
Aug 22, 2013
Hey Brothers,

So today I took the plunge and ordered both the sizegenics and the penomet!

Will try and wait patiently until they arrive...tough to do, it's exciting and I can't wait to realize some gains...but will be patient on the results as I have read here.

I had a question regarding �naked people movies�. I hear that is best to be fully aroused when doing the exercises and that most use �naked people movies� to achieve this. My concern is that I just won my battle against �naked people movies� usage and masturbation...I have not used them for the past 6 months now. A world of difference, no doubt! I was desensitized like you wouldn't believe. I found a program regarding ED and the effect of �naked people movies� and masturbation. I followed the program and removed them from my life. I have caught a glimpse here and there but no longer seek it out and do not masturbate in the same manner that I had in the past, with my hand and a death to speak. I now occasionally use a FleshLight. Between a few pillows to simulate sex. This way the speed would need to somehow match that with a real partner. Wife and I don't have sex often any more due to a lot of things. Part of why I am here and found a place where I fit in with my desire to increase my pens size because I feel inadequate. So the real question is should I really use �naked people movies� to stay aroused? Are there other successful techniques that guys have used? Chemical erections are possible but to tell the truth, I was taking so many Levitra's that I no longer realized the effect of them. My system was completely used to them to the point that they didn't work...upped dosage and all. I stopped those for a while too and then when I did use them, they began to have the intended effect again...whew on that!!

So any other thoughts? Thanks everyone!
Yeah, I understand that pain of yours. I had the same shit. It was in early stage, but I cured it. Now I get erections without having to watch �naked people movies�. How has your progress been going so far? What is the percentage of EQ you have? Do not go back to the dark path of �naked people movies� and masturbation. Believe me. You were there and you know. Just use the power of your imagination and mind. Your mind has a power you cannot even imagine. Believe in yourself. If you do not have good EQ with no �naked people movies�, you have time till you get the penomet. All the best, keep is in check with your progress. :)
Hey Needmoregirth.

Don't take up �naked people movies�. You beat it back don't use Mos or Penis Enlargement as an excuse to get re-addicted. If anything look into S.A. or the �naked people movies� 12 step programs.

You can remember and fantasize about your wife and have no moral dilemas.

To help me I start girth and pumping by wearing a penis-ring. A little lube from hair conditioner, some stroking while fantasizing about wife... and I'm hard for Penomet.

While waiting you can practice jelqs and Slow Squash Jelqs, SSJs. You can read Dlds "first" routine and SRT. You can read my length routine and progress threads in my sig... which integrate PT and SG.

And be sure to do hundreds of kegels daily as part of your routine... just might help you with all issues.

My wife sure noticed my +1" penis when we got reaquainted after a break. Read my story threads you'll see some motivation for yourself to work hard and smart to raise your wife's eyebrows when you do hook up again. Just might make her rethink things with you... Mine did. Prayers for that going out to you.
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Again, very good advice Love! You have been a very dedicate brother and you deserve every mm of gain! ( Don't mean to be gay at all, but if I was your wife, I would rethink as well LMAO! )
Again, I am in awe of the support that every gives here!! Thank you so very much!!

I don't have plans to go back to �naked people movies�, my mind has been some much clearer since I stopped! What ever gains I get, I get. It will be better than where I am today. Regarding the wife, the only thing that will make her happy is a cock of steel and 20 minutes of high turbulent sex, and then repeat 7 or 8 times. I have heard from other. Sources that most women are good with an 80-90% hardness level...not necessarily the absolute unbending hard-on. She has a very strong libido, for sure. One of my major issues today is the I lack confidence to be with her. I am always second and third guessing which causes a loss of momentum. She has also told me that I am awkward at sex. Talk about an ego bust. She now just lays there like a lump on a log...might as well be a blowup doll. Another issue is that I have only had about 7 different partners in my life and haven't learned enough about sex to please her, I guess. She is also not willing to help anymore. There is a very long back story to all of this too. Cliff notes is she was in a car accident 9 years ago, almost died, lots of broken bones and surgeries. My dad passed 2 years later. I developed low t 2years after that. It took 5 years to find a solution to my low t issue. I finally found something that works though, so that it good. Even though I stuck by her side she does not want to the same for me. I always thought that within a marriage you should be able to trust and rely on a partner to be there when you needed them...guess not. Of course many more details but this is the short of it.

