lonerj said:
*Abd bigbutnottoo, asians are not more "economically fucking advantaged". You think they came to this fucking country with a shitload of money? Most asians used their brain, perseverance and hardwork to get to the top. The majority of asians are poor (if you didn't know). Asians are working their way up towards the middle class through hardwork not through generations of wealth passed down to them. I don't care if asians are doing better than any other race because they fucking worked for it - period. Don't you dare use that as some lame excuse saying that asians have it better.

(Holding my tongue for as minute) Okay. First you didnt read my post. I said specifically it was not my theory but that I was explaining the psychology behind it. Second, almost ALL non-Hispanic immigrants are more economically prosperous than American blacks, and that includes black Africans as well. There are many social reasons for this on many levels. The immigrants pickup on things pretty quickly, including how to call blacks "niggers." I stand by exactly what I said. And I never once made any judgment on who works for it and who does not. The fact you even would say such a thing means you have never really paid any attention to the numerous ethical discussions we have had over the past several months.
Just wanted to say it's pointless to argue over what race had it worse. However, the American experience is what I know and what I speak of. It's history is filled with terrible treatment of many people of many races. However, there are certainly practices that have effected certain people more than others in a significant way that ought not be dismissed. This is something I have been studying and researching for many years and my views have changed the more I learned certain things. Some of this has to do with the terrible public school system that omits and distorts history.
Yeah, this topic is not really ever going to end, always gunna be full of many thoughts , I like that ... its cool.
I always stick to my guns and I aint gunna change my stance, many other cultures other than Black have it hard I think thats what some including me are saying with the asian stuff, I would say slitty eyes is just as bad as N###a is to blacks.
Many will disagree with me, thats YOUR opinion, myn is that slitty eyes, cracker, white trash are all just as bad and degrading ... just they get not as noticed as the N word cos it has slavery to it, but that dunt make it any less nasty when said IMHO <<<< This wont change by the way no matter how much moaning some people do.

I have worked with MANY cultures in my life, and alot of asian, black and latin ones.
Seems the Asian and Blacks get the most stick , but the Asians that I have SEEN, or MET in these situations dont PLAY on it, the Blacks I have met do play on this like if they got de-moted they would say '''its cos am black, am gunna take this firm to court''' while the Asian man wouldnt give a toss .... or at least this is WHAT I HAVE SEEN < important point is that, WHAT I SAW, I aint condeming the WHOLE race of anything.
I geton well with all races, but when discussions like this come up I notice Black people get very hot headed and snappy ... yes we know the history its terrible, I think its DISGUSTING what happens in the USA with 5 year old kids shouting nigger, that doensnt happen here [uk] thank fuck but some black people MUST relaise they aint the only victims on race issues ... Asians are ... ALOT from what I see, also ARABS....YES arabs they are hated in parts of the UK with a sweet passion, and NOTE I am 1/3 Turkish Cypriot Arab, how do ya fucking think it makes me feel when I hear people chant in the street near me outside an arab family home death threats and abuse, about 9/11 and other shit .... people hate arabs alot, and YES alot play on it aswell ... I dont, I dont give a fuck about my 1/3 Arab roots .... couldnt care less, I do care about INNOCENT people being labbeled SCUM and whole races such as ARAB being branded MURDERERS and RAPISTS by TV folk, I mean thats bad.

Some reckon arabs are all bad bastards, all suicide maniacs, all like saddam, and its been said in the UK out loud by a TV PRESENETER and he resigned in the end and rightfully so.
Now if he said that about the Blacks it would be a fucking uproar no matter what any of ya say if you mention summut about the blacks all hell breacks loose, however the Asians and arabs [other cultures/race] dunt happen as much ....... I feel the Black communits must TRY and move on, its hard I can only imagine but some must try and not be so hot headed when the matter of ones race is mentioned cos it happens alot with other cultures and races but as I say they brush it off and get on with it.

I wish all were treated equal, but it wont happen .... damn at the end of the day this shit started cos of COLOUR,I mean fucking colour thats it ... we are all human so why dont we all just accept .... it wont happen, never has and never will .... if ya differenet than ya a target, simple as ... always will be, just have to minimize any chance of getting hit and being another victim.

