keepingitbig;495476 said:
Highly disagree. I use to wack it off through my Penis Enlargement time period and never did lose any gains. It's all about INTENSITY. Not enough guys don't take the time to pull their hardest, or clamp for an hour +

I think a lot of the time men will lack in gains and start blaming different behaviors as the culprit. Masturbation will not stand in the way of gains nor will it destroy EQ if it is done with discipline. With that said, even if you whacked off 100 times a day it will have nothing to do with gains, as a better of fact you would probably make the fastest length gains ever since your pecker would be so exhausted to hold back. Too much masturbation means a decline in libido and EQ. If you are suffering in these areas cut back on masturbation. Once per day is healthier than not.
doublelongdaddy;495588 said:
I think a lot of the time men will lack in gains and start blaming different behaviors as the culprit. Masturbation will not stand in the way of gains nor will it destroy EQ if it is done with discipline. With that said, even if you whacked off 100 times a day it will have nothing to do with gains, as a better of fact you would probably make the fastest length gains ever since your pecker would be so exhausted to hold back. Too much masturbation means a decline in libido and EQ. If you are suffering in these areas cut back on masturbation. Once per day is healthier than not.

I dunno, I Penis Enlargement every day for over one hour a day of manuals, over two hours for the first six months, since September 2011 and it seems that jerking it harms me. I also wear the extender 6-8 hours a day, and when I was pumping, I'd sleep tied off with a bathrobe cord. I don't like it when people are questioning my work ethic in Penis Enlargement and shrugging it off as me not putting in proper effort because that is the furthest thing from the truth.
I'm not blaming masturbation as the sole factor for me not gaining fast, just one piece of the puzzle.
I wake up, do a testicle massage/stretch, jog for 25 min, do a set of manual stretching, throw on the extender, I wear the extender at work, and I work a physical job which has me bending down and on my feet all day, whcih is a pain in the ass enough, then I come home after hitting the gym for 1.5 hours and do a second set of manual stretching, throw on extender, then jelq for 15-20 min before bed and do kegels. As I'm writing this I am in extender with a heating pad after a 20 minute manual stretching session. Even when I was pumping, it seemed I gained most when I hadn't wacked off in a long time. I went two months no wacking off during pumping and I still have around a .4" permanent gain from that time period. So my work ethic at Penis Enlargement can't be called suspect.
The only reason I have not created my own progress thread is because .4" EG, .25" EL, and .75'-1" BPFSL in 10 months isn't really something worth creating a progress thread over. Once I figure out the key to gaining I will create one, in the meantime I'll write small threads with my findings such as this one and the one where I asked the doctor questions. I think it's good to consider as many approaches as possible with Penis Enlargement. That's why I ask many people many questions. And I always get varying answers and theories.
MikeShlort;495673 said:
I dunno, I Penis Enlargement every day for over one hour a day of manuals, over two hours for the first six months, since September 2011 and it seems that jerking it harms me. I also wear the extender 6-8 hours a day, and when I was pumping, I'd sleep tied off with a bathrobe cord. I don't like it when people are questioning my work ethic in Penis Enlargement and shrugging it off as me not putting in proper effort because that is the furthest thing from the truth.
I'm not blaming masturbation as the sole factor for me not gaining fast, just one piece of the puzzle.
I wake up, do a testicle massage/stretch, jog for 25 min, do a set of manual stretching, throw on the extender, I wear the extender at work, and I work a physical job which has me bending down and on my feet all day, whcih is a pain in the ass enough, then I come home after hitting the gym for 1.5 hours and do a second set of manual stretching, throw on extender, then jelq for 15-20 min before bed and do kegels. As I'm writing this I am in extender with a heating pad after a 20 minute manual stretching session. Even when I was pumping, it seemed I gained most when I hadn't wacked off in a long time. I went two months no wacking off during pumping and I still have around a .4" permanent gain from that time period. So my work ethic at Penis Enlargement can't be called suspect.
The only reason I have not created my own progress thread is because .4" EG, .25" EL, and .75'-1" BPFSL in 10 months isn't really something worth creating a progress thread over. Once I figure out the key to gaining I will create one, in the meantime I'll write small threads with my findings such as this one and the one where I asked the doctor questions. I think it's good to consider as many approaches as possible with Penis Enlargement. That's why I ask many people many questions. And I always get varying answers and theories.

Wow, I am really shocked. I cannot believe you do that routine. I would never be able to put myself through that kind of torture every single day. Given that you have only gained 0.25" in EL since September 2011, you must change your routine because it is obviously not working for you. 0.25" in EL in 10 months is absolutely not normal. You are wasting your time working your butt off, and have nothing to show for it.

