length gain

  1. Jdcsd

    Phallosan Forte SizeGenetics combo the PhalloGenetics.

    Here is a pic of a good set up I've been using. This combo gives the good solid downward stretch on the ligs from the rods and pairs it with the vacuum cap so there is no loss of circulation and no need for breaks. I have a small metal wire wrapped around the top part of the bell and I put it...
  2. S

    lm in hot tub /shower and double hanging DISCUSSION

    id like to discuss this with people of course lm would be possible in hottub/shower im gonna do that and im sure ill love it gains will be crazy and as for te hanging ive never seen anyone try this but ive mentioned it before and no1 took notice well hear me out hang at the glands and also have...
  3. B

    Beginner Questions

    Hey, I'm just now trying to put together a routine and learn about all this, so please bear with me. I had the following questions (Note that I am talking strictly about exercises without any equipment) : 1) a) Are there any negative effects from penis length exercises? b) If so, are...
  4. C

    rings around base

    i have an original bathmate, when using it it leaves me very sore an leaves big indented rings around the base of my shaft from the gator.. if i crank down to the absolute max i can sometimes get about 1mm from the end. do i need to move up in size? what are the girths like on the others...
  5. C

    any comment on this routine?

    Guys can you please comment about the following routine? So far i'm doing it for 3weeks now with a day rest. Morning around 5:30am 10 mins bathmate xtreme (light pressure as warm up) 3sets of the following: 5mins random dry jelq, ssj 7 mins bathmate xtreme highest pressure can tolerate...
  6. G

    Back after 7 year hiatus

    Hey everyone, I've rejoined mos after a 7 year break, tried to log into my old account but can't seem to do it, I was formerly the member "hopefull" .. Anyway, just came back to the forums because I'm goin to start training seriously again. It's amazing really, 7 years ago I signed up to...
  7. S

    Remember your initial gains?

    Can you remember your initial gains when you started doing PE? What was your first gain, and how long did it take?
  8. M

    Increasing bpel

    I've been doing SRT for almost two months and have seen flaccid length gain, but very little (more important ;) erect length gain. Does this mean I should do girth work before length? Should I focus on erect stretches and expressive stuff? Thanks guys :)
  9. B

    New routine noticed length gain in 2 weeks

    1: bundle stretch to the left for 15 mins straight Bundle stretch to the right for 15 mins straight *as the timer goes periodically bundle your wang more and more I start my stretch super bundled so it already looks like a pigs tail 2: 15 mins in pump 3: super ssj: I use a shoelace as a...
  10. D

    girth gain is equals to length gain??? really???

    hello....i read somewhere in the forum that girth gain means length gain coz the penis expands like a balloon. if its true then why some guys gain girth but not length and vice versa? i hope that the experienced pe practitioners will chime in this topic. thanks in advance.
  11. S

    10 INCH JOURNEY MOS DVD purchased:D

    bought your dvd(liked the option of video) because i read much about you and wanted a set routine by the master dld himself . i have been doing pe for about 6 months(because of ed from test pills which i stopped and now can get hard) and my estimated girth gain is .5 if i remeber correctly...
  12. R

    Which One to get Goliath or X40

    I've been doing the mos DVD exercises on and off for over five months and seen a half inch gain in length and a quarter of a in in girth. Now I've decided to try something new and this is where bathmate comes in But I'm not sure which product to purchase, the Goliath which is for beginners which...
  13. M

    New on MOS (need help)

    Hi Everyone, I am using Bathmate for 1.5 yrs now and jelqing and stretching for 6 mths, so far I only got girth gains with very little length gain and I am not happy about this, been trying so hard for gains but end up nth. My dick erect size if 5.5 inch, i want a 7 inch dick, current girth is...
  14. H

    how to layout my workout?

    heey guys iv seen a couple of guys on this forum saying that they divide their routine into two sessions like they will be doing length work in the morning and girth at night iv been doing PE for 6 weeks and the way i do it is in a single session (usually at night) i was just wondering does...
  15. superman05xx

    The Superman05xx Phallosan Forte Review

    The Superman05xx Phallosan Forte Review rating scale: 1-10 (1 being bad and 10 being perfect) Size of device: 10, the phallosan forte consists primarily of a bell which goes over the glans and a tension belt. With this device it is easy to be fully clothed while wearing the device without...
  16. DLD

    The SRT Size Blasters a stretch and girth work in one fabulous exercise

    The SRT Size Blaster This is the all new exercise is the end all girth and length practice that will pack on inches of girth and length through it’s powerful one way compression. The main goal in SRT and gaining size is to not only stretch the size we currently have but to access inches...
  17. O

    New to forum, hoping for some feedback.

    Hello everyone, commented on the Introduce yourself thread but I have a lot of question and wanted to introduce myself more. I'm 18, tried a few different things but never stayed to consistent due to pushing myself to fast and not conditioning myself first. I need a cloth tape measure to figure...
  18. L

    is it vital not to let it turtle?

    im a little confused guys, do you have to wear an extender to keep you from turtling after a workout to see gains? or can you make gains from just manual exercises like stretching and jelqing? I have an andropenis extender and it is so uncomfortable and I have to take it off after 10 mins cause...
  19. L

    is there a need to jelq if i want length?

    you could probably guess that I want length gains haha just wanted to know if I need to jelq if im only interested in length? instead of jelqing I can put more effort and time into stretching. any advice would be much appreciated thanks guys
  20. L

    behind the cheek stretches for length?

    if I was to only do BTC stretches, btc left and right and also a downward stretch for about 15 minutes 2 times a day, would I make length gains?
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