
  1. T

    Long Read. Suffered ED at young age from PE but Fighting back for size! Not all bad!

    Hi guys. I would like to tell my story. Many years ago, about 10, I found out about PE. I had a normal penis and was a healthy, spry, 18 year old horny teen. One day, I read about jelqing and I quickly sort of jumped right in. An hour later, I was erect jelqing, my eyes could not believe the...
  2. C

    I tore my urethra deep down inside (non PE related)

    I sneezed really hard twice twice this morning while peeing. At the end of peeing I was bleeding. I thought maybe I didn't clean my piercing off well enough after sex and some hard dried cum cut me a little. Now I don't think that's the issue cause I just peed for the 3rd time and I'm bleeding...
  3. S

    Wrap vs sleeve

    I'm pretty settled on sleeve because I think I might be too lazy to wrap, but is there a clear benefit with one or the other?
  4. N

    Phallosan Forte Device modificaions (+ little back story)

    Hello MOS community! This is going to be my first post! I have been on and off PE for about 3 years now and have made 0 gains to my knowledge, but have never had a full understanding of PE as I relied solely on devices having ever only used the size genetics on and off and the bathmate but...
  5. I

    Hi pls everyone help need help Quick

    Well as the title says i really need help Quick ... so i have a girlfriend and we been dating for like 2 months now and we do have sex quite alot but i really started to feel like she doesnt enjoy IT as Much as i do ... she tells me the sex is good but i know alot of girls lies so the guys Will...
  6. F

    Sup guys

    whats up guys! well, short long story i wanna try some hanging but i cant afford to buy a device right now... Its rly safe to build one myself?
  7. T

    Question for Guys in the Upper Size Percentile.

    I've just started and wondered if PE can be compared with Maxwell Maltz book 'Pyscho-cybernetics'. Maltz was a plastic surgeon who discovered even after surgery many patients still saw themselves as disfigured. He learned even if someone has achieved physical beauty they still have to fix what's...
  8. C

    To wrap or not to wrap, that is the question

    The other night I was getting frustrated with my wrapping. I'd wrap okay but halfway through Round 1 of stretches my penis would want a break. The wrap would just push against the head and be uncomfortable. I'd be clamped in super tight and turning the head purple. Sometimes I'd get a great...
  9. S

    Sore left lig

    I've complained about this before, and I got the solid advice of doing rotary cranks to loosen up. I'm gonna keep doing that, but in the meantime: I have a persistently sore left lig. I thought it was nothing so kept doing stretches and pump but not too intense. The lig has gotten more sore...
  10. M

    Does PE brings Back Pain

    Dear Brothers, I have a small question and I really need your suggestions. I have a history of Sacral Chordoma since 2011. Since my surgery I was having a normal bearable mild lower back pain it was always stable. But since I have started P.E. (Manual, Extender and Bathemate) my back pain has...
  11. A


    So....I originally posted a month or so ago about how hard the veins were during pumping. I got some great advice: I was using too much pressure. I have gone for very low pressure and spread it out and am gaining the thickness i like. Now though, i have big veins popping up on one side of my...
  12. M

    Tiny flaccid and need to know if normal

    Hi, I'm new to the site and wasn't sure where this should be posted so I apologize if this is the wrong place. Here's the deal, my penis when flaccid is honestly tiny, I'm talking finger tip size. I have been with my share of women but have always had to get an erection before allowing my...
  13. C

    Wrapping seriously is the key for LengthMaster use

    After having a little break with stretching I've been back at it for about a week now. The first few days I was having to clamp the life out of my penis to avoid unwanted pain against my glans. The head of my penis would be dark purple after about 10 minutes. It was slowing me down a lot because...
  14. S

    How hard do you pull?

    Hi all, Just wondering how hard you guys pull with the LengthMaster. I've had a hard time wrapping as my pens has the ability/tendency to become EXTREMELY soft and so invariably would slip out. Now I use the phallosan bell to keep the head and glans from slipping and it works, but if I try...
  15. S

    jelqing for length

    hi folks, new here a quick one how hard do you squeeze when jelqing for length and in what direction is effective, in addition to doing stretches for length.
  16. Q

    My PE experience - a journey of insecurity

    Despite this being my first post here I started PE in 2014. Ever since then I've been unsure of my growth despite the pics I've taken along the way because I can never achieve 100% erection. I don't know if my initial gains are to be attributed to better EQ or actual lengthening. And so...
  17. B

    tightness pelvic floor muscle

    Hi all, I have not been on this site for a while as I has been doing alot of research to find out of the actual condition what I have got. I have found out that the overall problems I have got is actually a pelvic floor muscle issues which caused the pain in my stomach, back pain, urgent to...
  18. H


    Hey dudes. I'm just starting. My starting length is about 7.5x5.5 looking to grow to 9.5x6.5. I'm doing manuals and using an extender and im going to get a bathmate. Manuals are simple. However, there seems to be a lot of different information around extenders. I purchased the x4 because it came...
  19. S

    0.5" gain in length in a week wtf??????

    So recently i have been following the matters of size phase 2 and I injured my penis skin cause i didnt trim my pubic hair LOL. anyways, this made me stop doing jelqs for about a week so i made up for it by doing the basic stretching in phase one twice a day with the help of DLD blasters. WTF...
  20. N

    The xsleeve by Stealth for Men

    So I've been using this thing for about 2 day now and it's great. The perfect wrap, for me anyways. it fits perfectly, and it's quit comfortable. No discoloring of the glands , or very minor. At first it's a pain in the neck to put on but, you'll figure it out eventually. It also comes with a...
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