
Sep 10, 2008
Hey fellas. The snake man checking in. Decided to join mistake and petersouth in creating a daily Penis Enlargement training log for my chemical protocol. Heres my current weekly routine. Still looking into what type of ADS i want to use in between sessions.

Current stats before Protocal: NBPenis EnlargementL 9.5 x 6.25 midgirth x 6.45 base girth

Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday (pge1/tb4 injection erection days)

Morning session: dmso/paba treatment for 40 minutes/ 2 twenty min tunica hanging sets/ 1 twenty min lig hanging set

Mid Day: PGE1/TB4 injection phase: 3 to 4 hours. First 1 hour of erection perform edging to flood penis with bio chemical inriched blood from supplements I take.

Afternoon: After erection goes down do DMSO/PABA treatment again then 20 to 45 minutes of jelqing and ULIES ranging from 60% erection to 95% erection
After jelqing, perform 1 last 20 min set of tunica hanging

Monday, Tuesday Wednesday (non injecting days)

Morning session before work: dmso/paba treatment 20 minutes/ 1 twenty min set of tunica hanging

Lunch break at my job: 2 ten minute clamping sets in bathroom stall if Im not fucking Janiss in her office

While at work after lunch break try to sneek in a few illegel 15 minute breaks to do 10 minute clamping sets in bathroom stall

evening session: Now at home dmso/paba treatment 20 minutes/ 1 twenty minute tunica hanging set and 1 twenty minute lig hanging set.
Afterwards, 15 minutes of edging to flood penis with bio chemical filled blood from supplements I take.
Septemeber 30, 2012 (Sunday)

9am dmso/paba treatment for 30mins
9:45am 2 twenty minute tunica hanging sets/ felt lazy no lig hanging

5:15pm injected 9mcgs of pge1 with 100mcgs of tb4 into right CC.
resulted in a weak erection/ not satisfied

5:35pm injected an additional 5 mcgs of pge1 resulting in an above satisfactory 90% to 100% painful erection from 5:40pm to 10:30pm. Edge for the first hour of second injection and edge for the last hour of erection. During edging during the last hour of the erection I kegeled to swell the penis with as much blood as possible. Kegels where painful under the influence of pge1.

Erection wouldn't go down after 4 hours so I busted a nut on purpose and popped two sudafed. Erection died down 30 minutes later. Penis is very sore from the pge1.

10:30pm 15 minutes of painful slow and deliberate jelqs to break apart any potential scar tissue from injection.

No additional hanging afterwards. Too tired.

One thing Im noticing is that my body responds better to pge1 at night time. It seems that I have to inject more pge1 if I inject in the day time. At night it can be as little as a measly 4mcgs and I'll be pain achingly 90 to 100% erect for 7 hours. I guess in the evening my body is more relaxed with less adrenaline so the pge1 can take full effect. Just a theory though.

Another thing Im noticing is after being erect for any longer then 3 hours from pge1, my body feels feverish afterwards with aching joints. I've been popping moltrin after my erections die down to counter this side effect Im experiancing.
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October 1, 2012 (Monday)

5:30am - DMSO/PABA treatment for 20 minutes

6:00am - 1 twenty minute tunica hanging set

10:00am At work, Illegel 15 minute break - 10 minute clamping set in bathroom stall

12:00pm Lunchtime: no clamping sets. Was too busy fucking Janiss in her office on her desk.

1:30pm Illegel 15 minute break -10 minute clamping set in bathroom stall

4:00pm Official legel 15 minute break - 10 minute clamping set in bathroom stall

5:30pm Illegel 10 minute break - Manual stretches for 10 minutes in bathroom stall

7:30pm At home now - DMSO/PABA treatment for 20 minutes

8:00pm - 1 twenty minute tunica hanging set

8:25pm - Too lazy to do lig hanging so I just Edged for 10 minutes

Definitely getting extreme expansion with my clamping sets. Yesterday was my first time clamping in months. Very hard on my unit but the goldreallas in my system is keeping EQ in good condition. With the use of PGE1 and dmso/paba softening up and rearranging cologen in my tunica, my clamped expansion is fatter then i've ever seen it now that Im clamping again. When clamped, I have a nice size gap between my index finger and thumb when gripping my dick right under the glans. At midshaft gap is bigger and toward the base before reaching the clamp, the gap is scary looking. Will be taking measurements this Thursday for progress in all demensions of size.
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October 2, 2012 (Tuesday)

5:30am - DMSO/PABA treatment for 20 minutes

6:00am - 1 twenty minute tunica hanging set

10:00am At work, Illegel 15 minute break - 10 minute clamping set in bathroom stall

12:00pm Lunchtime: no clamping sets. Was too busy fucking Janiss in her office on her desk.

