a vid of this would be nice. I'm slow because I don't get it from the diagram
Threak-X;344103 said:
Red--Great concept, theory on this exercise and spot on with the name (Vox Succurro Extorqueo Stretch)

  1. Is this exercise done in sitting position in a chair?
  2. Opening the leg in the bent or straight position?
  3. Using the edge of the PA where the T-shape is, how can using a PVC pipe have the same effect?

    View attachment 20703

I was wedging one end against the floor so it was kind of like a lever pushing into my lig at the same angle. It isn't that great but when I get it right I experience a good stretch.

you can also go to home depot and get one wider piece of pvc, cut a hole in the side and cement a more narrow piece inside the hole so you end up with a "T" looking piece of pvc. I'm gonna do this when I get another piece.
Threak-X;344103 said:
Red--Great concept, theory on this exercise and spot on with the name (Vox Succurro Extorqueo Stretch)

  1. Is this exercise done in sitting position in a chair?
  2. Opening the leg in the bent or straight position?
  3. Using the edge of the PA where the T-shape is, how can using a PVC pipe have the same effect?

    View attachment 20703

Alright buddy thanks for the post :)

1] Yes its done either sitting in the chair or in my case upright in bed.

2] I bend the opening leg but make sure the thigh part goes back.

3] Spot on mate thats the part of the PA used. The PVC pipe I'm not sure as it was someone else on here who used that. If you can find something that can substitute the PA so it has a piece like the T-shape, it should be okay.
md680498;345423 said:
tried it with a drum stick. worked real nice.

How did that work with a drum stick ?:( because the end is very thin and I'm puzzled how it could trap the ligament against the bone for the stretch to commence.
Now I understand with the drumstick, you hooked the ligament and than stretched it. Clever idea.
REd i should of known most of your exercises are hardcore...:|. I know its normal but after years of not doing Penis Enlargement i just wanted to see what this stretch felt like and got some snap crack poppin in my ligs and scared the heck outta me cuz my ligs NEVER used to pop. Very very very nice though :)
This is what makes me really think that this exercise hides many new possibilities in its intensity, that it can simply get guys ligaments cracking that dont normally crack.

I have wrote a large thread on lig pops and my verdict was they arent bad or good but some seem to get them more than others and it means nothing to gains. However with recent new findings, that thread is old, and I myself have noticed pops when I never got them and if I did it was RARE but not its more common and I noticed a gain around this time useing the V-SES!!!

I'm not thinking lig pops could indicate potential growth in some individuals, but its difficult so say at the moment.

Eitherway if you didnt get pops before and now you do with V-SES its saying that your intensity is HIGH and if you keep at it than gains will come.

The V-SES is the best penile suspensory ligament isolation exercise around, more so than blasters as they dont 100% isolate the ligaments with them also stretching allot of skin and other portions to the penis while the V-SES target just the LIGAMENTS and if anything else is stretched, its very low compared to other methods attacking the same target.

PLEASE do use these regular, give them and honest try for at least 8-10 weeks and I BET YOU gains in length will be yours!! you will shock yourself, like I did .. me going from 8-8.3 inches in around 8 weeks with just 19 sessions!!! 2 1/2 session P/W mostly doing V-SES.

You also should aim and feel for the BURNING sensation when doing these, because that is telling you that the body is resisting now agaisnt the stretch because its at its MAXIMUM output .. meaning the body wants you to stop pulling the ligaments out further and so it makes them burn, to stop you .... you want this, telling you that the stretch cant get much more bloody intense.

I'm going to fuck my penis with these tonight YEAHAHAHHAHAA
Also you only need to stretch the right side of the ligaments to the penis and not the left when doing the V-SES.

This is because the right side of the penile suspensory ligaments has much more of the 'bulk' to the ligaments than the left and is the place surgeons also cut in penile-lenghening ops.

