recreation_man;359812 said:
And, what is the chance that these men are good people?

Most men are pieces of shit.:) Over the past decade, through the help of so many men I have met and learned from, I have learned to be a good, honorable man.
I didn't start to grow up until I was in my 40's. Until then, I was a real asshole. I still find it hard to believe my wife (of 44 years) has put up with me this long.

When I brag to her about my big dick, she looks at me like I'm crazy. :p :s

"Crazy After All These Years!" LMAO
Ya Recreation Man hit the nail on the head... What the original thread poster saw was just a filtered version of reality, filtered by his insecurities.. All the people who understand the mental aspect of life will tell you. You will experience life within your beliefs, so it looks like until you change you mind frame you will always think you see bigger cocks then yours.. Me im not gonna do that to myself, im gonna belive my dick is huge, and thats the reality thats going to come to me.. Bottom line.
One thing about the original poster, he never stated if they were flacid or completely erect. Isn't that where the difference between "shower's" and "grower's" come in? When I'm flacid, I'm about 3-3.5 long. I would never whip it out in public. My wife and I were at a swingers party and one woman said about my penis, "It feels sooo thick". Another woman looked at me and said "Let me get you one of the 'bigger' condomns!". I thought I looked about the same as the 3 other guys in the room. My wife said I was way thicker and longer than everyone in the room and everyone we've ever come across, for that matter. I'm 7 3/4" BPenis EnlargementL and 5 3/4" EG. It just goes to show what your personal perspective is. If you think you have a big cock, you'll exude more confidence which will attract more women. If you have a small cock but think you have a big one, you'll exude more confidence. It seems to me, the guy that started this post was at a party with 'his' girl, everybody else was there as sinlges.

Everything is all relative to personal perspective, including penis size.
I would like to add something to that.

My size erect is exactly 7".that is about average, nothing special.
From my own experience, most women I've been with noticed that I was their biggest, witch always surprised me because I know some of the guys some of these girl used to date and with some just know I actually wasn't their biggest.

Now of course you'd say "Then they were just trying to make you feel goof about yourself" but the thing is, never brought the subject up before they did.

So my point is actually something i'd like to ad to the poster above me. I think it has allot to do with confidence. The other day when I was at my parents house, I walked out of the shower, pasted by my brother on the way to the bedroom. Now, later that day he came up to me and noted that he was jealous of me being much bigger than he is. But guess what? I know for a fact that he's no smaller then I am. It's just in his head.

As it is in mine. Earlier today I posted a thread about erection problem I've been having for the past six to twelve months.

DLD noted that it probably a mental thing, and I could not agree more. I've been playing around with my dick twice today, thats how pre-occupied I am with this.

The first time I was so obsessing over the fact that I could not keep and erection I started to observe my penis and I thought it was rather small, especially its girth, though at the time it was fully erect and hard. But later I got aroused by accident. I pull out my dick, again fully erect and it seemed so much bigger and longer.

So to get my point across. A great deal of how big your dick seems is the way YOU look at it I guess. Even before I had EP and knew about Penis Enlargement I would sometimes surprised by my own size and sometimes disappointed. I'd measure but there was no difference at all. It was all in my head, and it might also be in yours...
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doublelongdaddy;359892 said:
Most men are pieces of shit.:) Over the past decade, through the help of so many men I have met and learned from, I have learned to be a good, honorable man.

Amen !
And if anyone has any doubts about it... just take a look around, brother.
Just take a look around.
damn, this kinda killed my positive view on my dick. i mean, most girls tell me i'm big, but i'm only 7" when i measure from the side (i put the ruler even with the base of my dick..i thought that was supposed to be the most accurate measure lol). guess i need to remeasure
Yeah, consistency in measuring technique is pretty important. See, I useta be ten inches, measuring like ya would a dog's tail: from the asshole out.
But that, I soon found out, was just plain wrong.
slimhung;164269 said:
hey sonar, i'm gay and have seen a lot of dicks in my time...i think you just came across a group of big guys who happened to hang out with each other...i'll explain

