Flaccid vs. Erect

I just re-read someone-“Dude, you need to get your head strait”, “you are going to put in 6 hours just to make some whore orgasm”, “Dude I dont even understand you” “Why are you being so Toxic”
You insulted me directly-you might as well have put my name in there,
This makes me angry now that I have re-read it-I need to get my head Strait because you think I do? Did I ask you to understand me?
That is only a part of the bullshit you wrote, attacking me and it all came up in my g-mail directly
Watch what you are saying to people-You are insuating that I am crazy when in fact you are-You think you know the Right way and people who dont think like you or act like you are wrong or “need to get their head strait”-Get your head strait. I do hope you are not A RWer

I did not say get your "head" straight. I said "priorities". And I did not write the word "toxic" anywhere in that post. These are words that you made up to make me look bad. Anybody can go and re-read what I wrote, to know that I am telling the truth.
I regret using the term "crazy talk," because some people nowadays would take offense to such terms. But I was NOT implying that I think YOU are crazy as a person. It is just a figure of speech, another way of saying that I strongly disagree with something, that's all. I also want to apologize for using the term "whores".
But you are right, I should keep certain opinions to myself. I got more involved with your posts than I should have. I wasn't trying to criticize you, I was just trying to get you to see things from a different angle -- that your size is not everything, and there are far more important things in life to worry about, especially if you "feel" like you "dont have much time left".
There is far too much negative, combative energy coming from you at this point, and I feel that it would be best for me not to comment on your posts anymore. I tried my best, I gave you a lot of my time and energy writing to you, trying to give you advice and to help you. But it seems I overstayed my welcome.
Just a word of advice, and I hope this does not offend you: if you want guys to help you with a specific problem, keep it short and to-the-point. You are far more likely to get more responses of higher quality.
It was never my intention to criticize you or make you feel bad. I do not speak politically-correct, and some people from the newer generations may take offense to certain things, but I never meant to cause any harm. I am sorry you misunderstood me.
I do not wish to talk about this anymore, and will not respond to your posts in the future.
Take care.
I apologize to you all. I am to aggresive. I was only asking questions and was asking for philosophical advice( The Whys and anything extra than the Hows). I should not have added any political Staements. Politically Correct is not a term I believe in. I will say this one more X and if you think it is only a Matter of being so-called Politically Correct then I ask you to think about it more “Do not call any Women whores-Professional Sex Workers provide a Service for Men who do not have wives or do and those who do not want to go thru any complicated processes to have sex and many other reasons. It was a most respected profession and even Sacred and done in Temples in Ancient India-Courtesans they were called then. Today we use the term Escort, Provider, Sex Worker not prostitute or especially not whore).No woman is a Whore! For me the whole point is to make them orgasm, I dont care if I do or not orgasm and it is better if I dont, anyways. If you think size doesnt matter in this. Then our experience is different.
I dont want to throw any negative energy at anyone.
I write to much and I will stop, I have tried all the things you have said and picked and chose what I wanted from them.
I dont have money fort anything other than buying broken caps and sleeves and parts and they are way to expensive as it is.
SI I never wanted to say anything negative to you and I dont care if you are strait or Gay but Since the discussion between me and you was about How to Make a WOMAN squirt I would never have impied that you are gay in any way. Abbreviations are a part of your Inet generation which I am barely used to, like emojis and emoticons which are just to much learning for my brain to do. However, I will look into it. LY means I 1 of the 2 fingers I use to type hit those 2 letters and when I looked back at the earlier part of that sentence i didnt even know why I started writing I then stopped and went to write something else in a different column but it came up right underneath that sentence. I then realized that I need to hit POST REPLY so I could move on to the next place I wanted to write in and I just assumed you would see it and disregard it as a started sentence that I just stopped in the middle of. I dont think I ever said anything negative to you. You kept giving me advice and platitudes and I did not want that. I am 58 anything you or anyone on hear says to me I will have already heard 1,000s of X, especially from my own father who finally had to give up because even as a small child I did not want to hear that kind of stuff that was forced down my throat in Catholic school. I have also internalized as the years have passed as I watched the consequences of my earlier actions accrue in my life later on. Again, it still doesnt matter. I dont have patience and will most likely never have it. I must and can live with that.
I am extremely kind, possibly over-kind in my life, except with aggressive males but for some reason on the I-net I turn into the worse asshole that I have ever know and can barely control the obscene, aggressive, hateful things I will say especially in the Political sphere where I have raged and ranted since 2016 when someone entered the environment and destroyed the last vestige of calmness and Peace I have and said Person has entered the Fray again and I feel that terrible person arising in my again.
I have not done any of that on here but maybe the tone has carried over.
Hg has given me a lot of advice that I have taken. I may not have much patience but I have commited to a longer period of time for this to happen,

