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dictation;467401 said:
What I'd also like to know is if you want to do Penis Enlargement you have to spend like 30 minutes every day doing tons of different exercises or if you can also keep it simple and only do a few exercises and not invest so much time. I'd rather keep it simple. Gaining like 1-2 inches would already be fantastic and help me a lot because if I could gain 1 or 2 inches I could also gain more if I wanted to but I think that 1 inch might already be enough to make me happy.

Welcome to MOS.

What is your bone pressed erect length and girth?

In terms of a simple routine i advise starting with DLD's Newbie routine which involves just two exercises.

In terms of time, if you want the big gains then you need to make time. The stretches from DLD's Newbie routine take a minimum of 24 minutes and jelqing also takes a while. As a newbie you should set aside an hour and then once you up the routine in a few months set aside two hours.
dictation;467399 said:
Hi guys, I'm interested in Penis Enlargement. I thought about it in the past many times but often heard that it doesn't work or that it's dangerous.
I've always been unsatisfied with me 5 incher and felt bad about myself and also never tried to get chicks cause I felt it makes no sense cause even if I got one I couldn't possibly let her see
my cock. This has been dragging me down my entire life. It's also not just because of chicks having a small cock affects everything. You simply feel inferior all the time no matter what it comes
to. You always feel like others are better and most likely everyone else has a bigger cock than me. Having a bigger cock or at least having the chance to make it bigger would blow my mind it would be magical. I have even had dreams where I had a bigger cock and in those dreams I couldn't believe it. It really would be magical to make it grow but since I also worry a lot I'm scared of causing damage and then having to go to a doctor and embarass myself and tell him that I did Penis Enlargement or that I used a stretcher or whatever. If a doctor told me that I can do this I'd feel so much better but I think most doctors would either say it's nonsense or that it's risky. If I tried Penis Enlargement then I'd want to take it really slow and never go to the max but I don't know how effective Penis Enlargement would be if you don't go to the maximum or if you're always worried of causing damage.

I know exactly how you feel. I look at other guys and am sure that they have a larger penis than myself. I am in your same boat, except I stumbled onto Penis Enlargement three months ago. I believe too that a larger penis would change my entire life: the way I act, confidence, I would actually pursue women because I'd feel I have something to offer, i would be quicker to jump into the pissing contests that happen when men get together. I was a drug addict for years, a lot to do with how I feel about myself as a man. So I looked around and found Penis Enlargement. I'll tell you the facts from my perspective:
I went to my doctor, she said Penis Enlargement was rubbish.
I've been doing Penis Enlargement for 3 months now. My erections are incredible, better than ever in my life. My penis is more vascular - larger veins. I have gained approximately half an inch in length and 0.1 of an inch in girth since I started - I mostly believe these gains happened because of the high quality of erections I get now, also I started eating healthy and exercising LOTS. That being said, my penis is at least .25 of an inch bigger than it had ever been in my life - I lost size during the time I was on drugs due to poor health. These gains took lots of work. I spend an average of two hours a night on Penis Enlargement, including warm ups. I Penis Enlargement every day, unless I feel tired, and I take a rest day. It's best to go slow and build up in the beginning so you don't force your body to fight against the gains. I believe I am a "slow gainer", so I know it will take a ton of work to get the results I seek. But I believe in Penis Enlargement because it has shown results for me and there are so many exercises and resources. You have come to the right place.
I suggest getting a copy of the book "Exercising The Penis" by Aaron Kemmer... buy it from and also getting the MOS DVD.
I take penis pills but I'm not sure they're necessary.
Arginine - which is found at body building stores - helps increase vein size for training.
I strongly suggest starting to run (jog), lift weights or do push ups/pulls ups etc. Regularly making blood flow helps a lot.
Soon I will be making a thread where I will put up any information I have found on anything related to penis enlargement/pleasuring women, and hope that other users will share information as well, to make it kind of an information thread.
One more gem... probably the most important of all... when you are having sex, avoid kegeling. Kegeling during sex causes ejaculation.
Don't worry too much about damaging your penis with Penis Enlargement. It feels really unnatural but it works and eventually your penis will get used to it, that's when you have to increase intensity/exercises.
The routine I have been doing is the Newbie Routine (Phase 1 of the MOS DVD). I added DLD Blasters after the manual stretch portion.
If you have any questions, need some motivation, feel free to send me a private message.
I know how you feel, and I know it sucks, but at least there is hope. There are tons of Penis Enlargement forums, I believe this is the best one. So many exercises here. Get the book by Aaron Kemmer, it describes Penis Enlargement well for beginners and has many exercises as well.
Good luck!
I've been lurking for some time, getting info and tips. Thanks to all those who post useful information, I will be there with you soon. I have been interested in Penis Enlargement for years, but never put in the consistency. Pulled my x4Labs stretcher out of storage and started putting it to use about 2 1/2 months ago. Started the newbie stretches and jelqing a few weeks ago too. I have always been about 6.75x5.25, but now its up to between 7-7.25 depending on erection quality and a solid 5.5 eg. My wife insists that she does not want it to grow so I will be doing the Penis Enlargement on my alone time, which is not much, maybe 1-1.5 hrs a day, plus wearing my stretcher 4-8 hrs a day. My goal is to get to 8.5x6.5 and I think it is very realistic. The wife will just have to deal with it. I'm sure she will like it once she gets to sit on it!
luckyman;467585 said:
I've been lurking for some time, getting info and tips. Thanks to all those who post useful information, I will be there with you soon. I have been interested in Penis Enlargement for years, but never put in the consistency. Pulled my x4Labs stretcher out of storage and started putting it to use about 2 1/2 months ago. Started the newbie stretches and jelqing a few weeks ago too. I have always been about 6.75x5.25, but now its up to between 7-7.25 depending on erection quality and a solid 5.5 eg. My wife insists that she does not want it to grow so I will be doing the Penis Enlargement on my alone time, which is not much, maybe 1-1.5 hrs a day, plus wearing my stretcher 4-8 hrs a day. My goal is to get to 8.5x6.5 and I think it is very realistic. The wife will just have to deal with it. I'm sure she will like it once she gets to sit on it!

