
  1. eugine8plz

    Can you gain after 1 year of PE? Hard gainer!!!

    Hello, I am Eugene and I am a hard gainer. I have been practicing PE for about 13.5 months and I've been part of MOS for almost a year. Throughout this time in doing PE I have probably made about .2" in gains TOPS! I am sick of not being able to gain, I need help!!! So after this long in PE with...
  2. M

    why oh why

    Lol so all of a sudden when I'm in my sets of stretching during my second more of the third I get a pain in my whole shaft like this never happend till the past week and I havent changed any thing so what's the deal yo. And to top it off my glans are getting smaller or idk what but now its...
  3. I

    Plateauing and Breaktimes...

  4. B

    Bundled in Phallason Forte?

    How do you stay bundled in the phalloson forte? I read in a few other posts that some people are doing bundled stretches in the phalloson forte. How does this work?
  5. B

    Pelvic floor muscles exercises

    Hi folks, Last month I went to see the urologist regarding to conditions that make my penis and balls that get shrinkage which it make it looks like a baby penis and it make my balls swelling. I have been diagnosed with varicocele and possibly cremaster reflex. I have been advised to do the...
  6. D

    Fastest way to 1-1.5 inch growth?

    Hey again guys. Im starting to get very very frustrated now!! I had the hercules but was getting sperm chord pain possibly from over pumping each session. I brought the smaller X20, thinking i could use it in my new flat but i cant!! I share with 10 other people and i cant be in the bath or...
  7. eugine8plz

    How long until a thrombosis vein can't be healed anymore?

    Ive had a thrombosis vein on the right side of my dick for over a year now (probably about 13 months) and I've tried heating then massaging, ibuprofen, Natto-K and none of it has worked. It doesnt hurt me at all so does it pose a threat to me? I read up that after a while with a thrombosis the...
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