huge-girth;638057 said:
Well, I do understand all you have said. It seems I will start smoking marijuana again for my girth work if that's the case because I really want that 7 inches girth more than anything in this world. And currently, I don't have money to buy the pills until July. Whereas, if I start smoking Marijuana now and start my girth work, I must have made some insane girth gains by July. My mind keeps on changing. I love girth work more than I do for length work. Within a week time, I will decide whether to go with the LengthMaster and the Hydromax X40 extreme pump only or to just avoid Marijuana and stick to length work for now.

But come to think of it, when I sex a lady with my temporary expansion, I have a feeling length is overrated.

Weird, Marijuana has the complete opposite effect in me, after I smoke I really just want to relax. It is difficult to keep my mind on task when I smoke.
huge-girth;638007 said:
When you say your aging father, it makes me scared. YOu didn't try it yourself? What are you taking for Girth workout?

I don't take jack shit. I just deal with the fact by day 4 my eq will be crap.
huge-girth;638124 said:

Really, the only thing that his gonna be something worth the money is ed meds. You know it will work and will give you a boner for like 4 hrs. Personally, I only need about 10 solids min of decent eq to pull some SSJs out. The rest is pumping and clamping for me. Pretty much the three best things IMO for putting rings on yer tree.
acromegaly;638285 said:
the weed cant hurt ;)

Unless it gives you such horrid anxiety that you don't even wanna PE, or get lost in how awesome led zep 1 and the wall are.
I'm seeing some nice gains from using my LengthMaster for 1 hour daily and doing cardio alongside. The funny thing is that I've not even done this for up to a month before these gains started coming. Now I know having a fat pad is evil. My fat pad has reduced but it's still there and I intend taking it off by end of next month so I'm jogging for 30 minutes daily. I smoked one wrap of Marijuana last night before doing my erect stretches and I realized that I've gained already. My erect penis was longer than usual. ANd during my LengthMaster session, I also notice a longer penis and also when I'm wrapped inside the Ace bandage.

I might remain smoking for girth workout but I have to smoke only 1 wrap in 24hours. I used to smoke 5 to 6 wrap before girth workout before and that makes me eat excessively. But last night, I smoked only 1 and I didn't eat excessively.
huge-girth;637353 said:
I will get it for you. You need not worry I'm a man of my words. I will order it by June. But if God blesses me with cash before that time, I will order it before then. I intend buying some Titan pills or Male extra pills by June or before June. So I am going to buy your LengthMaster too and ask Lightening to deliver it to you.

You could also win these devices by getting involve with the monthly contest where we give ut a piece of equipment to the highest power.
doublelongdaddy;638318 said:
You could also win these devices by getting involve with the monthly contest where we give ut a piece of equipment to the highest power.

I didn't change my mind about buying the LengthMaster for shortdick as I stated before. It's even cheaper if I'm buying the LengthMaster only. But I intend buying the pills too. The thing is that I don't have money now and I'm a fast gainer when it comes to girth. Working on only my length from now till June is really a long time. If I combine my LengthMaster and Hydromax X40 extreme and work from now till June, I will make lots of gains both in length and girth. Therefore, I stopped smoking 5 to 6 wraps of weed per day, now I smoked only 1 and I didn't have that large appetite for food unlike before when I smoke 5 to 6 wraps. I hope you can understand my point DLD

I know I'm stupid, yes because my mind keeps changing but not on the promise I made to shortdick.
I know I'm stupid, yes because my mind keeps changing but not on the promise I made to shortdick. Dont you worry man i have just won in february, and im going to choose the lenghtmaster..:)
huge-girth;638360 said:
I can see I'm being mocked. It's all good.

actually i didnt know if i was going to win i tought longht was going to win,we all can win as long as we share what we know im not an expert but i put my two cents whenever i can,seems that you know a great deal about devices and your gains are backing you up!!
I used to take T-Bomb 2 which is a mix of many ingredients like Fenugreek, arganine and the sort. No need to follow the recommended dose 1 pill was enough for me but then again that was a while back.
Demon7;638382 said:
I used to take T-Bomb 2 which is a mix of many ingredients like Fenugreek, arganine and the sort. No need to follow the recommended dose 1 pill was enough for me but then again that was a while back.

Are you still working on girth? If yes, what are you taking now?
Demon7;638382 said:
I used to take T-Bomb 2 which is a mix of many ingredients like Fenugreek, arganine and the sort. No need to follow the recommended dose 1 pill was enough for me but then again that was a while back.

Fenugreek wil cause male breast careful with that shit.
shortdick;638355 said:
I know I'm stupid, yes because my mind keeps changing but not on the promise I made to shortdick. Dont you worry man i have just won in february, and im going to choose the lenghtmaster..:)

Fuck yeah dude!
huge-girth;638390 said:
Are you still working on girth? If yes, what are you taking now?

I am still working on girth and still take t-bomb 2 but not for erections... trust me they make sex fun and damm last long with ease of getting hard again and again.

The comment of man-boobs is quite sili and am shocked to even read that coming from such a source. I won't get into a debate on what these ingredients can or cannot do. Fenugreek is certainly used or recommended for lactating mothers... in men, it stimulates natural testosterone and helps in reducing body fat %.

Anyways, I use the ingredients individually be it arganine, fenugreek, horny goat weed, ginseng, maca, tribulus, etc since pills like titan or semenax are not easy to obtain and if you find them they are double or triple the cost. So, again.... no man boobs... my body fat % at 11 from 18 or 19 a year ago... if anything I had man boobs when I wasn't on these things. I do exercise mind you so these aren't miracle diet pills... but they sure are miracle cock pills.

Good luck
Demon7;638671 said:
I am still working on girth and still take t-bomb 2 but not for erections... trust me they make sex fun and damm last long with ease of getting hard again and again.

The comment of man-boobs is quite sili and am shocked to even read that coming from such a source. I won't get into a debate on what these ingredients can or cannot do. Fenugreek is certainly used or recommended for lactating mothers... in men, it stimulates natural testosterone and helps in reducing body fat %.

Anyways, I use the ingredients individually be it arganine, fenugreek, horny goat weed, ginseng, maca, tribulus, etc since pills like titan or semenax are not easy to obtain and if you find them they are double or triple the cost. So, again.... no man boobs... my body fat % at 11 from 18 or 19 a year ago... if anything I had man boobs when I wasn't on these things. I do exercise mind you so these aren't miracle diet pills... but they sure are miracle cock pills.

Good luck

From all the comments I've read here so far, I can see that I don't have another choice other than buying the titan pills or male extra. I'm saving to buy them in bulk like 6 to 12 bottles. Why I find it difficult to get the money quickly is because I need to pay for DHL delivery charge since our post office service here in Nigeria is miserable.
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