First of all, your concerns about masturbation affecting length ... pure bullshit. Masturbation will affect your EQ, just like DLD said, making you appear to be smaller than you actually are. The only variable that you can always rely on, that indicates you are truly making progress, is your BPFSL. Poor erection, good erection, it doesn't matter - BPFSL can only shrink if you are slacking off, and not doing your routine correctly. The longer your BPFSL becomes, the more progress you are making, because BPFSL gains always lead to EL gains over time.

Your routine, in my opinion, is bat shit fucking insane. If you want to gain, you need to focus on one target tissue at a time, starting with the ligs. Manual exercises might not get you very far, if your collagenous tissues are very tough to begin with. They may require a lot more stress than your hands can provide, which would explain why you gained so little in a period of 10 months. You are obviously not deforming your collagenous tissues in a dedicated fashion; instead, you are trying to deform everything at once: skin, ligs, outer tunica, septum, etc. It is going to take you forever to do it that way, especially if you are a tough gainer.

If you are serious about making length gains, then you need to do it in a structured way. You should learn about penile anatomy, etc, in order to understand exactly how to proceed, and make the quickest gains possible. Based on my experience, pulling on my dick and wearing an extender gave me a 1/2 inch gain in the first six months (easy newbie gains), and the last 5 months I didn't gain fuck all, so trust me, I feel your pain. Since then, I gained 2" in EL after I purchased a Bib Hanger. You should look into hanging. Work up to a couple of hours of hanging each morning, and go about your day. Manual stretching, extenders, Bathmate, etc, keep them in the closet - where they belong. It is less time consuming as well, compared to what you're doing, and definitely more effective ... without a doubt.

Good luck.
cg1;495682 said:
Wow, I am really shocked. I cannot believe you do that routine. I would never be able to put myself through that kind of torture every single day. Given that you have only gained 0.25" in EL since September 2011, you must change your routine because it is obviously not working for you. 0.25" in EL in 10 months is absolutely not normal. You are wasting your time working your butt off, and have nothing to show for it.

First of all, your concerns about masturbation affecting length ... pure bullshit. Masturbation will affect your EQ, just like DLD said, making you appear to be smaller than you actually are. The only variable that you can always rely on, that indicates you are truly making progress, is your BPFSL. Poor erection, good erection, it doesn't matter - BPFSL can only shrink if you are slacking off, and not doing your routine correctly. The longer your BPFSL becomes, the more progress you are making, because BPFSL gains always lead to EL gains over time.

Your routine, in my opinion, is bat shit fucking insane. If you want to gain, you need to focus on one target tissue at a time, starting with the ligs. Manual exercises might not get you very far, if your collagenous tissues are very tough to begin with. They may require a lot more stress than your hands can provide, which would explain why you gained so little in a period of 10 months. You are obviously not deforming your collagenous tissues in a dedicated fashion; instead, you are trying to deform everything at once: skin, ligs, outer tunica, septum, etc. It is going to take you forever to do it that way, especially if you are a tough gainer.

If you are serious about making length gains, then you need to do it in a structured way. You should learn about penile anatomy, etc, in order to understand exactly how to proceed, and make the quickest gains possible. Based on my experience, pulling on my dick and wearing an extender gave me a 1/2 inch gain in the first six months (easy newbie gains), and the last 5 months I didn't gain fuck all, so trust me, I feel your pain. Since then, I gained 2" in EL after I purchased a Bib Hanger. You should look into hanging. Work up to a couple of hours of hanging each morning, and go about your day. Manual stretching, extenders, Bathmate, etc, keep them in the closet - where they belong. It is less time consuming as well, compared to what you're doing, and definitely more effective ... without a doubt.

Good luck.

Well I haven't been doing that routine the whole 10 months. I took off about 3 months and focused on pumping and girth, no length work. Then 5 weeks just gradual extender use. I've worked up to this routine. I'm in the second month of this routine. The first 3.5 months of Penis Enlargement I went crazy - 1 hour manual stretch, 1 hour girth each day. Drained me, gained very little. I gained girth when I started using Bathmate but stopped to focus on length. Since April 13th, I have gained at least .6" of BPFSL, using the extender + manuals routine.
My plan is to stick with this current routine for another month and if I have not gained any BPFSL I will switch it up, but I believe I can still gain BPFSL. I will hang one day, but I don't want to start too soon and toughen up my ligs.

Maybe you could suggest different exercises which target different portions of the penis? There seems to be tons of misinformation everywhere on Penis Enlargement.

