Hi guys I received my silicon sleeves yesterday and I'm a little hopeful that soon I will be using the lengthmaster probably. Here a picture of the sleeve. I bought the large one.

First of all I can't tell if the quality of product is good because I haven't tried any other silicon sleeve before.

So my first try wasn't successful. I got my penis erect and put the silicon just beneath the glans, waited a little till my penis got flaccid again. Then I clamped my penis very tied with LM and when I started stretching, the silicon started overlapping my glans, just like having a foreskin or pushing your foreskin upwards to cover your glans.

It was annoying and painful.

Second try. I wrapped my usual bandage and then put on the silicon. it worked a little better, I managed to do a set before both the bandage and the silicon started overlapping my glans. I tried to force it again and with no success. which is a pity because I thought I finally had it.

The stretches made me greedy, it was some of the crazised stretches I've ever felt.

The next morning I tried again with no help. I even clamp the LM very intense it still overlap with pain.
I was so frustrated that I gave up my routine and went back to sleep.

The sleeve have an 1 inch radius but it's not a thick sleeve, so what causes the overlap?

The only positive thing about the sleeve was that it can replace the so called uncle jim wrap and it wouldn't stop the blood flow through the penis.
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loky26;761692 said:
Hi again My dry skin starting to spread to the glans!

What kind of Hydrocortisone cream should I use? which one do you use? there are so many to pick, it makes things more confusing.

I prefer Eucerin Cream myself. In the winter when my knuckles are cracked so deep they bleed it will heal my hands in a few days. It is almost like vaseline in its consistency. However any brand hydrocortisone Cream will do. Plain, with aloe, with other vitamins, they're all good for your skin.

You're going to end up with skin overlapping the glans to a point, at least from my experience. Try clamping in a little further down the shaft. It'll give you more of an expressive stretch which is perfectly fine for growth. When I do that I feel less pressure on the glans.
loky26;761717 said:
Hi guys I received my silicon sleeves yesterday and I'm a little hopeful that soon I will be using the lengthmaster probably. Here a picture of the sleeve. I bought the large one.

First of all I can't tell if the quality of product is good because I haven't tried any other silicon sleeve before.

So my first try wasn't successful. I got my penis erect and put the silicon just beneath the glans, waited a little till my penis got flaccid again. Then I clamped my penis very tied with LM and when I started stretching, the silicon started overlapping my glans, just like having a foreskin or pushing your foreskin upwards to cover your glans.

It was annoying and painful.

Second try. I wrapped my usual bandage and then put on the silicon. it worked a little better, I managed to do a set before both the bandage and the silicon started overlapping my glans. I tried to force it again and with no success. which is a pity because I thought I finally had it.

The stretches made me greed, it was some of the crazised stretches I've ever felt.

The next morning I tried again with no help. I even clamp the LM very intense it still overlap with pain.
I was so frustrated that I gave up my routine and went back to sleep.

The sleeve have an 1 inch radius but it's not a thick sleeve, so what causes the overlap?

The only positive thing about the sleeve was that it can replace the so called uncle jim wrap and it wouldn't stop the blood flow through the penis.

There should be a way around this. Don't just give up like that. If there is slippage it means you are not well clamped inside the LengthMaster. Try to make sure you are well clamped in the LengthMaster.
cladre60;761721 said:
You're going to end up with skin overlapping the glans to a point, at least from my experience. Try clamping in a little further down the shaft. It'll give you more of an expressive stretch which is perfectly fine for growth. When I do that I feel less pressure on the glans.

I'll try to clamp low next time. but I'm doing manual exercises for the next 3-4 days. I haven't done any exercise for more than 48 hours because of LM.
loky26;761763 said:
I'll try to clamp low next time. but I'm doing manual exercises for the next 3-4 days. I haven't done any exercise for more than 48 hours because of LM.

Have you tried the other various wrapping methods in the wrapping forum?
loky26;761763 said:
I'll try to clamp low next time. but I'm doing manual exercises for the next 3-4 days. I haven't done any exercise for more than 48 hours because of LM.

It seems to help me. If I'm having comfort issues I'll clamp in a little lower and then everything seems fine.
doublelongdaddy;761766 said:
Have you tried the other various wrapping methods in the wrapping forum?

I just spend an hour reading various pages, I'll experiment some of them lager tonight.
cladre60;761792 said:
It seems to help me. If I'm having comfort issues I'll clamp in a little lower and then everything seems fine.

It actually worked. What I did is I wrapped my penis with a longer bandage this time. I made the wrap purposely thicker behind the glans and then I put the silicon sleeve on behind the thick wrap. The idea was if the bandage overlap my glans then the silicon wouldn't expand any longer and get stuck between LM and the thick wrap.

And it worked my glans slowly kept covered by the bandage as I stretched and the silicon couldn't get away with no pain at all.

I clamped the LM lower than usual, maybe too low because I could feel my skin stretching at the base when I did BTC and Straight Downs.

Sorry for my English. I hope you get the picture.

I don't how I can thank you guys but really thank you for keeping me going.
loky26;761842 said:
It actually worked. What I did is I wrapped my penis with a longer bandage this time. I made the wrap purposely thicker behind the glans and then I put the silicon sleeve on behind the thick wrap. The idea was if the bandage overlap my glans then the silicon wouldn't expand any longer and get stuck between LM and the thick wrap.