I have identical starting stats and desired goals.
I am about 7-7.25 in length as well from newbie routine but unfortunately I am only at 5.3" circumference, only gained about a .1 at best.
I have been doing the newbie routine for three months.
How do you do your jelqs?
DO you do them slow and hard, like 2 seconds each jelq, or at about 1 second each jelq? Also, how many reps? And did you start soft and began increasing intensity or reps? Please let me know, thanks!
How long does it take to fully maximize the X-40? I've been using it for 3 months and gain about 1 and half inches.
PJwolfe;467652 said:
How long does it take to fully maximize the X-40? I've been using it for 3 months and gain about 1 and half inches.

Maxes out at 6.5 Girth X-40= 6.5 x 12 X-40= any size to 8.5-6.25
doublelongdaddy;467674 said:
Maxes out at 6.5 Girth
X-40= 6.5 x 12
X-40= any size to 8.5-6.25

Oh my bad I didn't mean the length I meant the time. Does it take 6 months, a year, two years???
PJwolfe;467680 said:
Oh my bad I didn't mean the length I meant the time. Does it take 6 months, a year, two years???

2 years an 6 months are times of the future, the moments are not yet clear to you so you need to forget about time, do the work, use the tools we have given you and you will have whatever size you want in no time at all!
Howdy howdy all.

Name's SnowMutt... I haven't measured myself recently, but the last I checked, I had about six inches of usable length (another inch or two buried under FUPA), and about five inches in circumference (measured with string and a ruler). I'm also twenty-two years old as of yesterday, 5'6'', somewhere between 170-180 lbs, and circumcised. I don't have any specifics on my glans or ball size, but the glans doesn't seem much smaller than the shaft and the balls are probably about the size of small eggs on a good day. I also believe that I have a thickened tunica, if I'm saying that right, which could make my quest for a longer cock an arduous one. I'm bisexual with a male preference (a top, bottom once in a blue moon), and currently, not sexually active (for lack of gay guys that aren't annoying).

I only recently started on my journey to bigger, better junk. Like, three weeks ago maybe. After the first few days, I took a break for the rest of that week for fear that I may have bruised my member, but since then, I have started again with steely resolve! To be honest, however, I'm kind of stumbling around in the dark. I've done my research, but a teacher or mentor would be appreciated. I've pretty much been experimenting around with a little of everything. Because I still live with my parents right now, it's awkward ordering any kind of "devices" to help along the process, so I've mostly been looking for home-made budget versions. I figure most of the work with be manual, anyway.

Probably against my better newbie judgment, I've experimented with basic stretches, A-Stretches (in which the wrist is used as a lever), V-Stretches (for that thickened tunica), "bed fowfers" (Buffalo Bill tuck, pretty much)... I've also jelqed for thirty to forty minutes five days a week for the past two weeks, and I've toyed around with some very gentle squeeze techniques, with plenty of additional warmups between sets to make up for my inexperience (I realize that I probably shouldn't be delving into these to deeply so early in my regiment, afterall). I've taken to warming up some water for about a minute and then dumping it into a small thermos, which I take to the bathroom with me along with a small rag for wrapping- that way I don't need to make additional trips to the microwave! Anyway, moving on...

