them, provided I actually got a doctor to give me an okay on it. I sometimes get chest pains and have wondered if my heart is entirely normal. Plus, the penalties for getting busted with them, illegally, are substantial. My understanding is that Deca Durabolin has been a great steroid that has shown minimal side effects. I definitely think some are more dangerous than others. A coworker that is an ex-juicer told me about some stuff that bodybuilders take that was designed as a horse steroid, which seems nuts to me.
There is use and there is abuse.... I don't thank we should all get punished for a few dip-shits... What's next?... ID's so that we can have sex? For something as harmless as steroids/hormones, we shouldn't have "big brother" baby sitting us (we are all adults... we should be able to make our own decisions). For crying out loud, McDonalds kill's a rediculously way bigger percentage of people than hormones! >:(


Sorry again!... I can't help it!

PS. Deca Durabolin has been known to give people "Deca-Dick"... UnAbility to get a full-blown erection (wich is revearsable within a couple day's). Other than that, it's pretty much one of the "easiest" steroids out there.
Hey Beef I have Pmed you a few times and posted on here were can I get the IGF-1LR3 ?????????????????????????????????
Omul, you are right...

there has been a few cases where people have abused suped-up steroids and it has caused liver damage/cancer... the same thing can happen with an alcholic's drinking problem, taking too much otc pain pills, as well as a few other things. I was talking more so about immediate death/effects. ;)

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