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Hey I'm 18. 5'6" & 130 lbs. im an average bpel 5.5" in length and I believe below average in girth 4.5". I have sex at least once a week with the same girl that took my virginity. Used to be 3x a week but school now.
Anyways I've recently noticed I have a 'fetish' (not sure if that's the correct term for this) for big dick reactions. Even tho I get it a lot from her, and another girl, I want a bigger one.
I am determined to get 7"-8" x 5". Is a realistic goal within 3 months?
I've been doing jp's 90 day beginner routine for the past 3 days and already gained half an inch. Now 6" or 6.1" bpel.
Averagetim;612089 said:
Hey I'm 18. 5'6" & 130 lbs. im an average bpel 5.5" in length and I believe below average in girth 4.5". I have sex at least once a week with the same girl that took my virginity. Used to be 3x a week but school now.
Anyways I've recently noticed I have a 'fetish' (not sure if that's the correct term for this) for big dick reactions. Even tho I get it a lot from her, and another girl, I want a bigger one.
I am determined to get 7"-8" x 5". Is a realistic goal within 3 months?
I've been doing jp's 90 day beginner routine for the past 3 days and already gained half an inch. Now 6" or 6.1" bpel.

its possible, but if i were you i would set smaller goals first so you dont set yourself up for disappointment. start with maybe 6.5x4.75, then make another goal. the time it takes for gains is different for everyone. i you are serious then i would definitely recommend the bathmate and get on the mos newbie routine
Averagetim;612089 said:
Hey I'm 18. 5'6" & 130 lbs. im an average bpel 5.5" in length and I believe below average in girth 4.5". I have sex at least once a week with the same girl that took my virginity. Used to be 3x a week but school now.
Anyways I've recently noticed I have a 'fetish' (not sure if that's the correct term for this) for big dick reactions. Even tho I get it a lot from her, and another girl, I want a bigger one.
I am determined to get 7"-8" x 5". Is a realistic goal within 3 months?
I've been doing jp's 90 day beginner routine for the past 3 days and already gained half an inch. Now 6" or 6.1" bpel.

Welcome Averagetim! I read that you made some very quick initial gains, congratulations! Keep these accomplishments in mind as you progress to keep yourself motivated. It is great to have you in the Brotherhood.
Hi guys! Ive been in the forum for a while just wasn't really never on it.. (Car Accident) Anyways im doing better now, and I really like this forum, My goal is to get massive penis gains im currently 5.8 inches erect.. would like to be at least 7 or 8 for now! What do I need to buy from the forum, to make gains faster, I know for sure im going to buy the MOS Dvd with Exercises, but Do I really need the other stuff like Sizegenetics? or the Pills? I did Buy the Penomet Premium Package but I think its to big for my dick lol.. I need to gain a lil bit more so I can really get better suction.. Anyways in my point of view I think the MOS DVD would be a great help with the LengthMaster and Hanger.. What you guys think? Please Reply thank you, Love This Forum (:
Hi guys,

I've been lurking around these Forums since the middle of 2013 and I think it's time to introduce myself and start posting.
I started with 7" BPEL (and quite bad EQ). I never measured girth, because I'm quite confident with it.

In April, I finally started PE and ordered a Hydromax X40.
My routine consists of:
-30 second manual stretches in all directions
-dry jelqing
-Hydromax 3x5 minutes with jelqing between each set

I tried wet jelqing, but I was somehow not able to get constant pressure and found dry jelqing way easier (I'm also lazy and dry jelqing isn't such a mess). I also started doing jelqs with full erection after about 4 weeks, because they are so intense and I love how it feels.
After doing this routine about 4 days a week, I was able to hit 8" BPEL yesterday. Girth also improved. What improved most, though, is the EQ (in fact, I tribute some of my gains to kegels).
Needless to say, I'm very happy with these results so far.

Today, I ordered a LengthMaster to bring my training to another level and start using some of the SRT techniques. What I'm planing to do is:
-split my training in length and girth, instead of doing it in one session
-use a cockring after girth sessions
-use the LengthMaster, to heal in an elongated state after length sessions. I know that DLD recommends an ADS like the SizeGenetics to do this, but since I don't want to buy another tool, I wonder if I could use the LengthMaster with low hanging weight to get the same effect (any thoughts on this?)

Finally, thanks to everyone on this forum (and especially dld). I read some great advice here that helped me a lot.
Hello Akcent13!!!

I can definitely attest that the information I received on this SITE has assisted me tremendously. Hope you have GREAT SUCCESS IN reaching your GOALS!!!!
Welcome to the Brotherhood Akcent13 and IntoThe Rain!

