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Hello everyone, I am not completely new to Penis Enlargement I have known about it for years but have not had the time or privacy to really stick with it, but I am completely new to MOS, and I have to say I am really excited to start and to share my experience and progress with everyone..i am currently on phase 1 of course, but i also have been adding in a little extra, here is my routine:
100 quick kegels
50, 5 second kegel and hold
1 kegel and hold for 1 minute
5 minute warm up
3 sets of 30 second stretching, btc,down,out and up, all to the left, center and right, followed by 30 cranks after each
5 minute warm up
300, 2 second jelqs
5 minute warm up
10 minutes of wearing the Bathmate
5 minute warm up
2 sets of 45 minutes wearing the extender (5 minute warm up in between sets)
plus i do about 3 sets of the kegel exercises throughout the day
as you can see i think the warms up are key..if anyone has any advice for me i would love to hear it

Shout Out to DLD, i watched the video section where you were answering a whole load of questions, very inspirational man, it got me very motivated and cant wait to start seeing gains, thanks for taking the time to make these dvds and exercises for all of us to improve ourselves on, cant thank you enough.
I started to do Penis Enlargement about an year ago when I got tired to my weak erections (I'm 35). I visited a doctor to check out if it was a case of low testosterone which was tested and for my relief it was on the upper level for my age. On the other hand it was found that my prolactive hormone level was rather high so I've been on Dostinex since and it has helped me a lot in the sense of being horny.

I've been doing kegel, stretching, jelq and pumping. All in minor quantities. For couple weeks I've done some scrotum rubbing routine I found on these forums. I tend to turtle up pretty badly and sometimes it affects pumping negatively. I had some 8 month break from pumping when my wife was unemployed (she doesn't know!) but now I've been able to do it 3-5 times a week for last 4 months. My EL has come from 6.7in to 7.1in and EG from 5.1in to 5.4in (in last 12 months). Lately I've started to take some supplements for stronger erections and I've been positively surprised by the increased amount of morning stiffness. My goal is to get rock hard erections without the aid of viagra. Any growth is a bonus.

I know I'm on a good path, today my wife started to stutter "what the hell are you doing to me" during her 3rd orgasm while we were having sex. For years she's had only one during intercouse. :)
Hello everyone, I am not new to Penis Enlargement, I bought an ebook about "natural exercises" back in 2002 was very frustrating as I thought I could gain 3 inches in a couple months but at least I gained 1 inch EL/GE but no gain as flaccid ..I hated doing those exercises ..after that I just trusted the doctors " your dick is what you have , Penis Enlargement is scam"

In 2005 I bought extender from andromedical ..what pain in the ass what stupid and unrealistic marketing..I gained about 0.4 inch EL but no flaccid gain ..wearing the unconfortoble extender for 8-9 hours 5 days a week ..the extender as Penis Enlargement device works but it's not practical ..8 hours is too much ..every 2 hours checking your penis ..what a fuck ..anyway now I understand many things about Penis Enlargement ..I watched MOS vimeo channel ...I am back

I started Penis Enlargement again on 15 july, so a month ago.. my routine is :

-warm up 5 to 15 minutes
-extender 40 minutes to 1h stretching erected (I know some will tell me is risky but it's not ..)
-jelqing 20 minutes
-warm down

I do reverse kegel time to time

Now I don' do jelq as I discovered the __________ & Shorty mac ..before 4.9 circum ..after a month 5.56 circum

but no gain on EL ..I do BTC every day before sleeping I think my flaccid look bigger
I'm loving how the new guys are coming in with gains already and experience and routines. Great stuff!

Also, dmd, you gained 1.4 inches of erect length? That is amazing! I understand why you would want to gain flaccid length but the erect length is what truly matters! I am the opposite - I mostly gained flaccid length from extending.

I am a strong believer that once you get your "newbie gains" (gains from manual stretching, extenders etc) it's time to start hanging weights from your penis. I got my newbie gains from manual stretching and was stuck at 6.9" for over a year. I did 2 sessions of manuals/day, wore the extender 6-10 hrs a day and even did stretches throughout the day. But it only yielded flaccid stretched gains.