I myself have a STRONG arab look to me, yeah it dunt help sometimes .... when I has a sexy lass with me I got called a Paki fucking trat and suicide bomber etc etc etc even though like I say my roots [some] are in Northern Cyprus, they still brand me as a paki or 9/11 trat, I ignore them doesnt bother me ... I only bring it up cos of I were black well.......hell would be unleahsed and the court would be in sight for a pound or two, or at least thats what some and I say SOME blacks would do.
I could have made alot of money from race abuse I have had, cos of my arab looks .... yet I dont bother .... take a note out my book and the many asians ... ignore it and get on .... the slavery was bad, but its done with , move on ..... ya ancestors did GREAT they settled in the many countries they were slaved and had familys so be proud as they have paved the way for a better future for you lot.

Peace, and I will soon be posting a pic of myself on the site so judge ya selves on my arab looks.

blue1214198203 said:
fifth, i didnt say using any racial slur was okay, i only said that nigger is more offensive because it goes deeper than superficial characteristics. and the kick in the balls comment was really stupid.

Please quantify what "more offensive than ____" is. I fail to see how one race is justified in receving more protection from hate than another. Racism is racism.

blue1214198203 said:
sixth, what you said about me not knowing black history and being a product of black leader's "propaganda" is totally unfounded since ive made two posts in this topic and one was opinion and the other was based on facts, and again you dont know what race i am.

So just say it already. What race are you? It isn't that deep man.

blue1214198203 said:
seventh, asians did come over as immigrants and build themselves up, but they were given a decent starting point. a lot of asian immigrants come to america with something and some sort of financial security carrying over from asia as with most immigrants. after slavery blacks had nothing and segregration going on until the 60s and the subsequent racism and negative stigmas forced on blacks in terms of intelligence and morality afterwards has slowed blacks progress even more. just recently have things begun to even out.

Not true. A large proportion of Asian immigrants are poor, even devastated, and a significant proportion of them are refugees, both political and war refugees. The KHydromaxer (a minority group in Cambodia) escaped extermination in boats, as did many Vietnamese. Many Cambodians scratch out a despersate exsistence in slums in Minnesota and California. The very first Asians on the West Coast were the Chinese gold miners in the 1860s, and they basically came with the clothes on their backs and come pocket change. Many were turned into indentured servants (read: virtual slaves) by the white mine operators. They were also used as divsors and scapegoats as they were willing to work for less pay than white miners, inciting murder and violence at them (the Chinese were lynched too, believe it or not). All this, because the white mine owners were too greedy to pay everyone fair and just wages for their work. I do concede however that a fairly large number of Asians who came after 1965 (Thats right - before 1965, it was FEDERAL LAW to barr any people of Asian descent from coming into America - that's incredibly RACIST - an anathema to the US Constitution!) had some money saved up. The most recent Asian immigrants (arrived after 1980) tend to be the most well-off, but they're a minority in terms of numbers. But then again it's human tendency to focus on the most visible of a minority group, and just assume that everyone in that group are exactly like them. This is why we think all blacks are rappers or gang members or natural athletes. You need to realize that those young Taiwanese/Korean/Japanese kids who drive suped up, expensive import rides are a very SMALL (but visible) sub-group of Asians.

And having said that - you know what I realized? I hope you don't take this as an unfair personal attack (coz I really don't wish to come off that way), but you are really supremely ignorant about any racism or history on people other than blacks or whites. This is most probably why you feel that racism against black is a very bad thing, but that racism against yellow or brown people are relavitely un-urgent issues. It's incredible - you (and millions of other ignorant people) need to wake up. :s

blue1214198203 said:
ninth, i really think you are ignoring what people are saying and are just resonding as quick as possible with personal horror stories that any minority living in poverty stricken areas has without considering the nation as a whole and looking at things rationally and comparing the severity of slavery and segregation and hate against blacks compared to the other forms of racism that other minorities have experienced in america and how it has affected their economic development in comparison to whites.

