Thanks for the reminder Red. I wanted to wash this and I completely forgot about it, thank you
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After seeing Magnetic Resonance Imaging images of a couple having sex, I decided to draw up a similar diagram, as I could not find one on Google that accurately showed the difference between anterior and posterior fornix (known in layman's terms as the "deep spot", and also inaccurately called the "cul de sac") during penetration.

I wanted the members of my site to have an understanding of the mechanics of the whole thing, which was the original reason I made this graphic, and thought I would post a copy here for the benefit of the other members who might be confused as to what is going on when they hit those areas.

Now I'm no doctor, but I tried to follow the angles of the MRI images from the study, so this diagram might not be completely accurate, but it gets the general idea across.

Hope some of you find it useful.

View attachment 25085
Actually based on the picture, the cervix is located at around the area where buttocks begins (the upper portion). So logically speaking, do you think that maybe the depth of a woman´s vagina can be estimated by the size/length (vertical) of her butt cheecks?
Actually based on the picture, the cervix is located at around the area where buttocks begins (the upper portion). So logically speaking, do you think that maybe the depth of a woman´s vagina can be estimated by the size/length (vertical) of her butt cheecks?

i’m having a problem seeing this. I don’t think that this would be a good way to measure considering the pelvic bone, the torso and the gluteus maximus size and shape. Much of that is flat so it would be difficult to make that work
Dr. Pek Van Andel is a brilliant neird I must say, no linear thinking man, would have come up with this type of research.

From video description:
Dr. Pek Van Andel, who won an Ig Nobel Prize for making the first MRI images of a couple's sex organs while those organs were in use, also made a video of the phenomenon. Here, more or less, is the world premiere of that video.

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Here is the research paper.
(Located on my OneDrive storage)

The file is also attached as a .pdf file in this post.
The filename is: Magnetic_resonance_imaging_of_male_and_female_geni.pdf

Important finding (stated at page 6):
During female sexual arousal without intercourse the uterus rises and the anterior vaginal wall lengthens.


download (1).jpeg
Source: Sexual Response Cycle – Your Complete Guide - Health and Wellness Blog

Edit at Jan 20, 2024:
Added an attachment (.pdf - file) directly in this post.
That is: You don't need to navigate to, OneDrive to download/view the file.


  • Magnetic_resonance_imaging_of_male_and_female_geni.pdf
    345.7 KB · Views: 6
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Well I have only been with 11 women, so its not a large enough sample group to get an exact average out of, but I either bottom out, or almost bottomed out most of them all of them.
For the ones I didn't manage to bottom out , during sex I tested a dildo on them, and none of them took more than 8 inches (the dildos were realistic ones, so no hard pvc or plastic to skew the comparison).

This is just in my experience. However I have met a few true size queens in my time, and these women were able to handle from 9-10.5 inches. And yes I made sure it wasn't skewed perception.
They mentioned the names of the dildos they had fully taken, and I checked the sizes. Don't let that discourage you though, many women can handle very big girth, but the percentage that can take over 8 inches is a small minority of women.
Thats why my ultimate goal is 8 x 6.5. Anything bigger, in my opinion, will give you trouble with the vast majority of women.

9 x 7 or nothing for me. Even when I get to 7 inches girth, I will still use the 2.75 MityVac - Wet and Dry Penis Vacuum Pump System pump sometimes when I meet any lady that enjoyed my 7 inches girth.
Here is the research paper.
View attachment 1832843
(Located on my OneDrive storage)

Important finding (stated at page 6):


View attachment 1832844
Source: Sexual Response Cycle – Your Complete Guide - Health and Wellness Blog
I found a picture that explains all of this very clear, and how you are supposed to get to the: cul-de-sac.

This picure are explaining it clear, with the Uterine Sexual Response Cycle and then a penis inserted.

Here is another photo of it all.
There are 2 diffrent cul-de-sac;
- Posterior
- Anterior

If I look at this photo:
It's clear that you want to get into the; Posterior: cul-de-sac/posterior fornix, when you have a long penis in order to reach a sensitive and stimulating area. And the goal is to extract liquid (Female Ejaculation).

If you hit their cervix it is very painful but in certain postions u can go around the cervix and hit the cul de sac and this is what makes a woman squirt

I have figured it all out with theory, and information. Now I just need make my penis even longer, in order to hit this spot.
According to @DLD it can happen with a 8.5 inch penis (BPEL).

That was my goal, too, to be able to reach the cul de sak and make my girl squirt. I was able at 8.5 inches

But this I have been doing before:
You can also hit a spot that's more accessible. You can even get to this spot with your fingers. This spot are called, G-spot. If you want to figure out the technic to use, a man called Squirtinator will help you with that.


With this information you should be able to make any woman ejaculate and have wonderful orgasms, even if you have a normal length penis. The key is to have the woman to let go fully. Sensual Massage, is a good way to start, then you just increase the intensity as you progress.

Also read the books:

• The 4-Hour Body by TIMOTHY FERRISS.
(His source for the chapter about this was, Nina Hartley).

• the ART of SENSUAL MASSAGE by Gordon Inkeles.
(You get a DVD as well with this book).

Oh man. Now the "secret" is out.
Kind regards! Hope this helps.
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Here's the thread you need to read, if you want to learn about deep penetration.
Here's the thread you need to read, if you want to learn about deep penetration.
Just found this after my post on depth earlier. Using a phone so i don’t know how to link but this explains a lot more obviously you were in this thread but a good refresher
Just found this after my post on depth earlier. Using a phone so i don’t know how to link but this explains a lot more obviously you were in this thread but a good refresher
Yes! I rejuvenated this thread. All the pictures was gone.

But now we have the findings of the research paper that was done, and the techniques for deep penetration. You should try to get to the posterior fornix.
Yes! I rejuvenated this thread. All the pictures was gone.

But now we have the findings of the research paper that was done, and the techniques for deep penetration. You should try to get to the posterior fornix.

Can these pictures Be redone by someone else?
Can these pictures Be redone by someone else?
I already did this some time ago.




If you scroll up you will find these picures in posts above (these picures are only links/URL's to these pictures).
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