Jun 3, 2003
Why is it so hard for people to realize penis enlargement works?:confused:

This topic really blows my mind and gets me a little pissed. I think the hypocrisy of the medical profession is so visible that a 4th grader could see it. The medical profession will stand behind their claims that penis enlargement does not work, unless of course, they are profiting. I am not talking about every doctor but the majority. Then their are those who go and spend $5000+ for phalloplasty (penis enlargement surgery) risking so many complications to come off gaining a half inch tops and being told hanging will give them the remainder of the gains they desire???? Fuck! This is believable...WHY? Because the medical profession backs it. But the simplicity and effectiveness of MOS, or any other reputable site for that matter, is so hard to understand.

What are we talking about really? Stretching our penis? Is it so fucking hard to understand that this is easily possible? Do you realize that it is a common occurrence in the surgical field, particularly plastic surgery, to place balloons under the skin to create new skin for other areas of the body? I mean it seems very ironic that the medical profession treat any other part of the body that is made up of soft tissue and skin as an enlargeable site, of course, with the exception of the penis.

For centuries people have been stretching their ears, lips, even necks and the general public never questions the validity of this...Why? Because it is not the penis? Right on my paysite I have a picture of Monte Pierce, a man who has been stretching his earlobes since childhood. he actually stretched them to 5"???

This picture I saw early in my program and when I saw it penis enlargement was a no brainer. In my mind if he could stretch his earlobes then I could stretch my penis....Penis EnlargementRIOD.

Penis Enlargement is not that complicated to understand but it seems that most people want to believe that it is impossible. I even think that their are people involved in Penis Enlargement that do not gain because in the back of their heads they don't truly believe it works.

TThis shit works! Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words; for me this picture was worth my 4+ inch gains.


  • ears-stretch.jpg
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Expensive choice is always more attractive to people. If you increase the cost of your paysite to $500, then more people will notice it :) This is strange but reality. I agree with you that people are still sceptical about Penis Enlargement, but don't forget there are always enough people to give it a try. To each surgically Penis Enlargementd man, there are many natural Penis Enlargementd men in my opinion.
Originally posted by teoman
If you increase the cost of your paysite to $500, then more people will notice it :) This is strange but reality.

Wow, that would be nice.
Alot of people don't believe it because they will try it for several months with no results. I, for example, have been doing Penis Enlargement for five and a half years, and have only gained about an inch girth(lost half of that, so only half inch) and about 2mm of length. I get very pissed off at the lack of gains with all of the time, but then I think of how many people I have helped with my knowledge. It has become a habit now, and I know one day I will get my goal if I keep at it.
Who's the guy with the ears?? I wonder if he stretches his dick too??
They believe it. I think that they want to get more business so they try to redirect traffic their way and when they are done they send them to us, the true way of enlarging your penis naturally. So think about it, they are still actually helping our community grow. You can't in no way stop the truth and that what we are the truth. So don't worry about them believing us because no matter what they do they are still helping us.
Originally posted by want_to_grow
They believe it. I think that they want to get more business so they try to redirect traffic their way and when they are done they send them to us, the true way of enlarging your penis naturally. So think about it, they are still actually helping our community grow. You can't in no way stop the truth and that what we are the truth. So don't worry about them believing us because no matter what they do they are still helping us.

Yeah but it would be so much tighter if people went the natural route first.
I think they belive too, but it's hard to strech, jelq every day with no guarantees of success or good success. You need spare time and privacy.
Yuo need to try the best workout, that works for you.

I think there isn't ONE solution, ONE workout.

So it's easy to surrender. I still believe and do my workout but i've stopped, restarted so many times... :O

People then wants fact, it works? Demostrates it to me! Simple...
like ufo...

DLD, how many subscribed people are you helping ? How are their progress ?

Originally posted by cableman
DLD, how many subscribed people are you helping ? How are their progress?

I am currently working with too many men to give a definite number. My program has had an almost perfect success rate with every join. The men who struggle I personally take 1 on 1 until they are gaining. It is allot of work but I believe in my program and it's members. Nothing gives me greater joy then knowing I helped someone change their lives.

Some comments are posted here: http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=522
I can hear the critics before I even post this pic ...."yea Still but, but, those are lips and ear lobes....blah, blah, penis is different blah, blah...." Human tissue is human tissue, some of it merely takes longer to stretch. This is a tribeswoman from the Ethiopian 'Mursi' Tribe. One of the many African tribes where the art of lip stretching has been practiced for thousands of years. Her lip is stretched completely around this plate! "Guess the circumference" LOL. They believe tissue is pliable. Ah but, penises...theyre not tissue! LOL.