To Clarify to everyone I know size doesnt matter. It matters to me and I have my own reasons.
That is the kind of stuff that I did not know I should have pointed out at the beggining
I did not want any philosophical advice. Not Why? Only How?
You can do this, this and this: 1- 2-3-4- . That is 1 option or you can do this, this and this...
Not statements like “If you are not going to take anyones advice then we cant help You”- “You have to many issues I cant help you”-Hg got a sarcastic Serously, C’mon-because the day before he asked me to pay $100 to join his group-He told me “YOu have to many issues I cant help you” and I took that as a sarcastic, negative comment which did not need to be made. Then out of the Blue I was asked to pay $100 for a personal coaching service. That struck me as a disengenuous in the least and a scam at the other end of the Spectrum. However, after I though about it I wrote back to him I cant afford it an honest remark which is kind of shameful and angers me that I wrote, as I think aboutb it in the moment right Now!
-I dont need you to tell me the obvious. I react to such statements because I feel they are belittling. I am extremely sensitive to anything I deem affecting me coming from others.

It is probably to late for me to gain or give anything more from these discussions as most of you have already written to me and said you wont comment to me again, anyways.So, thanks for not kicking me off at least I can go to the sections and look thru them for stuff I can glean

I just had the realization that I am trying to write a single response that covers many persons comments written at different times to different responses that have gone back and forth over a period of time and that is why maybe none of this fits together.

I dont even know who responded directly to me in my e-mail today but if you did not say the words that I wrote you did and You di quote them back to mein the email, then it was someone else. I took a photo of them and saw them again with my own eyes before I commented.
So, I wrote the comment under the wrong name but someone said it to me.
I apologize to you because it wasnt you but I wrote under your section instead of theirs.
This appears to also be to complicated for me to keep everything straight between who is commenting and when and when I am responding and to who. So, it seems ther was another factor to take into account and another reason for me to Stop writing in here now.

I am only writing today because I got a not in my e-mail and I wanted to apologize to a few of you because I put my comments under the wrong peoples section. Some of you I owe an apology for mistakes and not re-reading and checking what I was Writing. Especially SI-I explained it above-It was nothing. A sentence I began didnt want to finish. I moved on and didnt delete it and tryed to reply to someone else. I hit Post Reply to the 1/4 sentence I wrot to you and never thought about it again. I should have gone back and deleted it.
Men dont squirt(at least I never heard of it) so I never thought or implied you were gay and it wouldnt matter anyway. I wouldnt have made a negative comment to you if you were or made some response implying it.It just wouldnt matter.
But at the beginning of this. You were the 1st person I commented to in a non-serious or questioning attitude. If you Remenber “Yo, Squirt Inducer, damn you must keep the ladies happy if you really are an SI, I have been haveing sex for over 40 years and have caused a lot of orgasms but never seen a squirt before and am not sure if they are even real. If you know how you better teach me. So I can see 1 live before I croak”-paraphrased.
Damn, that is long.
I hope all of you read the whole thing and understand the situation clearer.
I will try and not write anything over here any more. Unless i go manic or something.
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Damn, that is long.
I hope all of you read the whole thing and understand the situation clearer.
I will try and not write anything over here any more. Unless i go manic or something.
Just make post direct and to the point.
More Hunger is the person who wrote-I have to wonder Why you are being so Toxic-I did not write anything to make whover the person who hangs for 4 hours is.
You I believe(again I may be confusing people) told me to get My Priorities Strait- How I could you either of those statements as not pertaing directly to me and having nothingv to do with anything related to this Specific topic that I have come here to ask questions about is beyond me!

Like SI said-I thought about it and this is something I CANT TOLERATE-I will admit when I am wrong but In did nothing wrong on this website-Nothing at all- I never made a negative statement towards anyone-NOT ! NEGATIVE STATEMENT WAS MADE BY ME TOWARDS ANY PERSON-
Everything I said was written directky to me WAS- I may have put it under the wrong name but the 4 hour Hanger Guy attacked my whole belief system. My Priorities Are Strait FOR ME-I did not you judging them

I apologized to SI but still you turned something innocuous into something Venomous. I believe you are young so its Ok-except you did it in such a creative way that anyone in the universe could pinpoint it and wonder did that guy really mean that or not. I did not-ly is the ending of certain words I have never heard it nor used it as Love you.

Then Iwas threatened- !st and last Warning-C’mon get serious-Am I a child to get a 1st and last Warning-Especially when I did nothing wrong but i was attcked or Insulted by 2 or 3 people

You Spoiled my attiude and All of you Should apologize to me
Sorry, I was not loooking to become a Part of something, like it seems you guys are, that is something I did not know I neede to express at the outset.