Then I started hanging. It took me about 1.5 months to figure it out, stretch my skin and start getting up to proper weights. In 1.5 months of proper hanging (I was doing 6-8 sets/day which is intense.. I believe 4-6 sets/day would yield good results too, as long as you advance in weight properly - not too fast).

ANyways, in that month I got up to 7.25" of erect length. I broke my 6.9" erect length plateau with a solid 0.35" gain. Then I did some serious cementing (at least 1 month worth) and then I went back to hanging for gains. Unfortunately, I was using an improper and un-ergonomic position to hang and it caused me back pain so I had to stop. But I still am at 7.25" of erect length and I believe I can surpass that when I start hanging again.

The key is to hang at the proper angle - most likely you need to be hanging at the BTC position. This is where you lay on a FLAT surface (with your back flat) and stick your feet up on something higher than your ass. You let the weight hang down between your ass cheeks and between your testicles. I would put a heating pad on my pelvis throughout each set to keep the ligs which I was stretching warm and pliable.

Sets were 20 mins, no more (this is important - tissue death can start to occur after 20 min of no circulation), and no less (no sense wasting time with shorter sets). You can check out and Bib will help you out. I sent him pictures of my penis and he told me which angle I would gain from, then I sent him pictures when I was having trouble properly attaching the hanger and helped me out with proper attachment.

He will tell you that you need to hang at least 10 hrs/week to see gains, and I believe that. But there is a member here, "dashdem" who has reported significant gains from hanging 1 set/day of very heavy weight. You can figure out which suits you best and try it with yourself.

Then once you have your desired length, it's time to work girth, which is way easier than gaining length. There is so much good content here to get girth gains. So you've come to the right place. Good luck.
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Hey everyone! I'm new to this site.
I'd like to start off by thanking everyone at MOS and all the members for this spectacular site.
I only wish this information would have been available to me 15 years ago when I started dabbling in Penis Enlargement.
(I didn't even have Internet yet so I was on my own). (Lot of mistakes and a quick disinterest with a lack of results).

Little about myself-
In my mid 30s, 5'10, 175#. And the BIG numbers are (not really) 5 1/2 EL, 4 5/8 EG
My personal goals? To go from the absolute low side of average to absolute high side. Is that being to greedy?

As you can see my E and L could use some encouragement. I'm confident I know how to use it but c'mon! Don't we all want the full package?

My latest experience in the last few weeks has been all the stretching and manual exercises i can find in addition to a cheap pump. The erect results so far have been minor but the flaccid are becoming relevant. I've been doing some pretty harsh things to my unit over the years; beating it, smacking it, dragging it through the dirt, putting in in some pretty shitty situations. I'm pretty sure it can handle just about anything by now so I'm ready to jump into the deep end.

I'm ready to invest in some quality equipment. I've spent several hours researching this site. I've come to the conclusion that the Bathmate Extreme is the way to go. I did not want to go with a hydro due to the fact I need to be in the shower or tub to use it but I can't argue with the reviews I've been reading. The Bathmate Extreme is pricey but I figure I might as well spend the money now instead of waiting till I have a whole closet full of junk.
Any advice on this subject would be appreciated. I've also ordered a vimax extender last week but haven't received it yet.

Once again, thanks for the great site!
So many new guys in the Brotherhood! Welcome to all!
Hello to all new Brothers, welcome to the best male enhancement site in the Milky Way!
Hi everyone!:)
Fly Here!
I'm total noob to the site and to the Penis Enlargement!
Start situation:
Lenght 5.5"
Girth 4.7"
Lenght 7"
Girth 5.5"
Can be a realistic goal?
I will start with DLD Newbie Routine 5 days a week 2 days off!
Probably i will start a day journal to keep me motivated and to share my results!:)
I'll ask some question in the Newbie forum!
See you soon! I belive in me,I belive in you!:)

Hi guys, noob to the game here but i'm excited to start my journey.

Starting Measures

7.9BPenis EnlargementL 5.0 mid EG


8.0BPenis EnlargementL 5.5 mid EG

I would be a very happy guy if I could meet my goal and cement them, I don't feel like i'm asking for much and I feel it's very manageable. I just hope i'm a good gainer.

