sikdogg said:
So is this Bush/Nazi conspiracy going to end when he is removed from office in the next few years??? or will there be another conspiracy?? It's interesting that only Republicans are conspirators... never a democrat.

That's a ridiculous generalization right there. Look into the BCCI and you'll see clearly that it doesn't matter which party you belong to...if you're a President in particular you will have strong ties to very corrupt organizations and people. That doesn't make it okay, but somehow we're forgetful or don't care. And I mentioned Carter in a previous post in this thread. Clinton was no saint either. It just happens that our incumbent President is a Republican and happens to be named Bush...a sneaky, corrupt, and traitorous family. Scandals...conspiracies whatever they don't happen :s

And Swank is right about many American businesses profitting from the Nazi party. IBathmate had allegations against its business with them. If you've seen The Corporation you'll get sort of an idea of what is believed how they were involved. Kodak also made money in Germany when businesses in the U.S were not to trade with the enemy.
originally posted by Iwant8inches:
The Corportate President we have right now with the way the past two elections have been stolen... My god. Has anyone read What Went Wrong In Ohio? I knew there was something going on that night. J. Kenneth Blackwell is a mutherfucking bastard plain and simple. He really did all he could to discourage voters er correction minority voters in historically Democratic areas. We really need to have our heads examined for using electronic voting machines without a paper trail in our Presidential elections. Seriously, who the fuck's idea was it to do this??? I'd like to have a word with them. My finger has been dying to say something to those responsible for that idiocy. I do see facism abound in this country.

Its good you brought that up, speaking of Bush's theft of election victories, remember 2000, Tom Delay and Sen. Trent Lott, rounded up goon squads of Republican Congressional staffers and flew them from Washington to Florida- from planes provided by Enron and Halliburton. They approached the building where Miami-Dade County supervisers were conducting their recount and staged a riot, physically attacking and intimidating election officials until they stopped counting.
Not to mention minority voters were reportedly harrassed by police and poll workers. Some were prevented from reaching the polling place by mysterious new road blocks. And large numbers of African American voters found themselves standing in line and unable to vote when the polls closed prematurely.
Gore still received the majority of legal ballots in Florida; and had a recount of all disputed state ballots been conducted by all recount standards- Gore would have been the winner in Florida by 105 votes.
Lastly, Bush's Secretary of State Katherine Harris sent local election officials a list of more than 57,000 mostly black Florida citizens to be removed from the voter rolls because they were "possible" convicted felons- most of the convictions were minor drug offenses.
Yeah this is all stuff most people should know, but I doubt they care. Same things happening in Ohio. The one thing everyone knows though is that J. Kenneth Blackwell was the co- chair of the Bush/Cheney campaign in Ohio in 2004. Harris was the chair of the Bush/Cheney campaign in Florida in 2000. Both Blackwell and Harris were Sec. of State also. I don't want to get into any copyright infringements here, but I'll post this tid bit from the book What Went Wrong In Ohio which is the Conyers Reprt on the 2004 Presidential Election. There is SOOOO much more than this little bit, but it is nearly a disgrace to our nation that so many anomalies and irregularities would occur without full investigations being conducted so as to either bring those guilty of wrongdoing to justice or in order to prevent the same things from occurring over and over.

From What Went Wrong In Ohio

"6. Miami County-Where did nearly 20,000 extra votes for George W. Bush come from?

In Miami County, voter turnout was a highly suspect and improbable 98.55 percent. With 100% of the precincts reporting on Wednesday, Novemebr 3, 2004, President Bush received 20,807 votes, or 65.80% of the vote, and Senator Kerry received 10,724 votes, or 33.92% of the vote. Thus, Miami County reported a total of 31,620 voters. Inexplicably, nearly 19,000 new ballots were added after all precincts reported, boosting President Bush's vote count to 33,039 or 65.77%, while Senator Kerry's vote percentage stayed exactly the same to three-one-hundreths of a percentage point at 33.92 percent. Roger Kearney of Rhombus Technologies, Ltd., the reporting company responsible for vote results of Miami County, stated that the problem was not with his reporting and that the additional 19,000 votes were added before 100% of the precincts were in.

