ocd said:
well, since you lack tact and a few other qualities...you're fair game.

I read that lame ass thread. Pure bullshit. If you're cock is so damaged from doing penis exercises then why the f u c k are you here still? Quit trying to bring people down with your "woe is me" stories and do something about it. Get your ass to the dick doctor and then go on Oprah.

I bet if you really were honest with yourself, your routine is inconsistent at best. But seriously, I don't care, your attitude speaks volumes...the world is full of people who bitch and do nothing except bitch some more.

You're right OCD. It 's pure bullshit I made it all up to get sympothy from people like you :(. I seem to have failed though as you dont buy my act :( .

On a serious note. I'm still here because I've been coming to MOS for what like three years now? I'm not just going to abandon it, becuase of something that happend to me through Penis Enlargement. It's not like MOS did it to me. We all know that safety isn't gaurenteed when we start up Penis Enlargement. It's uncharted waters. We're in the begining phase of it. No one knew for sure that their dick wasn't going to be injured from doing the things we do to it. I just happend to be one of the unlucky ones that had complications.

I'm not trying to brign anyone down here. Did you ever see me tell anyone not to Penis Enlargement becuase it fucks up your dick? No, becuase for most guys it doesn't. I have no reason to go to a Doctor yet, becuase the "cures" well there arn't many that I know about, and two most "doctors" dont' know shit about how to fix this. It's been documented by others that go here and on �other PE site�. Most will give you some viagra and tell you sorry bout your luck. So basically Im waiting for a bit more concrete answers. Plus if you want to know the truth my plan was to make my dick bigger than get it fixed. That way I wouldnt risk ruining the fix by doing Penis Enlargement again.

I don't really know why you think my attitude is so poor, or my routine is inconsistant. Or that I bitch and dont do anything about it. I've spent a LOT of time Penis Enlargementing with not the results i'd like but I keep on doing it and pushing the limit becuase I want it bad. It's arrogant of you to come in here and not only discredit the problems some of us face, but the trails and tribulations of Penis Enlargement ive had over the years.

I don't know what you deal is trying to discredit those of us that have the problem. I just posted a resposne to this thread to put my two cents in about erections issues, since the majority of Penis Enlargementers think that erectiion issue is always mental or you need a break or more kegals. Which a lot of the times it is. But I think it's important that people just KNOW that it is a possibility to damage your erections slightly as it has happend to people such as me yataghan50, tbirdy, I think orbital had a problem for awile. As well as many others on �other PE site� place. You know knowledge is power isn't that what they say.
thefranchise said:
Thanks OCD for your ignoranace. Maybe you should check out the thread hard vs soft penis. There you can see there's some of us that do have permanent ed problems from Penis Enlargement.

Hey franchise, man, I don't come here at all anymore really, I am 19, my cock is fucked up, and I physically cannot Penis Enlargement anymore...fuckin rips me apart, and I'm sure you too............but I remember reading a few posts you made saying your CS goes flat and other shit and I think you and I have pretty much all the same symptoms.....I think I read the thread your talking about and I think I'm sorta familiar with Tbirdy's situation. But DO NOT THINK THIS IS Penis EnlargementRMANENT. please excuse me if i ramble
First off: before I started Penis Enlargement my erections at 17 were about 60-75% of what they were when I did some solid jelqing, but the sweet Penis Enlargement erections just masked the underlying fact that I and I think a lot of people have veinous insufficiency.
I just made a great post in a Kegel question thread but accidently deleted it and said fuck it. but if your doing shitloads of kegels I would stop that because that was the first think that started making my CS go flat, I held off ,though they are THE MOST FUNDAMENTAL part of Penis Enlargement if your cock actually works right.
What really fucked my dick up was clamping and shit like that that taxed the veins, again I think clamping is the shit if your dick works right. after a year and a half of awesome everyday Penis Enlargement, my dick started not working so hot and the worst thing of all - I started developing spider veins, yeah, like the ones on some peoples noses and old ladies knees.....ON MY MOTHERFUCKING COCK.
and trust me that shit doesn't look good. at the time I didnt know what they were or if they would get worse, but sure enough Penis Enlargement and jelqing makes those fuckers worse and more will keep coming if I dont find a way to get rid of them.
So I haven't jelqued in about 10 months, its a fuckin catch 22 - my cock doesn't work, so thank god a can jelq, oh shit, that'll make those fuckin veins worse......well looks like I'm fucked.