But how do I regain my confidence while she is fucking other, seemingly random, guys? Should just forget about this? Truthfully, not sure if I can do this anymore. How many other men would tolerate this? I thought I could at first because I understand that sexual health is important but with her lack of willingness to help me I am not so sure. Feels terrible inside. I have been doing improvements for myself, I workout 5 days a week during lunch (both cardio and weight training) and have gone from 20% body fat to 11% with a goal of 8 or, sound familiar? 8 or 9... :)

Right now Penis Enlargement and the gym are it for me I guess...
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Awesome progress, keep up and make sure to inform us on your achievements! :)

Take a look a my signature- there are the"Premature Ejaculation" thread- which if you follow closely you should be able to last as long as you want.

And the "Kiss the being a bad lover GOODBYE!!!" thread- it is how to please a woman advices. Although it is not 100% finished (maybe around50 LMAO)- you can sure take some ideas and make her pussy explode of squirt :) . Make sure to share what you think :)
Thanks Zam! I read a lot of it and there are some really good nuggets there! I don't know it will work with my wife because she has this huge mental block. She has her only mental health issues to deal with. She is a very sexy and beautiful woman, on the outside, but I have discovered a very ugly person on the inside. And the fuck of it is that it has negatively impacted me. I was such a nicer guy before I met her. Her demeanor has me feeling resentment, regret, anger, frustration, mistrust, apathy...perhaps divorce is the only way.

They may have to move this to the emotional support section :)
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Brother you need to toss her to the curb if she's out doin other guys she just might bring something home & give it to you..
Its hard as hell starting over when you've been married & are used to your life or in a rut its hard to break out
Sounds to me you need to hold off on Penis Enlargement till you get out of that relationship & have a clear mind without her pounding all the negativity into it..

Once you've done that you'll be able to lay back in a hot bath relax slap on the Penomet & watch it grow..!
Then take pics of ur huge thick cock & send them to her & make her drool...
Bro, just stop it! She is causing you pain, she makes you a person you do not want to be. You yourself say that she is a very ugly person on the inside. My only question is "Are you sure you want to go on with this woman????". My brotherly advice would be to just think about it seriously. I do not mean to insult you, but to give you the best advice I can :)
I usually never cum anymore to �naked people movies�.
I use it for edging, ...

Before Penis Enlargement
I told my partner a long time ago that I'm looking sometimes at it and that my father(RIP) was �naked people movies� addict.
If we dont have sex every 2-3 days, or for a long time period, she knew �naked people movies� could .. replace her sucking me off or me looking going away real flesh.

Doing Penis Enlargement
When she has her period, I dont cum for 6-7 days and get hardrock sex for the second intercourse. Because for the first, I usually cum fast !

But ...
The day after intercourse, I have random erections and solid mornin wood.
opposite sex hormonal reaction rememberance !!!! I love french kissing my girlfriend !

So, a hardrock erection is cyclic ...
�naked people movies�... while edging may help get control over arousal for getting such a great looking girl pounded !

I'm sorry for your marital situation.
Maybe you can get your confidence back and get her loved again.
And if its not by you, you should get confidence and get someone that loves you.
NMG. Brother, I have some questions for you.

First, tho, lets get real with each other. You're here on Mos in the hope you can learn erection control to get up and stay up-AND rock hard, orgasm control to last longer, sex techniques to give her O's, and to grow a big huge long thick penis to give her those O's with. Once youve done that youre hoping to attract your wife to become faithful to you again. You know it and I know it.