Akcent13, The best equipment to get yourself set up with would be the LengthMaster, the BathMate and the SizeGenetics as they are all used in the SRT Routine, which is by far the best routine I have ever created. This equipment line up is pretty standard on the forum and has helped many men make great gains. From there you can look at other equipment when the time is right.

IntoThe Rain, The LengthMaster is perfect for healing, just as good as any other method, just use the hanging portion with light weight and this will be consistent with SRT healing phase.
Thanks DLD!! Appreciate you're advice! Just ordered my LenthMaster!! I didn't buy the Bathmate since I spent 300 dollars on the Penomet Premium package! Didnt really use the penomet much because of my penis size 5.8.. erect and Im not circumsized so kinda had a bit of trouble getting suction.. I'll be using LM alot when I get it to get a few gains then I will stick to the SRT routine (Since I dont have the enough penis size for PENOMET and dont have Sizegenetics), if that is what I can do.. If not let me know if Im doing something wrong, You are the Pro bro :D
Hi guys.
Just doing some research and thought I'd introduce myself. I've got a bathmate Hercules. Been using it sporadically but I'm now going to get into PE seriously.
I'm not sure what other products to get at this stage. I'm going to follow the noobie routine (as best I can anyway) with the bathmate. I'll do this all in one go on a night. I work pretty stupid hours during the day all week.
I'm thinking of buying a cock ring to keep the temp gains longer. I don't know which one to get 😕
I'm thinking of buying an extender of sorts that I can wear during the day. I wear a suit for work and would ideally want something that can be concealed relatively easy. Again recommendations would be welcome.
Anyway great website. Excellent community.
Keep it up!
Akcent13;614378 said:
Thanks DLD!! Appreciate you're advice! Just ordered my LenthMaster!! I didn't buy the Bathmate since I spent 300 dollars on the Penomet Premium package! Didnt really use the penomet much because of my penis size 5.8.. erect and Im not circumsized so kinda had a bit of trouble getting suction.. I'll be using LM alot when I get it to get a few gains then I will stick to the SRT routine (Since I dont have the enough penis size for PENOMET and dont have Sizegenetics), if that is what I can do.. If not let me know if Im doing something wrong, You are the Pro bro :D

The Penomet should work for you just fine, what are the issues you are having with it? I can most likely help you get through this. I am happy you went for the LengthMaster first, once you mater it it will bring length gains faster than any other method.
Vinnie10;614477 said:
Hi guys.
Just doing some research and thought I'd introduce myself. I've got a bathmate Hercules. Been using it sporadically but I'm now going to get into PE seriously.
I'm not sure what other products to get at this stage. I'm going to follow the noobie routine (as best I can anyway) with the bathmate. I'll do this all in one go on a night. I work pretty stupid hours during the day all week.
I'm thinking of buying a cock ring to keep the temp gains longer. I don't know which one to get 😕
I'm thinking of buying an extender of sorts that I can wear during the day. I wear a suit for work and would ideally want something that can be concealed relatively easy. Again recommendations would be welcome.
Anyway great website. Excellent community.
Keep it up!

Welcome to the Brotherhood Vinnie! I think that the Newbie Routine along with the BathMate is a smart way to start. I suggest you use the BathMate as follows, forgoing the normal jelq portion of the Newbie Routine. Here is the replacement workout:

5 minutes in the BathMate
5 minutes of jelqing
5 minutes in the BathMate
5 minutes of jelqing
5 minutes in the BathMate
5 minutes of jelqing (finished)

This will take about the same time as the jelqing takes but it will bring girth gains much faster and help you avoid mishaps with over pumping.

Since you wear a suit I would suggest the Phallosan over the SizeGenetics for supplemental length work. The Phallosan is easier to hide and it can also be used for night time stretching while you sleep.

Thanks for joining the community and becoming a part of the worlds best Brotherhood!
Akcent13;614378 said:
Thanks DLD!! Appreciate you're advice! Just ordered my LenthMaster!! I didn't buy the Bathmate since I spent 300 dollars on the Penomet Premium package! Didnt really use the penomet much because of my penis size 5.8.. erect and Im not circumsized so kinda had a bit of trouble getting suction.. I'll be using LM alot when I get it to get a few gains then I will stick to the SRT routine (Since I dont have the enough penis size for PENOMET and dont have Sizegenetics), if that is what I can do.. If not let me know if Im doing something wrong, You are the Pro bro :D

