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Hi everyone! I'm new in Penis Enlargement and i've been reading a lot about it in the past couple of weeks. My main goal is to get harder erections. I read about the kegel exercises and that they would do the job. Also that the jelqing would help improve the quality of the erections. So can anyone help me with this?! Is there anything else that can help me improve the erection?? What should I do? Maybe the newbie routine, but without the stretching?!
Hy! I am new on this and this site is a bit confusing.. My problem is a penis curvature (on the left) and I would like a 1 inch in size.. so can somebody please send me a private message or write here the exercises (just with my hands!) that I can do to make it better,

Should a cementing routine be done after the newbie program? I've gained about .5 in length and .1 in girth. What is the cementing routine for the newbie program if it's necessary, or should I just move to the new phase?
If you're content with your current gains then cementing would be the logical choice. However, you're looking for further gains then I suggest moving on the next phase (your current gains with be cemented via this choice as well).

From what I've seen on the forum, the best cementing routine is jelquing (~300 reps/day) preceded by a good warmup.

Hope this helps and congrats on your gains!
ATL-Slugger;468222 said:
If you're content with your current gains then cementing would be the logical choice. However, you're looking for further gains then I suggest moving on the next phase (your current gains with be cemented via this choice as well).

From what I've seen on the forum, the best cementing routine is jelquing (~300 reps/day) preceded by a good warmup.

Hope this helps and congrats on your gains!

:) Thanks a ton!
MikeShlort;468226 said:
:) Thanks a ton!

You only needed to give us 28 grams, a ton is way too much unless your a farmer.
doublelongdaddy;468232 said:
You only needed to give us 28 grams, a ton is way too much unless your a farmer.

Heh heh, 28 grams could be a bit much too depending on what we're talking about
Looking to regain the swag of my youth when i was dicking them down with speed....dont have the stamina like I use to and not big in any sense of the word so I am looking to make up for the stamina with some size while I get back in shape..... Tried Penis Enlargement before but never stuck to it but I feel like now is the time for me to immerse myself into the community and take a stand for me and my plus im tired of females assuming im 9" off the bat to realize Im an average joe.....oh well... Aiming to get a respectable dick size and let the stamina take it from there....

Starting off around 6''
Aiming for 7" and a extra inch or 2 of width

Measurements arent exact and i will have them by the end of the week
my name is shawn.
i've been doing penis enlargment for about 1 year and started trying the mos program about 6 months ago. since i started the mos program i hang alot lower and have put on about 1/4 inch in girth but my erect length hasnt changed. i've been doing the final phase for about 1 month now and i'm getting very discouraged. can you help? i really just want 1 inch in length and ill be happy?
Hi everyone

I'm Steve from the UK. 36 years old.

Very excited to be here and I cannot wait to see my first gains.

Right now I am just a tiny bit over 7 inches in length (about 7.1 I think), that is NBP. I took a picture and tried to keep it right at the root without pressing in so I think that is accurate.

I think I am about 5.3 - 5.4 in girth.

My aim is to get to 8.5 to 9 inches in length and maybe 6.25 in girth!

I tried to add a pic but damn you want small pic sizes, and the IMG coded link doesnt work, how do I add a pic on here?

Right now I do just jelqing as I don't know what the hell I am doing, in time I am sure my routine will increase in intensity and also variety.
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Hi! I'm Andres, by birth certificate, and I live in Mississippi/NYC. NYC for school, I study fashion design at one of the best school's I could ever hope to go to. I love to talk about myself so here goes. I'm on here to gain a lot of length in the long run. I invested in the SG extender and hope that creates my best gains. I'm a bit overwhelmed by all the data, so I hope I'll find my way by experimenting. But, I want to gain nonetheless. Thankfully, I'm not totally small, my BPL is 6.5", and my EG is 5.9". Needless to say, sometimes I have issues with the extender, but I like my girth, so I'd rather focus on length gains and hope girth increases because of luck haha.

I'll be the first to say I hate manual exercises, I feel like I have nor the time or place to do them, and I quickly grow bored when doing them. I need someone to force me!

Um.. I'm very healthy. I have sex too much. Way way more than I should with the schedule I have for school. I take 19 credits a semester, which is normal for my school.. ugh that's a story in itself. I literally don't sleep and I don't even have a part time job or anything. But I am very good at everything I do, and I aim to be awesome at Penis Enlargement as well.

Unfortunately, I'm very impatient, and being a 19 year old, it's hard to grasp patience sometimes, just because long term commitments aren't my thing. I'm used to starting something and finishing quickly and efficiently. Thankfully, even on that side note haha, if I don't get terribly amazing gains quickly... I've learned to not mind because I have everything else going for me. I'm ..very good looking to be blatant, basically beautiful in anyway you can think of. So this is just the icing on the cake if anything happens that's sufficient.

Anyways, sorry for the long introduction. Hello and I hope great stuff happens for me and everyone :D. (BTW: please don't be offput if I sound.. pretentious.. it's one of my problems I'm working on.. slowly)
Welcome here fashion dude!

You are gonna have to learn patience here cause cock growing takes time and consistent dedication.
Check out the VLC rocks thread and the penimaster pro thread for the latest in extending in a comfortable way .

Set a goal and a measure date and if you are using the SG then get in as many hours as you can.
Design some pants so you can hide it while wearing it during ur classes ;)

Good luck!

