
Aug 23, 2008
Hey guys, I actually thought that every man had the same kind of penis [ For pe anyway ] but this post i seen on another forum says different..! [ hope you dont mind me posting this DLD.. ] I would love to know your thoughts on this topic, especially all you vets. There quotes from guys that have this kind of cord stringing the length of there penis, and it makes stretching hard to do..!! it pisses me off really because i have the same like cord<:(.. hopefully you guys can shed more light on this matter with some good advice as well.. have a read guys and cheers..!

Here are some quotes from this thread from corded guys, cordless guys, and guys who seem unclear on what a cord is:

NO CORD - guys too lucky to know what a "cord" is:

WestLA: "some guys swear it is causing them problems."

ModestoMan: "its resistance the stretching is not really impressive."

Marinera: "I do have a cord but I never thought it could be a limit to anything (...) Even if septum was your 'limiting factor', it wouldn't make much sense pulling it (...) the idea that, generally speaking, septum is a limiting factor for many or most of people is just another Penis Enlargement myth (...) if one believes that actually this is true (septum as limiting factor for length gains) than it becomes a self-veryfieng profecy."


CORD - guys talking about how their cord takes ALL the stress of any stretch:

Soon2b9: "No matter what kind of stretch I do, this is the ONLY thing that takes any of the stress. It doesn't matter if I try to hit the ligs, or the tunica, this thick cord that runs along the top is the only thing that takes any stress"

Meatplow: "When I hang BTC I get lig pull, but at all other angles this cord is definitely getting all the strain, and doesn't feel like something that will break down and stretch."

Nitefly: "when I stretch my penis, it's restricted by what feels like a hard cord in the middle (...) All I know is, this hard cord (...) in the middle of my penis is what's preventing it from stretching any further. So it just makes sense to stretch that first before the tunica can stretch at all (...) I think you might be missing the point of targeting the septum. My penis can stretch as far as the septum allows it to, no further. Whether its V or normal stretching. There's physically no way of stretching any other part of the penis without first stretching the septum (...) feels like a very firm piece of rubber in the middle of the penis. So tough that it's near impossible to stretch it? It's much harder/firmer than anything else in the penis when stretching."
I have this and I know many more here have this "cord" as well. I don't know what to say about this other than to agree with everyone and say it feels like it wont give. I would like to hear about someone that doesn't seem to have this limiting cord though. It would be great if German Stallion could chime in and give us some input, he has studied this before.
I call this 'cord' as you call it a "guitar string" and it is a beast! It is the limiting factor for all of us. If someone tells you he doens't have one, he is mistaken. It is the "Septum" and it is the bundle of strength in the middle of the penis. If anyone ever gets that figured out, we will have the key to penis length. No matter what we do, that has to stretch before any length comes. I don't know how to stretch it. I don't know how to break it down. I can sometimes trick it and get a little length but it quickly raises his head and comes alive. It is the defense mechinism of the penis, I think. It protects the penis from damage. Maybe talking about it again will bring some light to the subject and someone will tell us of the success they have had in making it give. I think that hanging and trying to reach the "fatigue" spot is one way, but then the septum builds up strength and it is harder the next time. GS
German Stallion;367814 said:
I call this 'cord' as you call it a "guitar string" and it is a beast! It is the limiting factor for all of us. If someone tells you he doens't have one, he is mistaken. It is the "Septum" and it is the bundle of strength in the middle of the penis. If anyone ever gets that figured out, we will have the key to penis length. No matter what we do, that has to stretch before any length comes. I don't know how to stretch it. I don't know how to break it down. I can sometimes trick it and get a little length but it quickly raises his head and comes alive. It is the defense mechinism of the penis, I think. It protects the penis from damage. Maybe talking about it again will bring some light to the subject and someone will tell us of the success they have had in making it give. I think that hanging and trying to reach the "fatigue" spot is one way, but then the septum builds up strength and it is harder the next time. GS

