Thanks Airshy, believe me I'm one of the most skeptical out there about all of this....not about pe but I was/am one of those guys who always worried that everyone else was capable of gaining and that I just wasn't due to my makeup or whatever. As stated, all the hangin, pulling, jelqing, hand clamping just might be payin off here. I'm just gonna keep hammerin away as I believe my problem before was that I was too impatient, but this time it's different. Everyday I'm at it, and when I get tired of pulling/hangin/stretchin I move to girth cuz I believe I'm prob one of those people who'd respond better to girth opposed to length but my main concern is length, and any girth I get as a result is fine, def not against girth as many women will claim that's more important as they say....just that whole theory or belief that more girth hinders length gains u know, but I'll never send back the girth at any rate.

I'm just excited, as stated, I got serious minded right when jqsderrida kicked around this idea and I have visions of being of those guys that stuck with it to make some impressive gains. Hope to be a pe vet one day, 2 inches longer and maybe an inch thicker haha lol

Let's do it guys!!@!@!
ride that wave and keep training. Even though improvement and success can be tracked in a linear fashion, the ebbs and flows are cyclical. And the best time to win is after a victory, as the energy is moving that way already.

So keep that attitude for another 30days as best you can and remeasure - and you may be in for another great surprise!
This is for AIRSHY. I saw earlier in this thread that you made a diagram of your penis and where it was sore in the groin area. When I was stretching I got a pop right from that area. It feels like a lig running from my groin down the top of my penis. Its been very sore and I can't hang. Thankfully it's healing and almost better. Is this a lig because someone else told me it was the septum. This lig or whatever is where I always feels the stretch when I hang. Thanks for your help in advance.
yes it is the sus lig. It runs from the pubic bone (on each side) and attaches close to the head.

I had 2 pops so far on the left side sus lig. the intersting thing is that my left lig has been my limiting factor (and my penis curves to the left). I can actually pull this ligament up now as it is very thick from damage and scarring and it will rise all the way to the shaft (almost) of my penis.

Dont worry about it - it is still attached, just weakened. It is like the more painful fasttrack to breaking through your limiting factory.

What was strange for me when mine was damaged is I could still hang up to 10 pounds BTC, but I often could only start with 2 for 5 minutes or so, and gradually build up. I am not as into the 20 minute set rule as most people as I find I may be able to end a set straining at 10 minutes with 10 pounds, rest for 3 minutes, and immediatly start with 12 lbs fine.

Keep it healing in the extended state as best you can. it should not hurt sharply, and you should still be able to stretch it out way more than you think with proper warmup and set increases.

Just my thoughts - good luck.
Boxer -

Below are 2 suppliments that I use reguarly for Penis Enlargement. This goes against what BIB and many others say in that you want the tissues to be as weak as possible. I think it is a mixed bag. You want them weak when you stretch them but you want them strong to rebuild quickly so the process can be repeated. I have a belief the body is smarter than we know - even our ligaments holding our penis. And somehow someway they adapt and become stronger and longer.

Anyway - the first of these supplements is liquid glass. You will immediatly notice your hair and nails as thicker and stronger. (well - a few weeks). and they will grow faster. This happens all over your body and inside. Silicon is one of the main minerals stripped from todays water that used to be in water from the earth.

The second is simply collagen. Again, most people would say you dont want this I would guess. I feel if you are really hanging a lot your body is going to get broken down no matter what you take, and these will help it heal faster in the extended state.

Also - if you are injured these will help your body rebuild what is damaged. There are other things too and I have tried most as I have done powerlifting in the past... these will help that lig rebuild.

Biosil Liquid Silicon, 30 ml

Super Collagen, Type I & III Powder, 7 oz (198 g)
I think it is easy to get frustrated with measuring. Especially EL. I gave it up for the time being for a few reasons. For hanging, BPFSL seems like the first thing that will be affected. Obviously because it is the same pull in flaccid state.

EL changes more day to day as blood volume as well as tunica / lig factors have to be taken into account. Not to mention the difficulty of the measure.

If the BPFSL is increased, eventually the EL will follow. I know of no such formula or predicted correlations.

This also makes sense to me in solidifying BPFSL to EL. Girthwork. BIB advocated jelqing for penis health mainly and getting bloodflow. I feel the pumping and expanding of blood in and out daily is to a large degree what closes the gain from BPFSL to EL. How many times have I read about superb girth gainers gain .5 in length with no lengthwork? many

I think the reason is because a large part of the potential development in closing the gap from BPFSL to EL is through girthwork.

I think of BPFSL as mere potential EL. More of this makes more potential EL (which seems obvious) but I think something overlooked is the possiblity that the same person could do only hanging and have a 9.0 BPFSL and 7.0 EL while that same person having trained girth and length could quite possibly have a 8.5 BPFSL and 7.4 EL. ??? any thoughts
actually I am searching topics and cannot find anything regarding the above information.

Has anyone seen any correlations between BPenis EnlargementL and BPFSL? Specifically what types of training leads to closer correlations?
airshy said:
actually I am searching topics and cannot find anything regarding the above information.

Has anyone seen any correlations between BPenis EnlargementL and BPFSL? Specifically what types of training leads to closer correlations?