Deonz;468762 said:
Hi! I'm Andres, by birth certificate, and I live in Mississippi/NYC. NYC for school, I study fashion design at one of the best school's I could ever hope to go to. I love to talk about myself so here goes. I'm on here to gain a lot of length in the long run. I invested in the SG extender and hope that creates my best gains. I'm a bit overwhelmed by all the data, so I hope I'll find my way by experimenting. But, I want to gain nonetheless. Thankfully, I'm not totally small, my BPL is 6.5", and my EG is 5.9". Needless to say, sometimes I have issues with the extender, but I like my girth, so I'd rather focus on length gains and hope girth increases because of luck haha.

I'll be the first to say I hate manual exercises, I feel like I have nor the time or place to do them, and I quickly grow bored when doing them. I need someone to force me!

Um.. I'm very healthy. I have sex too much. Way way more than I should with the schedule I have for school. I take 19 credits a semester, which is normal for my school.. ugh that's a story in itself. I literally don't sleep and I don't even have a part time job or anything. But I am very good at everything I do, and I aim to be awesome at Penis Enlargement as well.

Unfortunately, I'm very impatient, and being a 19 year old, it's hard to grasp patience sometimes, just because long term commitments aren't my thing. I'm used to starting something and finishing quickly and efficiently. Thankfully, even on that side note haha, if I don't get terribly amazing gains quickly... I've learned to not mind because I have everything else going for me. I'm ..very good looking to be blatant, basically beautiful in anyway you can think of. So this is just the icing on the cake if anything happens that's sufficient.

Anyways, sorry for the long introduction. Hello and I hope great stuff happens for me and everyone :D. (BTW: please don't be offput if I sound.. pretentious.. it's one of my problems I'm working on.. slowly)
Dickleaker;468774 said:
Welcome here fashion dude!

You are gonna have to learn patience here cause cock growing takes time and consistent dedication.
Check out the VLC rocks thread and the penimaster pro thread for the latest in extending in a comfortable way .

Set a goal and a measure date and if you are using the SG then get in as many hours as you can.
Design some pants so you can hide it while wearing it during ur classes ;)

Good luck!

I would get the vlc, but I spent like 300 on a bag the other day, so I'm out for now haha. And yeah, I'm going to have to wear a lot looser pants, my skinnies are not gonna help. But so far I've gotten around 6 to 8 hours in the extender a day, but I've gotten pretty sore, so I may need to back off.. And when I don't wear it I do the hydrocortisone cream and wrap with that uncle Jim thing. But I tried wearing it to sleep, had to take it off in the middle cause I had to pee. Then I was too out of it to put it back on haha.
My first post: I guess I'm a little above average to start. I broke up with my first girlfriend after my marriage ended a couple years ago. I've never had complaints about my size, but I figured I had some free time and I've always wanted just a couple more inches. I started the newbie program 4 weeks ago and measured yesterday.
Stats would be:
BPenis EnlargementL: Start = 7.0, now 7.25, goal = 9.0
NBPenis EnlargementL: Start = 6.0, now 6.25, goal = 8.5 (working on some serious weight loss) FL: Start = 4.5, now 5.5
EG: Start = 4.75, now 4.88, goal = 6.5

I'm considering buying the Bathmate to add to my routine. I'm brutally frugal and wondering if all I'm shooting for is 9x6.5, will the X-40 be fine?
Hey everyone,

Zach here..
I'm new to Penis Enlargement.
I've just been reading a little on Jelqing, wanting to know more and hopefully gain some inches out of some good ol' Penis Enlargement.
New to everything, so will be doing some reading.. Cheers guys.
Hey guys!

I'm a total newbie at this, just had a couple of questions!

1) I want to start off with a jelq-only routine of: 100 first week, 200 second week, 300 third week and then 500 recurring. This is primarily due to privacy restraints and the fact I have a relatively decent understanding of how a jelq is performed. Well my question is, how viable is this as a starting place? Say if I do this for around 3-6 months?

2) I'm 5" EL but my FSL is less than 5".. from what I've seen this is highly unusual, will this in anyway effect my gains?

I'm sure I have WAY more questions that I just can't think of but I guess that's the bonus of being on a forum! I look forward to your replies and even more to meeting you guys!


Hey guys! Im Mike from VA have some post up already but thought it would be proper to introduce myself in here. Right now I pump,Jelq, and have the SG working to get the Bathmate and
kick in some funding for the site. I also have to work on my stats years of smoking weed has led to not being able to remember all those acronyms we got going on the site lol Ill get them in my Sig shortly.

Great site DLD and the others that contribute. :thumbup:
Hey no red carpet or anything?? ;) Is it me or has the forum activity slowed down since I joined? Is it just cause of the new changes about to happen I'm reading about?

Hey Mike, welcome to MOS. I'm a newbie too, since end of September. I've been doing the newbie routine and have gained about 0.1" of girth and 0.5" of length. I'm keeping on and will be starting phase 2 in the next month, so I hope I continue to gain. I also hope girth and length gains come noticeably once I start using devices, as I think I've plateaued but want to keep up phase 1 for another month to really "milk it".
As for the lack of activity, there have been issues with the website and it was shut down for about a week, so things should pick up soon enough. Scared the shit out of me though lol, so many good exercises on here.
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