Flaccid vs. Erect

That is from Grandmaster I believe. You are correct about 1 thing I may or may not follow anyones advice. I dont think I come here and complain I coke here and lay out some facts and then askn for some answers to questions. I never say I am going to follow anyones advice when they give it but that doesnt mean I dont take all of your input seriouslu and I am modifying what I do because of the input from you-GM and HD and DLD and SI-I am not going to write your whole nicknames all the time.
Thanks for all the advice-it will subconsciously effect me even if it does not outwardly direct me.
I dont think you all hear me clearly. I probably write like crap.
I have changed massively in the last 3 months. All that took was you all to convince I should not be working thru blisters, my solution mau not be to your way of thinking but I have solved the blister problem, not by cutting back but by figuring out a way to make a cover that will completely prevent blisters no matter what I do. It has completely worked.
No matter What I do-if this can actually happen and it is not crap. I will make it happen. If I get damaged in the process that is fine. I dont care.
I am 58, I dont have much time left so this is not a long term thing for me, like you guys who are younger.
Thats all you have to understand I appreciate all the slow downs, the patiences and you gotta do it different and do it right but you just have to really pay attention to this I am FUCKING OLD I will be dead soon, i am trying to get there a lot quicker than you because I dont think I can do amny of this while I am in the grave.
I am not disagreeing with you on the idea of patience. Or that I am overloading and over-complicating I am just trying to get you to help me do it, thats all. Whether it is slow or fast I cant control all I can control is what I do and how much I do it.
I dont know if you have heard this——next paragraph—
When you are 58 your tunica is 3x as dense as in your 20s-so that automatically should give you the idea-OH, the Tunica is thaT THICK 5% ELASTICITY shit that we try to shred with the LengthMaster-My Tunica has barely any elasticity. So, it is obviuosly going to be much harder.
If you are 28 and you work for 2 years you will be 30-still a young pup. I will be 60. 73 is the average life span. I never took care of myself in the slightest. I expected to be dead by 40, I wasnt so I tried to make myself dead by 50. It didnt work. So, i started to revive from my 15 years major depression and I then found that I had ed, couldnt run half a mile, had to have 6 major surgeries in a row and sex was not good anymore. The dr. Gave me meds and a pump and rings. It didnt work like he said it would. I found this and just focusing on this has made me get over depression for the last 2 years.
Now, that still doesnt say that sex will get better if i do or dont get any bigger because I have other serious issues. If you take meds for depression, you should already have ed. I didnt i believe because I have done Kundalini yoga for 30 years and is like 1 continuous kegel exercise with breathing techniques.
However, now at 58-this tunica 3x dense issue will not allow an angle of more than 110 degrees in the 1st place
That brings me to this for HG- So, HG for 1 thing there is no way I can quit the sized Dr. I am working on modifying this thing and seeing if I can make it better. I have already created an enclosure for the open end. It has increased my flaccid length from 6-71/4 in 3 months at only 3 hours a day. When I can get it up to 6 hrs a day, that is when I will start my 6 month testing period. Just like those experiments I will then see if 6 hrs a day in my ads the size dr. Modified will get me 1.9” in erect length.
According to the experiments I should be able to do that in 6 months.
But I am going to do the lengthmaster for 30-40 mins before.
As you can see, I am not hurting myself anymore at 21/2 hrs when I start to feel a little to much pain I remove the size dr. That is because of you guys. Seriously if you guys ha not kept saying chill out I would have been trying to force my self to 6 hours a ady no matter how mauch pain or blisters happened. I dont know how lnog itv will take to get to 6hrs. If I am not there in 3 months I will switch to 3 hrs sizedrs and 3 hrs in the sili-stretcher because they are much different. The sili has no traction so it si much lighter.
To much writing
For Hg- Let us say I am bored with �naked people movies� and i cant get an erection for long enough to do this erect work. Where you bend it to the sides.
Hear me out before you make a negative response in your head.
Wouldnt using the mitty vac and a relly tight tube be the same idea. In the mitty vac I will be in the erect state for as long as i keep the pressure up enough. Then I can take the tube and bend it to the side in the same exact way that you bend the penis to side in the erect exercises with your hand. Grandmaster must not be aware I cant use my hand a lot because of Carpal tunnel.
But you see what I am nsaying her. It is the same thing.If it is not the same thing, then tellme why so I can clear up my faulty thinking.
That is the way I am doing it for now.
Dont forget-I bhave ed because I have notdone anything for 15 years of depression so it has becomensome kind of physical blood flow problem on top of that I take 3 SSRIs which all cause you to not get or keep an erection and you will understand why I am trying to find an alternative for the hand erect exercises
Is this not the same to all of you. If not why not?