I am not too worried about girth because it seems I am capable of gaining this much easier, I am confident that with a regular, intense pumping routine I can gain another inch of girth at least. My goal is only to gain about 1.15-1.25" of girth anyways. It's the length I am after. Ideally, I want another 1.5" of length AT LEAST. With the masturbation thing, when I jerk off or even edge, my BPFSL is .25" shorter for awhile, so I avoid it. I'm not too worried about this though, I have gotten past the inital month of abstinence and it's no longer difficult.

Any exercises that you could suggest to me would be greatly appreciated. You mention different parts of the penis, so if you could suggest any exercises, or even the theories of stretching these different parts, that would be great.

Thanks a lot for your post and all your help :)!
MikeShlort;495684 said:
Well I haven't been doing that routine the whole 10 months. I took off about 3 months and focused on pumping and girth, no length work. Then 5 weeks just gradual extender use. I've worked up to this routine. I'm in the second month of this routine. The first 3.5 months of Penis Enlargement I went crazy - 1 hour manual stretch, 1 hour girth each day. Drained me, gained very little. I gained girth when I started using Bathmate but stopped to focus on length. Since April 13th, I have gained at least .6" of BPFSL, using the extender + manuals routine.
My plan is to stick with this current routine for another month and if I have not gained any BPFSL I will switch it up, but I believe I can still gain BPFSL. I will hang one day, but I don't want to start too soon and toughen up my ligs.

Maybe you could suggest different exercises which target different portions of the penis? There seems to be tons of misinformation everywhere on Penis Enlargement.

I am not too worried about girth because it seems I am capable of gaining this much easier, I am confident that with a regular, intense pumping routine I can gain another inch of girth at least. My goal is only to gain about 1.15-1.25" of girth anyways. It's the length I am after. Ideally, I want another 1.5" of length AT LEAST. With the masturbation thing, when I jerk off or even edge, my BPFSL is .25" shorter for awhile, so I avoid it. I'm not too worried about this though, I have gotten past the inital month of abstinence and it's no longer difficult.

Any exercises that you could suggest to me would be greatly appreciated. You mention different parts of the penis, so if you could suggest any exercises, or even the theories of stretching these different parts, that would be great.

Thanks a lot for your post and all your help :)!

Hey again!

I just want to let you know that hanging weights will not toughen your ligs, it will weaken them, and over time, they will lengthen, and turn inner penis into outer penis. That is the whole point in stretching the ligs. Now, as far as manual exercises, I stopped doing that shit a long time ago for two reasons: one, it was tiresome, and two, I barely saw any results. Forget about manual exercises. Let's use the "basic stretching routine" as an example, to prove a point. Each stretch lasts about 10 seconds. So if you stretch 30 times, that is 300 seconds total, which is a total of 5 minutes of stretching time. Just ONE set of hanging is twenty minutes long, and the total stretch time is THE FULL twenty minutes. This isn't "my opinion". It's basic math. That means that ONE set of hanging is FOUR times more effective than pulling on your penis for an hour, and it only takes a third of the time.

The only "exercise" you need is to hang BTC (between the cheeks), and swing the weight from side to side. That stresses EVERYTHING that needs to be stressed in order to make gains. Therefore you don't need to know anything about manual exercises if you can just learn to hang correctly. I promise you, this is something you want to look into. In my opinion, based on everything I've done in Penis Enlargement over the years, hanging is the BEST method of enlarging your penis. Please look into it.
MikeShlort;495684 said:
Well I haven't been doing that routine the whole 10 months. I took off about 3 months and focused on pumping and girth, no length work. Then 5 weeks just gradual extender use. I've worked up to this routine. I'm in the second month of this routine. The first 3.5 months of Penis Enlargement I went crazy - 1 hour manual stretch, 1 hour girth each day. Drained me, gained very little. I gained girth when I started using Bathmate but stopped to focus on length. Since April 13th, I have gained at least .6" of BPFSL, using the extender + manuals routine.
My plan is to stick with this current routine for another month and if I have not gained any BPFSL I will switch it up, but I believe I can still gain BPFSL. I will hang one day, but I don't want to start too soon and toughen up my ligs.

Maybe you could suggest different exercises which target different portions of the penis? There seems to be tons of misinformation everywhere on Penis Enlargement.

I am not too worried about girth because it seems I am capable of gaining this much easier, I am confident that with a regular, intense pumping routine I can gain another inch of girth at least. My goal is only to gain about 1.15-1.25" of girth anyways. It's the length I am after. Ideally, I want another 1.5" of length AT LEAST. With the masturbation thing, when I jerk off or even edge, my BPFSL is .25" shorter for awhile, so I avoid it. I'm not too worried about this though, I have gotten past the inital month of abstinence and it's no longer difficult.

