Hey betterpenis123 what up dog? I too now have the book and was wondering if you think that one could do any and all types of Penis Enlargement along with the stuff in the book? Or just what is said exclusively in there? What do you think? Thank you.
im pretty gurrd penisbuilder i recon it be best if you dont bcus this may interfere with enlargement process of the penis, so i would recon to jus keepin to what the book says though it does say you have to do 10min massages n everything which is similar to ballooning.
So Betterpenis123 knows what it is like to have the manual and not be able to share it due to the copyright issues. Good to know I am not alone in this situation. I was thinking about doing the exercises also while using the Penis Bible guide, but it would not help me in determining wether the guide would work or not, so I'm just going to do what the guide says. I'm going to get the items I need to start using the Penis Bible in 3 weeks, so I will let ya know how things are going.
I emailed him originally over 2-months and never heard back from him and then again last month ... still nothing from the guy.
can anyone tell me if the methods suggested on thepenisbible are working at all? Are there visible changes at all after following it?Cos I'm ready to get it at the end of the month, thus any updates before then would be highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance for any info.
I just noticed the "The Penis Bible" site has been upgraded. There is nothing any more revealing about the info or contents of their ebook though.

I purchased the "The Secret Potency Report" and gave Riccardo's advice a three month test. I did'nt get any size gains. Tried contacting Riccardo but he has stopped coming around. I did start to develop a taste for the potency recipe and it does give me some form of positive energy.

I want to know more about "The Penis Bible". I am considering purchasing it...but I want to know a small bit of what it is preaching before I decide. Can anyone give a review of their actual experiences....please.

I'm not being cheap, I just spent $200.00 on leach oil. At least the leach oil has info that you can follow up on.
thicker79;310268 said:
The email address for him being riccardo.gueli@gmail.com ?? yea i tried that have still yet to hear anything back, so far i am not thrilled i think i may have lost 10 bucks i know its only $10 but still ya know, too bad i couldn't get the report from anyone one here who has allready bought it


I might have replied to you directly via email, though I do not recognise who you are here obviously. Sorry for the long delay in response. Could you please confirm if you have received your report yet??

Let me know...

Sassquash, please check your private message.

Thanks guys & sorry for being away for so long. Been a hectic last few months...

"I still have not received my potency report that I ordered. Please respond. Thank you."

Could you please email me at Riccardo.Gueli@gmail.com with your receipt so I could email the report to you straight away.

Meanwhile, I am still trying to figure out why PayPal doesn't AUTOMATICALLY direct payers to the download page. If anyone has encountered this problem with other vendors who do their payments via PayPal, then let me know. I am seriously thinking of changing merchant accounts! Grrrrr

So kingD, did you get the supplements needed? If so how are things going with it?
And betterpenis123? How about you?
hi there guys sorry about the delay i had been in an car accident of which halfmy fac was badly injured and fucked and then my computer had fucked aswell so it took me time to get things sorted out, yeah i had bought the supplements needed and i did after 2 weeks see a gain in girth and length by 0.25 of an inch in girth and length but before i could see some real gains i ran out of the supplements and now ordering a few more.
Betterpenis123, If I were you I'd get my supplements from bulknutrition.com (the 1fas400brands especially). That is the best place by far that you can get quantity and quality for the price and you want run out nearly as quickly. The oil I take for the GLA will run out in 30 days if I take a full serving of it, but I get it from vitacart.com and take one pill instead of three. Next time I'm going to get two bottles and take two pills instead of three so I can get more GLA which will last 90 days. By the way, what a coincidence you and kingd one after another got into car accidents, the two people with the penisbible.
Yo lowpenis!! I said the same thing to Betterpenis123, but the difference is he actually got to apply the Penis Bible to see results and I have not even got my supplements yet. I will let everyone when I start the Penis Bible program.
So i bought the bible seems ok dont know if really worth the money,
but talks about HGH spray but gives no link where to find it and all the ones i ve googled look like scams any body have any ideas, HGH also seems very expensive
I'd wouldn't buy hgh sray becuase you can just get the main growth hormone releasing ingredients in them. These include arginine, lysine, L-dopa bean(mucuna pruriens), and gaba. Here's a link to a pdf that talks about arginine and lysine releasing growth hormone.


  • arginine_lysine_formula.pdf
    29.2 KB · Views: 0
ok, i paid for this thing like 2 days ago... i have my paypal receipt and everything, but no e-book.... i've emailed them and had no response... can someone who has already received theirs please PM me and give me the ebook? i can show u the receipt and any other proof u need to show that i actually paid for it...
It's not that easy Foxconn. Each e-book has to be registered(which requires a username and password) before you view it and you cannot be used by more than 1 computer@ a time. So if someone e-mailed you the book with no username or password, it would be useless, and if they e-mailed the book to you with the username and password than they will not be able to access and use the book themselves. E-mail the author @ mail@thepenisbible.com. It may take a time or 2 but he will respond and help you out.
Yo Lowpenis!!! HGH spray is a vital part of the Penis Bible program and only the cheaper HGH sprays contain the items you listed. All HGH sprays are not equal and the real hardcore HGH sprays have other things in them that are alot more powerful. Just checkout ProBlen HGH spray. The pricey HGH sprays give you the real results in my opinion and it comes with a guarantee and 21 pages of testimonials. I'm going to use this spray once I start the program.
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