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Hey everyone new guy here! just started a thread of my penis and body progression in the picture proof section! im 18 years old and have been doing pe for a couple month now and im addicted! on my journey to a 8.5 x 6 inch dick!
BigE_W;605607 said:
Hello! My name is Will or you can call me BigE. They call me BigE because of my height, not my size haha. I'm new here and totally new to Penis Enlargement. I honestly don't know anything. I'm very happy to be here and appreciate all the hard work and effort that DLD has done here to help all men. I feel like I am in the right place and this place seems like the holy grail of PE. I have a lot to learn and look forward to this long journey! Good luck to everyone! Thanks again to DLD!

Welcome to the Brotherhood BigE! Yes, you have found the Mecca of Male Enhancement on every level. You are in good hands here and will find much support and inspiration. The best two places to start are with the Newbie Routine and the SRT Routine, both give excellent knowledge and help from becoming too overwhelmed by the infinite amount of information here. If you study those two threads you will gain as much knowledge as reading through the entire forum. I wish you the best!

longdong420;605683 said:
Hey everyone new guy here! just started a thread of my penis and body progression in the picture proof section! im 18 years old and have been doing pe for a couple month now and im addicted! on my journey to a 8.5 x 6 inch dick!

Great to meet you Longdong! I am headed off to read you thread and I will support you through the whole process. Congratulations for joining the worlds most loving Brotherhood!
doublelongdaddy;605827 said:
Welcome to the Brotherhood BigE! Yes, you have found the Mecca of Male Enhancement on every level. You are in good hands here and will find much support and inspiration. The best two places to start are with the Newbie Routine and the SRT Routine, both give excellent knowledge and help from becoming too overwhelmed by the infinite amount of information here. If you study those two threads you will gain as much knowledge as reading through the entire forum. I wish you the best!

Thank you for the advice and support DLD!! I really appreciate it brother!
I have never tried anything to enlarge my length or girth, however sometimes I search the web for miraculous new techniques... Well no miracles yet. I read an article that told me about daily stretching techniques that I have tried, and decided I need to arm myself with more knowledge. I am frustrated that the stretching techniques are actually making me smaller... But the article said it would do that for about a week, so I am still at it. Ready to join this brotherhood and grow baby grow!
Bmcewen1513;605969 said:
I have never tried anything to enlarge my length or girth, however sometimes I search the web for miraculous new techniques... Well no miracles yet. I read an article that told me about daily stretching techniques that I have tried, and decided I need to arm myself with more knowledge. I am frustrated that the stretching techniques are actually making me smaller... But the article said it would do that for about a week, so I am still at it. Ready to join this brotherhood and grow baby grow!

The only miraculous site you will find is the Brotherhood! Welcome Bmcewen!
hey mates. So i was surfing some forums and accidentally stumbled on this community and i was like "Holy sh** there's actually a community about this?! It brought me a great joy to actually see people doing this stuff.

Let's go way back - having a tiny penis has turned many years of my life (early childhood to 17-mid18 years (19 now)) quite miserable. Coupled with me being very obese in my teens (til 17-ish until i started doing sports) and my not so great genetics penis size wise, my self-esteem was really low. I was constantly ashamed to even think showing it to anyone, and me having a false belief that women cared only about penis size when it comes down to sex didn't help in any way.

As of now, frankly speaking, I don't give a flying f*** about how big it is. The only person I am going to do this for, is ME. It would just make me feel better and hey, right now I'm just barely 15 centimeters (5.9 inches) in length when having a really hard erection and 12 centimeters (4.7 inches) in width.

Now pardon me if my questions have already been answered somewhere before or if there already is a thread about it, but I'm quite short on time and can't scan the forums at the given time. P.S some of them might seem really sili and funny, so prepare for the lulz :D
So, my questions are:

1.)How does penis enlargement work? I lurked a bit and learned that there are "Routines". Does penis enlargement work like an enlargement of any other muscle? You do specific exercises and It will grow like a muscle? If so, do you have to be in a caloric surplus for it to grow "like a muscle"?

2.)Which routines should a beginner like me with no prior experience whatsoever do? after lurking a bit i saw something called "DLD" mentioned as a beginner routine, but what i also saw was "SRT - Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory" being called the best program on this forums. So, which one should i begin with? I have no problem doing the exercises every day, but i kinda don't want to cause some damage to my penis due to wrong program at the wrong time (well you get the idea). So, which routine should i do?