I could have said
Can anyone give me there idea about wrapping?
I dont need an opinions about anything else-I may or may not take your advice and may even comment with a disagreement with your advice from my personal experience or research but that does not mean I am rejecting it or you. You may prove right in the long run and I may come back to your idea in the future. Thank You-but please Dont add anymore

I only came back because I got another thing in my G-mail-for some reason some of them come directly to me. It made me look back and I then saw Toxic and someone did write it and the other statements also
I have learned so much from you guys in just a couple of weeks and changed and incorporated it into my program.
That is just for you to know!
Dont reply, comment or like any thing I have written today. Let it be finished-Sorry-Dont apologize-Just forget it!
I hated this crap on facebook and twitter also-Hitting Like and Friending and reverse commenting
You guys Have great lives
Dont Comment back
I have learned so much from you guys in just a couple of weeks and changed and incorporated it into my program.
That is just for you to know!
Dont reply, comment or like any thing I have written today. Let it be finished-Sorry-Dont apologize-Just forget it!
I hated this crap on facebook and twitter also-Hitting Like and Friending and reverse commenting
You guys Have great lives
Dont Comment back

Very happy we are helping
You just had to reply,didnt you. I asked you not to. If you pop up in my G-mail I become aware of you and then my mind has to run around in circles until I cant take it and have to say something.
You have helped, I will make more comments. please dont respond and evntually I will stop!

I will keep a record until I finally forget about my previous bad experience in commenting on here and just use the videos, reading or drop off altogether,

Here are my facts, Absolute Truth for all to see
1)1-2 years of sporadic use of LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging. Size Dr., Sili-Stretcher, Stealth Kit. Weights hanging. mitty Vac 1.75”,2.0”, 2.125”, Bathmate with all the accesories and many things kept breaking with repeat buying-$3,000 plus dollars-Mos and Amazon (I never used any jelquing techniques-I CANT!
2) 2022-2023- Sept 27 2022- Feb.27 2022=coincides with my knee repalcement surgery-so it is the exact date for sure
I Begin Daily program- Lengthmaster-30 mins-stretching in 13 directions for 30 mins then attach Ads-Size Dr. for 3 hours everyday for 5 months.-
The goal was 6 hrs cannot tolerate more than 3 hours now
Start 6” flaccid-6” erect(did Jelquing 20 years ago) exact, 4.8” girth exact-All the way down to bone (with 1“ Fupa at base) Circumscised-Tight frenulum-58 years Old
5 months later-7.25” flaccid-4.8” girth 6” erect- No actual change

In my opinion the amount of x, work and everything else you need to do-it is not worth it unless you are a little off in the head, as I am(Yes, you people were not wrong!) and or Obssesive-Compulsive or need an ego boost (I am not saying that any other PERSON involved in this has any of those things-I am expressing My opinion as to the requirement needed to do this and the results)

I took advice from people but in the end followed the simplest route Lengthmaster and Size Dr. ADs-Since I have not gotten to 6 hours on The Size DR. I am not counting these 5 months as the Trial Period I set for myself to see if you can actually grow my goal of 2” by 1.2” erect not flaccid.
I have seen this many places and believe I have read it in Personal testimonies on this site or the Mos store site.

That I spent $3,000 will end up spending more, no doubt was perfect for my personality because NOW I CANT QUIT NMW so if it takes 6 more months or 2 more years I will pursue it If I dont see 1” at least in 2 more years then I will probably be forced to Quit. I have no idea How extreme I might go eventually.

Ok, That is the Facts and I will only report the Facts, no exaggeration or minimization. If it takes longer than 6 months which it seems like it will you new people will probably need to becoma apart of this group to stay motivated unless you Do what I did

Last thing-Please Dont Comment to me-I take even the slightest thing as a personal attack in me-You may compliment me or write something innocuos but I may read it as something else. Dont Do it!
If you want to say something about this maybe to your newe people.
JUst make sure it does not show up in my G-mail and I do not see a little red # when I come to the site.
I wont look to see for comments to me in any way UNLESS I see them in my G-mail or the little Red # up above.

I will check myself to see if I can turn off Notifications…
Ok if that is what you want.
You really cant help yourself, huh. Didnt I say dont let anything come to my mailbox or I would have to write back. I will bet you will do it again, even after this, are you messing with me.
That is what your people want and that is easily seen by everyones responses to me. Remember I said nothing negative to anyone you all said all kind of unpleasant shit to me
Allright-I dont know if I am hallucinating or what? I dont do drugs anymore but I just measured myself and it says 7” erect and 5.5” around but it looks and feels smaller than it was befor I started. Is this measurement delusion? I dont see how this could be, unless there was a growth spurt like in high school or something. It doesnt look like there is any change-7 is the same as 6. I thought it would appear like more and it doesnt look like it will do anymore than 6 did. WTF-is this what happens. You get bigger but it never looks or feels like you have changed and that makes you just keep going dissatisfied until you die.
I wasnt going to write anymore but it was only just this morning that I was saying, this aint working. Its a fraud your erection cant get bigger but it has, But I dont see it it looks the same. Whatever, fuck it, it is better not measuring it.
Now I am just going to wait until it looks bigger and not try to measure it. It dont matter, like I said I wont bve doing any thing until I feel I am ready.

Whatever, you think about the way I believe I dont have a problem with it
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