Yes, I think he is being a little bit too over-emotional. That much I agree upon.
Just wonna say Blue I agree fully with


''''''Not true. A large proportion of Asian immigrants are poor, even devastated, and a significant proportion of them are refugees, both political and war refugees. The KHydromaxer (a minority group in Cambodia) escaped extermination in boats, as did many Vietnamese. Many Cambodians scratch out a despersate exsistence in slums in Minnesota and California. The very first Asians on the West Coast were the Chinese gold miners in the 1860s, and they basically came with the clothes on their backs and come pocket change. Many were turned into indentured servants (read: virtual slaves) by the white mine operators. They were also used as divsors and scapegoats as they were willing to work for less pay than white miners, inciting murder and violence at them (the Chinese were lynched too, believe it or not). All this, because the white mine owners were too greedy to pay everyone fair and just wages for their work. I do concede however that a fairly large number of Asians who came after 1965 (Thats right - before 1965, it was FEDERAL LAW to barr any people of Asian descent from coming into America - that's incredibly RACIST - an anathema to the US Constitution!) had some money saved up. The most recent Asian immigrants (arrived after 1980) tend to be the most well-off, but they're a minority in terms of numbers. But then again it's human tendency to focus on the most visible of a minority group, and just assume that everyone in that group are exactly like them. This is why we think all blacks are rappers or gang members or natural athletes. You need to realize that those young Taiwanese/Korean/Japanese kids who drive suped up, expensive import rides are a very SMALL (but visible) sub-group of Asians. ''''''


Both races had ot hard and not forgetting the Mexicans who work for peanuts.
REDZULU2003 said:
Just wonna say Blue I agree fully with


''''''Not true. A large proportion of Asian immigrants are poor, even devastated, and a significant proportion of them are refugees, both political and war refugees. The KHydromaxer (a minority group in Cambodia) escaped extermination in boats, as did many Vietnamese. Many Cambodians scratch out a despersate exsistence in slums in Minnesota and California. The very first Asians on the West Coast were the Chinese gold miners in the 1860s, and they basically came with the clothes on their backs and come pocket change. Many were turned into indentured servants (read: virtual slaves) by the white mine operators. They were also used as divsors and scapegoats as they were willing to work for less pay than white miners, inciting murder and violence at them (the Chinese were lynched too, believe it or not). All this, because the white mine owners were too greedy to pay everyone fair and just wages for their work. I do concede however that a fairly large number of Asians who came after 1965 (Thats right - before 1965, it was FEDERAL LAW to barr any people of Asian descent from coming into America - that's incredibly RACIST - an anathema to the US Constitution!) had some money saved up. The most recent Asian immigrants (arrived after 1980) tend to be the most well-off, but they're a minority in terms of numbers. But then again it's human tendency to focus on the most visible of a minority group, and just assume that everyone in that group are exactly like them. This is why we think all blacks are rappers or gang members or natural athletes. You need to realize that those young Taiwanese/Korean/Japanese kids who drive suped up, expensive import rides are a very SMALL (but visible) sub-group of Asians. ''''''


Both races had ot hard and not forgetting the Mexicans who work for peanuts.

good research, and good points. im not gonna respond to some of them b/c thats not the point and this topic is turning into a endless circle discussion like the existence of a god or something like that. the only problem i had is when people make comments about blacks or any minority in america and it seems that their position is not unbiased, but seems to attack the minority in question rather than make rational observations like you have just done.
I will post one more time on this topic. It will deal with US law as applied to minorities and that will be my final post.
The snippet from me Big' wasnt myn it was quoted from Blue, just didnt use the quotw thng LOL.

So anyone anything to say on the Arab thng I mentioned, and myself?
blue1214198203 said:
good research, and good points. im not gonna respond to some of them b/c thats not the point and this topic is turning into a endless circle discussion like the existence of a god or something like that. the only problem i had is when people make comments about blacks or any minority in america and it seems that their position is not unbiased, but seems to attack the minority in question rather than make rational observations like you have just done.

I think the lesson is don't expect others to give you things. Even affirmative action was a clever ploy by the american government to subdue other races.

When they did the census an interesting thing came back, as much as 24% of the american population was black. However they decided to call it 12%. So your company or government office must have 12% blacks to be 'fair'.

All races and creeds have had it tough at one time or another. From the Irish and Germans who were taking the jobs, to the mexicans who now are 'stealing jobs'. To english themselves living in say a mexican area. Good luck getting a job when the proprietor only highers family members.

Or you could run and tell the 'powers that be' some of their money. They will make it appear to be giving you money but really in the background make it very complicated so they are actualy taking your money.

That is why asians have been so successful, they work their asses off, they get educated, they apply at lots of companies with lots to offer. The companies that turn them down, actualy lose out because they are skilled.

Many blacks to have been very successful, but its the ones that don't do anything and just complain, and expect things to be given to them, that go nowhere. People will not give you things, they will only take. That is human nature. If you want things you must take for yourself.