3.)As I already said, I'm 15 centimeters (5.9 inches) in length and 12 centimeters (4.7 inches) in width. Does penis size before you start enlargement programs matter in terms of your maximum results? If it does, how far can i go with my current stats? The bigger it gets the better, I don't mind ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

4.)the most annoying part about my penis is that it's so small when not erect that every time i sit down it just gets, well, how do i put it, "crushed" if you will... it gets sucked inside like it's not even there and it's really annoying. So, if i do these penis exercises will this issue get fixed for me? will my non-erect-state penis also become bigger? (serious question)

5.)Can these exercises cause some kind of soreness or erectile disfunction? are there any other benefits apart from the obvious size enlargement in doing this?

6.)I'm doing NoFap (abstaining from masturbation and especially �naked people movies�, for the unaware), So masturbating and ejaculating (apart from sex, of course) is out of discussion for me. Will i have to masturbate or anything like that? I'm ok with any type of exercises as long as I won't have to ejaculate.

I think that's it. Thanks for reading this and I'm apologizing in advance if this is not the appropriate part of the forums to post this in.

Good luck to you all :)
FateBender;606896 said:
1.)How does penis enlargement work? I lurked a bit and learned that there are "Routines". Does penis enlargement work like an enlargement of any other muscle? You do specific exercises and It will grow like a muscle? If so, do you have to be in a caloric surplus for it to grow "like a muscle"?

PE has little to do with muscular growth even though some of the practices are similar. In PE you are stretching and expansing tissue to the point of permanent deformity, which is growth. Over time, the more you are able to cause temporary gains, the penis becomes bigger and bigger in permanent gains. It is not rocket science, basically if you stretch the penis with intensity you will become longer, if you cause expansion through jelqing, BathMate, etc. you will become thicker.

FateBender;606896 said:
2.)Which routines should a beginner like me with no prior experience whatsoever do? after lurking a bit i saw something called "DLD" mentioned as a beginner routine, but what i also saw was "SRT" being called the best program on this forums. So, which one should i begin with? I have no problem doing the exercises every day, but i kinda don't want to cause some damage to my penis due to wrong program at the wrong time (well you get the idea). So, which routine should i do?

You can start anywhere you want but I suggest looking into the two most gain worthy routines that can be mixed and matched, SRT Routine and the Newbie Routine. The Newbie Routine will teach you all the basics of PE and get you gaining quickly and SRT will give you directions on healing and gaining with more speed. Once you have mastered the Newbie Routine you can jump into SRT.

FateBender;606896 said:
3.)As I already said, I'm 15 centimeters (5.9 inches) in length and 12 centimeters (4.7 inches) in width. Does penis size before you start enlargement programs matter in terms of your maximum results? If it does, how far can i go with my current stats? The bigger it gets the better, I don't mind ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Not at all, the size you start with has little to do with how well you will gain. It is motte about being consistent and progressive in your attempts. The goal, no after where you start, is to cause consistent expansion and elongation with every routine. These temporary gains build up the permanent ones. The more you put in the more you will get out. SRT will teach you how to make gains faster through smart healing measures.

FateBender;606896 said:
4.)the most annoying part about my penis is that it's so small when not erect that every time i sit down it just gets, well, how do i put it, "crushed" if you will... it gets sucked inside like it's not even there and it's really annoying. So, if i do these penis exercises will this issue get fixed for me? will my non-erect-state penis also become bigger? (serious question)

First, your penis is not small, you are in the average size range so most men will have your size. Flaccid size will be greatly influenced by PE in general, as you gain in erect size you will also gain in flaccid size. You will read in SRT about Uncle Jim's Wrap, this is a very smart way to train your penis to remain longer when flaccid. If you are sitting a lot you may want to look into Lazy Ass Stretches, they will keep you elongated and help you gains size too.

FateBender;606896 said:
5.)Can these exercises cause some kind of soreness or erectile disfunction? are there any other benefits apart from the obvious size enlargement in doing this?

Soreness is a normal part of PE, this is where we can compare body building to PE in the sense that after a good workout you will feel aching and soreness. This usually goes away before your next workout but it is OK to train with a little soreness. Erection quality will be effected by girth work and it is normal to experience fatigue after a solid girth routine. As long as you are able to get good eq after a few hours of training you will be fine.

FateBender;606896 said:
6.)I'm doing NoFap (abstaining from masturbation and especially �naked people movies�, for the unaware), So masturbating and ejaculating (apart from sex, of course) is out of discussion for me. Will i have to masturbate or anything like that? I'm ok with any type of exercises as long as I won't have to ejaculate.

