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wannabehorse;565259 said:
Hi to everyone!

I am deciding whether to buy Bathmate or not.

I am a 64-year old man and I wonder if I could gain from
using Bathmate.

My penis is 6" long (with the ruler pressed against the pubic bone)
2" wide and 1.5" thick (5.25" girth). An increase in girth is more
important to me than increase in length.

What size of Bathmate would be the right one for me?

Do I have to do jelqing together with using Bathmate?


The best choice for you I think is the X-40 or the Xtreme! about your routine- I would advise you to follow the newbie routine and add the Bathmate as something to superset with the jelqs. Wear a cock ring, reading the SRT theory is a law! All the best, you got questions- ask and you'll have answers, do not be shy to ask anything :). If you need more info, just make a thread or ask here! :)
calimuscle1;565368 said:
hey guys,
i've been doing the newbie program for several days, and am really blown away by my progress! my EQ has been incredible, harder than i've ever been before; i think i can feel my inner penis coming out when i do reverse kegels, and the Nitric Oxide i'd already been taking for bodybuilding is having an amazing effect together with the PC exercises. my starting bone-pressed erect length is 6.75, girth 5.25, and after a 'workout' i've been getting above 7" for the first time ever.

i have 3 questions:
1) how do i figure out what goal is realistic for me?
2) is it too early for me to think about getting the $159 max results package or whatever? don't want to overdo things, and i love how it's feeling and looking already.
3) how do i know when i'm ready to try constriction? i had done some pumping and jelqing before joining this site (enough to get results, then i stopped being consistent).


Great to see that you see improvements from around a week of Penis Enlargementing :).

To your quesions -1- Every goal is realistic. DLD has started with stats around 6 NBPenis EnlargementL X 5 of girth and is now around 12 X 7- 7,5. There is nothing you cannot achieve :)/

-2- It is never soon. If you got the money- go for it! :)

-3- Constriction as in constricted pumping or as in expansion keeping cock ring or clamping?

My name is Bob. I found out about this website a while ago but never signed up. I googled different methods for Penis Enlargement throughout the years but nothing was promising. I'm about 6" in length when full erect. There's a lot of info on this forum to take in. What's the best method for me to follow? I really need help with this because I'm tired of being rejected when it comes time to have sex. Thank you guys.
Mrbob;565638 said:

My name is Bob. I found out about this website a while ago but never signed up. I googled different methods for Penis Enlargement throughout the years but nothing was promising. I'm about 6" in length when full erect. There's a lot of info on this forum to take in. What's the best method for me to follow? I really need help with this because I'm tired of being rejected when it comes time to have sex. Thank you guys.

Previous page, my post.

Since when does penis size have to do with getting a girl into bed? (Unless you're black)

I am going to give Penis Enlargement an honest shot.. I only found out about this whole deal a few days ago and I am asking myself the obvious skeptics question; "if it works, why have I never heard of it, and why isn't EVERY guy doing it?" but then I remember the human conditions of naivety and ignorance. So, nothing ventured nothing gained. I am 30 yrs old. In good shape, work out regularly, satisfied in general with my size but would not turn down a bit of extra length and girth.. who would?

My current stats are:

BPenis EnlargementL - 7 1/2"
MSEG - 5 5/8"

My Goals,.. well I see there is an attitude of 'any thing is possible' on here, and that is cool, I agree... but what is realistic? Is
BPenis EnlargementL - 9"
MSEG - 7" realistic with newbie gains? Considering I have not done any Penis Enlargement at all..