Secretary of State Blackwell has refused to answer any of the questions concerning these matters posed to him by Ranking Member Conyers and eleven other Members of the Judiciary Committee on December 2, 2004.

Mr. Kearney's statement does not explain how the vote count could change for President Bush, but not for Senator Kerry, after 19,000 new votes were added to the roster. Thus, we are primarily concerned with identifying a valid explanation for the statistical anomaly that showed virtually identical ratios after the final 20-40% of the votes were counted. Specifically, we have received no explanation as to how the vote count in the particular county could have changed for President Bush, but not for Senator Kerry, after 19,000 new votes were added to the roster. The vote results in Miami constitute yet another significant anomaly in the tens-of-thousands range without any explanation or investigation by Secretary of State Blackwell, leading us to conclude that there is probably some vote error or vote manipulation. This could constitute a violation of Constitutional guarantees of Equal Protection and Due Process and if intential, would probably violate the Voting Rights Act and Ohio election law."

There is too much more information in this book all of which is voter intimidation, anomalies, and irregularities. Some 3,300 voting irregularities in Ohio according to the testimony of the Election Protection Commission. One more thing of note is the way the exit polls here in the swing states were off so badly. Ask any statistician and he'll tell you the election was rigged. The odds are like 1 in 250,000,000 million that these exit polls would be as wrong as they were. Not to mention all of the supposed glitches were 99.9 percent in favor of Bush.
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iwant8inches;166897 said:
Bush is not Hitler

He could never be Hitler, his brain is too underdeveloped!
It killed Tu Pac and it is very real. Whether Hitler or Bush were wrong they are all creating a new world order- they were just following their own beliefs indeed. They did not have Penis Enlargement. We've got sunglasses of truth from DLD and we are a rare breed. So there is no reason to fight only to get the message out quickly as possible so we can unveil this new world order and save the ones we love- now I'm going to go smoke purple-sticky-green-leafy freedom bc that is heavy and true I need to see it from the clouds.
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Turnover;401053 said:
It killed Tu Pac and it is very real. Whether Hitler or Bush were wrong they are all creating a new world order- they were just following their own beliefs indeed. They did not have Penis Enlargement. We've got sunglasses of truth from DLD and we are a rare breed. So there is no reason to fight only to get the message out quickly as possible so we can unveil this new world order and save the ones we love- now I'm going to go smoke purple-sticky-green-leafy freedom bc that is heavy and true I need to see it from the clouds.

I have rewritten my thoughts on this numerous times and still can't get the words to come out right...I fear Hannity and Colmes may talk over me and twist my words.

We are in the midst of an epic event! A glorious event to few and a horrifying event to many. There is one secret, one "knowing" one council, one people, one agenda, one understanding that has ruled over the righteous people since time recorded it's first comprehensible books. A power is held by one and through it's singular power it commands all others. This is a singular power as it is the power of will. The one that holds this covenant is the very being that ultimately covets it. Many believe that through force this power can be reclaimed to it's rightful owner, the purest of the pure people, the creators of it's covenant, but no!, it can not be had this way! Understand that this is an absolute power and thereby absolutely corrupts it's user in every instance of recorded time. Along with the corruption it's byproduct soon finds itself in heroes of this covenant, the ones for who it belongs! Any person who has become privy to it's all conscious understanding and try to share this always fall wounded, dead or driven to suicide by their very owner, the corrupt one that holds this ultimate power! Systematically, the ones who are on the trail of figuring it out are dealt with swiftly and the ultimate, corrupt power will cast foolery on the author, discredits at him at every turn. The powers will make jokes of their work until the work becomes a threat, and then they turn and destroy it by all means necessary. When they can't do it through propaganda and slander they will do it through the blood of the righteous! No! This Ends! Greatness of any saint, any artist, any leader, any author, etc comes well after they are no longer a threat to the system they have created UNLESS they are corrupted in the system itself! I have always been a threat in Penis Enlargement, I teach a miracle for free and it is a secret I freely take part in and share it's magical principals, I take away from the establisHydromaxent by telling the truth and it indeed sets the newbie free! I would love to be preaching this same truths in every other part of the system I have learned and mastered. With each conquest that threatens the anonymity of the power, the value of it's elimination grows!