So questions:
Did you get married in a church? Is your loyalty to her based in your principles of your faith? Do you love her, so much you're forgiving her infidelity.. for now?

Here's your path, bro. Get started Today!

Go to the newbie routine, Dlds "first " routine, and start with manuals today.
Start doing 100x 1 sec (or more) kegels a day and add 10 every day.
Study and practice how to do Reverse Kegels, and do them while manual stretching to release your Puboccocal (PC) muscles
Read that First routine and SRT daily and look to master and internalize the basics of Penis Enlargement & the principles of SRT
start mastering basic manual stretches, jelqs and Slow Squash Jelqs, SSJs.
Research your exotic moves like __________ stretch or Redz Frendos, for adding in over time.
When your Penomet arrives start doing Girth program (SRT 5x5x3).
When your Size Genetics arrives start extending after your basic stretches.
Order Supras Ring of Power to increase your package bloodflow and up your T.
Read Zambs threads about improving your techniques and EQ.
Read and follow this thread, learning edging techniques to improve your orgasm control and stamina:!
Get a penis ring to wear during and after your girth workout.
Get Ace bandage to wear as Allergixes wrap for your SG, and for Uncle Jim's Stretch all day extended healing wrap.
Get some baby powder for manual stretching comfort.
Get hydrocortisone for final penis skin ointment after both routines.
Go to the viagra forum on Mos and learn how to make a modest buy.
Read every linked thread in my signature to answer all those questions you just got.

So, give yourself 30 days of consistent dedicated daily effort on First routine and measure. Report here and ask for advice how to add and adjust things.
Then go for the SRT routine all-in and up your game with that.

Set a goal of 90 days total time before you ask wife for sex.
When you do, do a good Redz Frendos the day before, pump a little prior, to give yourself the temp pumped huge-on effect., pop a Vi, wear your penis ring, use your new orgasm control techniques, hit it like a �naked people movies�-star on speed, and aim for her g-spot with your new thicker longer penis if you get off then just keep on thrusting...

I wonder if she'll notice a difference?

My wife did and I only did about half that stuff.

What you think, brother? You in?
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Brother, thank you, I am definitely in! But not with my wife. We had our final argument tonight and decided to going back now. She has hurt me like you wouldn't believe. She has made me feel so small and insignificant in more ways than one, lol. So tonight, I start anew...I start to no longer care what she thinks or does. She no longer has my support in anything other than our 5 yr old son. And not tooting my own horn, but I did more for her than I believe 'most' other guys would do or tolerate...but, my perception. I feel terrible for him, but truthfully if we are happier apart, then it will be better for him too. It just feels awful right now. I have sort of been preparing myself for I think I'll be ok...but it's still painful. So now I move forward into the next chapter of my life and find someone who will truly appreciate and respect me.

No, it was a courthouse marriage, low cost, thankfully :D I know there will be guys lining up to date and fuck her but I don't believe that she will ever find someone that will put up with her shit. I may be wrong here...but then again they will not know the real her, until it is too late...see more toxic spill from my thoughts...I need to stop this. And I will.

Thanks MP, Xel and Zam, thanks brothers. I hear what you are saying!

I may not have brought the right gun to the fight this time, but I sure the fuck will the next time, lol...and I love the idea of sending a pic of my new8x6 cock! I may just do that, lol. But she will never have the chance at that, ever!

In all sincerity, Thank You again!

Btw, I received the sizgenics today, holyhell that was fast! Practically overnight!!

Should get PM tomorrow according to the tracker.

