Thanks EVO and my mind is clicking in the right direction.

Thanks guys!!!!!!

I just started to do this exercise 5 days ago and I have to say that I am impressed.These are great!! I do them in the A stretch and I do them also while doing the newbie stretching routine. I have never really gotten any soreness(not sure if thats the right word) before doing other manual exercises but I have to say that this exercise did. I have only done these for 5 days and i swear to God that my flaccid hang is longer. And thats after a full day of rest :)

I feel like I have to do my girth routine first though because after doing this exercise I have trouble getting an erection. But its funny because while doing this exercise I will get a hard on. By the way... hope u guys have a good grip because you'll need it with this exercise.

After doing this for 5 days my flaccid hang got bigger and more fuller. I cant wait to see what this exercise will do for me after 1 month hell 5 months.

icelex said:

I just started to do this exercise 5 days ago and I have to say that I am impressed.These are great!! I do them in the A stretch and I do them also while doing the newbie stretching routine. I have never really gotten any soreness(not sure if thats the right word) before doing other manual exercises but I have to say that this exercise did. I have only done these for 5 days and i swear to God that my flaccid hang is longer. And thats after a full day of rest :)

I feel like I have to do my girth routine first though because after doing this exercise I have trouble getting an erection. But its funny because while doing this exercise I will get a hard on. By the way... hope u guys have a good grip because you'll need it with this exercise.

After doing this for 5 days my flaccid hang got bigger and more fuller. I cant wait to see what this exercise will do for me after 1 month hell 5 months.


Very true, this is another exercise that has become buried that many men have never seen or tried. I created this exercise for a guy who used to be on the MOS forums and he loved it (after going to �other PE site� he hated it, go figure). It is based on good science and it is extremely effective at not only bringing length but training the penis to accept new length.

Believe it or not, there are probably more than 20 exercises that are very good that are buried in this forum. It is always a good idea to find the threads by a user you have interest in as you will find some real jewels in the process.
yoo DLD, is there a way to upload the vid back on the membersite cuz i was curious how it looked like but it got deleted somehow

pulse-110-stretch.wmv is not working anymore

thanks in advance bro, will check this excercice out

but atm i am really enjoying bundled blasters soo much it's unbelievable


Pulse stretching is the ultimate plateau breaker because it loosens the suspensory ligs. I was stuck on 7 1/3" for a while and noticed my gains slowing down until I did small "yanks". Now I am up to 7 1/2". I do about 100 of them before I start the regular high intensity routine manually or with the JES and static stretchers. The ligs tend to loosen up and allow more growth just like when you do flexiblity training. If you reach a plateau, you do flex kicks then stretch to loosen the hamstrings. In a plateau, the ligs are so used to the stretching that they tense up and disallow any further stretching. In fact it gives more resistance to the stretching as a reaction to the pulls. To get past that, you must coax the ligs to accepting the increase in length with the sudden tugs.
darkseid1998;270850 said:
Pulse stretching is the ultimate plateau breaker because it loosens the suspensory ligs. I was stuck on 7 1/3" for a while and noticed my gains slowing down until I did small "yanks". Now I am up to 7 1/2". I do about 100 of them before I start the regular high intensity routine manually or with the JES and static stretchers. The ligs tend to loosen up and allow more growth just like when you do flexiblity training. If you reach a plateau, you do flex kicks then stretch to loosen the hamstrings. In a plateau, the ligs are so used to the stretching that they tense up and disallow any further stretching. In fact it gives more resistance to the stretching as a reaction to the pulls. To get past that, you must coax the ligs to accepting the increase in length with the sudden tugs.

When you say "Flex kicks" are you saying pc flexes?
doublelongdaddy;30840 said:

How is 5 sets of 50, 500 reps? I count 250 total. Unless I am completely missing something.

Shouldnt each set be a count of 100 reps? 5x100

Get back to me anyone. Thanks
Last edited:
Sorry this is a repost of my question.

How is 5 sets of 50, 500 reps? I count 250 total. Unless I am completely missing something.

Shouldnt each set be a count of 100 reps? 5x100

Get back to me anyone. Thanks
WaxN;31514 said:
I did these for 3 days straight, lots of sets. Today, I mesured "cold" and was 193 mm BPenis EnlargementL (about 7.6") -
A GAIN OF 1/10th an inch in 3 FREAKIN DAYS!!!!!
Damn, this is the stretch for me!!
Thanks, King DLD!!!

:) Memories
Iv'e never tried these so it's pull penis straight out 100% or down/up and kegel the pulse action doing the work? just want to make sure.
8incyclops;502697 said:
Iv'e never tried these so it's pull penis straight out 100% or down/up and kegel the pulse action doing the work? just want to make sure.

We bumped this thread simultaneously, same minute:) 2:13AM:) You are correct in your description. Kind of like JAI stretches, but these work:)
8incyclops;502699 said:
oh hello LMAO never done these ever i don't know why thanks for the info.

night owls:) Yeah, you will dig them, they can be good for a quick quarter inch gain.
Just for clarification here at Dr. Kegel's Office, every count equals 1 rep, so 5 sets would be 250 reps?
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