Another factor is that I don't think blacks are as motivated by money as say asians are. Most of my friends are asian, but I also hang around with a few blacks to. Although up in Canada they are few, it is literaly too cold for people that have come from the equator regions. Conversly I almost die in the heat even if there for a few weeks, so I would have trouble living in Jamaica for example.

My asian friends want to get married, buy a home to start building equity. Then start building assets. This is what brings them enjoyment is that stability and financial success. And that is great, and I am happy for them when they have success, which all of them are having. They work hard, they usualy only let themselves go out once every few weeks, and even then only for a few hours. And frankly they aren't very interested in things like pumping iron, or the physical type of activities.

On the other hand my black friends, they are completely different. They all go to the gym whenever possible. They get money they spend it on drugs, or alcohol or steroids. They live for today, not for tomorrow. They go clubbing and partying whenever they can. And they hit on women there like crazy, and I've seen them take home a girl about one in every three times out. This is how they want to live their lives. Its not wrong its just a different perspective.

I think thats why women in north america are liking blacks so much at the moment. They want to LIVE life. They don't want another day of homework, then going to bed early because you have to get up early for a big day of school then working your ass off after school. They want that guy who lives life on the edge, who if he can get some cocaine he does, if he feels like a threesome, he doesn't panick about possible std's he just does it.

I have started living parts of my life like my black friends. And people love being around me when I let my urges take control of me. You see a woman thats hot, you could just go on because you've got to get to class, or you could go up to her and hit on her, and be late for your class.

You see although I respect the success that working your ass off brings, so many I see work their ass off their entire lives, and then they die. Live life at some point! Obviously there are times when you need to buckle down and work, but working is pointless if you can never enjoy it.
Hmm. Another forum i am on specifically states that any post discussing religion/race/so on will be closed and deleted immediatly, as these are the things that can go round in circles and you will never change peoples beliefs and ideas. These posts just cause the entire community to get upset.

I now know why they enforce that rule. Everything seems to go WAY off topic!!

blue1214198203 said:
first, how do u know if im black or white or something else? ive never said i was either or.

There were alot of black people involved in this discussion who said they were black. I thought I remembered you saying you were black. My mistake if you're not but what race are you?

blue1214198203 said:
second, im not showing off on anyone's behalf, i just think people like to undermine blacks suffering for the sake of seeming more intellectual or counterculture, but rationally the u.s. govt, not just ignorant people and localized racism, supported racism and hate across the nation persecuting blacks and native americans throughout the twentieth century which has had lasting effects up unitl today.

It seems behind your words that YOU ARE BLACK. It seems that you were talking with emotional backings and a personal experience. It's hard to say that other people probably thought you were black as well.

blue1214198203 said:
third, i was talking about america, not the whole world. and if asians are persecuting asians its really not the kind of racism were discussing.

Asians persecuting asians was an example. White settlers doing alot of racist actions against asians was another example. I was bringing up some case studies. So I guess only anti black racism is only relevent in America or racism against others is nothing compared to . I guess native Americans are not relevant because they provided the early people food and care to only get racist acts tossed back at them.
*WAIT* Maybe that was too long ago to even care.

blue1214198203 said:
fourth, how do u know latinos get treated worse than blacks? what do you base that on? and dont give me a localized respone like "where i grew up...," i want national trends and occurences that is common knowledge, like blacks not getting loans even though they meet all qualifications and the decision is basically founded in a negative stigma perpeuated by the aftermath of slavery.

I said Mexicans and they get treated like shit everywhere I go because of their poverty, flat facial features, height, their tone of skin, greasy hair. Most of them live on the streets because they migrated illegally or they are extremely poor. You haven't seen people making fun of them calling them bums and smelly pieces of shit along with other forms of prejudice, I have. That is also the general consensus among the U.S. People from Mexico look different from people from Argentina, Columbia, etc. and even other latin backgrounds are prejudice against Mexicans.

blue1214198203 said:
fifth, i didnt say using any racial slur was okay, i only said that nigger is more offensive because it goes deeper than superficial characteristics. and the kick in the balls comment was really stupid.

Sure sounded like it. It goes deeper than superficial characteristics? So it's okay to call a fat person a lard ball all day because it's only a superficial characteristic, right? I'm sure there aren't any emotional attachments to those names especially since they can get a gastric bypass and asians can get plastic surgery to fix their eyes.

