I can only laugh. We should rename this thread the hobbled hangers. Good luck getting that rip fixed up... i have a minor one that has nagged me too.

Maybe we should take that dude from �other PE site� advice and start filing the skin on our shaft daily to callous it up and make it like leather haha.
Yeah it's a bitch isn't it lol.....mine keeps opening cuz I tried to wrap it secure like a band aid then still hang but there's no foolin it as it still gets agitated and/or reopens with every set.
You know, that area had been tender and I guess I just screwed up. I had been going hard for over a month, and only recently (last 6 days or so) has this been an issue.
about 6 weeks ago I had that same opening on my head!!! I ignored it and kept hanging. Two weeks later it was gone. It never bothered me hanging, I just didnt know if it would close. I did ... and it looks like I was lucky.

When I started Penis Enlargement I remember reading about all of the people who got hurt and thinking... that will never happen to me. I have had four things come up! Nothing major but I have been smart and not made anything worse at least. Funny how that happens.

I now know what makes a Penis Enlargement vet. surviving 10 plus injuries and still Penis Enlargementing.
K, I'm back after taking a full 5 days off. The cut seems to be healed enough to start again as it kept reopening from my work hangin. I just couldn't stay away, and I want all of August, Sept, and all of Oct before I measure again. Revitalized :)
I measured on the 31st and have increased another 1/8 inch in erect length for a total of ¼ inch the last two months. I didn’t anticipate any gains this month at all as I was on vacation and couldn’t hang for about ten days. I did continue with the piss pulls throughout the day with some more manuals in the shower during my vacation. My goal was too try and maintain fatigue so when I returned to hanging I wouldn’t have to hang for several days and be forced to increase my max weight in order to reach fatigue again. This would happen if I took a couple days off from hanging in the past. I was shocked but happy when I returned. I had to reduce the weight on my first set. I was also shocked to see any gains. My thoughts when I started this routine was that growth was stimulated from the hanging and the short intense manuals spread throughout the day would retard the healing process till I could hang the next day. I was looking for ways to help maintain fatigue without several daily hanging sessions and, it seems to be working for me.

Another strange thing happened this month that I would like to share. I also measured a 1/4 increase in my mid shaft girth. This was shocking since I have been focusing only on length since I restarted Penis Enlargement back in February. I initially saw an increase of ¼ inch within the first month which I related to newbie gains. I’ve been at 5 inches mid shaft since then. The only thing I can relate to this increase is messing around with an exercise I read about on another site called “O bends”. I did these just a handful of times this month for about a minute or two in the bathroom before sex if I had a chance. I noticed it gave me a nice fat flaccid hang afterwards which I thought would be visually stimulating to my girlfriend. How can five to ten minutes of this exercise a month translate into any permanent gains? The last session of these bends I did was about a week before I measured. Does anyone else have any experience with this exercises or an increase in mid-shaft girth from hanging? I am tempted to stop doing these as I don’t want anything to interfere with my continued growth in length.
I'm going to be reducing the total amount of weight I hang to 5lbs tomorrow due to the persistant state of fatigue I've found myself in for the past month or so. Today I did two sets with 8lbs and experienced fatigue following only those two sets! Also, I took a picture of my BPFSL today with a new phone. The problem, though, is that I can't figure out how to get that picture onto my computer....
jqsderrida said:
I'm going to be reducing the total amount of weight I hang to 5lbs tomorrow due to the persistant state of fatigue I've found myself in for the past month or so. Today I did two sets with 8lbs and experienced fatigue following only those two sets! Also, I took a picture of my BPFSL today with a new phone. The problem, though, is that I can't figure out how to get that picture onto my computer....

My motorola software is a bitch. I'll re-do the setup every few months and hopefully it'll work, if not I'll just have to wait. Too much BS to put up with.
i just wanted to check in - I was in Hawaii for the last week partying my ass off and now I am back to my real world. Including work, working out, Penis Enlargement, and way more sobriety than the last few days.

I was able to pump a few times out there just to do something but other than that let hanging go ... Tomorrow it continues
I gained a half inch erect in 3 days when I combined the new winch routine with very light weight. To me, weight training is almost obsolete compared to the winch.
The BTC Killer;277038 said:
I gained a half inch erect in 3 days when I combined the new winch routine with very light weight. To me, weight training is almost obsolete compared to the winch.

What's the wench?
I have had a month with 2 weddings, traveling, and lots of work inbetween. I think things are settled down and mne and BIB can start hanging out a bit more.

Actually I think the easy month has hel;ed me but I will soon find out.

Good to see everyone still here.
Robo-Monkey;277046 said:
<img src=http://www.fullsmilies.com/q/Smiley/funny/Monkey_dance.gif> Aren't you the one who did the Penile length and width surgery? You invested 10s of thousands of dollars and the irony is you still have to do hanging after the surgery. If I gone through all that trouble and money I use it to get a return on my investment along with placing a million dollar insurance policy on it. Maybe thats why you have your company "BTC Logic Productions" and promote your Surgical Enlargement web-site along with your On-line store and forum. . . wise business choice(s).

My company offers impressive physiotherapy equipment (MV) and the finest cosmetic enlargement surgeon, we also support natural Penis Enlargement. Hanging is required to make gains after the length surgery, done effectively, this process is streamlined.

I love hanging , the way it feels and what it produces. I'm not sure I'll ever stop. I feel let down if I have to miss a day. I get to do what I love everyday, 100% of my time is invested to my personal training and a sharing my Penis Enlargement resources with others. I will invest everything I have to continue down this same path.

10inchadvantage;277042 said:
What's the wench?
It's The Winch with an i.
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