We can do it!!
Welcome my friends.. welcome my brothers! Now let us become the men we came here to become! :)
Hey all.

I've been lurking here for a few weeks trying to learn a thing or two. Finally made an account to join in the community.

About me: I'm 31, 6ft 3in tall, 190lbs and a certified personal trainer. I never really had any issues with my penis before I got married again a few months ago. My previous wife never made any comments about my penis size; in fact she said I was so big that I heard. But she had only had one partner before me and said he was small. My current wife has been with men who could be said to have monster cocks, as in 8-9in. She says she loves my penis but also likes to tease me. She has said, essentially, that my cock is small. We have watched �naked people movies� together and she makes comments about the guys with big dicks that make me feel very insecure about my own. I asked her if she wished that I was as big as those guys and she responded, "Am I supposed to say no? It just looks so sexy." I think this is all creating a penis dismorphic complex in me.

About my penis. It's been hard (or, actually, that's the problem lol) to get a proper measurement. I think my cock is ruler shy. But once when I woke up with the hardest boner I'd had in a while, I measured it at 7 and a quarter inch length and a little over 5 inch girth. I know this is above average, but I just want to get rid of this complex and have a penis that will make me comfortable and please my wife. At first I was mostly concerned with girth, as she mentioned spontaneously that she wished I was thicker, but just this morning we were preparing for sex and she had her hands on my shaft and said "I can't even get both hands on it" which is bullshit because I can fit two fists around it and she has small hands. I just want a dick that cannot be questioned. All this insecurity is making me think she will cheat, and even though I trust her, this insecurity makes me less attractive, which will begin to hurt our relationship.

Anyway, I've been doing the beginner routine as often as I can for about three weeks. My wife knows about my pe, and although she teases me about it, she isn't trying to stop me from doing it. I don't often have the time to do all the stretching in one session, but I can do at least one set before I jelq. I also do behind the cheeks stretching after I pee for 30 sec each direction. I work out after work. I take a shower and use the Bathmate. I have trouble getting an erection for this as I'm exhausted from my job, so I just pump the best I can and shower. After this I do 300 jelqs, and try to fit in a few squash jelqs (this is also hard because of my erection strength after being exhausted from work, I'm also confused about how these sets are done), and cool down. I also just started wearing a cock ring throughout the day.

I've noticed some changes in erection quality and some flaccid length. Nothing measured so far.

Any help I can get would be so greatly appreciated. I want to get rid of this complex and leave my wife with nothing to complain about! It feels unfair to not have a big cock, so I'm ready to do what I can to get one.

Thanks! Happy to join the community.
Hey srs, does your wife have small tits? A flat ass? Is her face perfect? Next time you're watching TV with her, or see a chick with bigger tits/ass/prettier face, you should be like (supposing she has small tits) "Holy shit, look at those sexy tits! I wish I had a girl with a nice rack like that, would turn me on so hard!"

Her being able to say anything to make you insecure is hilarious. She's pretty much the man when she does that kinda shit. Hope you got a pre-nup.

Anyways, you have a good size. You're around my size. Here's what you do, anyone who tells you differently is full of shit:

1. Manual stretching for 2 months (every day, start off light, slowly increase force)
2. Phase in Hanging (I use a Bib hanger). Start off with 2-3 sets/day at 5lbs, keep up with your manual stretch sessions until you are full on hanging properly. To learn how to hang properly, go to, sign up for the forum and ask Bib questions. You can email him pics of your junk and he will tell you which angle you need to be hanging at for gains. The majority of people need to hang BTC. The beauty of Bib is you don't even have to buy his hanger to get advice from him.
3. Once you've been hanging every day for 1-2 years, start working on that girth. Start off with manual girth work for about a month. Then buy a pump. Probably Bathmate X-40 will be perfect for you. Pump that cock and jelq it until it's fat. Won't take nearly as long as hanging and it's fun in comparison.