Any exercises that you could suggest to me would be greatly appreciated. You mention different parts of the penis, so if you could suggest any exercises, or even the theories of stretching these different parts, that would be great.

Thanks a lot for your post and all your help :)!

Hey again!

I just want to let you know that hanging weights will not toughen your ligs, it will weaken them, and over time, they will lengthen, and turn inner penis into outer penis. That is the whole point in stretching the ligs. Now, as far as manual exercises, I stopped doing that shit a long time ago for two reasons: one, it was tiresome, and two, I barely saw any results. Forget about manual exercises. Let's use the "basic stretching routine" as an example, to prove a point. Each stretch lasts about 10 seconds. So if you stretch 30 times, that is 300 seconds total, which is a total of 5 minutes of stretching time. Just ONE set of hanging is twenty minutes long, and the total stretch time is THE FULL twenty minutes. This isn't "my opinion". It's basic math. That means that ONE set of hanging is FOUR times more effective than pulling on your penis for an hour, and it only takes a third of the time.

The only "exercise" you need is to hang BTC (between the cheeks), and swing the weight from side to side. That stresses EVERYTHING that needs to be stressed in order to make gains. Therefore you don't need to know anything about manual exercises if you can just learn to hang correctly. I promise you, this is something you want to look into. In my opinion, based on everything I've done in Penis Enlargement over the years, hanging is the BEST method of enlarging your penis. Please look into it.
cg1;495686 said:
The only "exercise" you need is to hang BTC (between the cheeks), and swing the weight from side to side. That stresses EVERYTHING that needs to be stressed in order to make gains. Therefore you don't need to know anything about manual exercises if you can just learn to hang correctly. I promise you, this is something you want to look into. In my opinion, based on everything I've done in Penis Enlargement over the years, hanging is the BEST method of enlarging your penis. Please look into it.

BTC will hit everything, even tunica as the position of the stretch becomes straight up once it reaches the back. WHile it is being stretched upward the ligaments are being hammered big time. All around one of the best stretch positions.
cg1;495686 said:
Hey again!

I just want to let you know that hanging weights will not toughen your ligs, it will weaken them, and over time, they will lengthen, and turn inner penis into outer penis. That is the whole point in stretching the ligs. Now, as far as manual exercises, I stopped doing that shit a long time ago for two reasons: one, it was tiresome, and two, I barely saw any results. Forget about manual exercises. Let's use the "basic stretching routine" as an example, to prove a point. Each stretch lasts about 10 seconds. So if you stretch 30 times, that is 300 seconds total, which is a total of 5 minutes of stretching time. Just ONE set of hanging is twenty minutes long, and the total stretch time is THE FULL twenty minutes. This isn't "my opinion". It's basic math. That means that ONE set of hanging is FOUR times more effective than pulling on your penis for an hour, and it only takes a third of the time.

The only "exercise" you need is to hang BTC (between the cheeks), and swing the weight from side to side. That stresses EVERYTHING that needs to be stressed in order to make gains. Therefore you don't need to know anything about manual exercises if you can just learn to hang correctly. I promise you, this is something you want to look into. In my opinion, based on everything I've done in Penis Enlargement over the years, hanging is the BEST method of enlarging your penis. Please look into it.

RIght on, thanks a lot.
So I guess to hang BTC I'd need to make a bar for the rope to go over so the weight is pulling up on my penis right?
doublelongdaddy;495734 said:
BTC will hit everything, even tunica as the position of the stretch becomes straight up once it reaches the back. WHile it is being stretched upward the ligaments are being hammered big time. All around one of the best stretch positions.

Am I supposed to pull straight up in all directions when stretching BTC?
MikeShlort;495737 said:
Am I supposed to pull straight up in all directions when stretching BTC?

Left, right and center for best results.
doublelongdaddy;495755 said:
Left, right and center for best results.

But am I pulling straight up to my asscrack or am I pull outwards, like parallel with the floor?
MikeShlort;495757 said:
But am I pulling straight up to my asscrack or am I pull outwards, like parallel with the floor?

All the way up your back has far up as you can get it ;) so yeah the asscrack way.
Try doing these, whilst in a bundle.
BTC - Between The Cheeks is a position for hanging.To hang BTC you need to recline in a chair with your feet resting on another chair. Your penis is pulled down between your legs (butt cheeks).It's an intense stretch and reportedly one of the most beneficial for hangers.
Iwillbe9;495768 said:
All the way up your back has far up as you can get it ;) so yeah the asscrack way.
Try doing these, whilst in a bundle.