Another thging, those people in the studies and the 1 in the study I saw never did any extra things no length exercises, no LengthMaster. Just ads. So, you should not need that but you are telling me it is necessary.
I am saying I cant and if you guys ever get otherv people with these issues what will you say? We must like for alternatives, for everybody.

I understand that you want to rush things because you feel like you're old. Personally, I don't think 58 is that old.

Anyway, my whole point about everything I wrote, is that PE is not something you can rush. It will happen when it happens, but in the meantime, the most important thing is to be consistent with a solid routine, and have some patience. That is the best thing you can do.

That is my advice, take it or leave it. I am sure a lot of brothers would tell you the same.
1 last thing- About this wrapping-Is this just to keep your flaccid length-flaccid length is not a problem I have already gained 11/4” flaccid. Will wrapping help me erect growth. If it will then can I use that black tape I cant get the ace bandages to hold well.
If I wrap myself with that black tape the only oiption for leaving it on is overnight. Will it do damage if I leave it on overnight
58 is old to me, I should clarify myself. I dont think it is old for other people but I dont have much similarity with other people because of the way I chose to live my life or some would say my unconscious pushed me to live my life with no Patience as though eevery minute would be my last and expecting to be dead at anytime.
Thanks-Now-see if you can answer a couple of my specific questions please-length exercise in mityy vacc-the only way I can do them or stop because it is anbwaste
wrapping-overnight is it ok, dangerous and is it useless anyway for erect length
I have no experience with the MityVac - Wet and Dry Penis Vacuum Pump System, so I cannot comment on that. Maybe another brother could.

As far as staying wrapped after your session, it certainly cannot hurt, but it will not produce any gains, either. I usually stay wrapped for a couple of hours after my session, and then remove it. It just helps keep you elongated for longer. I like doing it, but it is really not necessary, in my opinion. There is no outward force on the target tissues, it is more like a squashing effect, or an artificial elongation. I suspect that it will do nothing for actual gains. I do it because I like it, but I do not believe that it has any real merit, and I certainly would not sleep with it on either.
FWIW I’m in my 50s and am on the higher end of the gains range. You’d be wise to heed the recommendations I’ve seen offered on this thread. I started just under two years ago. The biggest recommendation I can make from my own experience is to be consistent. Monitor your progress and make changes when necessary. If you’re feeling fatigue (not pain!) regularly, you’re doing it right. My current routine is very simple. Hang, stretch, clamp, wear a sleeve as long as possible during the day. I spend between 1 and 2 hours doing that consistently every day and take a rest every 5 days or so.

I understand that you want to rush things because you feel like you're old. Personally, I don't think 58 is that old.

Anyway, my whole point about everything I wrote, is that PE is not something you can rush. It will happen when it happens, but in the meantime, the most important thing is to be consistent with a solid routine, and have some patience. That is the best thing you can do.

That is my advice, take it or leave it. I am sure a lot of brothers would tell you the same.
I agree with your advice.
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Your main problem is that you are trying to do too much at once. You are doing manuals, you are stretching with the lengthmaster, you are hanging with the lengthmaster, you are using the sizedoctor, you are pumping, you are jelqing, you are... you are probably doing more things. For some reason, in your mind, you seem to think that the more devices you use, the faster your gains will come. In a war, you can bring all the best weapons, the best tanks, the best heavy artillery... if you do not have the right plan, it does not matter how good your weapons are, you are going to get fucked!
When it comes to PE, you do not have a well thought-out plan. Your strategy is attack, attack, attack! And then attack some more! You attack so fucking much, that you end up hurting yourself, causing injuries, blisters, pain, etc... and then you come on the forum and write about all of the issues you are having expecting people to help you, when guys on here have REPEATEDLY told you that your routine is too complicated and that it would be a wise idea to tone it down a bit and follow a STRUCTURED routine.
If I tried to do the shit that you are doing, there is no way my unit would be able to handle all of that stress from multiple devices all at once. When I was hanging, do you know how long it took me to work my way up to 4 hours per day? It took 3 months for my tissues to adapt to the stress. Three fucking months! If I had tried to take SHORTCUTS and do all of that from the first day, there is a 100% GUARANTEE that I would have serious problems. So imagine the shit that YOU are doing. And you are wondering WHY you are having issues? Are you serious dude? That is what I mean by shortcuts. You do not have patience, you want everything to happen NOW, NOW, NOW... PE does not work that way, and if you have that mindset going forward you are doomed to fail. I PROMISE YOU THAT. You need to simplify your life and come up with a structured routine that you can do every single day, that you will not deviate from. You have to have the discipline to stick to it. There are plenty of brothers here that can help you with that. Ask for help. My concern is that you are just going to ignore everyone's advice and do all the wrong things again, and if that is the case, then nobody can help you. In the end, it is your decision, but do not complain about future issues if you refuse to listen.
I suggest you do some manuals for length, and spend 4+ hours in an ADS per day (work up to this slowly). I do not like doing length and girth at the same time because it creates too many problems such as excess fatigue, pain, discomfort, etc. But if you insist on doing girth as well, do the 5x5x3. DO NOT ADD ANYTHING ELSE!
If you do not like my advice, you can ask around. There are plenty of guys here, I am sure, who would be happy to help you.
I hope you see the error in your ways and make some changes.
All the best.
I think I agree with this. I gained BPEL: 0.4" in 16 days (from 5“ to 5,4") doing only the Newbie routine stretches with help from a broomstick. But increasing the intensity as I progressed, and later only doing bundled stretches. I keep going with this routine.