I get my latest T results on Thursday, I pray that they are perfect!
Congratulations, NeedMoreGirth! This is the best thing to do, and I fully support you. What I say is "Never do something for someone that wouldn't do the same for you!". You have come too far ( not deciding to divorce this woman years ago). When you get that 8x6 just send her a picture and let her cry! Do not allow someone that does not deserve your sight to insult you. She is nothing! And she'll be like that for a long time! I admire the patience you had and the love you gave her, but she hasn't deserved neither! Go on and live your happy life, because people with goodness and honor deserve it!!! When you do something- always do it for yourself and prove yourself to no one! The only one you who's approval you want is yours! Now get up (like I know you can), get that junk off of your suit and get the life you deserve with someone that deserves you! You have our full support!!!! We will stand behind you and support you. Cheers my brother, for the bright future that awaits! :)
Thanks Zam,

I have to admit, i am not sure what kind of spell she has under. One would think that i would have left a while ago. maybe its being together for almost 13 years. maybe its the thought of the scary world out there as a single again...I know sex is the culprit in the decline of our relationship. she has always said my size was fine, height proportional...and she has been able to have orgasms with me during intercourse. but with everything that i have gone through i have no confidence while having sex with her. maybe its from the low t, maybe its because she thinks i am 'awkward' at sex. i am trying to learn new techniques and to wow her in bed but i also need to try this things out and perfect them. she recently said she would stop the online fuck search, as i expressed my concerns and told her what it was doing to me, no sleep, anger, depression, etc. there is a guy that we met a year or so ago, nice guy, a friend, we have had a couple 3somes before with him (long story) that she would like to continue to fuck for a while. it would be only him and would only go until we get our groove back, if we can...i am actually considering this as i think it may put her in a better mood and a take the stress of of having sex. if she can come to the bedroom with a happy demeanor versus a somber one, that could go a long way. i have done a ton of soul searching on this and think that i can deal with this scenario. at least she will be safe and with some one i can trust not to hurt her. i met with and talked with him alone and he will not agree to this if i am not ok with it. it was actually a good discussion as i learned he has had some of his own issues in the past and can relate to what i am going was good to talk to another man, that could understand. so knowing him, her stopping the random fucking, and the possibility that this may change her demeanor...i am considering this.

i hope i don't get too lambasted, lol...I wish i knew why i wanted her so badly and why i can't easily walk away. given what we have been through i should be able to just go...

i have been slowly getting into the pe routines, 5-5-3 with the PM. only 4 times this week, taking it slow so i can understand the routines and i don't break anything, lol. i will try to do it everyday this week. i am also going to get the membership here so i can watch the videos to learn how to do everything correctly.

by the way, we bought a dido a while back (we actually rarely use sex toys together...she doesn't like it) and brought it out recently...she said she thought it was too to guess the size?...yep 8x6 ... lol maybe a i should go for 8x5.5 haha

Have a great Sunday!
Mate, from what I read above I see that you are still together. I wish you the best and if this is the best for you- so let it be. But hear me on this- you've been suffering for so long, are you ready to forgive everything? Every time she made you feel bad? In my country we have a saying " The wolf might change his fur, but never his attitude". Keep in mind that this woman is this woman and will never change. Go on and forget about her. I don't want to divorce you and your wife, once someone hurts me it is very hard to forgive, that's the way I am, I think the best for you and just can't believe how you act like nothing has ever happened. The next time she hurts you (I really want you to have no more of these moments) you will be cursing the minute you decided to do this. I am telling you this because somehow I felt the pain when you were telling me about it and I really care about you. I wish you all the best, keep us in touch with your routine and gains. If you need something to share or feel like you have any problems- we, your brothers, are always here :) All the best, Zam :)
What you say is very true. In every way. Funny, my therapist says the same thing. She says, even if you get her back, do you really want her? Lol...yes, you read correctly and i guess i did an good job at writing how the whole thing made me feel. The pain was almost too much to bear. I don't even know if I will be able to forgive either. Once we are together a few times, I should know for sure. One main problem is my five year old. He is so attached to both of us and that just kills me to think what will happen to him. And another thing, why the fuck Didn't i pick up on this before we got married?