1:30pm Illegel 15 minute break -10 minute clamping set in bathroom stall

4:00pm Official legel 15 minute break - manual stretches for 15 minutes in bathroom stall

5:30pm Illegel 10 minute break - Manual stretches for 10 minutes in bathroom stall

7:30pm At home now - DMSO/PABA treatment for 20 minutes

8:00pm - 1 twenty minute tunica hanging set

8:25pm - Too lazy to do lig hanging so I just Edged for 10 minutes

Only did 2 clamping sets yesterday. Tunica tissue at the extreme base where the clamp constricts on was pretty sore from the previous day's clamping sets. After doing some more research on Dr Adam's studies about how he doesn't advocate jelqing and clamping do to it's effects on tunica toughening, Im thinking about dropping clamping again since it's very hard on the unit. Not sure yet though. Jelqing will definitley remain in my program since it does a great job at breaking up any potential scar tissue from injecting. If I do keep clamping in my aresonal, Im also thinking about alternating clamping and pumping on non injecting days.

Also thinking about doing 1 or 2 hardcore pumping sets or 1 or 2 hardcore clamping sets on my injection days right before I inject. I have a theory that if I weaken the tunica with clamping or pumping first then wait 20 minutes and injected my pge1/tb4 coctail. The 4plus hour pge1 erection will further weaken the tunica and keep the microscopic gaps from the clamping/pumping sets open for a much longer time during the erection to cause a more perminanent effect on stetching the tunica.

The painful 4plus hour erection will also serve as an ADS after the pumping/clamping sets are done since the tunica will be under pressure for 4plus hours with the pge1 unlinking the tunica.
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LOL. Thanks Morphosis.

October 3, 2012 (Wednesday)

5:30am - DMSO/PABA treatment for 20 minutes

6:00am - 1 twenty minute tunica hanging set

10:00am At work, Illegel 15 minute break - 10 minute clamping set in bathroom stall

12:00pm Lunchtime - No fucking Janiss today for lunch so 2 ten minute clamping sets in bathroom stall

4:00pm Official legel 15 minute break - manual stretches for 15 minutes in bathroom stall

5:30pm Illegel 10 minute break - Manual stretches for 10 minutes in bathroom stall

7:30pm At home now - DMSO/PABA treatment for 20 minutes

8:00pm - 1 twenty minute tunica hanging set

8:25pm - Too lazy to do lig hanging so I just Edged for 10 minutes

With DMSO I tried something new yesterday. While refilling my vials, I took 5 vitamin E gel caps and openned them up to pour the gel in one of my vials of dmso/paba. I shook it up real good and applied it on my dick with my glass eye dropper. Since vitamun E is known to help break up and smooth out scar tissue, Im testing to see if the dmso can transdermally drag the vitamun E gel through the skin into the tunica with the paba for a triple combat effect on keeping the tunica soft and healthy.
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I love the Penis Enlargement/Pussy replacements:)
Thanks DLD. lol.

October 4, 2012 (Thursday)

6:00am 15 minute pumping set

1:50pm 15 minutes of manual stetches

2:10pm injected 10mcgs of pge1 with 100mcgs of tb4 into right CC with silicone cockring to keep chems in CC longer.

2:30pm 80% erection/cockring removed once confident that pge1 and tb4 was fully localized and trapped in CCs

2:30pm-3:30pm 90% erection to 100% erection. Edged for 1 hour during chemically induced erection

3:30pm - 5:00pm 80% fluctuated to 95% erection

5:00pm - 5:30pm 70% erection to 60% erection

5:30pm to 6:00pm 60% erection to 50% erection

Total erection time 3 hours. Could have stayed harder longer if I edged put wanted to go to the gym with the fellas so settled for 3 hour erection.

After down to 50% erection I did 20 minutes of painful jelqs and ulies for further tunica manipulation

PGE1 erection as usual was painful. Can feel a dull ache all the way from the shaft within the scrotum sac rooted into the base all the way to just under the glans.
October 6, 2012 (Saturday)

10 mins of manual stretches

10 minute intense clamping set

1:00pm injected 10mcgs of pge1 with 100mcgs of tb4 into right CC with silicone cockring to keep chems in CC longer.