ANyways, since this post is getting long though I could write a ten page report on all this shit....Right now I think the best way to go about this is get your whole body and cardiovascular system in working order. this is what I have come up with.

juice fasting: unreal, I did this for a few days it makes you feel unbeleivable. but wont make your cock work better on its own. along with detox for liver, kidney, blood etc.
Oral chelation: it is possible this vascular problem is from heavy metal toxicity, many guys with ED do this and have excellent results. and I'm gonna do this real soon.(I think this may be a big solution)
Homeo and naturopathic remedies such as all types of herbs get your vascular system and cock working better.

ANd working out hard!!!!!

You can flame me for getting all new age on your ass but I beleive two things: at our age when your body is in total health it has no other option than to heal itself....and DOCTORS SURE AS FUCK ARE NOT GOING TO HELP!

thats my take on the early age ED situation anyway!!
ha ha! you guys are gonna LOVE life after 40...if your cock doesn't get hard now, just wait until you have the absolute pressures of life and the whole no hope, is this all there really is thing going on...:O

Self-examination is the key to progress in any facett of your life.

In Penis Enlargement, ask yourself what exactly is your goal, what's your focus...girth, length, orgasm volume, erection quality, whatever, and then evaluate.

Just for example, erection quality. How much do you jelq? Daily? 3 times per week? How long is each session? What erection level do you obtain? Do you get morning wood the next morning after your latest session? Are you doing kegels? Daily kegel routine? Pumps or squeezes by the minute?

What can you change? Do you need more rest because your cock is truly fatigued?

See where I'm going with this? But you probably will say you already know this right? Well, then why can't you fix your problem? Because there's more to learn than what you assume you already know...at one time you opened your mind to the thought of growing your cock, open it again.
OCD im sorry if you're not that smart of a man. I'll try and explain things a bit better for you. Number one I am 20 years old, healthy, and in shape, and when I say inshape I mean in shape not like I just jog around the block now and then. I eat clean, take my vitamens say my prayers. Theres thousands of other older unhealthy slobs that get better erections than I do. I took 3-5 months off Penis Enlargement and kegaled during that time and still didnt work out. I dont think you quite understand. My erection quality has nothing to do with my Penis Enlargement routine, my kegal routine, if my dick is fatigued or not.

THERE'S A PHYSIOLOGICAL PROBLEM WITH THE MECHANICS OF THE ERECTION. NOT ENOUGH BLOOD INFLOW AND TOO MUCH OUTFLOW. I know this becasue if I press down on certain veins the blood stays in. No jelq in the world is going to be able to shrink a vein, or patch up a hole inside the vein.

I still don't know why your so offended that IM the only with the problem.
Hey vlad thanks for the reply. Sorry you've been havin trouble too bro. Never reeally thought about it but the left side of my dick veins been buldgy and green/ purple tree branch like. I thought it was just normal veins, but after looking at some pics of spider veins I think that may be what they are :/

"The squeezing of leg muscles pumps blood back to the heart from the lower body. Veins have valves that act as one-way flaps. These valves prevent the blood from flowing backwards as it moves up the legs. If the one-way valves become weak, blood can leak back into the vein and collect there. This problem is called venous insufficiency. Pooled blood enlarges the vein and it becomes varicose. Spider veins can also be caused by the backup of blood. Hormone changes, inherited factors, and exposure to the sun can also cause spider veins."

The preventing blood from flowing backwards shit would make sense. The valves might have got messed up somewhere along the line, which is what I always thought. Since when i press down on certain veins the blood stays in, and you can feel it slowly draining out if i let up a bit. Hopefully we can figure out whats going on soon.
OCD, I was just gonna ignore you....but why the fuck are you in this thread just to make fun of and discredit people who are having fucking erection problems.....I mean we already feel shitty enough about it without your retarded ass.....if you said this shit to my face I would kick you in the throat!

You see, I have been here much longer than you (VLADTHEIMPALER), know much more about cock physiology than you and I sure as fuck bet I have put much more time, effort and INTELLIGENCE into my Penis Enlargement than you....YOU THINK I DON'T WANT TO Jelq? I would fucking love to but you see it is just masking and making the real problem (chronic veinous insufficiency) worse, pumping blood into weak valves that cannot handle the volume and pressure of the flow have caused VEINOUS LEAKAGE, capilliaries to burst and thus created spider veins........MOTHER FUCKER!!!!