I don't really feel like listing the reasons why and going into detail about how to do everything because I've written endless articles and advice posts on it, feel free to ask me any questions. GL
Welcome srs! Make sure you're doing Penis Enlargement for you and not for anyone else. Many of the principles of personal training (discipline, dedication, etc.) transfer to the Penis Enlargement world. Best of luck on your journey and welcome to the Brotherhood!
Thanks for the advice, GL. Don't know how practical hanging is going to be but I am looking into it. I've heard some bad things about it, ie: it can break your wang. Don't want that! But what works, works.

Looking back on my post, I really came off insecure. I think a lot of guys come to pe from that angle. I also painted my wife in a bad light. She is a tease, yes, but doesn't hesitate when I want her on her knees. It's part of her charm. The problem is me, not her.

With that program you outlined, what kind of gains are expected?

From doing just the basic beginner program listed on this forum, Bathmate pumping in the shower and cock ring, erections are harder and more regular than ever and I see a difference in flaccid length and bigger difference in flaccid girth. My wife mentioned that I feel different to her as well, that I'm hitting different spots, etc. and I feel more confident about my erect length.

This is a big deal for me. I actually saw a dr. a few weeks ago about ed. He prescribed me boner pills at $180/month. Forget that! Jelqing and pumping is getting me better erections for no cost but the one-time $100 for the pump, plus I get the promise of a bigger cock! The pharmaceutical erection pill industry is a scam.

higherone: Yes, the principals of pt and pe are the same. That's the reason that I believe in it: I KNOW that you can get a better, tighter, bigger, stronger body simply by exercising and eating right; why on earth would the penis be exempt from this?

I would be doing pe if I was single. Being a competitive person, I like to be on the top of anything that can be measured. I just didn't know pe existed like this.

Cut wheat out of your diet, limit your pasturized dairy intake, start jogging, START SQUATTING WEIGHT, drink lots of water throughout day. Leg exercises release the most testosterone. The best is squats, followed by dead lifts. Start with the squat and press machines if you have to, but move onto the barbell as soon as you can.

Start doing cardio, get your ass sweating. Don't walk, don't half ass it. Start off with 5-10 min of jogging if you're out of shape. Gradually build up to 20 min. Make sure you sweat and you heart is beating.

Stop looking at �naked people movies� and images of beautiful women. Avoid TV. If all that doesn't give you raging boners, then you have either some deep seeded psychological problems or something is physically wrong with you. Wait, you're a personal trainer... you know all of this. Maybe stop jerking off if you do. Go 2 weeks without fucking or jerking off. If you still can't get a good hard on, talk to a doctor.

Do some research on PGE1. Lots of threads in this forum on the stuff, including mine. Just gotta sift through the pages...

What kind of gains are expected on that plan I outlined? What kind of gains are you looking for? That outline is the way you're going to make your penis as big as it can get. If you want to be a 9" monster, you need to hang weight from your dick for well over a year. Whoever told you hanging can "break your wang" is a retard.

Sure, there is a steep learning curve. It took me almost 2 months to learn how to properly attach. Some people take less time. But what's the alternative? Surgery? Fuck that.

You're probably not going to listen to me, but in a few months you'll realize there is a limit to gains from manual exercises. You will either give up or you will dedicate the effort and time that is needed to do this amazing feat. It's making your cock bigger. Most people think it's impossible, so it's going to be difficult. It's like stretching your earlobe or something. Takes lots of time.

You gotta just talk to Bib. He's the most educated person I've ever encountered in Penis Enlargement. His explanations and advice proved to me he's the real deal. People are afraid of hanging 'til they try it and realize it's the way to go. It's slow and takes hours, but do you think pulling on your cock with your hand is going to be any more efficient than having a steady force (a weight) pulling on your penis for a set amount of time, not having to worry about factors such as arm fatigue...

Realistically, if you're 7.25", you could make it to 9" in 1.5 years if you do it right. Could be less time, could be more. The main deciding factor is how much internal penis you have. To determine this, you need to find out if your skin exit point is high or low. You can also feel around to try and measure the internal penis that can be pulled out by hanging, but I couldn't figure that one out.

Post #191 on my progress thread gives you all the information and links you need to become educated enough to hang successfully. But you probably won't listen to me until you've used up all your newbie gains and haven't gained shit for 6 months.