1:10pm 80% erection/cockring removed once confident that pge1 and tb4 was fully localized and trapped in CCs

1:10pm-2:00pm 90% erection to 100% erection. Edged for 1 hour during chemically induced erection

2:00pm - 2:30pm 2 ten minute pumping sets from 3 to 5 gs during chemically induced erection

2:30pm - 3:40pm 90% erection to 80% erection

3:40pm to 4:00pm 70% erection to 60% erection

4:00pm to 4.25pm flarred back up suddenly to 75% erection

4:25pm to 4:40pm 75% erection down to 50% erection

Total erection time 3 hours and 10 mins.

Felt I over trained my unit today. When I was with Eva tonight my dick wouldn't get hard to save my life. Penis was extremely fatigued and tired from the intense clamping set before I even injected and intense pumping sets during pge1 erection. Explanation to Eva was that I was tired and not feeling well. The very next day I woke up with my usual morning wood and healthy EQ returned. After this experiance I've decided to throw clamping out of my program right now as I feel it's causing to much trauma to my dick right now with my chemical program.

How ever Im keeping pumping in my routine as I feel it provides slow gentle expansion of the tunica during a pge1 erection. Normally i can pump up to 6 to 10 gs if I want to with pumping under a normal erection. However with a pge1 induced erection my dick is already aching from the unlinking that pge1 does to the tunica during erection time.

In combination with pumping during pge1 erection, pain increased 3 fold, resulting in me only being able to handle 3 to 4 gs in the pump, but expansion was insane. I was in shock to see how inflated and expanded my tunica was inside the pump. Veins were buldging everywhere along my shaft. I complelety packed my tube length and girth wise on my second 10 minute set in the pump using only 3 to 4 gs.

For now on during my pge1 injection erections on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday I will do 1 or 2 ten to fifteen minute pumping sets during the pge1 erection to push the tunica to new expansion. No more clamping right now.

So laying out is to edge for the first hour of the pge1 induced erection to flood penis with bio chemicals. Next is to do 1 to 2 ten or fifteen minute pumping sets during pge1 erection then after that I can just chill out during the rest of my pge1 erection time until erection dies down to 40% then I'll continue with 20mins to 1hr of jelqing and ulies.
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October 7, 2012 (Sunday)

DMSO/PABA treatment for 20 minutes

20 minute fulcrum tunica hanging set with 7.5 lbs

12:00pm injected 10mcgs of pge1 and 100mcgs of tb4 into left CC at midshaft with silicone cockring to keep chems in CC longer.

12:15pm During pge1 induced erection I had Rebecca come over for some snakemafiying.

12:20 to 2:00pm 90% erection to 100% erecton Fucked the shit out of Rebecca twice during this period of erection time. Each stroke was painful do to pge1 and it's effects on the tunica but I sucked it up and handled my shit.

2:00pm 90% to 100% erection. Rebecca is stunned that my dick isn't going down after CUMMING 2 times. Little does she know that the snakeman has pge1 in his system. Recieved blowjob from Rebecca from 2:00pm to 2:30pm. Blowjob was painful because of aching from pge1 but expanison was excellent. Rebecca was unable to close her middle finger and thumb around my dick at midshaft.

No pumping sets since I was in some pussy which was plenty of a workout with pge1 involved.

2:30pm to 3:00pm 70% erection down to 60% erection Rebbeca left with great satisfaction on her face, asking if she could come back later tonight. I told her NO!!

Total erection time 3 hours.

No jelqing. Didn't feel like it.

Ok so today my plan to pump during my pge1 erection was spoiled since Rebecca kept calling me to get snakematized. I gave in an let her come over during my pge1 erection workout. After Rebecca left and my pge1 erection went down, I went to Sienna's house to chill with her. Sienna was on her period but she wanted to blow me. During her blowing me, I noticed that my non pge1 erection is better then it's ever been. dick definitely looks fatter then ever before.
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pumping with pge1, paba,dmso and manual exercise is the best way to go. Smart move saiyan
Thanks seun and markj71. Hey seun. I see you must remember me from �other PE site� since you're calling me saiyan. Lol. Yeah I guess that name will always stick with me. kingsnake aka saiyan22. LOL.

Hey 8incyclops. Here's a link to my pic thread showing my tunica hanging set up bro.

October 8 2012 (Monday)

5:30am DMSO/PABA treatment for 20 minutes

6:00am 1 twenty minute tunica fulcrum hanging set with 7.5 pounds

12:00pm Lunchtime no Penis Enlargement, too busy fucking Janiss in her office on her desk

3:00pm 10 minutes of manual stretches in bathroom stall at my job

5:00pm Injected 4mcgs of PGE1 and 100mcgs of TB4 into left CC in bathroom stall at my job

5:10pm to 5:20pm 60% painful erection hidden in my pants at work sitting at my cubicle

5:20pm to 7:00pm 75% to 90% painful erection tucked away in my pants at work sitting at my cubicle

7:30pm Now at home 75% to 80% erection

7:45pm - 8:00pm Just one 15 minute pumping set from 3 to 5 gs during PGE1 erection. Very painful 100% erection in the pump.