I look forward to starting the Newbie Routine and sharing results and pictures.

thanks for the great info and encouragement, Zambrodom3 and MikeShlort!
@Zambrodom3: i was thinking about clamping, it sounds like that's for more advanced Penis Enlargement users. i already use cock rings after my routine; is constricted pumping something i could consider already?
@MikeShlort: i'm looking forward to hanging weights in 2 months, sounds good!

i think i overdid it yesterday - while i could still get a raging hard-on, my cock didn't feel as sensitive as usual, and it feels somewhat sore today. i'm using a heating pad now, anything else i need to do to recover, and how to avoid this in the future? i may have used too much pressure on manual stretches; when jelqing it's very tough for me to not be 100% hard, so i haven't been doing as much of those as i'd like (my goal was 300 for the first 2 weeks). i've also been continuing to use my air pump - i don't go above a pressure of 5, for 10 minutes, but i did more kegels than usual while pumping - maybe that was too much? i've also been jerking off a lot (without cumming), do i need to cut back on that?

sorry for all the questions, just really don't want to mess up my equipment, while still making progress on Penis Enlargement :)
i guess my previous reply got deleted or something, trying again. thanks a lot for the info, Zambrodom3 & MikeShlort!

any tips on what to do if i overdo it on Penis Enlargement? i'm trying a heating pad, wondering if i need to do something else too. i felt less sensation in my equipment yesterday, though i had good EQ; i REALLY want to make sure i don't mess anything up, while still making good progress.
and, how do i know which part of my routine is too much (e.g., too much pressure during manual stretching, jelqing while too hard, too much pressure with my air pump) or should i just do less of everything?
actually, i think i may have overreacted. while my PC muscle feels a bit sore, i think the main thing i'm feeling is just blueballs, from not letting myself ejaculate despite taking supplements to increase the volume of my cum. still getting used to all this stuff...
Hi from London, have been reading about Penis Enlargement for a while now and most interested to use euipment like the Bathmate and size genetics. Just measured myself and I am currently 7.2 by 6.25.

Hoping to aim for inbetween 8-9 and 6.7-7 I'd be happy. Hope to contribute and chat on here for as long as possible..

Great forum!!

New to the forum. Looking to increase length, girth and orgasm. Basic info, i.e. which hydropump and exercises are best, is what I'm looking for. I'm willing to be completely honest. Thanks
Hello new here it's great to part of the brotherhood and fell like I'm doing something good with my body for once.
Started the Newbie Routine on Monday and will stick with that for a bit and maybe add a few things in here and there.
Mostly looking for girth and better EQ
Starting size
BPenis EnlargementL 8.5 Nbpel 7 Meg 5.25 Base Girth 4.75

Goals short term
BPenis EnlargementL 9 Nbpel 8 Meg 5.75 Base Girth 5.5

Long term
BPenis EnlargementL 10.5 Nbpel 10 Meg 6.5 Base Girth 6.5

I will start a journal with pictures soon.
Hey just here to say I'm loving the community here, so much positive energy I had to join in.
I've known about Penis Enlargement for about 2-3 years now, since I was 18; been doing it on and off (did it because it feels good) but now I think it's time to get serious.

Starting 13 Oct 2013 Ultimate Goal
BPenis EnlargementL 7.7 9
mid girth 5.5 6.5
base girth 5.2 7

Just ordered a Penomet and am looking into the ROP. Gonna start with the newbie pump routine to kickstart my journey. Open to advice from ya veterans.


Hi I'm Beeler. My real last name just what everyone calls me so why not go with it lol. Anyway I'm 21 years old I'm a computer technician taking some courses at ITT tech to become an IT manager. But here's the problem I'm not small I would say I'm high average 6.7x5.2 I've never had any complaints actually lots of compliments not bragging but being honest and telling the truth that all those girls on the Internet saying they have had 10-12 inches and all that bullshit but yet I have had girls say that I'm the biggest they ever had yeah I guess as the years pass some of us forget not to confuse centimeters with inches lol. Sorry had to get that rant out anyway. We all have a dream something we want something no matter how much someone tells you you can't nor if your like me with OCD and you do it to yourself nothing will ever hold you back from trying right? So this will sound kind of funny but since I was 9 yeah 9 I have always wanted to become a �naked people movies�star when I turned 18 years of age (legal) to do it I felt insecure about my size I knew that just as in �naked people movies� it's all a lie or 2-3 inches less than what they say. But I still just felt down on myself so I waited and waited and then almost too late in that 2 year time of holding off I got engaged long story short that didn't work. So now I'm back at it ready no matter how stupid or strange it may seem to some ready to give it all I got and hopefully Penis Enlargement can help me get that like I hope it will with a lot of commitment I can get there because if you don't try and go after a dream you have than that's stupid. Anyway I'm happy to be here and to have all of you on my soon to start journey. Thanks.
Hi everyone, name's McNulty. I'm starting at around 6 x 5 (going to measure this week) and I'm ready for a good, structured routine that will help me gain consistently. Tried Penis Enlargement before with some success (was inconsistent with it), lost most of my gains and now hungrier than ever to gain..and gain a lot!!