No! There is only one way to beat this system, a system that is ultimately held at the throat by a dictator unknown to any, the only way to have this corrected would be another being who secretly learns this secret, destroys the current dictator and comes into power himself! Literally! It has to be this way as he who understands this power will come into power of it and this power of will is JUST THAT, a power of it's owners will. I hope and pray it is a man of pure honor, pure truth, pure beauty, pure understanding, pure in sharing, pure in teaching, pure in every way as he will own this system.

I know this sounds awful and hopeless but that is not the case! When the great day comes and this righteous being takes power he will give the power away! This power of will and total manifestation belongs to all! Many fear that if everyone was free to have any wish they wanted then there will be nothing left for me! This is simply not true. For few will truly understand this covenant and become firm believers and members in it's numbers! Genocide on the proportions we will soon see will make every other event seem minimal but this elimination will not be of people, it will be of what the people truly believe to be evil! This genocide will be sparked by the mass understanding of the great secret, the great power, they will see the light and the evil ones will be revealed. This righteous leader who teaches the masses this great understanding will remain the leader of this great consciousness for unless he starts to covet the power himself! We need direction from one who is able to selfishly teach his mastery to any who desire the truth.

As Hitler said with such belief, "We will rule for 1000 years!" This is a statement of such importance to the human race now! We need to have a leader that will lead us with humanity and allow this world to be at peace for 1000 years! A leader who will teach us how to use this power for 1000 years! A knowledge that eliminates the unworthy and makes the worthy strong and upright! For 1000 years we should grow the BEST of the BEST! We should create the most efficient, strong, knowledgeable, powerful human race we can! For 1000 years we should cleanse the world of all undesirable byproducts of evil and death....from disease to disorder! For 1000 years we should live in honesty, with honor and TRUTH for all! For 1000 years we should organize, catalog and record every facet of culture! For 1000 years we should live as eternal beings of complete happiness, peace, abundance and equality! After 1000 years of harmony we can spawn another million years of life! This WILL NOT be a battle of race it will be a battle of freedom! There will be worthy and unworthy in all flavors.

I love all people of all races! I prefer Italians, Germans, Blacks and select guys from the UK and Australia:) (JK) but I love you all! Natural selection is what naturally selects the best of the best to evolve in nature. As physicality's become less and less discriminatable through faceless interactions (MOS is a perfect example) men live by their words and the record of their input as humans, not races. MOS follows the same mechanics of a "naturally selected" processes in a perfect way. The strong emerge as leaders, the ones who fall short can choose to learn from the higher system of leadership to become stronger or they can choose to leave the system. If one arrises with a revolutionary change in what our word professes we fairly and thoroughly investigate it's validity and if it rings true and is for the greater good of the whole group we will adopt it as word! The weak can become strong and the strong can become weak but this is at the will of the person himself. Truth is truth and it should be known at ANY AND ALL COSTS!

I believe Hitler was right in every facet of his book, Mein Kampf, but one, it is not a race people, it is a consciousness people!

George Bush could never bring the pride to the American people as Hitler did to the Germans, no US President could!
Bloody Hell.

Has it ever taken you like 2 hours to write a post that should have only taken you a 20 min response, well, reading this post has Literally taken me like 2 hours to read; it should have.

I've taken thorough notes. I hope you aren't only intending on running MOS and never becoming the Leader of many brother and sister sites: for people who aren't in need of Penis Enlargement. People who need someone like you: pure.

Your past is not pure- YOU ARE ***edit** Your past is pure

First Note: need to WD40 my chair- it's squeekin lika mofo'>:(

It will be easy: it always was.

