length gain

  1. 9

    Next PE purchase?

    Hey guys, I am wondering if you could help me decide on my next PE purchase. So far I've only been doing manual newbie routine stretches, and using my Bathmate X30, and figure it might be time to step it up a little. I think my very next purchase is this Bronze Enhancement Package from...
  2. habban

    Erect stretching and temporary length gains

    Hello! I have recognized a thing. If i do a little bit of erect stretching i directly temporary increase with about 0.1 inches in length. I doesn't have to do any session before or anything. I just edge/masturbate for a bit, measure my penis. Do some erect stretching and measure again and gets...
  3. S

    A realistic goal?

    I'm currently 7x5.5 (maybe a lil lower girth, haven't been PE-ing lately) and haven't ever really worked on length or made meaningful length gains. I'd like to reach a permanent 8.25x6.25 in the next 12 months. Is this realistic or loony? I could probably be happy with smaller gains than that...
  4. johnny-wang

    Bathmate : interesting questions

    So, I have owned a BM x30 for a while now. I use it once in a while and haven't been opportuned to try some of the many fun experiments shared on this forum. However, yesterday I was free and had sometime to spend with the BM, not only did i get in a great session I had time to finally try...
  5. Y

    Super skinny base - wanting length - IS hanging the better option?

    My dick at the base is really skinny, it's about 4.8 inch in girth, whilst the mid dick (just below head) is 5.5 inches. My tricky weird shaped baseball bat dick is already 7 inches long but I'm wanting a couple of inches longer. I've seen extenders on this forum is rated as the greatest...
  6. johnny-wang

    Observation on size [Small study]

    Hey guys, I have been off for a while, been busy and preoccupied with so much BS of recent, but last night I had time to do some "research" I have been planing on doing for some time now. Believe me this was the hardest thing to do, I guess a lot of you would agree that consciously staring at...
  7. Simyan

    Length Gains

    Up to 8.125" BPEL. Very happy that I've added another rod to my SG. I bought extra rods in september and have been using them since. At the moment, I have three LONG bars on each side, with a tiny one too. As in three of the really long bars and then one of the really tiny ones. Always...
  8. J

    2 - 3 inches in 20 - 30 minutes?

    I've done PE for over 10 years now and seen very little results. The only pe i knew about for 10 years was jelquing. I was consistent with jelquing at times but saw very little results and became discouraged. At most i gained .25 inch in length a maybe a tiny bit of girth but not the 2-3 inches...
  9. L

    Is it Theoretically possible to gain 4 + inches in length?

    My main goal is about 2.5'' in length and 1'' in girth (which would put me right at 7.5x5.5) but, if i were to continue doing intense P.E even after i reach my goal, would there be a point where i would have to stop gaining?, say i keep doing consistent P.E for the next 5-10 years in that case...
  10. I

    Suspensory Ligament and Hidden Inner Penis

    I feel like right now my suspensory ligament is what is holding me back from making any more length gains. When I stretch it gets so taught and when I feel around on the rest of my dick nothing else feels tight at all. I haven't been able to figure out yet what is going to be the best exercise...
  11. D

    mission 1" length gain in 1 month

    I am so desperate to gain an inch in 1 month. I know this does not sound realistic but I just wanna try to achieve this with my new routine. The details are as follows: Equipments: 1. Phallogenetics2.bathmate goliath The basis of the routine: DLD's SRT, I am targeting the following areas...
  12. L

    2-3" Length gain

    Is it possible to get a 2-3" Erect length gain? I'm at 6"x5" right now and would like to gain 2-3"(I say 3" because of the fatty area, so to make up for that) I know 8" is on the bigger side for most women but it's more of a confidence booster for myself lol. I've been doing the newbie stretch...
  13. MoS-Newbie

    2 questions! Pumps & Prices for PE Equipment!

    Hey guys, I've been checking out different pumping devices lately and I've noticed something: They are really f***ing expensive rofl I'm trying to decide between the latest BathMate, the Xtreme X40 or some kind of electronic vacuum pump, like the one he uses in this thread...
  14. T

    Length Gains

    Hello all, I've been PEing on and off, mostly off for a year or so. This past month I've been hanging consistently everyday at least 2 20 minute sessions. I've recently switched to hanging btc. Before and after my sessions I will do the following manual stretches BTC (left, middle, right) 30...
  15. S

    Penis shortens after 3 weeks of SRT

    Hi, for last few weeks I have been following SRT routine. The thing is i got some minor length gain when stretched, some solid flaccid gain, but my erect length decreased for almost half inch. I have been stretching and jelqing for few years and got close to an inch gain. I think most of my...
  16. S

    Penis shortening after stretching

    Hi, for last few weeks I have been following SRT routine. The thing is i got some minor length gain when stretched, some solid flaccid gain, but my erect length decreased for almost half inch. I have been stretching and jelqing for few years and got close to an inch gain. I think most of my...
  17. JakeM82

    Updated Stats!!

    Hey Guys, Back with an update to my stats. I had to measure a few days early as I have to leave on a trip and will not have the opportunity while traveling. Was supposed to be on the 15th, instead it's today. So my new stats are: NBPEL: 8.4" (BPEL: 8.6") MEG: 5.3" So I saw a length...
  18. G

    Power of Consistency - Gained 1 inch in 3 months!

    Hi guys, I've been doing PE on and off, but in Oct 2014, I made a promise to myself that I would see it through for at least 3 months before deciding to move on. All I did was 2 sets of the basic stretches in the beginner routine. I did it EVERYDAY except Saturday. Apart from my designated...
  19. C

    Penis Enlargement Surgery - Ligament cut

    Hey guys , need any advice I can get. I have been wanting the penis lengthening surgery forever, the one where they cut the tendon and you have to stretch it for up to 6 months after. Im familiar with everything and how to take care of it after etc. But any experiences? I think I am going to...
  20. K

    I'm planning on purchasing SizeGenetics, but may I first ask few questions?

    Hi I'm planning on purchasing SizeGenetics SC, but may I first ask few questions? First few things about me, since then questions may make more sense. * I have almost 6 inch penis and would like to increase its length to about 7 inches * I plan on ordering SG Ultimate System, which...
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