AND THAT IS WHY A LOT OF Penis EnlargementOPLE DO NOT GAIN GIRTH and a good pump from Penis Enlargement......Jelqing can only bring these people to their max erect state but not much more. if like me they were having erection problems before Penis Enlargement.
At some points I was doing 1 1/2 hour jelq/clamp combo sessions and didn't get much pump at all while others can jelq for five minutes and get good pumps.
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It bothered me a great deal the attitude I displayed to you the other night. After all, we are on the same team. The problem I'm having is in this world there are a ton of excuse makers in every aspect of life, pick any career for example.

Empathy is what I should be displaying and I apologize to you.

Just a side note and maybe something to build upon, when you hold your cock and the blood stays in, the same thing happens to me...harder erection immediately. What happens when you wear a cock ring?

Oh, and slab baby...20 years of martial arts, to include Muay Thai and Phillipino, says you wouldn't get to do shit. Well, except talk it.
Orbital, TF, i do feel you guys. I too am having slight probs again, seemed to come up after i started doing a bit of clamping. Im not ready to resign myself to a fact that i have erection probs, cause im not quite sure at this point. I do think that every guy should go into pe KNOWING that there IS a risk of erection damage, that it is real, and that it could be a permanent thing. Pe is anything but completely safe. I feel each newbie should know this fact well.
ocd said:
Oh, and slab baby...20 years of martial arts, to include Muay Thai and Phillipino, says you wouldn't get to do shit. Well, except talk it.

I am 19 years old. I am trying to do all I can to help my situation, and ask some opinions. All I get is an obviously 40 year old man on the sidelines.....Mocking me.
Now where I was kind of vicious in my last post your were downright immature. All you seem to be able to add to the equation is gems like:
ocd said:
ha ha! you guys are gonna LOVE life after 40...if your cock doesn't get hard now, just wait until you have the absolute pressures of life and the whole no hope, is this all there really is thing going on...:O

Awesome constructive criticism, what next?

ocd said:
Self-examination is the key to progress in any facett of your life.

In Penis Enlargement, ask yourself what exactly is your goal, what's your focus...girth, length, orgasm volume, erection quality, whatever, and then evaluate.

Tony Little couldn’t have said that inspirational bit better himself.

So thank you OCD, you have given me the absolute grinded to the fucking core basic information that one could possibly fathom.
If you read the end of my first post you would have realized I am going a whole lot deeper than Penis Enlargement here dude, and since you have been doing martial arts for 2 decades you SHOULD know all about that stuff. I will damn well bet my dollar that DLD is exploring or already has that which I have mentioned. And will also admit Penis Enlargement isn’t just a ED cure all.

Franchise, if I get anywhere I’ll let you know.
Well, since I'm obviously sick and twisted and this thread never was about ED and you know more than me and you've been here longer than me...btw, I never even knew you existed but sorry, I was responding to someone else and then you wanted to "kick me in the throat"...here's to you.




PS Tony Little and Tony Robbins send their love and inspirations
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Vlad I feel you man. Ive been havin some troubles...tho I've been consistently gaining..recently even faster.. .5" girth in 5 months. My sexual erections will never be what they used to be..after all I'm trying to fill a dick 66% bigger than my God given size with the same veins. Also the psychological effects of Penis Enlargement are enough to cause ED, but people that have been on this board for 5 days will not have a clue about what this shit does to your head in the long run. If I end up like __________ needing a chick to give me head for 30 min to get a decent erection, thats just what it is. Right now more than anything I just wanna know what the hell Penis Enlargement and time has done to me. As for those people that say theyd prefer a big limp dick, look at my gains, I can tell you its impressive to chicks but ungratifying. The visual appeal is far outweighed by what the girl feels when its inside her. Ill tell you youll never see the true fruit of Penis Enlargement if you cant fuck a girl...
Im not fucking girls now casue my penis is small and half functional. Id trade it for a big nonfunctional penis anyday.
thefranchise said:
Im not fucking girls now casue my penis is small and half functional. Id trade it for a big nonfunctional penis anyday.

You probably wouldnt care as much if your unit worked fine now. Maybe you should change your approach. Just some food for thought.
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