I think your comments are stupider than the kick in the balls, sorry...

blue1214198203 said:
sixth, what you said about me not knowing black history and being a product of black leader's "propaganda" is totally unfounded since ive made two posts in this topic and one was opinion and the other was based on facts, and again you dont know what race i am.

It's in my own belief that black leaders put a certain propaganda because of emotional feelings behind them (most of them lived during racism) with alot of disregard to equality and fairness in hopes of bringing their fellow black man up. Again I assumed you were black.

blue1214198203 said:
seventh, asians did come over as immigrants and build themselves up, but they were given a decent starting point. a lot of asian immigrants come to america with something and some sort of financial security carrying over from asia as with most immigrants. after slavery blacks had nothing and segregration going on until the 60s and the subsequent racism and negative stigmas forced on blacks in terms of intelligence and morality afterwards has slowed blacks progress even more. just recently have things begun to even out.

Again wrong. Most came to this country with nothing. Again, you do not know a fucking thing about my culture.

blue1214198203 said:
eigth, "blacks eat a lot of fast food and do drugs", um, most people who live in poor areas do that no matter what race.

That's not true about other races. I'm sorry if this sounds like a racist stereotype but it's true from my experience (maybe it's different from yours) - I should've specifically noted that I was referring to blacks in the slums. I am also from a marketing background and I know which race those fast food chains market to.

blue1214198203 said:
ninth, i really think you are ignoring what people are saying and are just resonding as quick as possible with personal horror stories that any minority living in poverty stricken areas has without considering the nation as a whole and looking at things rationally and comparing the severity of slavery and segregation and hate against blacks compared to the other forms of racism that other minorities have experienced in america and how it has affected their economic development in comparison to whites.

Do you have any personal horror stories?

Look, blacks get more economic development and benefits compared to any other ethnic groups. It is you who is ignoring the nation as a whole. Alot of other ethnic backgrounds came from nothing as well.

blue1214198203 said:
tenth, in terms of general racism what stereotypes do the major races have?
blacks: ignorant, immoral, violent, athletic, big dick, rytHydromaxic and soulful
whites: smart, moral, not especially athletic, average dick, boring/uptight
latinos: ignorant, poor, large families, good at soccer, close to heritage
asians: really smart, good work ethic, short, small dick, competitive, not especially athletic, close to heritage.

I haven't ever even though of those most of those stereotypes. I don't care if the NBA or other sports are filled with mostly blacks (Michael Jordon was my hero). There has been some good black people, non-so-athletic blacks, non-big dicked black I've met (and seen) - which is why I don't agree with all of the stereotypes. I don't know where you get rhytHydromaxic or soulful because I haven't really thought about those things.

I also have never really seen people regard asians as short (that's a new one to me), especially since most asians were taller than blacks and hispanics in the melting pot neighbordhood I used to live in, and since most of the normal black people (besides athletes -- they are athletes for a reason you know) I've came across are usually shorter than average to average height.

blue1214198203 said:
tenth, youre a spaz and after reading your posts i think you just dont like black people, and are the only racist, hate fueled person posting in this topic.

Correction: It's the eleventh. Yes please tell me I'm a racist to my face, I'd love that. It's obvious that you think the "f" word in applying my fucking opinions on black people makes me a fucking racist. There is nothing hate fueled about my comments. The fact is, all of us are going to throw some stereotypes around in this kind of fucking argument no matter what and how hard we try to avoid them. You've disregarded alot of prejudice to other ethnic backgrounds and I can easily call you racist for that just like you are calling me racist for my opinions.

My whole agenda was the educate how badly alot black people treat other minorities and I wanted to show how pathetic (to the extremes) it was for some of those people to carry around their attitude and superiority mentality. I also wanted to show how ignorant it was to put down other races when they have gone through similar things and how pathetic it is to feel blacks deserve more than others.

I also do not hate you in anyway. If I met you in real life and we talked about this, I would feel as if we both would have a common bond despite my stupid, idiot, "f" remarks (which is the way I talk normally) and my normal characteristic to outwit people if I feel they are wrong.

I also find it offensive that the media will only portray the asians that have slitty eyes, glasses and refer to the whole "small dick" bs.

If you look at asian television programming (I'm not too familiar with it), you'll see that alot of them do have round eyes and there alot of good looking asians as opposed to American media portraying beautiful asian women as the "diamond in the rough" and focusing on the general mentality that others are ugly or physically not up to par.