Bring it.
I would like to thank dld, the moderators, and members here for the wealth of knowledge you have created and the 'brotherhood' atmosphere.

My name is Chris. 31 years old. Currently deployed, but not for much longer. I discovered jelqing in 2009, but my wife at the time didn't like it. I was trying to look up information on Penis Enlargement while over here, and MOS came up. I began reading articles and posts, and decided to join due to the wealth of knowledge and the atmosphere on these boards.

My Internet is worst than dial up modems in 1993, I took measurements about 5 weeks ago, but keynote on my iPad is stuck 'updating' due to the Internet here. Based off memory, I am BPenis EnlargementL 6.25, and girth 5.25. I would like to get to NBPenis EnlargementL 8.25 and girth of 6.15. My main goal is girth. I expect this to take 2-3 years and is a marathon, not a sprint.

I started 5 weeks ago with the 5 week beginner plan that is in a penis exercises book from a different forum. Basic kegels, stretches, and jelqing increasing over the 5 weeks to a daily program. I got interrupted after a 3,000 vbied took out our small out post. And am now finishing week two. In addition, after finding this site and reading the SRT thread, now that I am at a larger place that has an store and could pick up some self adhesive wrap, I am using the Uncle Jim's Strapping Ace wrap technique on the 'rest days' which are just stretching, and a make shift adjustable cock ring made out of 550 cord (parachute cord) on days with jelqing.

My plan of action. I am deciding between doing DLD's Bathmate newbies program first and then the SRT program, or just starting with the SRT program. Unless the membership videos with the 5 phases recommends that I start with the phase 1 of that program. As soon as I get home I will be ordering:

1. MOS max gains package (the one with the power assist tool), if I like the MOS pills that come with the package I will stick with those, or I have been looking into the pro solutions pills and gel. (I need to do more research into supplements - the Internet has just not been supportive)

2. Penomet ultimate package (it's been a hard choice over the Bathmate Hydromax or X-40, but I have found the reviews to slightly favor the penomet- but I reserve the right to buy the X-40 when I grow into it). I will probably order a universal sleeve just incase.

3. Undecided, but leaning towards x4 labs base model, with girth base and extra bars to support the VLC tugger mod. Obviously, the VLC Mod as well. I am still deciding between the size genetics. But have found the information on the x4 labs site to be easier to find, and availability of spare parts more accessible on the site. It could just be the Internet I have here (5-10 minutes per page). I like that the size genetics is the 'golden standard' so I know any questions I would have have a large base here to help answer. I also believe the size genetics is detached cradle mount capable as opposed to the x4 labs, but can not find that thread again to verify what I read before I understood what it meant.

4. I will pm supra to find out the pricing, payment, and availability of the supra RoP. I really like what I have read and appreciate that he takes the time to build these for members...even though you got Marine in your blood. Jk. I want one.

5. If the LengthMaster is available I will be ordering that as well. However, the Internet here, I made through the first 4 pages of that thread and the last page, it appears that the LengthMaster is awaiting manufacturing and not currently available.

6. Infrared heat lamp, or infrared heat massager with magnets.

7. Maybe the monkey spanker, depending on number 6.

hydrocortisone cream, and self adhesive ace wrap.

Thanks for the help you've already provided. Now I will go back to 'look first, ask after you can't find'

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