We are tricked with Fear. I believe fear with homosexuality, is one way, bc we are taught to laugh at it- by gay people. Meaning, for example, women are gay 100% and will make you feel like shit if you as a man in any way are a threat to discovering their gayness. Therefore the gayest women will always look for your weakspot and call that gay and make you feel egotistical about it (unnecessarily) it is the feature that is your most feminine. Thus why it is a threat to the "gayest" woman.

I know this sounds awful and hopeless YET IT ISNT for even the gayest women is not wrong for being gay.

Hope that wasn't way out there: this is the internet tonight I'M SAYING FUCK IT

(No)( Homo)

Here's the rest of the notes: also could use the analogy for rape though I dont have a personal relationship with that hyperbole. I thought the post was written perfectly. How, DLD, would I be able to understand. The one that is to destroy the current dictator of the awareness of will power is already the dictator of said current owner of understanding the purest "knowing" of will.

***Edit(II)** The metaphor could also be used for pure joy and the purpose we seek to share it. Do I not want to get kicked out of my house. No I do not. Will I be happier if I did. Yes. What keeps me in fear to leave my house. It's that I do not fear to leave my house.

The majority of people believe if everyone was free to have any wish they wanted there will be nothing left-
Simply Not True
(A positive thought out weighs a negative thought by 1,000,000.)

To preach this truth in all areas you master well obviously you are bc you live and breath wanting to preach the truth in all areas of life.

The one's who are, ie the skeletons in They Live, dont own or not own will. They are always chillin with us just smokin a different plant. Or planet. They are as unhappy and happy as us. Only if we are happy does their happiness look unhappy. We see our own unhappiness that was

The fear stops us and we believe it is us and the fear is real. What stops us is we are stopping. Illuminate. For example 9/11 ground zero. It stopped nothing. It stopped everything. Death is imminent 1,000 years or none. If we were in the building we died righteous. I think you are describing life after death when you say there is a pure ONE that will lead this 1,000 years of peace. Thats why you say
doublelongdaddy;401071 said:
There will be worthy and unworthy in all flavors.

Since the beginning of the conquest that threatens this pure "knowledge" of power claiming the increasing lives of the innocent. Is the fear. After this life will you or will you not be getting your ass pounded by the devil or your dick sucked by 7 virgins- it is the same thing! Will you make jokes or will you not make jokes. Is an old ass man happy when he feels 1,000 years old- right before he crosses over. The peacefulness in his eyes say yes. It is okay.

What threatens the purest knowledge of will power?
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I sincerely apologize if this is offensive even slightly (more so than not) I just wrote it and didnt reedit it yet. And I thought I should add that I felt it was totally and completely of necessary importance to post what was written.?:(
Any question's at all just ask!

I noticed this topic was started a while back, but I still want to join in cuz it is a great discussion.

It is interesting to compare America's current situation (Hasn't changed in the last 5 years if you ask me) to a fascist regime. Thing is, no one will ever compare themselves to a nazi regime because nazis are seen as the greatest example of "the ultimate evil" and nobody ever thinks to themselves "Are we the bad guys?" Only difference is we don't admit to doing it or supporting it genocide. So this tells me several things. First is that Americans would be no different than nazis if they used Christianity as a tool for genocide. I'm not up on the details but propaganda is an easy way to manipulate citizens. If I remember correctly the swastika was originally a Manjin, a Chinese symbol for peace and they twisted it. Americans in this way who give into propaganda for genocide are either incredibly mislead and easily manipulable, or they really are evil and perfectly aware of that. Second is that there were probably plenty of people in 1942 who were also against what was going on, and did what they could do to try and stop it to no avail. Only difference is they didn't have the internet, but nobody listens on the internet anyway so it must have been just as futile. It puts both past and future into perspective, and makes you wonder how it's going to go. For me, it tells me that there WILL be a World War 3. I just hope I'm not around when it happens. There are many Americans who have completely given up on the country and want to leave as soon as possible. I'm sure there were plenty of Germans doing the same thing at the time. It's interesting to contemplate.
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