Also let it be known, that American media focuses more on superficial things more than any other countries.
Last edited:
Great post Randolf. Everybody has a history of hate and it's up to the individual to overcome it, not make an excuse and ultimately become successful. It's also your duty, especially as an American, to respect and understand people of other backgrounds because this land wasn't made for one type of person.

I also agree with the fact that the education system is f***ed up. If it wasn't, schools would teach more about racism and more respect towards different cultures and open the minds up to our future generations.

There are two kinds of asian people talking in terms of relationship with blacks.

One that respects and enjoys their cultures and...
One that is bitter because of the racism and disrespect they face from blacks but regardless alot of them have a sense of dignity and maintain a hardwork ethic. I am a bit of both and I'm also half white but know about my background.
Fuel fo the fire:

The Oprah Winfrey show just said Asians are smallest, Caucasians middle, and blacks the largest ( I think the woman actually said 'African Americans are "definitely" the largest' as proven by studies). Of course there were no sources cited or numerical statistics.
Asian guys shouldn't care about what the Oprah Winfrey show says.... most of the viewership are overweight housewives. So what if they'll think Asian dicks are small? LOL... no big loss.
I agree with Blu its all BULLSHIT, fuck oprah that crazy whore LOL, nah shes cool.
Its all steriotype shit, I do belive that on average Black men are larger, not just cock but also build, with the Asians being smallest - however not my much only say VERY small fractions of an inch here and their, certainly not inches...... but women seem to think ALL black men are HUGE down below and all Asians are tiny ....... pathetic IMOH cos in ma younger days when I was 15/16 I am some mates had groupys with the local whores, and yeah their were asian and black in their .... the black guy I was with was small .... no BS I made him look small and I was only 6.6 inches in length HAHAHAH and the asian guy was abit smaller but his girth was MASSIVE and the head was great , women need to get theor head out of their ass and cunt to be honest ..... I have a cock bigger than most black men I have seen period...not many can match my girth, but the women looking at me and than a black man will be like ''black man is bigger''.
They are missing out LOL

Its like when I was 17/18 and I went into the clubs with a growing 7.5x6.5 [estimate] cock, good size I reckon .... but My black mate [best mate] got ALL the shags, even though he aint much bigger than 7.5 inches length....I dunno where this sterio shit started, its NOT FAIR to anyone, especially the Black man cos he has boots to kinda step into and must be a nervous wreck if hes small down their.

Its just like the Drug dealing thug steriotype of the Black man, it ISNT TRUE as we know but it dunt stop dickheads saying that Blacks are bad ass bastards going, its just STERIO .... ignore it and do pe and fuck the surveys, fuck them women who say this shit cos they are either SAD and BORING with only DICK on the mind, have a massvive cunt that could be the size of jaws'es trapdoor, or have very empty sad lives and probably are unhappy and twisted and see takeing polls and surveys [lieing on them] to get some type of win for their sad life, or to get back at certain people or even a race....whatever the reasons these women aint fuckin right.
Blu said:
Asian guys shouldn't care about what the Oprah Winfrey show says.... most of the viewership are overweight housewives. So what if they'll think Asian dicks are small? LOL... no big loss.

LOL that was kinda fucked up but whatever it's pathetic that Oprah even went that far talking about men's penises on the show. If I was on the live show I'd whip out a ruler and take my pants off. That'd put a dent on her billion dollar empire :lol:
Yeah guys it is a tired old ass myth!

My best female friend and her girl friends always complain about all of the "Brothers with small dicks" which to me translates the same thing every other guy already knows,

Unless your her first...somewhere down the line she will have had bigger. The problem is every black man is expected to have a 10 inch cock... Like I and others have posted, " It is better to NOT be expected to have and produce a large cock, then to be expected and produce a small one!"

And on a last note, Never LIE on your dick! This last guy she dated told her he was 9 inches and she is a dick fanatic...she said it was more like 4. That will only piss a chick off! Why would any body even do that anyway knowing your gonna bump uglies eventually.

Oh I forgot! To address the orginal topic. I'm Black obviously...I love incorporating vibrators into my routine and the chics love it. I posted on �other PE site� about putting the "egg or bullet vibrator" at the base of your dick under the condom. It hits their clit and drives them crazy. Work smart not hard.

