Max Whitewood

Mar 31, 2014

I appreciate any help/advice on what to do, If anyone experienced can just take the time to read this and throw me something my way, it would mean the world to me, as I'm feeling a little lost on how to progress

I started PE in late feb. To avoid injury I began with directional stretches, starting with 1 set of left, right, up, down, out, BTC left BTC right and working up to 3 sets, a total of about 10mins of tension

I then started the JP90 stretches from PEgym which is 4 directional stretches with slow 360 rotations clockwise and then counter clock wise after each directional stretch is performed. I'm doing this to "condition" my penis.

I plan on continuing for another month, that will be a total of 3.5months, and then wish to start something serious, and I have the following questions:

- I'm only concerned with gaining length in the quickest way possible, which is why I want to avoid any girth work, including basic jelqs... ok to do this?

- I'm not experiencing any negative PI's manually stretching, does this mean I can lay to rest my worries of strengthening my penis and limiting length gains?

- I've been reading its ok for beginners to start hanging straight away as long as its taken slowly, true?

- I want to progress to DLD's beginner routine that got him 2 inchs, but I wish to use the LengthMaster to ensure I'm getting adequate tension throughout the entire workout, and gain experience in wrapping, ok to go?

- I'm a believer when it comes to the inner penis needing stretching, is it ok to throw these stretches in when im ready?

- Is every routine just a guideline and in the end it comes down to what works best for our penis's personally?

once again, any help i can get you have my gratitude, as I really want another 1.25" in length and I haven't gained anything so far since feb.
Jelq can add lenght too imo,its mainly a girth exercises but can add lenght too.But if you dont want any kind of girth gains,stick to manual streching + thing you can do imo.Read the SRT thread , it has some interesting ideas for lenght work,how you need to heal for best and faster gains etc.
Max Whitewood;646290 said:
- I'm only concerned with gaining length in the quickest way possible, which is why I want to avoid any girth work, including basic jelqs... ok to do this?

That is fine, if you are only looking for length there is no reason to do girth work. The only thing I would suggest is maybe 10 minutes of Jelqing a few times a week just to keep good blood flow to your penis.

Max Whitewood;646290 said:
- I'm not experiencing any negative PI's manually stretching, does this mean I can lay to rest my worries of strengthening my penis and limiting length gains?

Not sure what you mean on this question, could your rephrase it for me?

Max Whitewood;646290 said:
- I've been reading its ok for beginners to start hanging straight away as long as its taken slowly, true?

Yes, you can start with hanging and looking at your next question I would suggest the LengthMaster as this does hanging among many other exercises.

Max Whitewood;646290 said:
- I want to progress to DLD's beginner routine that got him 2 inchs, but I wish to use the LengthMaster to ensure I'm getting adequate tension throughout the entire workout, and gain experience in wrapping, ok to go?

That is just fine and you are correct, after mastering the wrap you can go to town with those stretches and many others.

Max Whitewood;646290 said:
- I'm a believer when it comes to the inner penis needing stretching, is it ok to throw these stretches in when im ready?

I would start them now, no reason not to. Expressive stretching can account for much length that would otherwise go unfound.

Max Whitewood;646290 said:
- Is every routine just a guideline and in the end it comes down to what works best for our penis's personally?

I would say that each of us, after mastering the basics, forge a routine for ourselves. I suggest you really read through the SRT thread as this is a big chunk of basic fundamentals in gaining and healing. It also gives you the SRT routine, which is second to none.

Good luck my new Brother!
doublelongdaddy;646314 said:
Not sure what you mean on this question, could your rephrase it for me?

I was worried I might be wasting my time doing manual stretching and wasting my "beginner gains" and/or strengthening my penis during the process making length gains very difficult to achieve.

this kind of meshes in with my desire to hang as Im reading that beginners should get into it straight away to get the fastest results. But this contradicts with other material Ive read about manually stretching first to hit all angles and to condition the penis etc etc

I was always read that beginners should manually stretch until they stop gaining before going to hanging.

If a beginner was to hang straight away, theres no reason he can't throw in manual stretches to hit the other angles too right??
Max Whitewood;646377 said:
I was worried I might be wasting my time doing manual stretching and wasting my "beginner gains" and/or strengthening my penis during the process making length gains very difficult to achieve.

this kind of meshes in with my desire to hang as Im reading that beginners should get into it straight away to get the fastest results. But this contradicts with other material Ive read about manually stretching first to hit all angles and to condition the penis etc etc

I was always read that beginners should manually stretch until they stop gaining before going to hanging.

If a beginner was to hang straight away, theres no reason he can't throw in manual stretches to hit the other angles too right??

OK, no matter what equipment you use you can start with that from the get go but you can never abandon manual PE. Manual work needs to blend with equipment use. when someone is hanging, extending, Phallosan, SizeGenetics or LengthMaster training it is important to counter these tools with some stretching. I have always been very partial to the newbie stretches as being the counter to length equipment as they cover every angle. You do not have to do the entire 3 sets but one got set between hanging, LengthMaster or SizeGenetics sets is very smart. Out of all the equipment out there the only one you can accomplish all manual stretching in is the LengthMaster but even then I like the idea of getting in a set of basic stretches in between each rest period.

The same thing applies to girth. The BathMate is the holy grail of girth work but it has been proven to work best when manual exercises are included. The Girth program (SRT 5x5x3) sets you will find in the SRT thread will show you how to gain incredible girth, with none of the problems associated with girth, by using the manual Slow Squash Jelq as the manual counter to the BathMate.

I came up with the idea of Super sets very early in my PE work and they have proven, across the board, to be the best way to train.
Awesome, so I can form a mixed routine of manual AND hanging whilst using the LengthMaster

This is great news. Thank you for the guidance DLD.
i think DLD has u all covered hehe
Max Whitewood;646463 said:
Thank you for the guidance DLD.

Thats what I do! You are always welcome.
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