I haven't actually been terribly sexually active lately due to the lack of any people my type in the area (I'm an acquired taste). I'm not fast, and I prefer to develop a real relationship before anything, so sometimes I never even reach the intimate stages. I've actually already been told that I've got a well-sized member before, and that it's particularly thick, looking a little sili on my frame even (being a bit on the short side...), but I've sort of become bored with the feel of it in my hand... I've gotten so used to it that it doesn't seem to have that heft I'm looking for anymore. I'm mostly just doing this for me. I'm also pretty proud of my balls, which I've been told are a little on the large side and hang nice and low, but I could always go lower! I've already been doing manual ball-stretching exercises, and I've leapt courageously into the world of freeballing- I've already noticed a nice improvement in size and hang since I started stretching and ball jelqing, but it is still Winter...

I haven't really set any "goals" yet because I'm not sure what is really a reachable one at this time. I figure I should probably change my goal annually based on my results from the previous year, but I'm not sure what I should shoot for. I know what I would like aesthetically-speaking, though... I would definitely like to have a very, very thick length, and a very full, fat glans, possibly even - dare I say it? - disproportionately large to the rest of the shaft. Length is going to be a much tougher nut to crack, thanks to that tunica, but I'm not as concerned about that as I am with regaining that sense of serious heft I had when I was, say, thirteen. Somethin' that really swings, you know? I hear it comes with time over the course of any Penis Enlargement regiment, but I'd also like to add some definition to the surface veins of my shaft.

Maybe a little humor now?

I've already played with a few "ghetto" home-made devices with which to experiment... One thing I'd like to pick up is a simple Bathmate X-40, but I can't say I don't feel a little sting of remorse each time I nearly drop over a hundred bucks on something that could put me in an awkward situation with my parents should they make it to the package before me. As such, I've actually tried... A water bottle. That's right, an average re-usable water bottle with a screw-on lid, maybe about three or four inches across the opening. I'll fill it up with warm-hot water to a point, dip my flaccid length in there, squeeeeeze the bottle until all the air is displaced by water, press it against my pubic bone as best I can and squeeze the opposite sides of the bottle... Foop! Vacuum! It's actually a surprisingly tight vacuum (granted I have no prior experience with pumps...), but I won't be using it anymore because I can't monitor the amount of pressure being generated and there's nothing standing between my pubic area and the edge of the bottle's opening- youch! Needless to say, it was too discomforting to sit down with for more than ten minutes or so, and on the one occasion I did, I ended up with a small "donut effect" beneath the head of my penis.

Won't be doing that again! I'll just wait till I can get a Bathmate!

As for a device that has actually been, well... Kinda working... The infamous Ring of Power! As I may or may not have already noted, I'm proud to say I've got a nice pair of hefty low-hanging balls- but I think I could do better! So I've been stretching and massaging and jelqing, etc... But I decided I wanted to give this Ring of Power a shot. Again, I don't really want to order anything, and I honestly don't have the tools with which to chop up Zinc or Copper rods to begin with, so I actually invested my six cents worth... Of pennies! Yes, I gave the penny thing a shot- last night in fact!

I spent a couple solid hours manually sanding down three "zinc" pennies, removing the copper shell and exposing the zinc core while the old 95% copper pennies scrubbed up in some hot sauce. After thoroughly washing all those pennies- get this- I actually Krazy Glued them to a strip of duct tape I folded in half! Truly, duct tape solves all of life's problems... Now, I have never measured my testosterone or anything like that before, but after letting that glue dry for an hour or so, I went ahead and wrapped my new home-made RoP around my junk like a cockring, secured it loosely with some scotch tape (pfft) and wore it overnight... Whether it was a placebo effect or not, I could almost swear I felt it working- I sure felt some sort of sensation going on down there!

Well, the next morning (this morning, in fact) I woke up, immediately felt a difference (not to mention wood!), and went to check up on myself in the bathroom... Again, if this was a placebo effect, it was a very very welcome one, because my member and balls were hanging nice and low, and both looked much fuller. I'm still wearing it now, and I swear I can still feel it working. I generally feel great today, too! I've heard some naysayers about this penny Ring of Power, but... While I'm sure it's not as potent as one with real, pure copper and zinc rods, I'm a believer! If anything, this will at least serve as a nice substitute before I can get my filthy paws on the real deal!