Also I think it varies on where you live with the sex shop issue. I have not noticed a lack of black men in sex shops. What I have noticed are the fine chics you can meet in the dildo section that are embaressed about buying a dildo, spark up a damn conversation there.
What I have noticed are the fine chics you can meet in the dildo section that are embaressed about buying a dildo, spark up a damn conversation there.


Or in m case spark up their fanny hahhahahaha
lonerj said:
There were alot of black people involved in this discussion who said they were black. I thought I remembered you saying you were black. My mistake if you're not but what race are you?

It seems behind your words that YOU ARE BLACK. It seems that you were talking with emotional backings and a personal experience. It's hard to say that other people probably thought you were black as well.

Asians persecuting asians was an example. White settlers doing alot of racist actions against asians was another example. I was bringing up some case studies. So I guess only anti black racism is only relevent in America or racism against others is nothing compared to . I guess native Americans are not relevant because they provided the early people food and care to only get racist acts tossed back at them.
*WAIT* Maybe that was too long ago to even care.

I said Mexicans and they get treated like shit everywhere I go because of their poverty, flat facial features, height, their tone of skin, greasy hair. Most of them live on the streets because they migrated illegally or they are extremely poor. You haven't seen people making fun of them calling them bums and smelly pieces of shit along with other forms of prejudice, I have. That is also the general consensus among the U.S. People from Mexico look different from people from Argentina, Columbia, etc. and even other latin backgrounds are prejudice against Mexicans.

Sure sounded like it. It goes deeper than superficial characteristics? So it's okay to call a fat person a lard ball all day because it's only a superficial characteristic, right? I'm sure there aren't any emotional attachments to those names especially since they can get a gastric bypass and asians can get plastic surgery to fix their eyes.

I think your comments are stupider than the kick in the balls, sorry...

It's in my own belief that black leaders put a certain propaganda because of emotional feelings behind them (most of them lived during racism) with alot of disregard to equality and fairness in hopes of bringing their fellow black man up. Again I assumed you were black.

Again wrong. Most came to this country with nothing. Again, you do not know a fucking thing about my culture.

That's not true about other races. I'm sorry if this sounds like a racist stereotype but it's true from my experience (maybe it's different from yours) - I should've specifically noted that I was referring to blacks in the slums. I am also from a marketing background and I know which race those fast food chains market to.

Do you have any personal horror stories?

Look, blacks get more economic development and benefits compared to any other ethnic groups. It is you who is ignoring the nation as a whole. Alot of other ethnic backgrounds came from nothing as well.

I haven't ever even though of those most of those stereotypes. I don't care if the NBA or other sports are filled with mostly blacks (Michael Jordon was my hero). There has been some good black people, non-so-athletic blacks, non-big dicked black I've met (and seen) - which is why I don't agree with all of the stereotypes. I don't know where you get rhytHydromaxic or soulful because I haven't really thought about those things.

I also have never really seen people regard asians as short (that's a new one to me), especially since most asians were taller than blacks and hispanics in the melting pot neighbordhood I used to live in, and since most of the normal black people (besides athletes -- they are athletes for a reason you know) I've came across are usually shorter than average to average height.

Correction: It's the eleventh. Yes please tell me I'm a racist to my face, I'd love that. It's obvious that you think the "f" word in applying my fucking opinions on black people makes me a fucking racist. There is nothing hate fueled about my comments. The fact is, all of us are going to throw some stereotypes around in this kind of fucking argument no matter what and how hard we try to avoid them. You've disregarded alot of prejudice to other ethnic backgrounds and I can easily call you racist for that just like you are calling me racist for my opinions.

My whole agenda was the educate how badly alot black people treat other minorities and I wanted to show how pathetic (to the extremes) it was for some of those people to carry around their attitude and superiority mentality. I also wanted to show how ignorant it was to put down other races when they have gone through similar things and how pathetic it is to feel blacks deserve more than others.

I also do not hate you in anyway. If I met you in real life and we talked about this, I would feel as if we both would have a common bond despite my stupid, idiot, "f" remarks (which is the way I talk normally) and my normal characteristic to outwit people if I feel they are wrong.

I also find it offensive that the media will only portray the asians that have slitty eyes, glasses and refer to the whole "small dick" bs.

If you look at asian television programming (I'm not too familiar with it), you'll see that alot of them do have round eyes and there alot of good looking asians as opposed to American media portraying beautiful asian women as the "diamond in the rough" and focusing on the general mentality that others are ugly or physically not up to par.