8:00pm - 8:20pm down to 75% to 60% erection (did DMSO/PABA treatment during the last 20 minutes of official pge1 erection time)

Total PGE1 erection time 3 hours and 10 minutes.

8:40pm - 900pm 20 minutes of slow painful wet jelqs with some erect Bends and ULIES thrown in for further tunica manipulation and to break up any potential scar tissue from injecting

Ok fellas. Even though Mondays through Wednesdays are not injection days for me, I decided to inject yesterday anyway while at work. I had to hide a painful pge1 erection in my pants and stay planted at my cubicle from 5:10pm to 700pm. If my boss would have asked me to do something that would have required me to stand up away from my cubicle, I would have had some explaining to do once he saw my erection buldging out of my pants.

This tactic definitely was not comfortable because I had to tuck my pelvis in on purpose to make my erection retracted a bit and stop painfully pushing up against my pants as it ran down my leg. I figured injected at work and being able to hide the erection during my down time at work would be a good way to get some more chemical erection time in for the week.

Once I got home I did one pumping set which was very painful on my pge1 erection. Its a good pain though. I can feel the tunica walls getting stretched outward like crazy in the pump with the influence of pge1. Once again with the pain I already have to deal with under PGE1, I was only able to handle 5 gs max in the pump but expansion was off the charts. Im using a 10 inch length tube that's 2.25 in diameter when pumping but I now need to get a longer tube because my head is painfully smashing up against the top of the tube while pumping. I'll be ordering a 12 inch length tube to pump with real soon.

One thing Im being reminded of is how unpredictable pge1 is. I didn't think 4mcgs of pge1 would have me 85% to 95% erect for 3 hours at work, since I normally inject 10 mcgs for a 3 to 4 hour steel pipe workout at home. I thought that 4 mcgs of pge1 was going to give me a couple hours of semi engorgement as a form of ADS while at my job. Keeping the penis in an engorged state for hours so it can heal that way but 4mcgs gave me 3 hours of painful steel wood to hide at work.
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such determination and discipline, i should call you spartan lol. I dont think you need hanging anymore just manual stretch and pumping.
Hey fellas. Thanks for the support.

October 9, 2012 (Tuesday)

5:30am DMSO/PABA treatment for 20 minutes

6:00am 1 twenty minute tunica fulcrum hanging set with 7.5 pounds

8:32am Now at work. Injected 5mcgs of PGE1 and 100mcgs of tb4 into left CC in bathroom stall at my job

8:37am - 9:00am painful 60% to 80% erection hidden in my pants while seated at my cubicle

9:00am - 10:00am painful 80% to 90% erection hidden in my pants while isolated in the data centar at my job

10:00am - 10:20am 90% to 100% erection while edging in the bathroom stall at my job

10:20am - 11:30am 90% down to 80% erection hidden in my pants while seated at my cubicle

11:30am - 12:00pm 80% down to 50% erection hidden in my pants while seated at my cubicle

Total PGE1 erection time 3 1/2 hours

How ever from 12:00pm to 2:00pm I kept getting random boners. Im guessing the random boners after the pge1 erection went down were from small traces of pge1 that still didn't leave my system yet.

4:30pm - 4:40pm 20 minutes of manual stretches in bathroom stall at my job exceeding my standard legel 15 minute break. Nobody noticed I came back late

7:40pm - 8:00pm Now at home: 1 twenty minute tunica fulcrum hanging set with 7.5 pounds

8:05pm to 8:25pm DMSO/PABA treatment for 20 minutes

Ok fellas. Once again I injected at work to get some more erection time in for the week. This time in the morning so by lunch time, I'd get the pge1 erection out of the way for the day. The pge1 erection was once again very painful with a dull ache as the tunica and connective tissues are expanded and unraveling. I had to sit a certain way in my seat at my cubicle to hide my erection. Basically I had to lean forward and pull my pelvis down into the seat to cause my erection to retract into my body a bit to hide it.

During my erection, I had to work on a few servers in the data centar. Luckly no one was there so I was able to get what I needed to get done with no problems. After I completed my Penis Enlargement training for the day, I had Sienna come over to get snakematized. My non PGE1 erection quality was off the charts while Sienna was choking and gagging on my dick. I beat the breaks off her pussy, sending her home with a big ass smile.
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Do you get attachment point soreness hanging directly after being erect for 4 hours?
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