your size is fine for pumping
Hello All! I've been lurking for a couple months just wanted to say Hi and a big thank you to everyone who has contributed to the forum. The information and support available here is absolutely invaluable, thanks so much to everyone.
I'm 38 years old and coming off of a difficult divorce. I do still care about her, but she decided to do an open relationship and my feelings didn't matter in the least. She told me straight up that I couldn't have any reaction or jealousy. And in the end the real issue for me wasn't her being with other people, it was how little she cared about me and my experience. Now that I have some space from the relationship I realize what an emotional black hole being with a narcissist is. I'm coming to terms with my role in the co-dependant dance we did for 8 years. We have a young son together, and I miss him terribly when he's gone. I look forward to revealing the secrets of PE to him, when the time is right.
I mention all that because right now I'm focused on improving myself, and Penis Enhancement is a big part (heh) of that for me. I keep myself in great physical shape. However, the psychological health aspect of adult life has been a long road for me. I'm finally coming around to accepting my masculine nature, and really being proud to be a manly man. Without getting too political I bought into the "men are filthy pigs and women are goddesses" cultural current. It's nice to not be ashamed of who I am anymore.
As far as my PE journey goes, I've been doing it for about 3 months, starting in July of this year. I'm very dedicated and consistent with it. I do it 6-7 days a week. I have a bathmate x30 and a cheap ebay extender (money is tight right now). I feel like I'm getting into the rhythm of PE now. Most days I get in 2 sessions of jelqing, 15-20 minutes in the bathmate, and 3 hours in the extender. I also do manual stretching, an hour or more per day. I live alone, except for when I take care of my son, so I can stretch while web-surfing and watching football, lol. I'm reading the SRT thread and adopting those principles as much as possible.
I started in July with a BPEL of 6" and Erect Girth of 4.8 (4&7/8"). I have not gained any measurable length, and have perhaps gained a tenth of an inch in girth. I feel a little discouraged that I have not had those spectacular newbie gains, but I realize that I'm still quite new to this.
The best thing so far about PE is that even if I don't grow much, I feel so much more confident about my current size. I always thought I had a tiny penis, but after looking into PE I realize that I'm on the upper side of average, and by taking the power into my own hands (heh) I'm finally shaking that feeling of shame about my penis that I always had. I have a lot of ideas about the psychological/emotional aspect of PE and I hope to start contributing that once I experiment with myself a bit more.
I think I would would be happy with 7.5 or 8 inches in length and 6 inches in girth. We'll see how I feel when I get there. I am confident that I can get there, and this forum is a big reason for that.
I can't get good suction on it.. Seems when I put it on it doesn't have enough pressure or air gets in some how.. Could it also be because of my pubes..? I'm trimmed really short but I don't know if that could be the problem or I'm either putting the Penomet gator on my penis the wrong way, I thought it was because of my penis size but since you mentioned it should work fine then it's aether one of the 2 I mentioned, I will shave hair off when I shower and give it a try, and about the LM bro does it come with the Uncle Jim's Wrap? or would I need to buy one before I use the LM? One other question bro so I should for sure stick with the SRT routine when I get my LenthMaster even if I dont have the SG I will try the Penomet after my LM sessions so I have girth increase if that's the right way to do it.
Hi Folks,
New to PE. Looked to get into it about 6 month ago, bought a bathmate hercules but dropped off. started using again yesterday and I fully intend to go all the way.
I've read and I will keep reading until I'm a eff'ing PE guru (famous last words). I was royally screwed by a woman not so long ago and the reason it boiled down to was penis length. This is now my motivation. I may have to thank her one day but once I get there!
I need some help with products. I have a athmate which I will use in conjunction with manual stretches. I work quite long hours and think that's time I could utilise with some PE! the problem is..what? I've read about extenders but they're so damn expensive and I don't know which one to get. There's the SG extender which seems to be pretty popular. The problem with this would be that I wear a suit at work and it think it would be visible. I've read about uncle jims wraps but understand that will only increase flaccid length and the autoxleeve (which I could wear at tonight) is again only used to increase flaccid but tbh my view would be with a bigger flaccid the increase in length from stretches and bathmate would be increase my erect also. Is there any correlation? it would probably help with motivation also. anyway great website.
if someone could drop me a line with a few words of wisdom as to what products to get then I'd appreciate that. I also have arthritis in my thumbs (at a young age) which means manual stretching can be painful and doesn't help with motivation.
I also have no clue about cock rings - would these be best used after a workout in the bathmate or would UJW be of similar use?
Any help is appreciated. It's amazing the lift I'm feeling already at starting PE and thinking of a potential increase in size/girth. I'd be elated with 1 inch both ways!
Welcome to the Brotherhood. I am heartily sorry for your loss in the relationship but I can see, through your explanation, that it is a blessing. I am happy that you have taken on the plight of self improvement, the best revenge is always to look good and become self sufficient. I lost someone dear to me in much the same way and it crippled me for many years and still has some residual effects on me today. I realized that it was not so much the loss that crushed me but the realization that I did not like who I was. Her leaving me was a major turning point in my life and although I suffered quite a bit I turned much of that into positive changes in myself. I am alone now and learning to love myself, this is a big thing to accomplish but I know that I can not love again until I have self love. I sometimes wish someone would come along and help me avoid all these feelings but that would just become a co-dependency nightmare once again. I hope that you find love for yourself and I hope that the next woman you are with falls for that man I know you can be.