  • mursiwoman.jpg
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Originally posted by doublelongdaddy
I am currently working with too many men to give a definite number. My program has had an almost perfect success rate with every join. The men who struggle I personally take 1 on 1 until they are gaining. It is allot of work but I believe in my program and it's members. Nothing gives me greater joy then knowing I helped someone change their lives.


Your site is real source of encouragement. There are a large number of people, coaching each other. Plus, being able to read about results is very helpful.

The images are great. Seeing photos of a MOS Member at seven inches, then gaining size with a newer photo at eight inches a couple months later.

The site encourages me to move faster toward my goals.

Hey Doc, I see your a slow and steady gainer.. I was just wondering how you managed to loose half a inch in girth? thanks alot

BB (hello everyone by the way, i'm new)
Originally posted by cableman
I think they belive too, but it's hard to strech, jelq every day with no guarantees of success or good success. You need spare time and privacy.
Good point. Often in gym training, guys workout together. So, when one's lagging, the other(s) can motivate him. But with Penis Enlargement, you're all alone - if you don't do it, nobody is there next to you challenging you, egging you on.
Wait....I can just see it now! Five guys sitting around the T.V. during Monday Night Football....jelqing, stretching, one is adjusting the tension on his hanger, another is pumping his penis. The guy hanging now has free hands, so he occasionally pours some beer down a buddy's throat. The guy pumping has a mean doughnut going, so in addition to pretzels & chips, they now have a doughnut too.
It's the fact of the smooth muscle layer inside the penis and the known problems that happen when smooth muscle is stressed to the point of microtear. The layer is called the trabecula and just like the bladder, when stressed, it becomes weak.

I am not saying that this is fact but it is why they say it wont work. There are more studies that say this isn't the case if the right growth factors are present.
Originally posted by 8 isn't enough
It's the fact of the smooth muscle layer inside the penis and the known problems that happen when smooth muscle is stressed to the point of microtear. The layer is called the trabecula and just like the bladder, when stressed, it becomes weak.

I am not saying that this is fact but it is why they say it wont work. There are more studies that say this isn't the case if the right growth factors are present.

oooppps...I micro teared my penis 5";)
I have another theory....Penis Enlargement generally takes a long time, longer than regular physical training.
I have read some articles & columns online where an "expert" grudgingly mentions that "some" have realized "modest gains" or even "negligible gains" after "a year or more of performing exercises"....etc., etc.
So, when Penis Enlargement is mentioned in that light, it's cast as being a whole lot of drudgery with very little to show for it.
Unfortunately, that has been the experience of some Penis Enlargement'ers. Not that many have astounding gains. It all boils down to desire, I believe. I've noticed that I've often become lazy after gaining 0.25" - instead of becoming more motivated. This has happened to me recently, causing me to backoff Penis Enlargement for awhile, before I cemented that new gain - which I lost, pissing me off more. :(
Originally posted by WaxN
Good point. Often in gym training, guys workout together. So, when one's lagging, the other(s) can motivate him. But with Penis Enlargement, you're all alone - if you don't do it, nobody is there next to you challenging you, egging you on.
Wait....I can just see it now! Five guys sitting around the T.V. during Monday Night Football....jelqing, stretching, one is adjusting the tension on his hanger, another is pumping his penis. The guy hanging now has free hands, so he occasionally pours some beer down a buddy's throat. The guy pumping has a mean doughnut going, so in addition to pretzels & chips, they now have a doughnut too.

For the medical community:

1. There is little money in it for physicians, compared to what they're used to generating.

2. There could be some risk involved, if you have morons trying ridiculous things. However, there are certainly risks involved in surgery, as there have been horrific tales of butcher jobs floating around on the net.

Personally, I think natural Penis Enlargement is far safer than the surgical alternatives. I don't believe there has ever been a post here, or at �other forum� (granted I'm relatively new to this), where someone has claimed natural Penis Enlargement has totally ruined their penis.

Some physicians have claimed that microtears actually cause weakness in erections, but everyone that is a Penis Enlargement vet testifies to the exact opposite, as far as I know.
Also, the public needs to shoulder its share of the blame. We have sadly become a society of instant gratification. It is amazing what people will pay physicians, and even sometimes trainers/motivators, to do things they could truthfully do themselves. The time factor aside, many men would rather pay $10,000 for a surgical procedure than invest the time and effort in MOS or other method.

Write it down. This is a quote to remember: Man will always exert the greatness efforts towards avoiding work or responsibility.
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