You do not have to ejaculate in any exercises.
Hello everyone! I'm new to MoS, but no stranger to PE. I've done it on and off for probably 10 years. I would say that I've gained maybe 1/4 to 1/5 in length but nothing in girth in all that time. Pretty discouraging, but I keep coming back because I'm just really hopeful that it can work. I've tried so many things (x4 extender, bathmate, stealth, other forums/programs) and I don't know if I"m just a hard gainer or what, but I'm liking some of the new things I"m reading here and excited to get going again. I just ordered the lengthmaster a couple days ago and I'm stoked to get it! I'm starting at 6.5 BPEL and 4.5 EG. Long term goal of 8x6 with girth as my first focus. I'm excited to be part of the community here! :)
Thanks for answering, very informative!!
bigjuan;607111 said:
Hello everyone! I'm new to MoS, but no stranger to PE. I've done it on and off for probably 10 years. I would say that I've gained maybe 1/4 to 1/5 in length but nothing in girth in all that time. Pretty discouraging, but I keep coming back because I'm just really hopeful that it can work. I've tried so many things (x4 extender, bathmate, stealth, other forums/programs) and I don't know if I"m just a hard gainer or what, but I'm liking some of the new things I"m reading here and excited to get going again. I just ordered the lengthmaster a couple days ago and I'm stoked to get it! I'm starting at 6.5 BPEL and 4.5 EG. Long term goal of 8x6 with girth as my first focus. I'm excited to be part of the community here! :)

Welcome to the Brotherhood BigJuan! Ten years is just about how long I have trained and I started close to where you are today, 6.5 x 4.75. This is a great forum with very helpful people, if you are willing to stick it out for the long run we will be here to inspire and motivate you. I hope you love your LengthMaster, it is a whole new world of stretching!
FateBender;607116 said:
Thanks for answering, very informative!!

No Problems Fate!
Thanks, man! Got the lengthmaster today, super fast shipping! I had to open it right away and give it a go. Man, that stretch is crazy. I can definitely get more out of stretching than I could just manually. I'm excited to add it in to my routine and get some serious gains going! Thanks!
bigjuan;607575 said:
Thanks, man! Got the lengthmaster today, super fast shipping! I had to open it right away and give it a go. Man, that stretch is crazy. I can definitely get more out of stretching than I could just manually. I'm excited to add it in to my routine and get some serious gains going! Thanks!

AWESOME!!! you will love it!!!!
bigjuan;607575 said:
Thanks, man! Got the lengthmaster today, super fast shipping! I had to open it right away and give it a go. Man, that stretch is crazy. I can definitely get more out of stretching than I could just manually. I'm excited to add it in to my routine and get some serious gains going! Thanks!

So happy it came and you got to work right away. You are going to find many things you love about the LengthMaster! It is the most multi-functional tool in the whole game.

Just learned about PE recently and it led me to here. Have come across some great information so far. Thinking I am going to start up a routine.
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Barnstool123;608815 said:

Just learned about PE recently and it led me to here. Have come across some great information so far. Thinking I am going to start up a routine.

Welcome to the Brotherhood Barnstool! The best two places to read up and get prepared are these links:

The Newbie Routine
SRT Routine
I found out about penis enlargement at a rather young age but I didn't really have the commitment to make a routine or even stick to one that someone else had made, so I decided that I would just keep looking at sites to find out all I could about PE before I tried it and if my memory serves me right this forum was the 3rd page I clicked on and I'm so happy that I did because unlike the other PE forums out there you guys are actually a family rather than just a load of people talking about PE, you genuinely care about each other and nobody is ever judged about anything which is something a respect a lot! So as I was pondering your forum (threads) I came across a lot of valuable information about devices and manual exercises which lead me to buy the sizegentics extender but as much as I tried I couldn't get it to stay on for longer than maybe an hour at a time but I can proudly say that I made about 1/4" gain over the course of about 2 weeks so I put it into my bedside cabinet and forgot about it, Next I bought the bathmate hydromax xtreme x40 and I gained about maybe just under an inch in 6 weeks so that took me from 61/4" to just over 7", next I got a bib hardcore and it definitely worked as it gave me an extra 1/2" in about 3 weeks but I couldn't get my setup right so I decided to try and find something that would give me the gains as fast and easy as hanging, and then I came across the famous LengthMaster! :) I'm actually waiting for it to arrive at the moment and let me just sat that I'm very excited for it to be in my hands haha :) anyway my goals would be to get from 7.5 bpel and 5.5 mseg to 8 or 8.5 bpel and 6 or 6.5 mseg in a year and if I surpass that even better :) I could be the next DLD :s sorry about the long paragraph but I didn't want to be vague and hopefully this gives you the chance to get to know me and my situation a bit better, if you have anything you would like to know just pm me :) thanks
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