hah no my women had 2 kids and she can take 7 girth already I tried it clamped so if she likes 7.5 girth then Ill stay there lol
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This is pretty much what I have been telling people on here.
jelqing is more of a stretching exercise and should be used when you have
a length based routine, and the thing about manual stretching I find to be true, if you want length their no getting around it, you have to put in a significant amount of time (exercise) if you wish to see good gains.
how do all of you grip two inches from the base without losing your grip as the skin begins to slide a bit? can't really get a significant stretch because of this
If your skin slides up, leave the skin up there using your other hand and then re-grip just below.

My only issue with stretching closer to the base is it seems like it would lead to turkey neck, as it stretches skin around the base/scrotum and nothing on the shaft.

Neutronstar, if you speak with this eurologist again, you should talk to him about "turkey neck" and if there's a way to prevent/cure it without surgery.
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Neutronstar;565069 said:
New Bathmate extreme can make that happen. well i still fancy water pump just to be safe but with an extreme one i used for 2 days in raw with air and expantion was 40% bigger than water.

So you are just using the extreme but without water in the chamber? Is this correct?
AndroidR;565101 said:
If your skin slides up, leave the skin up there using your other hand and then re-grip just below.

My only issue with stretching closer to the base is it seems like it would lead to turkey neck, as it stretches skin around the base/scrotum and nothing on the shaft.

Neutronstar, if you speak with this eurologist again, you should talk to him about "turkey neck" and if there's a way to prevent/cure it without surgery.

Yes I would also know if there are any good solutions to the turkey neck like when pumping and stretching as I wouldn't really want a freaky looking turkey neck lol
Neutronstar;565136 said:
i use water but when i pump hard i keep my extreme downwards so the head face down and 60% of the water just go out after i pump and the rest of it i suckit out with an hand pump which came with extreme when i gotit.
Ahhhhh, ok, now its making sense to me. Thanks Neutronstar.
hey �naked people movies�star's urologist. If you are reading this thread, get yourself a username like 10inchPlateau and share your advices.

Highlights :
There are 3 category of gainers
BTC must be right or left, not center.
mini quick jelqs before sex (30% to 100% EQ in 2 minutes waranty ?)

Random thoughts :
Goddamn people are having so much trouble getting a base grip!
Did he mentionned erect jelq or not ?
That guy might have 90% ED issues in his regular job. He seamed really happy to have someone jelqing a functionnal pen
I think you should spend 250 on a grammar, spelling, and writing lesson. I can hardly understand you.
Hey, don't be hard on the guy! I understood everything from his post except for the "Highlights"part. Everyone is free to post, even the ones that do not speak English very fluently. Be nice guys, be supportive! :)
I just found it ironic that he's telling someone to go to school if they don't understand English. That's not English. You want us to be supportive when someone comes in here and tells us that we are basically doing everything wrong. If so, then I'm sorry.
All I can say is WOW!

For the past year I've been stretching my penis .5-1" from the glands and not once did I ever think about stretching 2" from base. Needless to say, I just tried this routine that "Neutronstar" mentioned from his doc and the fatigue in the inner/PC area was phenomenal!

Thank you so much for sharing this, as I will add this to my stretch routine :)
PS: Did you ask the doc about DLD Blasters and the effects that reverse kegling has?

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Neutronstar;565410 said:
i just responded to he's ironic questions and nothing more.
I deserved this reply. There were no clever idea in my previous post. Just a sick joke. No offenses.

I am amazed how you shared freely such valuable and personnal information about your visit with an health professionnal.
I did tried mini quick jelqs alone and before getting into Bathmate.
It is easier at 30% EQ to keep the shaft straight with the hand that is not milking.
Can't wait to try this before sex !
Neutronstar;565418 said:
3: i dont know about your sex life experience and i am not saying u are worse in bed (don't misunderstand me) but if u dont know about screw motion please do it and your woman will scream very hard. (this motion make her believe that your dick is very thick in girth and she cant take it.

Also try left right up down (up left right down) mix them together and u will see some crazy screaming.

One more advice i got for u if u like to hear it. Is not shame to watch �naked people movies� to learn about things..... try and use some of (Evans Stone) Techniques - and your woman will beg u for more again next day and 4ever. Trust me this guys is fuckin unbelievable. Maybe there are some another �naked person� which are the best on techniques but Evan Stone is the TopGun of all :).

So you rad about Mr. Stone's techniques and that made you a better lover? I am very interested in improving my bed skills. Would highly appreciate if you recommend some shit- as much as you can, I'll read the whole thing :)

Also, a very stupid question you might think this is, but it is about the near the base stretches. I am uncircumcised and have a lot more foreskin than a lot of guys. Every time I do a stretch (whether it be below the glans or near the base) I feel this "burning" skin stretching instead of lig stretching and see my skin get quite pulled and stretched when I do it. How would you advise me to do it? I know that it is not something everyone knows the answer of, but I just gotta ask.. :)

P.S- thanks for sharing all of this with us, you are helping the whole community with this thread. :)
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