What do you mean in a bundle?

Iwillbe9;495778 said:
BTC - Between The Cheeks is a position for hanging.To hang BTC you need to recline in a chair with your feet resting on another chair. Your penis is pulled down between your legs (butt cheeks).It's an intense stretch and reportedly one of the most beneficial for hangers.

Okay thanks a lot.
Have you used any hanging in your routines?
MikeShlort;495737 said:
Am I supposed to pull straight up in all directions when stretching BTC?

Pulling straight up in all directions will do nothing for the ligs. All that will do is stress your outer tunica, which would be inefficient. Here's why: The tunica is a lot tougher than the ligs; It requires a lot more time under traction to break down the tissue, and make it longer. That is why these doctors recommend wearing an extender for many, many hours per day. So manual exercises will not really help with making outer tunica gains, simply because it is not practical to pull your penis continually for eight hours per day.

The penis is well anchored to the pubic bone. The first half or so of your inner penis is held up by the suspensory ligaments. So when you pull your penis straight out, for example, your outer penis is being stressed, but if your ligs are tight, they will be taking a certain amount of that stress as well. However, if your ligs have been lengthened to their full potential, then pulling straight out would stress your outer tunica AND your INNER tunica, since the ligs are not in the way anymore. This would obviously be a huge advantage, because rather than stressing only your outer penis (like when wearing an extender), you would now be stressing your ENTIRE SHAFT (outer AND inner). This would make gaining a hell of a lot easier, because you would be creating micro tears under traction along your entire shaft, rather than just a portion of it. Again, it's all math.

To stretch out your ligs to their full potential, you need to do lower angle work, such as SD, and especially BTC. Hanging BTC will stress the ligs AND the outer tunica, so it is like wearing an extender with one crucial advantage: your ligs are lengthening at the same time. HUGE advantage there - means more length gains in less time. As you lengthen your ligs, you will be turning inner penis into outer penis, which also means that your inner tunica will receive more and more stress, as you are pulling your shaft down and out.

So hang BTC, SD, and swing the weights from side to side to increase stress levels if need be. Your goal for now should be stretch out your ligs completely, and those angles of hang will do that for you. If you are serious about gaining length, this is the best option - well, it was for me.

If you have any questions for me I would be glad to help you. You can PM me any time. Good luck.
MikeShlort;495782 said:
What do you mean in a bundle?

Okay thanks a lot.
Have you used any hanging in your routines?

It's where you twist your penis around 1-3 times (as much as you can) and then stretch.

Hanging, yeah I use it in all my routines :)
Iwillbe9;495784 said:
It's where you twist your penis around 1-3 times (as much as you can) and then stretch.

Hanging, yeah I use it in all my routines :)

okay thanks a lot.
Did you start using hanging after that year of doing manuals and not gaining?
and do you still do manual stretching?
Yeah I started gaining when I started hanging plus wrapping. So yeah about a year in of doing Penis Enlargement.

I still do manual stretches, before, during and after sets of hanging.
Yeah I started gaining when I started hanging plus wrapping. So yeah about a year in of doing Penis Enlargement.

I still do manual stretches, before, during and after sets of hanging.
MikeShlort;495788 said:
Hey thanks a ton for all your help. I've never had it explained to me this well.
Do you mind if I ask you another question on here? I think your responses can be very useful to myself as well as others.
I wanted to ask you, do you think it is beneficial to wear an extender after hanging?
Also, do you think it's beneficial to do manual stretching before, after, or before and after hanging? I seem to be a tad longer (maybe .15") after a good manual stretching session, so would that be beneficial to incorporate with hanging? I was already going in the direction of hanging in the future, but I will likely start it in a month from now given that you and others who have figured out how to gain have suggested it to me.
My idea was that doing a 10-15 min manual stretch session, then a 10-20 min hanging session (gradually building up time/weight each day), then another 10-15 min manual session (maybe some DLD blasters and stretches) after the hanging, then slap on the extender for two hours. Would that be a good routine or would you suggest just hanging itself with no extender? I am also going to buy a LengthMaster because I believe I can gain another .25"-.5" of BPFSL doing basic manual stretching if I had the ability to pull as hard as I could with the added help of LM.
Let me know what you think.
ANd thanks again for all your useful information!

You are talking about many different types of stretching and they are all important. Stretching with your hanger will greatly effect ligament growth, manual stretching will too but with the endless angles you can hit areas not possible when hanging. If you are able to also use your extender, particularly after a session, it will help you heal in a longer state. It all works together and your ideas are good.
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