Also let it be known, that American media focuses more on superficial things more than any other countries.

you guys are missing the point.

the reason blacks are held up as the martyrs of racism (rightfully so) in america is because blacks are the race that was persecuted and discriminated against by specifically by the us govt the most severly in recent history, the 1900s, when the world was supposedly supposed to know better.

slavery is really not the reason, almost every country used slavery in the past and africans sold other africans to slave traders. america maintained slavery longer than the rest of the world and justified it by theorizing that blacks were second class human beings and it was horrible, but a lot of countries were guilty of this as well.

the problem is that after slavery the govt drafted and passed laws on segregration ostracizing blacks as citizens but still as second class human beings.

these laws existed until around the 1960's and the civl rights movement. no other race in america during the supposedly enlightened 1900s faced the oppression, hate, and violence that blacks had to rise out of in america.

these laws and subsequent stigmas put blacks behind socially and economically leading to the passing of laws recently to help and support their development. the govt did this b/c it was directly their fault.

it was not simply hate or popular public opinion that discriminated against blacks it was the govt. it was legalized and enforced racism and hate. i know other minorities all faced discrimination in the us during this time and it was also bad and shouldnt have happened, but there werent extenisve laws set up supporting this racism in all areas of life.

no other race other than blacks were nationally and legally considered second class human beings so harshly and for such a long period of time in america, let alone well into the second half of the 20th century. combined with other forms of hate and violence that these laws really seemingly justified, blacks have gone through a lot to get where they are and should be applauded and deserve the help and recognition they recieve, and they still fight the stigmas that segregation and the proslavery mentality created.

and im not going to say what race i am, b/c it doesnt matter and my opinion should be taken with the same amount of credibiltiy either way.
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For much of the time in US of America up until less than 40 years ago, not only was it legal to discriminate against blacks, it was illegal NOT to. That was the real problem and why federal involvement was needed.

This is something I was blind to until not long ago. Philosophically, as a proponent of individualism and freedom of association, I always thought it would be inconsistent to support The Civil Rights Act as far as its scope into private matters. In other words, I thought any government or political entity should be prohibited from racial discrimination. However, private business and private property owners IMO would seem to have the right to deal with whomever they chose. Much the way private clubs can choose their members. I always thought that economic boycotts were the best way to force change as consumers vote with their wallets. I, for one, would never give my money to a company that discriminated in hiring or serving customers. Theoretically, businesses that want to stay open would serve everyone, unless they wanted to lose money and be publicly shamed and ridiculed. Then racists would pretty much congregate at places that shared their views. And well, we wouldnt want anything to do with them anyway.

But the big problem and misconception is that the federal government was the only one interfering in private business. Often, it was state governments that were forcibly segregating public as well as private commerce. For example, even if a restaruant owner wanted to serve blacks, in many places he could be fined and arrested for doing so. Growing up and in school, I was always under the impression that black kids would go into a diner or something and try to order lunch, but these mean white men didnt want to serve them. Now, this was probably often the case. But it was never really emphasized that state and local laws actually forbade it. Considering the laws and the culture of racism, one didnt have to be overly racist to follow law and social pressure and refuse to serve blacks. There were all kinds oif absurd laws. For example( This is going back in time a little further. After slavery, but pre-Civil Rights movement), railroad laws that legally required segregation and if the rail company allowed a person who was 1/8 black to sit with whites or a white person to sit with blacks could be jailed and fined $1000s. It was government enforced segregation that violated all human rights.

My point is this: I am speaking on why black Americans are more victimized than any other race in the US. BLUE already posted on this and did a great job. Not only were blacks held in slavery for most of their existence in America, until less than 40 years ago racism was the law. It wasnt as simple as some people would have you believe where people just choose to associate and the big bad feds came down and oppressed the South. It was the law that segregation was required. Not only that, but many places had mob rule. If you were black and you were even suspected of doing something, not even always something wrong, it was permissible for a lynch mob to be the judge, jury, and executioner. If blacks got "uppity" and tried to do things like vote, there were killed or made an example of to scare others to "stay in their place."
I dont support so-called "reverse racism" or racial preferences, and I think for the most part as long as someone is willing to work hard he can succeed today regardless of race. However, I do believe without a doubt, black Americans were treated worse than any other ethnic or racial group. That treatment should be put in the past, and individuals should not be forced to bear collective guilt for something they had nothing to do with, but it should be acknowledged and not made light of.
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