I think the more simple your routine is, the more consistent and more discipline, you are going to be about doing PE. And that will create results.

Remember @jvf1 we are here to help.
I think I agree with this. I gained BPEL: 0.4" in 16 days (from 5“ to 5,4") doing only the Newbie routine stretches with help from a broomstick. But increasing the intensity as I progressed, and later only doing bundled stretches. I keep going with this routine.

I think the more simple your routine is, the more consistent and more discipline, you are going to be about doing PE. And that will create results.

Remember @jvf1 we are here to help.
Right on the money. I believe that when a guy gets this, he is already more than halfway there. Having the right mindset is the most important thing, because when you understand and accept how this works beyond newbie gains, you will not be as discouraged when gains slow down. If you stick to it, no matter what, you will continue to gain, and reach your goals eventually.
I have been using an ADS since the new year and have gained 1/8 inch in BPFSL. I will do an official BPEL measurement at the end of March. Since getting back into PE at the beginning of the new year, I have been consistently gaining 1/16th every month, extending 4 hours per day. Now, granted, that does not sound like much (laughable compared to my quick newbie gains), but those "quick gains" are long gone, and I accepted that a long time ago.
Some guys will have this attitude of "the hell with it, it is not worth it," and just give up. The way I see it, gains are slow, okay, sure... but 1/16th per month is ONE FULL INCH in 16 months. THAT is my motivation. One full inch is a huge difference.
It is all about attitude, and having the right knowledge.

I never heard of anyone using a broomstick before. Sounds creative. What are you doing with it? A-stretch? DLD Blasters? Hey, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. As long as it is working.
Right on the money. I believe that when a guy gets this, he is already more than halfway there. Having the right mindset is the most important thing, because when you understand and accept how this works beyond newbie gains, you will not be as discouraged when gains slow down. If you stick to it, no matter what, you will continue to gain, and reach your goals eventually.
I have been using an ADS since the new year and have gained 1/8 inch in BPFSL. I will do an official BPEL measurement at the end of March. Since getting back into PE at the beginning of the new year, I have been consistently gaining 1/16th every month, extending 4 hours per day. Now, granted, that does not sound like much (laughable compared to my quick newbie gains), but those "quick gains" are long gone, and I accepted that a long time ago.
Some guys will have this attitude of "the hell with it, it is not worth it," and just give up. The way I see it, gains are slow, okay, sure... but 1/16th per month is ONE FULL INCH in 16 months. THAT is my motivation. One full inch is a huge difference.
It is all about attitude, and having the right knowledge.

I never heard of anyone using a broomstick before. Sounds creative. What are you doing with it? A-stretch? DLD Blasters? Hey, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. As long as it is working.
Really intesting to read.
I do the regular Newbie stretches with the broomstick, but I have switched all the stretches to bundled stretches now. I use it with the same principle you would use the power assist 2. I have a video about the routine in my Logbook.

I get more leverage, and I do not need to pull so far behind my body.

Indeed you want consistency with PE.
Some guys will have this attitude of "the hell with it, it is not worth it," and just give up. The way I see it, gains are slow, okay, sure... but 1/16th per month is ONE FULL INCH in 16 months.
In the beginning I was questioning if it was worth it (so much time...and so on), but @hugh-girth helped me to stick with it. He was always there to answer my questions...and they where plenty. Without him, I don't think I would have been seeing the results I see today.
He have been a good mentor (Definition: an experienced and trusted adviser) to me.

