I think it's in the book "Grow Young with HGH". The author is a MD and I don't know how carefully the measurements were done etc. He didn't advocate taking HGH for this purpose, just mentions it as an occasional side effect. I believe he said one patient experienced a 25% gain in length.
I saw that online. It could be a way for the guy to sell his book with the huge population of guys wanting to make their cock bigger. I don't think that anything alone will grow the penis without using some type of stress. You would figure that, if HGH worked, we would know REALLY know about it by now. But, could this help with Penis Enlargement? Maybe!

I agree. It's probably not worth trying. I believe there was someone on �other PE site� that was combining Penis Enlargement with HGH, and he claimed he had told his doc what he was trying to accomplish. The doc was cooperative, but of course he had nothing to lose.
If I had the money to use GH or IGF1 while Penis Enlargementing, let there be no doubt that I would use it. I have little doubt that it would help but I do not have the money to do so. Also, the amount of help it would provide would be in serious question. But, the concept sounds very promising to say the least.

Originally posted by 8 isn't enough
Gyno= Male Bitch Tits

:eek: The very thought scares the hell out of me. I've had trouble eliminating the chest fat, but you say this is rare, right?
8, how much does this shit cost anyway? I must confess this thread has me curious, though there is little chance I can afford something most folks can't.
Originally posted by penguinsfan
:eek: The very thought scares the hell out of me. I've had trouble eliminating the chest fat, but you say this is rare, right?

Rare with both dutasteride and testosterone.

Been there, done that... not GH... but IGF-1 LR3.

The thing with growth hormone is that if you want the freaky gains with it, you need to take it with insulin and thyroid... the reason being is because it need's to convert into IGF-1 in the liver to be effective. GH by itself is not really anabolic! IGF-1 is. This is the reason you will find so many conflicting testimonials about it's effectiveness.

This brings me to another point... injecting regular IGF-1 would require multiple injection's a day to be effective because the half-life of IGF-1 is only at the most an hour... On the other hand IGF-1 Long R3 has a bonded protien to it so that it only requires one injection a day because the liver can't break it down as fast... resulting in around 10 hours of a half life!

Wich bring's me to another point... IGF-1 LR3 can be baught legally and somewhat affordably, because it is still in the research phase. I can attest that it works very well for around 90% permanent muscle gains along with some test cyp. !

It also really helped out with my knee pain through regeneration of cartilage (I believe) and the pain has not returned in the last week that I've been off of it!

I still have another 3 week supply of 50 mcg's a day and I will start it durring the last half of my 6 week phase 1 Penis Enlargement program. After this 3 weeks I will be done with it because I'm not into getting freaky huge... I just want to look good nekid and heal my knee 110%! I should also note that just because most of the muscle gains you get off of it are permanent... the lost body fat and increased strength are not... you still have to be dedicated to continue your fitness training... GH and IGF-1 (LR3) are awesome but they are not magic bullets!


I would like to hear about your Penis Enlargement results while using IGF1. I've never herd of LR3 as of yet. I'm guessing because it's still the research phase. Well, let us know how it goes..

Since I just started Penis Enlargement the other day (sunday night), I couldn't tell you quite yet. I imagine my gains will impriove somewhat on it whenever I start on my cycle 3 weeks from now... however I don't know if it will definantly work. I do know that it worked very good for my knee and an extra 17 pounds of permanent muscle in 3 weeks!

Another thing with IGF-1LR3 is that since it has a bonded protien to it, it's believed that after around 5-6 weeks your body will start resisting it and you will have to take off equal the time you were on it.

I'll keep everything updated.

Originally posted by SLICEDBEEF
It also really helped out with my knee pain through regeneration of cartilage (I believe) and the pain has not returned in the last week that I've been off of it!

I've got some cartilege problems in my knees. Can you give me any more details on getting this stuff, since I'd like to check it out?
There are side effects from using IGF1 and they are not all good ones. I'd get checked out by a Dr. before jumping on it. You have to inject it anyway atleast as far as I know.

Yes, I agree,

you should at least research it on the net as much as you can before jumping right into it. Of course there are side effects from taking it IF you take a whole lot (over 150-200 mcg/day) over the cousre of a long period without a break... as with anything else you could take. You should also research on how to inject properly (maybe if you have a friend that's a diabetic?)

Another thing is that it is believed to cause dormant cancer cells to start going rampet... In other words, if you've had cancer or any type of tumor in the past, you should definantely reconsider taking it! That goes for if you have a bad family history of cancer, also.

Other than that, I found it to produce very good results and without one single side effect... except feeling more sleepy and spacey durring the day. This also goes for everybody I've ever talked with about their experience with it.
Great find!:)

Just makes ya wonder if they could have dramatically increased their gains with some Penis Enlargement... Can't wait to start my next IGF cycle... with Penis Enlargement of course!:p


The IGF-1 appears to be expensive, based on the quantity and amounts mentioned above.
I was wondering why they used so much, also... but then I got to thinking...

They didn't state whether they used regular IGF-1 or the LR3 version... but I imagine they used the regular, because if they used the LR3 version it would be quite a bit considering what others have used (with good results) and the dramatically longer half life the LR3 has over the regular... I've talked with people taking as little as 20-50 mcg's of IGF-1 LR3 (including myself), that have gotten quite dramatic results (on muscle growth and joint rejuvenation, anyways)! If they did use the LR3 version (wich I doubt), they were giving the upper limit of doses recommended (150-200mcg) and that's been know to cause some nausious/dizziness feelings after injections unless you've worked your way up... I'm sure they would have mentioned that as a side effect.

I do know for sure that 30-50 mcg's a day of LR3 is enough to start out with, if you're interested in some muscle growth and joint rejuvenation (as well as decreased bodyfat, increased appetite and increased erections). I didn't measure my penis, so I don't know for sure if it grew from the 3 weeks I was on 30mcg's a day... but I did hang heavier durring the day and always woke up with a raging wood... as well as increased # of erections. I couldn't tell you if it will make your erections harder, because I seem to always have rock hard erection, like I just took a viagra I didn't even need (nananabubu). All kiddin aside...

In 2 weeks I'll start my last 3 week cycle and let you know if 50 mcg's a day was enough to make a difference in my Penis Enlargement gains.

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I just started taking 50mcg's/day of IGF-1LR3 yesterday. Up till then I had gained a tad over an 1/8" in length and girth....
We'll see how this stuff works out!

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