penis growth

  1. E

    Complete Newbie

    Hi all, Just wanted to say hi on the forum whilst reading the interesting threads about enlargement and other related topics. Being completely honest, I've always dismissed penis growth tools and pills as being in the same category as rocking horse sh*t or these lose 100lb in one day lol...
  2. savageblue

    How to get a low-hanging, heavy-feeling flaccid penis and balls?

    For all of you experts out there, what are the most simple manual exercises (I'm really looking for exercises that require no more than my hands and, maybe, some lube) to increase one's flaccid size and get that heavy hanging floppy? Time isn't an issue, I am more than willing to put in the...
  3. L

    Questions to Double Long Daddy

    I have questions for the Guru of penis enlargement mister Double Long Daddy, 1- It said somewhere you are a smoker and that you smoke often, were you a smoker when you first began enlarging? and when were you a smoker during penis enlargement and how long have you been a smoker for? 2-...
  4. Q

    Actual micropenis... Help

    I searched the forum and all the micropenis threads are saying they are 1 inch flaccid and 5 inch erect. I have a true micropenis I'm 1 inch flaccid and about 2 inches erect I don't know how much growth is possible for me I'd be happy to be average but any growth is good I just don't know...
  5. B

    Meal plan for sexual health!

    I didn't see a thread anywhere in regards to an eating plan for PE so I decided to start one. Basically what this thread is going to be is a meal plan to promote sexual health as much as possible. It will conclude of breakfast lunch and dinner, and snacks in-between. What foods promote the...
  6. B

    this diet can help us gain

    I wonder if this diet can aid recovery. eat 6 meals during the day, 3 on 3 hours. brown rice, chicken breast, broccoli, cauliflower and multivitamin in the morning
  7. 8

    Trouble getting girth because I'm fat?

    I've got an issue here and was wondering if you guys can help me figure out what's up. Now my fat currently covers between 2-3 inches of my dick which is pretty sad and I'm working on loosing it. Whenever I do SSJ or regular jelqs I don't see any temp girth gains for some reason and I'm thinking...
  8. V

    Accelerate penis growth through our diet?

    Good evening dear community, I would be interested if it is possible to influence the process of penis growth with nutrition and various dietary supplements. With the diet I mean a lot of fruits and vegetables and little or no animal foods. Furthermore, dietary supplements such as vitamins...
  9. P

    Gaining while you sleep?

    Not sure if there's a thread about this already so I decided to post this. Just curious but wouldn't an ads you could wear while you sleep be the best and most perfect tool for ridiculous gains using SRT. We all know that while sleeping is the time when your body heals itself. Even when I eat...
  10. M

    Growth booster - castor oil

    I have noticed that I gain much faster when using castor oil. I work it into the penis for an hour or so until the penis has absorbed it, then I put on some more and work it in again and after that I might put some more on and leave it on for the night, which feels very disgusting, but the next...
  11. BaddJack

    My Reason for PE

    Reason for PE As stated in my initial posting, I have always been into some form of PE, generally do it yourself attempts by an engineering mentality. I tried hanging weights from my late teens, without any noticeable success, due to a lack of effort. I found that some form of cock ring...
  12. L

    Anti-Turtle Sleeves - do they help you grow? It feels like it....

    Hi All Been at it for 1 month and love this forum - where has it been all my life? I just purchased my first piece of gear. The Silicone Anti-Turtle it's certainly keeping me longer in the pants than normal. I'm almost at erect length and still flaccid with this sleeve on...
  13. S

    IGF-Lr3 Penile injections UPDATE

    I'm currently doing scenic igf 1-lr3 penile injections! This is my stats: Startingsize (measured when I was doing my 4th injection) BPEL :17.5cm (after 4th injection) MSEG:14cm (after 6th injection) Flaccid: Differs between 10-11.5cm Injection amount: First injections 10mcg in each side of cc...
  14. T

    8" by june

    ok I just started pe and I have a a 3.5" flaccid penis and a 5.5" bpfs and a 4and 3/4" girth when flaccid. my goal is 8" erect length by summer with 6" erect girth I really need help. I currently own a proextender that uses the strap rather than the noose with comfort foam liners, a set...
  15. F

    nedd info late bloomer small dick,anyone had a similar story?

    hey guys im 18 years old,6 ft 2 somewhat athletic,developed normally,but my secondary characteristics like penis growth and and facial hair have not appeared yet,im only 5 inches long,so i was wondering if any of your guys faced this same situation,did your sec. charact. appear later on?,did...
  16. U

    HCG Experiment

    Hi all, Some background info: 24 years old, had delayed puberty at 17 with very little penile and testicular growth. Visited an endocrinologist a few years back, did me no good since it was for one, embarrassing but also he wasn't too worried or helpful, as I can easily get an erection and...
  17. W

    Gain 1 Inch erect D1ck baby whale routine

    ----------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE NOTE: This is not an over night magical routine that'll pack on an inch of meat in a few months, this routine take a minimum of 12 months to see the results...
  18. G

    Moving on to a more intense routine

    Hi, I've been doing Penis Enlargement for about 2 months following the beginner routine. I've seen a 0.5 increase in length and none in girth. I want to continue the routine for another month or so and then move on to something more intense. I haven't experienced soreness, discoloration or any...
  19. G

    Tried and failed

    Hi everyone, I am new to this community and I have very little experience in getting a bigger oui oui... I am 5.1 inches long and my dream has always been to be 9 inches. I started with penis pills sense I didn't know what I was doing. Tried many different types, which all failed<:( I am...
  20. H

    Fat loss diet and PE

    I've recently started Penis Enlargement'ing (committed since 1 month) and really want to make the most out of it. If I were to cut down the carbs now, will the gain-rate slow down due to lack of carbs and then increase back to newbie-rate when I begin to eat carbs or should I wait until I've...
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