
Oct 11, 2006
i am so sad that i have to ask for your help from that thread cause i dont believe what doctors say anymore.i just started pe.two months ago..i can see some results.i know that it will work one way or another.i am 20 years old and i already see some first serious hair loss on my scalp..i am trying some shampoo with some vitamins but i dont see results.at that pace my hair on the top are going to fall of in two years...i dont know what to do.i saw a product called provillus that claims that provillus pills and ingredients stop the dihrydotestosterone that causes hair loss..yes but all Penis Enlargement'S know that this hormone is said to cause penis growth during puberty..some thoughts on that issue..?does anyone have tried provillus or some other pill that work without sideffect??i believe that hair loss at my age its the worst thing that can happen to you ass for the appeariance..i dont want to stop Penis Enlargement or to shrink my penis neither i want to be bald at my early 20s...if it was for my 50s i would say ok...what can i do??tell me about a solution that you have tried..thanks guys.
Worst case scenario you have to shave your fucking head and wait 10 years for new treatments which will give you a full head of hair. I started losing 600 hairs a day when I was 19, so trust me when I say man up and quit being depressed. If you want to go the drugs route, then visit some hairloss forums, because they know 10x more than the posters here. Whatever drug you listed is a scam... I would know about it if it weren't. Also hair loss is a sloooow process.
There's some controversy about DHT blockers...they have negative effects on sexual function and possibly mental function (debated). It's a situation where you can't get everything you want. You can read about this more on hair loss forums, I don't want to get into it.
I thought the same thing as you when I first noticed more hair falling out than usual about 4-5 years ago.. the truth is though I still have hair on my head and it does take a while before your gonna lose enough where people will notice, so dont go crazy worrying :) . I tried the usual route of finasteride (propecia)- which I still take- and a topical monoxodil treatment that I recently stopped using.

After about 2 years of hoping that the finasteride would kick in and slow/ stop my hair loss and monoxodil to gain back whatever was lost, i regret to say that i dont think they were very effective. Though my hair loss has recently slowed and seems to be under control, I dont think the drugs were the answer- i think its all in my new approach.

About 2 months ago, maybe longer, I posted on here about tom haggertys website and his scalp exercises that he swears by. Do a search on google for his name or for 'hair loss is reversible,' and you can see for yourself.

I do the exercises daily and i do them a lot. I also have been working out a lot and taking very good care of my body and take care to put only good things into it. I still take the propecia (which I buy as fincar from a website in Idia for hella cheap), and I massage my scalp and the roots of my hair on my scalp while shampooing (using as little shampoo as I can.) A final thing that I do is keep a more possitive view and try to connect my mind with growing my hair. I know the last part might be a little too non scientific (for loss of a better word) for some to believe. I am a highly sceptical person and am still not completely convinced that what ive been doing as of lately is going to = more hair in the future, but it sure seems like its working to me. Just look to DLD's ideas on connecting possitive thinking to exceptional gains. The mind is connected to/ controls your body as long as you know it does, but i digress...

To sum it all up here is my routine (I now do Penis Enlargement and SE!:) (scalp exercises)-

1. Daily scalp exercises for about in total maybe 20-30 minutes time, a day (i really just enjoy doing them cause it feels good doing it.)
2. Propecia daily
3. Massage scalp and hair roots to remove sebum
4. Focus on the hair growing back, not falling out. Meditate on it if you meditate and focus your energy up there- see the hair growing back.
5. Eat well and exercise for better overall health!

Hope this helps and Ill try to keep posting on my progress and if this continues to work.
Scalp exercises are important in controlling scalp inflammation...I was actually doing a little bit before I came on here LMAO ...but drugs are capable of fighting different parts of the balding process. If you can control scalp inflammation, hormones, and fibrosis then you should be able to maintain hair fairly well until some killer new treatments come out.
guys.you made my day.i am not going to worry anymore.i will go to a dermatologist and i am going to have a hair cut and to start the gym again.i will have short hair to make tghem stronger and i will use some shampoo to make them stronger..:D
i start started using a shampoo that has some nice effects.my hair stopped falling going so quickly.i see only 20 hair falling down.so i believe it is about 50 hair that falling down.and that is quite normal.i will keep you informed.thanks again!you are better than some of my friends :D
Getting a hair cut and using new shampoo might make your hair less likely to break, but breakage doesn't have any effect on the balding process. You should probably research this subject a lot if you want to keep your hair for as long as possible.
Supposedly that shampoo Nizoral is good for hair loss with the propecia and monoxodil combo, but i never tried it. Its supposed to get rid of the sebum which might be a problem.
Yeah, nizoral is great at reducing sebum. You can get the 2% for really cheap from online canadian pharmacies. It's also a mild anti-androgen, which is good. Some people don't react well to it, (it actually has hair loss as a side effect), so who knows what to think.

I use it 2x a week. I'm not sure it's doing anything for my hair, but it's cheap enough so why not.
Mate, start eating evening primrose oil capsules. This will help with the effects of testosterone with hair.
sorry to hear this affects you that much.

personally i have no problems with the fact that my hair is starting to fall off and i get a high forhead, when it started to happen i just shaved my head, its an option to be shaved, but not to becoming bald, take it in advantage, and get a short hair due.

I don't know how much you know about the game, but it is basicly these guys who has made an art out of getting laid, one of the gurus, Neil strauss who also wrote the book the game did a transformation himself:


it might not be the path for you, but just think about it

join the club...it really got me down as well. im 19 and just took the plunge and shaved it and it doesnt look too bad. i look more like wayne rooney than i used to but at least i dont worry about my hair and how it looks all the time (because it aint there anymore haha). i still have some anxiety about being seen with my shaved head though =/ but im working on it. Make up for the hairline by getting your body in shape. you should take a look at yourself and see whats best for you. some people look good with completely shaved(like a grade 0) and others dont. when i shaved mine i tried a grade 2 and it was too long and looked bad so i did it on a 1 and that was still no good so i did it on a 0 and it looks the best.

i dont look too bad bald though, and there are plenty of guys in the same boat as you and me. Even some of my friends are. One has a bad hairline and he has longish hair to cover it (he has an emover) but it actually looks okay until he gets sweaty in a nightclub and his hairstyle messes up. he has no problem with the ladies though because his ex who he broke up with a few weeks ago was smoking hot!. he will have to 'brave the shave' soon enough though.

good look! i didn't bother looking into treatment to save what hair i do have as its just putting off the inevitable and the sooner just accept it and get over it the sooner you will see your positive features instead of your flaws.

it does suck at this age :(
I will never have to worry about hair, ever...I am like the cookie monster
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