Just thought it was something sili worth sharing. :)
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Hey DLD! I got a question and its probably stupid, but is this how �naked person� and non-�naked person� (homemade videos) get their penis big when using the Bathmate???
PJwolfe;467652 said:
How long does it take to fully maximize the X-40? I've been using it for 3 months and gain about 1 and half inches.

What routine have you been using to get those gains?
MikeShlort;467920 said:
What routine have you been using to get those gains?

Honestly my routine is simple and easy, all I just use is the Bathmate. I barely do any jelking and the size genetics. The Bathmate pretty much did all the work, but here's my routine.

(Fully Erect 100%): For Bathmate and cock ring

Sun: Bathmate 1x (20mins) Use cock ring or lasso
Mon: Bathmate 2x One in the morning and night (20mins each) Use cock ring or lasso
Tues: Same as above
Wed: Same as above
Thurs: Same as above
Friday: Same as above
Sat: Bathmate 1x (20mins) Use cock ring or lasso

But it really depends how you use the Bathmate. Once I put it on I do one pull all the way down to your pelvis, than let it go slowly so you won't have any pain on your testicles. Than you pump again and again till you can't pump anymore. Once I hit my 10 minute session I pump again and again till I can't pump anymore. You will feel alittle pain in your penis which is the three chambers, the Corpora Cavernosa and Corpus Spongisum which I believe that this pain is a good pain I think your chambers are being expanded slowly and after a few minutes it will go away. After 20 minutes of usage I release the valve and use a cock ring or lasso and put it at the end of your penis (pelvis) make sure its tight, but not too tight you want to feel comfortable. I pretty much leave it there and take it off before I go to sleep. So pretty much that's it if you have anymore questions... ask. Oh if my routine or desciption is not detailed enough tell me.

Also if your been reading forums such as "Bathmate doesn't work." That is bullshit (sorry for the language) It truly works, but it takes (TIME). Maybe those people don't know how to use it or just giving up so easily. If you keep doing it like I'm doing it will grow BIG and LONG remember I only use this for 3 months I can't imagine in a year!? I will be hitting the X-40 soon. So ignore those forums.
Hey all. New here. Hope to get big and strong like some of the vets on here. Just call me Bobby. Nice to meet ya'll.
PrvrtdGentleman;467933 said:
Hey all. New here. Hope to get big and strong like some of the vets on here. Just call me Bobby. Nice to meet ya'll.
welcome fellow pervert
PJwolfe;467923 said:
Honestly my routine is simple and easy, all I just use is the Bathmate. I barely do any jelking and the size genetics. The Bathmate pretty much did all the work, but here's my routine.

(Fully Erect 100%): For Bathmate and cock ring

Sun: Bathmate 1x (20mins) Use cock ring or lasso
Mon: Bathmate 2x One in the morning and night (20mins each) Use cock ring or lasso
Tues: Same as above
Wed: Same as above
Thurs: Same as above
Friday: Same as above
Sat: Bathmate 1x (20mins) Use cock ring or lasso

But it really depends how you use the Bathmate. Once I put it on I do one pull all the way down to your pelvis, than let it go slowly so you won't have any pain on your testicles. Than you pump again and again till you can't pump anymore. Once I hit my 10 minute session I pump again and again till I can't pump anymore. You will feel alittle pain in your penis which is the three chambers, the Corpora Cavernosa and Corpus Spongisum which I believe that this pain is a good pain I think your chambers are being expanded slowly and after a few minutes it will go away. After 20 minutes of usage I release the valve and use a cock ring or lasso and put it at the end of your penis (pelvis) make sure its tight, but not too tight you want to feel comfortable. I pretty much leave it there and take it off before I go to sleep. So pretty much that's it if you have anymore questions... ask. Oh if my routine or desciption is not detailed enough tell me.

Also if your been reading forums such as "Bathmate doesn't work." That is bullshit (sorry for the language) It truly works, but it takes (TIME). Maybe those people don't know how to use it or just giving up so easily. If you keep doing it like I'm doing it will grow BIG and LONG remember I only use this for 3 months I can't imagine in a year!? I will be hitting the X-40 soon. So ignore those forums.

Hey thanks a ton for this! Wish me luck, I'll need it. Really appreciate your help.
Gee, thanks for the warm welcome.
Hey Everyone
I've read about this site before and decided I'd come check it out
I mean there can't be any harm in trying to get a bigger cock!
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