And it worked my glans slowly kept covered by the bandage as I stretched and the silicon couldn't get away with no pain at all.

I clamped the LM lower than usual, maybe too low because I could feel my skin stretching at the base when I did BTC and Straight Downs.

Sorry for my English. I hope you get the picture.

I don't how I can thank you guys but really thank you for keeping me going.

Glad you finally got it sorted out. I also wrap with a long bandage too. Now, go get those length gains. Be consistent with your routine and if possible, create your own progress log. We will guide you to your gains.
loky26;761842 said:
It actually worked. What I did is I wrapped my penis with a longer bandage this time. I made the wrap purposely thicker behind the glans and then I put the silicon sleeve on behind the thick wrap. The idea was if the bandage overlap my glans then the silicon wouldn't expand any longer and get stuck between LM and the thick wrap.

And it worked my glans slowly kept covered by the bandage as I stretched and the silicon couldn't get away with no pain at all.

I clamped the LM lower than usual, maybe too low because I could feel my skin stretching at the base when I did BTC and Straight Downs.

Sorry for my English. I hope you get the picture.

I don't how I can thank you guys but really thank you for keeping me going.

Praise God! I am so happy this is no longer and issue. Anyone who stick with it and seeks advice will master it!
After 2 days of LM. Is it normal to be sore on both sides of the mid- shaft not "base"? I specially feel it when I spontaneously do a kegel, it's like hitting a wall haha it's not a bad feeling but just curious if I should take a break or just keep going.
loky26;762087 said:
After 2 days of LM. Is it normal to be sore on both sides of the mid- shaft not "base"? I specially feel it when I spontaneously do a kegel, it's like hitting a wall haha it's not a bad feeling but just curious if I should take a break or just keep going.

That's a sign to let you know that you are doing it right. Since you are new in this and you feel the need for a break, you can take a day off and resume the next day. Within 2 weeks, you will adapt to the pulls of the LengthMaster.
huge-girth;762101 said:
That's a sign to let you know that you are doing it right. Since you are new in this and you feel the need for a break, you can take a day off and resume the next day. Within 2 weeks, you will adapt to the pulls of the LengthMaster.

Exactly. In the beginning the soreness may be too much to train daily so talking every other day off will allow you to heal from the soreness and train again with comfort. After about 2-3 weeks you should become plenty accustomed and can train daily.
doublelongdaddy;762223 said:
Exactly. In the beginning the soreness may be too much to train daily so talking every other day off will allow you to heal from the soreness and train again with comfort. After about 2-3 weeks you should become plenty accustomed and can train daily.

Same with me. I start getting tired hands in the second month whenever I start a new exercise and the tired hands continues until I change the exercise to another one.
How to you guys know the diffrence between a bruise and discoloration. My penis skin is dark toned, so after I finished a LM routine before yesterday. I got a dark spot on my shaft and I can't tell if it's a bruce or not. :/

And another stupid question how to aviod worsening your turkey neck? because it's getting worse :/
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loky26;762390 said:
How to you guys know the diffrence between a bruise and discoloration. My penis skin is dark toned, so after I finished a LM routine before yesterday. I got a dark spot on my shaft and I can't tell if it's a bruce or not. :/

And another stupid question how to aviod worsening your turkey neck? because it's getting worse :/

I think having a bruise on your penis is suppose to be painful. Discoloration is normal in PE. I don't have much turkey neck so I don't really know how it can be eradicated. DLD and other members can give an advice on that.
huge-girth;762407 said:
I think having a bruise on your penis is suppose to be painful. Discoloration is normal in PE. I don't have much turkey neck so I don't really know how it can be eradicated. DLD and other members can give an advice on that.

Well after 24 hours of break, I decided to do a session of LM and see if the dark spot get worse but it faded away. Some wired stuff happing lol.

Do you think the turkey neck can be "eradicated"?
loky26;762434 said:
Well after 24 hours of break, I decided to do a session of LM and see if the dark spot get worse but it faded away. Some wired stuff happing lol.

Do you think the turkey neck can be "eradicated"?

Turkey neck is dealt with in two ways, one is to prevent it by pulling all skin away from shaft when stretching, anchoring one hand at the base and the other stretching. The other is the Testical Health Massage and Stretch, this is a corrective exercise that will eliminate the TN. If both are done TN should be solved rather quickly.
doublelongdaddy;762443 said:
Turkey neck is dealt with in two ways, one is to prevent it by pulling all skin away from shaft when stretching, anchoring one hand at the base and the other stretching. The other is the Testical Health Massage and Stretch, this is a corrective exercise that will eliminate the TN. If both are done TN should be solved rather quickly.

So when you say anchoring one hand at the base, you are saying grab the base and pull to the right while stretching to the left? for instance or just hold the base while stretching.

what is the duration for Testical Health Massage and Stretch? is it 30x30?
loky26;762503 said:
So when you say anchoring one hand at the base, you are saying grab the base and pull to the right while stretching to the left? for instance or just hold the base while stretching.

what is the duration for Testical Health Massage and Stretch? is it 30x30?

You can make the duration 1 minute each or even more.
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