erectile dysfunction

  1. B

    Increase in Cum after quitting coffee!

    Whats up guys, been a while since I've logged in. Been taking a break from p.e. Anyways, I noticed that my cum shots were really pathetic. I started wondering if this had to do with me drinking 3 cups of coffee a day. So I quit, my balls literally feel heavier and bigger and my cum shots...
  2. S

    Freaked out about Erection hardness

    Hey Guys, I am a little bit freaked out today. I just started Penis Enlargementing and have been Penis Enlargementing for 4 days now (3 straight, 1 off and then yesterday). Typically my sessions take close to two hours BUT this is because i take a long time to jelq because i keep trying to...
  3. C

    The MoS Titan Pills

    Im thinking about ordering some of these, but would appreciate some feedback before I do.
  4. C

    What would be the best girth exercise

    I have made wonderful gains over the past couple of years in length, but my girth hasn't changed. Mostly because I have had problems with ED. I am getting better but I find it very difficult to do girth exercises. �naked people movies� is out for a stimulant [causes problems between me and the wife], Viagra and...
  5. O

    PE may permanently damage penis! Be careful!

    It seems to me that many Penis Enlargement'ers will not accept the possibility that Penis Enlargement damages penises permanently. I've come to believe that Penis Enlargement is not a good practice for at least some people, perhaps for many, and I have suspicions that erectile dysfunction is...
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