Interesting thoughts. I will have to think on this one.
I fully have the cord, i can feel the damn thing right now with the LM, its like a piece of steel
i've never noticed the cord before unless it's what i feel being stretched when i do the Mother of All Lig Stretches. when i do those and hook it just right i feel a burn, but it's not up close to the pubic bone like how i thought the ligs are supposed to be, it's more at the bottom of my penis between the base and middle of the shaft
German Stallion;367814 said:
I call this 'cord' as you call it a "guitar string" and it is a beast! It is the limiting factor for all of us. If someone tells you he doens't have one, he is mistaken. It is the "Septum" and it is the bundle of strength in the middle of the penis. If anyone ever gets that figured out, we will have the key to penis length. No matter what we do, that has to stretch before any length comes. I don't know how to stretch it. I don't know how to break it down. I can sometimes trick it and get a little length but it quickly raises his head and comes alive. It is the defense mechinism of the penis, I think. It protects the penis from damage. Maybe talking about it again will bring some light to the subject and someone will tell us of the success they have had in making it give. I think that hanging and trying to reach the "fatigue" spot is one way, but then the septum builds up strength and it is harder the next time. GS

Getting the 'SEPTUM' to stretch is almost as impossible to get this rock to stretch

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This may sound weird but I can feel the cord only if I haven't ejaculated in a while. After ejaculation, I feel like I can stretch for inches on end. Anybody else this way? Am I just weird or is there some explanation behind it?
Is this similar to the cord you plug in or the chord on a piano
doublelongdaddy;368021 said:
Is this similar to the cord you plug in or the chord on a piano
Well DLD, it is both. The cord you plug in is long and only has so much length. If it is a 15 foot cord, it won't stretch more than 15 feet! You can tug and pull but it won't go any more. It is like a piano chord...because it seems you need to pound it to make it make a noise.;):cool:
German Stallion;368083 said:
;) Well DLD, it is both. The cord you plug in is long and only has so much length. If it is a 15 foot cord, it won't stretch more than 15 feet! You can tug and pull but it won't go any more. It is like a piano chord...because it seems you need to pound it to make it make a noise.;):cool:

bigmanj;367973 said:
This may sound weird but I can feel the cord only if I haven't ejaculated in a while. After ejaculation, I feel like I can stretch for inches on end. Anybody else this way? Am I just weird or is there some explanation behind it?

Ok, i'm intrigued. So is it just that you "feel" you can stretch for inches on end, OR is it a reality that you can stretch it out another inch or two past your pre-ejaculation BPFSL after ejaculating?

A question for you guys that dont feel any cord.

If you stretch your dick out in front of you a little tite, and feel around what do you actually feel..? Is everything just soft..? can't you feel nothing like a cord at all..?

REDZULU2003;368219 said:
Never noticed this 'cord' myself

Me neither...I guess my penis is wireless:)
Okay, some of you that don't know what the cord is or don't think you that this "wire" or "cord" is is impossible that you don't. It is the bundle that is the attachement to the glans and is the "septum" in Penis EnlargementNIS anatomy. If you don't have have it, it would mean that you could just stretch your penis to any length. You would have nothing...absolutely nothing that would keep it from stretching and stretching until it was like a rubber band. It might be bigger or thicker because that is your physical make up. It is the defeating ligament...although it is not a ligament, it is a bundle of tissue that is the right and left and top of your penile structure. I remember when I started stretching and it seemed thinner and as I did more Penis Enlargement it became thicker and stronger. It is the Protective element of you penis, not letting you pull it out to 2 feet! Certainly you can have a different type than some of us, but it is still none-the-less there. If you were to hang 20 pounds or 30 pounds and not have it, your meat would stretch out to two feet and hit the ground. So whatever you call it or how you are built, it is still there and it is the one major thing...thing or what ever you call it that keeps from gaining length. GS
Originally Posted by BANANAxBOY
Originally Posted by bigmanj
This may sound weird but I can feel the cord only if I haven't ejaculated in a while. After ejaculation, I feel like I can stretch for inches on end. Anybody else this way? Am I just weird or is there some explanation behind it?

Ok, i'm intrigued. So is it just that you "feel" you can stretch for inches on end, OR is it a reality that you can stretch it out another inch or two past your pre-ejaculation BPFSL after ejaculating?


To be honest, after ejaculation and a little bit of stretching to get "loose" I really can stretch it out at least another inch than. That is compared to being flaccid pre ejaculation.
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