I have stretched the left aswell but I always hammer the right and no uneven growth. Again the right side has the MAJORITY of the bulk to the ligaments, not the leftside so it makes sense to spend your efforts hitting that side when you do the V-SES.

I dont want to confuse people about left and right now when they do other stretches because how the V-SES works and is performed is not the norm compared to most methods.

Blue_Whale also suggests the same on his __________ Secret mother of all ligament stetches, that you attack the right side of the ligaments and not the left ... he's correct and is in fact the person I learned this from.
I'm quite certain that I read somewhere that you found the LengthMaster's power assist handy to this exercise as well, correct? Can't seem to find it.

How are you adapting to this as it doesn't have that T shape. Are you using the hole and making that sort of bow and arrow movement?
Not at all. The Bow & Arrow movement would be pointless because its not working like I want it to do with how this exercise executes itself by isolating that ligament by trapping it and than stretching it like no tommorow.

Yes I mention that the new LengthMaster has also been fine to use for this and it does have a different end to it than the older PA model, as you say isnt a flat T-shape but the oval shape it now has does offer the advantage to trap the ligament with more precision if you like albeit you have to be more precise yourself but its a more rewarding stretch as the tiny bit of skin you sometimes had is almost eliminated with this newer PA that comes with the LM and alas enhances the whole isolation of the ligs.

How have you liked the V-SES thus far?
Well, I haven't actually had succes finding the ligs with it yet so I can't say, though I imagine this could be my favourite exercise as it seems to have lots of potential from what I've read here. I tried a few things like shuving the end of the power assist were there formely was a T-shape into that spot and also tried to push the outside of the ring into it. No succes, though I didn't spend that much time with it figuring that it would be easier to wait for your answer rather than staying up all night shuving different things from the LM into my pubic bone.

This is what I do:
I grab my penis with my hand and try to feel & follow the inner penis and then push the power assist into the place of it i found closest to the pubic bone. Something wrong there?

Also when you say you're leg is pointing outwards, are you sitting down pointing it outwards or is it placed on some kind of a table like in the mother of all lig stretches?
I have now actually noticed the LM end isnt as good like in the old PA T-Shape which trapped it better. Its figity getting it right with the new model as its so exotic in its build but I managed to trap the ligs with the outside of the ring, so you can use that if you dont have the old model.

Okay sounds like you have it right, grabbing the penis with the left hand and pull to the left lightly. Have your right leg outwards while sitting down. I sit in bed. As you do this, feel around with the right hand around the base region near the pubic bone on the righthand side of the penis.

Your feeling for a strong cord-like structure which is like steel and very strong. You will know it when you feel it. Its very strong to the touch. Keep doing this until you get it and once you have its location which is usually around the 2-3 O'Clock area from you looking down at the top of the penis than you can get the LM or PA ready for trapping it.

Also this thread which is a members progress thread has me posting some advice on V-SES's which you may find helpful.

If you need additional support feel free to ask. I also did 20 minutes of V-SES tonight and they are written up in my log.
I'm not doing them today either as it seems my thing needs another day of rest. I'm trying to find it though every once in a while. But is it basicly just the penis behind the fat pad? Because thats the only kind of hard string I can feel. And if it is, it goes all the way almost behind the scrotum. Is this what I should be aiming for?
I cant explain it anymore without repeating myself. Feel around the base region, close to the pubic bone doing what I said and you cant miss it.
Egghed has now gained almost 4 millimeters in BP flaccid stretch after heavily implementing this stretch. I frikken love you and that creative brain of yours red <3. I must say the stretch feels very very verrrry dangerous cuz there were a couple times i needed to back off a little bit. I love the inner pull you feel but im scared of the little bit of pain you feel if you push a bit more. Cant wait to do it again tomorrow night! <3
Thats a very good sign and shows that your ligaments have been stretched very well.
Keep doing this and it will become permanent new growth. Always try to aim for that burning feeling with the V-SES. Its power is immense!
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