3 months of PE with monomial gains is a tough position. Perhaps it is time to turn up the intensity and maybe try some more advanced methods. Some guys just do not respond to lighter work and need extra intensity to make it happen. I have seen many guys who struggled with making length gains and when they got the LengthMaster they magically started gaining. This is mainly because of the great intensity the LengthMaster offers. The same principal applies to all pe, if you are not gaining the intensity needs to be turned up. This does not mean longer session but stronger sessions. Forego jelqing and try the SlowSquashJelq, this is a much more intense form of the Jelq. Couple this with your BathMate use as suggest above in the Girth program (SRT 5x5x3) method and girth should start to take off. Put some extra strength into your stretching exercises, try to find the most intensity you can apply with out hurting yourself, this is where you will find your sweet spot. Use your extender as much as you can on the off pe hours to help secure and gain more length. There are many methods to turn up the intensity and I suggest you explore them all.

I wish you the best of luck and I will watch over your progress.

Welcome my Brother! Sorry to hear about the girl problems, women can be extremely insensitive but your reaction to her wicked ways is graceful. I love that you see that her insult is the fuel to your improvement, this is the attitude of the Brotherhood. You will make great gains and will eventually, if you desire, become the biggest she has ever seen. For me this was the case. My last girlfriend coincided with my beginning PE. She was with many guys before me and she said that there were a couple of guys who were far bigger than me. This fueled my PE big time and in time I became the bigger she had ever, or will ever encounter. It took a lot of work, constancy, intensity, progression and tenacity but once I saw that PE was a reality there was no stopping me. Today I only know of one penis larger than mine and that is __________ but there was a time when most men were bigger than me...PE is magical.

As far as equipment goes I suggest that you grab the following:

The LengthMaster
The BathMate
and the SizeGenetics or the Phallosan (or both if budget allows)

These tools have proven themselves over much time to be the most effective tools for PE. These in no way will replace manual work but when used together, as SRT dictates, you will see gains so much faster. Remember to purchase these items from us so you get all the extras and the incredible customer support and warranty. I look forward to your progress and will follow you the whole way.
Thanks DLD. I've done a lot of personal work around self-hate in order to come to the place of self love. I started even before my marriage ended, and it's been a hard journey. For me just getting to the point of being able to look in the mirror and say "that's a handsome man in there" was a big accomplishment.
I appreciate the PE advice. I have been doing Slow Squash Jelqs over the last two weeks. I haven't been doing them a lot, I can only manage about 30 second sets. Even so I think I have gained a little girth, it feels thicker when I get a good erection going. I have been fairly conservative with the intensity. The bundled stretches freak me out a bit, but my penis hasn't broken yet. I'll up the intensity and see how it goes.
FireDragonLeo;615180 said:
Thanks DLD. I've done a lot of personal work around self-hate in order to come to the place of self love. I started even before my marriage ended, and it's been a hard journey. For me just getting to the point of being able to look in the mirror and say "that's a handsome man in there" was a big accomplishment.
I appreciate the PE advice. I have been doing Slow Squash Jelqs over the last two weeks. I haven't been doing them a lot, I can only manage about 30 second sets. Even so I think I have gained a little girth, it feels thicker when I get a good erection going. I have been fairly conservative with the intensity. The bundled stretches freak me out a bit, but my penis hasn't broken yet. I'll up the intensity and see how it goes.

Wow, you got to the point you can look in the mirror, I am still not that far in my self-love:)

Take your time in learning and mastering the exercises, there is no rush and those who learn these things the right way go on to make the best gains. I wish you the best Fire!
FireDragonLeo;615180 said:
Thanks DLD. I've done a lot of personal work around self-hate in order to come to the place of self love. I started even before my marriage ended, and it's been a hard journey. For me just getting to the point of being able to look in the mirror and say "that's a handsome man in there" was a big accomplishment.
I appreciate the PE advice. I have been doing Slow Squash Jelqs over the last two weeks. I haven't been doing them a lot, I can only manage about 30 second sets. Even so I think I have gained a little girth, it feels thicker when I get a good erection going. I have been fairly conservative with the intensity. The bundled stretches freak me out a bit, but my penis hasn't broken yet. I'll up the intensity and see how it goes.

confidence and self empathy are so important for so many aspects in life, more so than people realise!

as for p.e., your exercise selection sounds good. just keep at it and remain consistent, the gains will come
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