Quick story: I Manual stretched (extender and pulling with my hand) my way to 6.9" NBPenis EnlargementL. For one year, I rocked an extender 4-10 hours a day, pulled on my cock every day, usually 2 sessions, and various other chemical methods that are really only complementary to a proper routine (topical Verapamil and PGE1 injections). One year later, I was..... 6.9" NBPenis EnlargementL. The extending and manual stretching only made my flaccid length gain once my erect length gains maxed out, in other word my newbie gains.

So I figured I'd try hanging. Long story short, I had broken the plateau and was 0.25" of permanent erect length longer in 5 months. 2 months were spent figuring out how to hang. 1.5 months was spent gaining. I fucked a chick and only 3/4 of my cock fit, so I temporarily decided I was long enough, so another 1.5 months were spent cementing.

Then I realized I was hanging in an improper posture and had back problems, coupled with the back problems from wearing an extender at work for over a year. That's the only reason I stopped. Because my cock was big enough and my back hurt. And I wanted to squat weight. But now I want an 8" NBPenis EnlargementL cock again, (7.25" NBPenis EnlargementL right now) so I am doing manual stretching and pumping until my back has healed enough to resume hanging.

So I've done all the mistakes you can possibly do in Penis Enlargement. You can heed my advice or not. Either way, I'm going to have a �naked people movies� star cock when it's all said and done, no doubt in my mind. I'm already well on my way.

PS. Manuals, hanging, jelqing = GREAT for erection quality.
Hey all, just discovered this site about a week and a half ago. Amazing stuff and feels like a true brotherhood. My stats are avg I believe. I'm not sure what the acronyms mean but if I measure when I'm full erect its 6 inches and about 4.5 girth. Started with the newbie routine, like SRS I've had some insecurities about it but for the most part I've had broads in the past tell me they love my hammer. I guess it just depends on who your fucking and how hard you swing it. Anyway hope to learn lots and give back, GL looks like hanging is the way to go. I can't wait to be 9, nothing is impossible. Thanks for your help. Cheers fellas.
Hi to everyone!

I am deciding whether to buy Bathmate or not.

I am a 64-year old man and I wonder if I could gain from
using Bathmate.

My penis is 6" long (with the ruler pressed against the pubic bone)
2" wide and 1.5" thick (5.25" girth). An increase in girth is more
important to me than increase in length.

What size of Bathmate would be the right one for me?

Do I have to do jelqing together with using Bathmate?

hey guys,
i've been doing the newbie program for several days, and am really blown away by my progress! my EQ has been incredible, harder than i've ever been before; i think i can feel my inner penis coming out when i do reverse kegels, and the Nitric Oxide i'd already been taking for bodybuilding is having an amazing effect together with the PC exercises. my starting bone-pressed erect length is 6.75, girth 5.25, and after a 'workout' i've been getting above 7" for the first time ever.

i have 3 questions:
1) how do i figure out what goal is realistic for me?
2) is it too early for me to think about getting the $159 max results package or whatever? don't want to overdo things, and i love how it's feeling and looking already.
3) how do i know when i'm ready to try constriction? i had done some pumping and jelqing before joining this site (enough to get results, then i stopped being consistent).

fast.eddy;565234 said:
Hey all, just discovered this site about a week and a half ago. Amazing stuff and feels like a true brotherhood. My stats are avg I believe. I'm not sure what the acronyms mean but if I measure when I'm full erect its 6 inches and about 4.5 girth. Started with the newbie routine, like SRS I've had some insecurities about it but for the most part I've had broads in the past tell me they love my hammer. I guess it just depends on who your fucking and how hard you swing it. Anyway hope to learn lots and give back, GL looks like hanging is the way to go. I can't wait to be 9, nothing is impossible. Thanks for your help. Cheers fellas.

Damn, you have the same starting stats as I did! Good luck and do not think you can get to 9 .... KNOW IT! All the best I wish you and keep us updated with your routine and progress. If you have any questions- just ask here or make a thread in one of the forums (The official Penis Enlargement one is the best, but the newbie one is amazing as well! ). You already know that you are a part of something much bigger than Penis Enlargemet, so I can only warmly welcome you as a brother! :)
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