based on my EXTENSIVE experience, the average is probably around 6 inches, but were talking the population in general...get together a group of cocky, confident guys and they're probably cocky and confident for a reason. Kong is right, most guys with big dicks know it and like to show them off. You happened to stumble on a group of them. Also my experience is that healthy, confident, athletic guys tend to have bigger dicks - not necessarily HUGE, but bigger in general

growing up i was on the swim team and have never seen such a concentration of big dicks in my fact, when i started screwing around with guys i was startled to find out how many average-sized dicks were out there. These guys spoiled me for the rest of my life. On the high school team i knew at least 5 kids that were 10 inches or bigger, and one of them was easily 12. No joke. And about 10 other guys who were big enough to compete with your friends at that party. When i got to college there was one guy with a possible 10 incher, and about 8 other guys that were definately way bigger than average.

Another thing i've noticed is that big-dicked guys, staight or gay, gravitate towards one another. The gay thing is obvious, but with staight guys I think it's that they have similar attitudes, and none of them are a threat to each other. I knew these four guys at a restaurant i worked at, and they were all close to 8 or bigger. They weren't like four best-friends, but they all got along really well. The other guys at work were either jealous or completely in awe of these studs because they had it so easy with the girls.

I remember this one bartender, who was good-looking, great body and had a really smooth game. He put a lot of effort into getting a girl, and got his fair share of pussy. But he was always one-upped by this kid who was 19 and scrawny. This kid always got more girls, got hotter girls and ALWAYS had them coming back for more. And it drove the bartender nuts...what he didn't know was that this scrawny kid had a massively thick 8-incher. And the guys the weren't jealous of the scrawny kid were clingy with him because he was always so good with the ladies. So when he would go out, he would go out with the guys who were also hung because they weren't jealous and they weren't clingy. Makes sense right? Just my observation.

Informative post Slime!

I agree...we at one time played whos cock is bigger back in 7th or 8th grade....seems like at the time I was bigger than all but two guys..out of like 20...But if you get around a group of bad asses and you might get bigger cocks on then...

Original poster you said you was could that have had any effect on your perceptions of the cock size??? No???
Xeyanex;360890 said:
did you know most women believe 6-8 inches is average?

Did you know most women ain't got a clue what 6-8 inches actually is?
MAXAMEYES;360873 said:
Yeah, consistency in measuring technique is pretty important. See, I useta be ten inches, measuring like ya would a dog's tail: from the asshole out.
But that, I soon found out, was just plain wrong.

well, if you measure from the side, you measure the entire length of the penis. so how am i supposed to do it? i couldn't find the thread on proper measuring lol
total bullshit i once told a girl i was 7 inches when i was six and she thought it was. i have a very hard time believing this story beacause if they were all 7 1/2 to 8 inches and that was the average as you put so clearly then everyone would be hung like a �naked people movies� star ,wich just isnt so , so your story here dosent add up. and second iv asked alot of my ex's and other girls and they've all told me that most of men (avreage) have all been around what seems to be 5.5 - 6.25 when they show me with their fingers or on a ruller , their all quite honest considering they're not trying to to be nice or w.e because some of the girls iv never slept with. so they would have no reason to try to shrink it down and tell me that its smaller becaus im 6.5 .
so there for if theyre not trying to be nice to me , then their telling the truth!
Remember aswell, that as we know women are bad at estimating size & distance but also when they are down on their knees ready to suck us off they are looking upwards at the UNDERSIDE of the penis ... a view we do not see .. not even in the mirror, in fact I dont know what the underside of my cock would look like at that angle ... you know as if you were a women looking straight up, not sitting infront of the mirror in the bedroom wanking off, thats another angle.

So when they see this underside, it adds another inch AT LEAST ... plus some females assume a cock is measured like a dogs tail .. from the asshole to the tip ... they wouldnt know anyway.
dmoney101;360948 said:
Hydromaxm, i don't really like BPenis EnlargementL because it measures penis that isn't usable. i like to measure what's exposed and the girls will feel you know?

Well, it doesn't really matter much whether you prefer that form of measurement; it's THE accepted standard. Both medically and in the Penis Enlargement realm. It utilizes a definite reference point and renders consistent results that other methods simply can't duplicate.
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