I don't think there is any correlation other than your bpfsl should equal your bpel in theory. When I started Penis Enlargement I remember my bpfsl was at least .5" shorter than my bpel. It took me over a year to get my bpfsl to my bpel. I've never seen anyone ever complain of having a shorter bpfsl, maybe it was something unique to me, I'm not sure. Either that, or no one voices that they have a shorter bpfsl than bpel, which is unheard of in Penis Enlargement. I read a theory at �other PE site� about people having slightly shorter bpfsl because their glans inflate so much when erect, however, that wasn't the case for me.
I too had a shorter BPFSL than BPenis EnlargementL. However, in my particular case, your uncovered �other forum� theory applies.
I'm disenchanted with existing theories of Penis Enlargement and I have consequently broken with them. This information is entirely for me as some rather novel, insighful ideas have come to me about how exactly this hanging business should be conducted.
I would be interested to hear your theroties. I have tried to decipher the Penis Enlargement world by looking mainly at what actions tend to create what results.

I believe there is much to still learn. And my noticing that Penis Enlargementers increase mainly FSL initially as EL tries to catch up still holds true - we have seen it in ourselves. My next question is what specifically helps EL close that gap most?
Airshy, I just want to say I think you may be onto something with the girthwork to lengthening. The other night I thought the same in my experience with small gains.....and I'm gonna say what I thought then, it's against all you read, here it goes:

I think doing both girth and lengthening at the same time provides for better length gains. Yeah, maybe a bold statement, but I just thought with the theory that our penises are skin balloons, expanding in every way will prob provide better length gains. More skin and tissue available, get a blood supply to create, hence more even in length, I think. The only draw to having a thicker (girthier) penis is that it takes more tension, *BUT* I think we're all capable (with dedication) of still exhausting the stretch for length with our means (hangin, weight, pulling) no matter how thick we are.
Yes- when I imagine the tunica being stretched say through constriction, It is being stretched in all diretions. Mainly width but length as well. We are limited by the temporary expansion our tunica can stretch to.

When We increase our BPFSL often our EL usually does not change right away. However during a pumping or Constriction session we will see the results lengthwise as blood has been forced into a stretched tunica (lengthwise) that normally does not go into.

So Girthwork is like training our penis to hold and maintain more volume to cememt the potential we have created by the stretching. And the difference in BPFSL and EL may be attributed to the CC, not that we need more "length" in the BPFSL state - which represents potential.
Actually, in contradistinction to your ideas, I notice myself smaller, lengthwise, after doing girth-work. It was probably this observation which lead the original Titans to theorize about the negativity of girth-work when length gains are preferred.

When I'm not drinking beer (I am now), I'll right up something about what I am thinking. However, keep up the iconoclasm. I think it is necessary. Bonne chance a tout la monde.
to be specific I mean during Girthwork. Especially during pumping where there is a ruler on my tube I reach 8 1/8 which i am not close to without the tube.

And during clamping the length and girth I feel fully expanded and stretched in the tunica.

Right after Girthwork I seem to have a drop in length as well (and girth)- But I would think is normal after such extreme pressures.
I know this has long been discussed, but this little circle here has got me goin, and I'm gonna do my best experiment with myself on these theories.....but if what we're thinkin is true, then edging/ballooning has gotta be the way to go. All this after I already pulled the trigger today, *DAMN* :s

You know, in pe there are those dying questions:

to ejac or to try and hold off as best as possible? (arguments: being expanded the best at all times, good. on other hand, it's hard to hold off and after ejac you're really loose for better stretching?)

to heal fast to do more length, or stay not healed in elongated state to stay longer to grow more that way?

to heat or not to heat? (pros and cons: not heating, u can do more pe for the time as warm ups and warm downs are a pain to plan and can take 20 minutes.....on other hand, it could help prevent injury and make ur penis more pliable for better stretch)
to ejac or to try and hold off as best as possible? (arguments: being expanded the best at all times, good. on other hand, it's hard to hold off and after ejac you're really loose for better stretching?)

*i try not to and have better girth workouts when I am hornier but struggle as we all do her.

to heal fast to do more length, or stay not healed in elongated state to stay longer to grow more that way?

*sorry I dont understand - if you mean an ADS I dont enjoy wearing them and prefer the BIB more often

to heat or not to heat? (pros and cons: not heating, u can do more pe for the time as warm ups and warm downs are a pain to plan and can take 20 minutes.....on other hand, it could help prevent injury and make ur penis more pliable for better stretch)

*As good as heating may be i rarely do it.
the heal or not to heal has something to do with a write up I read stating pe gainers (in length) prob heal slower hence their penis is stretched for longer in micro terms so it's easier to stay longer and get longer for good with each workout.....but then to touch on your theory Airshy, I see what u mean by being able to heal so u can do more work sooner, to tear and heal sooner to grow. So which one is it? lol, they should do some kinda clinical tests so we can all know the answers to these questions :p
I my opinion, it is best to heal as rapidly as possible. That is, to stretch to a length which is beyond TEL for several hours. Following this I like to take various supplements to supplement the healing process and then tear away at the microfibers again the next day. Fatigue can ALWAYS be produced, believe me. There is no need to artificially retard the healing process. In all of the this, the microbiology and biochemistry of healing and tissue damage as been entirely ignored. Bib, as well as the early Titans focused almost exclusively upon gross anatomy and the physiology of liagments and fibrous tissue structures. Following the general scientific trend away from such surface triteness brings me, as well, to considerations of cell and molecular biology. Although I am a mathematician, I do have extensive undergraduate trainging in biology as that was one of my minors.
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