You need motivation, discipline and you need the brotherhood to be successful in PE.
Ask specific questions when you are new, is a good way to get started in PE.
This is at least my experience.
In the beginning I was questioning if it was worth it (so much time...and so on), but @hugh-girth helped me to stick with it. He was always there to answer my questions...and they where plenty. Without him, I don't think I would have been seeing the results I see today.
He have been a good mentor (Definition: an experienced and trusted adviser) to me.

You need motivation, discipline and you need the brotherhood to be successful in PE.
Ask specific questions when you are new, is a good way to get started in PE.
This is at least my experience.
It is never a bad thing to have a mentor, especially in the beginning, when you are inexperienced. The brotherhood can help boost your confidence and give you motivation to keep you on the right track. But at the end of the day, you are responsible for your own success. Only YOU can make it happen. As you gain more experience, and know what to expect, you will find that you won't need much support, if any. True success will depend on how much effort and consistency you put in. At some point, you will become your own guru, if you keep at it long enough.
FWIW I’m in my 50s and am on the higher end of the gains range. You’d be wise to heed the recommendations I’ve seen offered on this thread. I started just under two years ago. The biggest recommendation I can make from my own experience is to be consistent. Monitor your progress and make changes when necessary. If you’re feeling fatigue (not pain!) regularly, you’re doing it right. My current routine is very simple. Hang, stretch, clamp, wear a sleeve as long as possible during the day. I spend between 1 and 2 hours doing that consistently every day and take a rest every 5 days or so.
So, your routine is nothing like what these others are doing. That is inconsistent with the advice given.. You hang weights and no-one else has even recommended that. So, tell me how to hang weights from beginner to whatever. I can hang 7lbs for 10 minutes before it gets ti be to much. I have noticed small flaccid gain from weights.
Since you have only caught a small piece of what I have written. I have already gained 11/4” flacid using a variety of techniques together. I think everyone is not seeing THIS- I have already gaines 11/4” in flaccid. Flaccid gain is useless to me. No erect gain.
Some of you wrote to me, take it easy, have fun this is just an ego thing. NO-it is not an ego thing for me, it is a sex thing. Pleasing the other person-a woman in my case, is the only reason to go from 6” to anything more. If I whip out my 5 foot flaccid dick and it shrinks to 6” then I would crack up at myself.
The way I have been doing it has not even gotten me to my goal for activity. I can still only do 3 hours on the size dr. I wont start the 6 month period that I have seen recorded in experiments that has worke for people to gain 1.9” inn erect size. I dont believe you can get more than that but that is quite a bit to me. That would be 25% more. As for girth, I still have a hard time believing that you can actually permanently grow girth. That is even more important than length but it just doesnt make any sense to me, even after the guys in hear have explained why and how. I can see how you might be able to continue expanding how much blood you can pump into there maybe until its a balloon but that is just blood vessels getting stretched wider. The thin tube that runs down the center that can definitely stretch. I have already stretched it a long way(not erect, just flaccid does not seem like it can get wider. Maybe, I am looking at it mistakenly. Are you not taking about the super tough this thread like thing that runs down the center or are you talking about the blood vessels area permanently getting larger and not shrinking back down after a day.
Still, you are talking about a whole different way of doing things than HG.
When you say I have already gained on the larger side what does that mean-have you gained 1.9” in ERECT length? Should i actually believe what you say, Mr. After 50 when your tunica should be 3x as thick as these other peoples.
What size were you in the 1st place. What were your reasons? How long did it take. Is hanging what primarily did it. Not Flaccid length, I can get that fairly easily. Allright thanks for the comment.
No comment can give a person patience if they have no patience in the 1st place and have accomplished many thing without having patience.
Everything is a long term. Lerning how to play the guitar well enough to play in a group and tour and earn money takes some people a long long time. I did it much quicker, because I had no patience anbd just practiced longer and harder and listened to all advice and looke for every shortcut.
Everyones qdvice is always taken into consideration.
Patience is the key thing you all are saying-We can leave that out, because I will or I will not have patience, that issue is between me and my psyche.
I am asking about specific questions, of course it is in between a whole bunch of blabber, that is another thing about me. No matter how much I write I still dont feel like I am getting my point or my question across.
In the beginning I was questioning if it was worth it (so much time...and so on), but @hugh-girth helped me to stick with it. He was always there to answer my questions...and they where plenty. Without him, I don't think I would have been seeing the results I see today.
He have been a good mentor (Definition: an experienced and trusted adviser) to me.

You need motivation, discipline and you need the brotherhood to be successful in PE.
Ask specific questions when you are new, is a good way to get started in PE.
This is at least my experience.
You have on ly been here si
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