erectile dysfunction

  1. S

    Buy viagra! Buy viagra - as low as 1.55$ per pill - Overnight Delivery. Discreet Packaging.

    VIAGRA VIAGRA VIAGRA Wholesale Prices for Brand Viagra (Sildenafil) 50 and 100mg as low as 1.55$ per pill + 4 Bonus. FREE Shipping Worldwide. Discreet packaging. Guaranteed Satisfaction. VIAGRA is an oral medication for erectile dysfunction (ED). It helps most men with ED improve their...
  2. GashKing

    When is a man at his peak in cock size ?

    When is a man at his peak for cock growth - when you cock is done growing. Like by what age do you stop growing (without Penis Enlargement). Is it easier to grow/gain at a certain age ? Can it be over come by doing Penis Enlargement .
  3. M

    Pe gave me ED

    Hey, everybody. Let me introduce myself. I'm 24 years old, and somewhat "blessed" when it comes to looks and physique. I know about many girls that really adore the way I look how my body is, even though I don't train with weigths and don't even eat that healthy. Being somewhat afraid to show...
  4. R

    Penis Stretch Pop

    Please take the time to read... Over the years I have experimented with penis stretching. Why? Well basically because I could, there's possibility of bigger penis, and it never hurt so what's the big deal. I used to stretch my penis (flaccid) out or up. One day however I decided to stupidly...
  5. 1

    ED drugs for young people

    Well, I'm still going strong on my decon break. I have considered getting some liquid cialis from one of two online sources for a pretty good price. Supposedly it lasts for up to 5 days and keeps your flaccid near your erect size and makes erections very easy. This sounds great from a healing...
  6. D


    Ive been reading some older posts of some mebers, in which they said they have erection problems as a result of Penis Enlargement. Isnt Penis Enlargement supposed to do the opposite?? Im getting freaked out.
  7. S

    PGE-1 Injection Progress Thread

    Started my injections today. First injection I estimated 7.5mcg as a good titration starting point. Estimation was excellent. It's been exactly 1 hour since injection and my erection is about 50% now, down from about 75%. It will be gone fairly soon. Tomorrow I'm going to shoot up with 10mcg and...
  8. S

    penis enlargement pills

    Does anyone have any experience with penis enlargement pills? are they scams? Im thinking of buying vig rx..
  9. velimirovich

    Buying Viagra on the internet

    I'm curious about this... On the official Viagra website it says.. " Buy real VIAGRA Printer-friendly page Buying VIAGRA can be safe, convenient, and affordable. So the next time you fill a prescription of VIAGRA, go to your local pharmacy or buy online at a trusted Web site...
  10. B

    flaccid decrease...

    why is it when I take a number 2 my flaccid hang decreases...I'm wondering is this is normal or is it just me? It's temporary but still as you can imagine lowers my confidence...
  11. S

    are gains from penis pills(vig rx)permenant

    hello im debating weather to bye some pills to improve with my excercise,,but i have heard from a few places that when used the penis goes back to the normal size afterwards ,but i was thinking if you excercise still would it cement those gains would you have to excercise really hard can youse...
  12. P

    Pills that make you last longer?

    are there such things? and what do you guys recommend!
  13. A

    My Erections Suck

    I've been doing Kegels for so long, but I can't last an erection for more than 30 seconds. When I watch �naked people movies� it takes forever to get my dick up, it just won't do much unless I shake it back and forth...and still its not even 100% erect. Then just a few days ago a girl asked to see my dick and...
  14. B

    I've been getting very good engorgement...

    with taking arginine (aakg) lysine and red ginseng. I take 3 grams of aakg, 1 gram of lysine and 2 capsules of red ginseng. I take it on an empty and then wait 30 min to start my girth work. I'm wondering if eating something 30 min after taking this stack then starting my workout will make it's...
  15. 1

    My experiment with ballooning

    Well, I have finally decided to take a serious try at ballooning from Dr. Lin. His site is Sexual Orgasm Reseach Center - the Lin Institute This has been my second day of a thirty minute exercise. Unfortunately I have ejaculated at the end of both of them, but I know why. Dr. Lin says it's...
  16. DLD

    When did you become obsessed with your penis?

    I am wondering how each of us arrived at Penis Enlargement??? Did it stem from puberty? Was it a feeling that you had somehow fell short of the average male sexuality size? Was it a comment we heard projected at our penis or was it a simple desire to have a bigger penis? Whatever it may be...
  17. B


    I'm having trouble reaching full erection. I think I may be desensitized from watching too much �naked people movies�.(too much bangbros, lol) I can't get aroused no more from �naked people movies�. What are some other effective ways of stimulation?
  18. R

    Harder erections .. try this!!!

    This shit WORKS ... I wont kid you. Okay it isnt like Viagra or anything like that but it WILL get your cock fuller and more erect more freq ... does for me and sometimes at work I have to dash to the toilet as I worj with so many woman, it can get alittle uncomfortable :) The poison is...
  19. S

    Priapism . . . Not So Much

    A while ago on these boards, many enthusiatic Penis Enlargement "researchers" were frequently discussing artificially creating the condition known as priapism as a secret avenue to huge Penis Enlargement gains. I came across this article accidently while browsing through an archive on...
  20. M

    Vimax Pills

    Ordered a 6 month supply. Do they really work?
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