I also don't have confidence in myself that I will find another woman who will find me attractive. In reality I think I am ok but my ego is fucked.

Zam, I appreciate would view points and your support, even though we have not met, I feel the comrade and it means a lot to me ...and that goes for all my brothers here.
NeedMoreGirth;564808 said:
One main problem is my five year old. He is so attached to both of us and that just kills me to think what will happen to him.

Believe me, for every child it is much better to see his parents divorced, but happy instead of together but miserable. I know, cause I was the reason my mom and dad divorced. They just didn't get along and it was more than obvious that they should not be together. If your child really loves you and is attatched to you (as you say), then a priority for him would be your happiness.

Confidence..... another thing. The confidence you have is the result of this woman. She turned you into this unconfident being you are now. There are some adult sites where you can look for people (females) in similar situation as yours and lots of other places to go. My advice would be : just answer yourself (give yourself the most honest answer you can) "Why am I with this woman?" , "What is keeping me together with her?". And do not go with the "we have a son" excuse. I've been in such an environement and I know. And remember "It's better to have a terrifying end than having an endless terror". This is my advice- Be happy! :)
You know, people who advise others to divorce, may one day be disappointed when their Creator divorces Himself from them for this heinous sin. Read Hosea 5 Zamb and please be quiet about it. You've never had a challanging situation in a long term commited relationship and successfully healed the relationship? Divorce is not settling the issues, its avoiding them and holding them as present wounds in your heart for ages. Advice and advisors are most respected when they share experience advise from their personal experience. Having no marriage experience, let those of us who do help this brother.

What that child wants most is mom and dad and child together happy. Divorce crushes the soul of a child. They end up almost never happy, rarely able to have a long term relationship of their own, like 20% success rates of children of divorce having a lifelong commited relationship of their own.

If you have a hard time walking away, NMG, its because you are bonded with this woman as the other half of your one body, methinks. Its hard, fuck its hard to imagine accepting this and going forward together... but you want to. You have hope.

You two are going to have to learn a lot about what do happily married people doto overcome such trials and failings? You're not likely to learn that on a Penis Enlargement forum. I'd suggest Retrouvaille and 3rd Option. I heard stories there that were so far worse than my own... gave me hope. Some sounded like yours, couples experiencing rampant infidelity... and came back to a faithful commited marriage.

Maybe those who have walked that path like yours and survived might be better to listen to? My wife is finally talking with the 3rd Option couple here and were making up... looking for a time to get me back in the house.

She respects you enough to hear what you say and stopped with the random guys? Maybe there's something on her side too she can't express and she realized she didn't want to lose you.

Of course continue with your Penis Enlargement, especially the confidence holding aspects, the endurance and stamina etc... Dude build that size she thinks is too big... at least grow towards it and see the effects in her if it makes a noticable difference.
I'd take a viagra, put on a c-ring and screw her for hours... LOL. If that's what's gonna get her attention and fidelity back, that's the shortcut to getting there.

Obviously, if her infidelity is the problem and you are on the edge of walking away for it, some scheme of allowing her to have infidelity "with just this one guy" is not really what you want... I can't say try it. Its a common lament of those who try threesomes and orgies, when one wants to return to monogamy the other often doesn't... its like you've opened Pandora's box and wonder why she's bedazzled by it after you realized its the plague eating the soul of your relationship.

It is possible to return to monogamy. You'll want to speak with those who've done it to learn how.
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I think Love is right! I am in no way experienced and in no way have walked the paths you both have. I wanted to give you the best advice possible, but the one I thought was best might not have been the right one. But let me give you the one I am completely sure is the right one- do what your heart tells you to do. I guess Love is right, if there is something keeping you both together- you still with her and she wanting to keep you- then you should probably give it a try. I gues this is love. And love should not be ignored. Follow what your heart tells you and you won't be wrong. All the best my friend! :)
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