z03;43079 said:
Well, I think that when it comes to intelligence, I consider that cultural and not genetic. The reason blacks are considered less intelligent in America and the world is because they have not been given the same oppurtunites as whites, asian, and so on because of slavery, the manipulation of past primitive cultures, and the stealing of Africa's resources resulting in present day third world countries. Lets not forget many of the great black inventors that rose out of the slave era without sufficient educational resources.

Yet, there is an argument that blacks athleticisim is a result of their primitive hard working culture in the warmer climate, a conditioning resulting in a genetic adaptation, but who really knows. I think the main thing that whites and europeans were blessed with was an early understanding of Christianity and a more rational view of the world, but then how do you explain Asians or the primitive Mayans and all they acclompished?

I really dont like to debate the IQ issue much though, because natural intelligence can be judged in so many different ways and can be developed and allowed to not mature as well, so natural physcial characteristics are more easily verified in my opinion, but im not saying it could not be true considering the present and history.

From my point of view, to really explain it all youd have to go back to when God seperated all humans with language at the Tower of Babylon (ill explain if asked) and go from there, but I dont know.

Whites could be better endurance athletes, which is attributed I think to white muscle twitch fibers, which I think whites have been proven to have more of as opposed to more red fast twitch fibers in blacks or other minorities. Still, there are a large number of African and mideastern minorities that excel in long distance, but just as there are variations in whites maybe there are in blacks.

In the end, I belive God created every man equal and if in His mind we would all contribute in different ways with none overall better than other than so be it. But I cant stress enough how important it is to know that no matter what race you are, who you are is who you are and you shouldnt let anyone undermine your talents or gifts.

I don't see how one can argue that men are all "created" equal... I wonder if you'd make that statement if you were born with cerebral palsy for example..... Sorry, wishful thinking does not a fact make.

Second, the Westerners invented Christianity-so of course they are the first ones to understand it. I'd also point out that they used christianity to JUSTIFY all the resources they stole and natives they killed on every continent except Antarctica.

Third, It is also christianity and the white understanding of it, that allowed for some of the most awful things in history-the Dark Ages for example. It is christianity that held back mercentilism, capitalism, usury, etc. for CENTURIES. It is christianity that wanted 99% of the population illiterate and stupid. I could go on, but I think I've made my point with these few examples.

Lastly-in your list, you really should mention China. They were the most advanced nation for over 2000 years, they are arguably the only ones in history that could have taken over the entire planet-which was the case until the Industrial Revolution when the Britishes and others passed them up. Interestingly, they simply had no interest... and this is where christianity WOULD have a correlation: It has definitely led those who follow it to a sense of entitlement-that they can rape land, and steal it from others, or as the Christians called it, "Manifest Destiny".

These arguments also mean that christianity cannot be the correct correlative in your claim for the cause of intelligence/education, since the Chinese didn't know about it until the 17th Century...
Ah, one afterthought about China and Christianity: The worst massacre in China, until Mao Zedong in the 20th century, was called "The Taiping Rebellion". 30 Million Chinese died.
Guess how it happened? Some Chinese read the Bible and decided he was the incarnation of the younger brother of Jesus and wanted to fulfill the book of revelation by making Heaven on Earth. ("Taiping" means "Heaven").

From what I read in history, the impact of the bible on mankind is generally a negative one historically...
Ah one other thing, I don't think it was the "Tower of Babylon". I believe you're speaking of the Tower of Babel, which was built in Shinar, not Babylon. This is when the hebrews kept building a tall tower so they could get to their god. Their god got pissed (as he often did), knocked them and their tower down, and scattered people, and invented different languages to keep them confused and unable to communicate.... interesting guy that jehovah, huh?
Alex78;443440 said:
Doc you really gone crazy and off topic!

No, I was replying very specifically to a comment on post-that guys the one that went off topic. I was just throwing water on his fire of bullshit. Check 3 posts down, it was zo7, not me. :)
keepingitbig;437712 said:
I don't know why I'm responding to this thread again, lol. But I hate hower lighter-skinned black guys are seen as weak, or insuperior to darker blacks. Women really think that darkerskinned black guys have 12 inch clubs hanging between their legs, and lighterskinned, or yellow-skinned blacks have small penis, or even less masculine than these types. Wish a chick would say that when I pull out. They'll have another thing coming.

Well bodybuilders who are white apply tanning lotion because looking darker somehow makes them look more appealing to the judges!

I remember hearing lots of women saying they want a darker complex lover, it does not mean black but a stronger tan makes them look more primal i suppose...
white color represents light and spirituality, intellect and joy while dark sensuality sex and power!

Jay could go all white but it makes him look more imposing,...
Alex78;443442 said:
Well bodybuilders who are white apply tanning lotion because looking darker somehow makes them look more appealing to the judges!

I remember hearing lots of women saying they want a darker complex lover, it does not mean black but a stronger tan makes them look more primal i suppose...

Couldn't you accomplish the same thing by not bathing, and grunting a lot?
I'm a doctor and have seen way too many penises. It is definitely a myth. Most are average in size. The smallest penis I have ever seen in person and not in a text book under the heading of micropenis was a black man.
John_117;458148 said:
I'm a doctor and have seen way too many penises. It is definitely a myth. Most are average in size. The smallest penis I have ever seen in person and not in a text book under the heading of micropenis was a black man.

Do you want to get involved with MOS an helping with some medical endorsements?
I'm really not one for endorsements, but I can help from time to time with questions. I have a pretty busy schedule.
playa7;43140 said:
GREAT posts lonerj!!!! NO I´m not racist!! BUT I think lonerj is so right about that.... Yeah it´s right, the blacks have a bad history, and I´m sory for that, BUT I don´t have ANYTHING to do with that! Nor have they! And nor their parents or grandparents.... that was in the PAST! I think almost EVERY culture had a bad past, but they aren´t crying about it.... they say fuck it and move on... but not the blacks... I don´t really care about the skin color (my best friend is black by the way) but how do I call them?? I mean yeah afro-american is politically correct! Yeah I live in Austria (thats in Europe.... ;) ) how do I call them?? They don´t have nothing to do with america! Yeah their roots are Africa, ok well but WE ALL have the same roots if you say so.... Ok we had Neger (German word for Nigger), NO ONE use that (and that´s good), then we had Schwarzer (German word for black guy), then Farbiger (German word for colored guy) and thats wrong too.... well HOW DO I CALL THEM NOW???? They call themselves NIGGAS, call "us" whities or whitebread, or white boy, that´s OK, but if we call them black they attack us and say we are racist and how bad their past was etc.... WTF!????!! Last week, I had a conversation about that with a friend of mine (a black woman), she is cool, but when we talked about that topic she attacked me and was soooo stubborn! I don´t get it..... Please don´t get me wrong, I don´t have ANYTHING against black people (I love black music (Hip Hop, Rap, R&B) and I love Basketball (well I don´t like the whit guys because they are unspectacular.... :))) ) so don´t get me wrong!
Well.... that´s it.... :)


Word my freind ... word!
stillwantmore2;405137 said:
Speaking of Nigeria, man they sure do enjoy sending me emails about the millions of dollars from a long lost relative who died in a recent plane crash ...I'm their only heir of course...I can claim if I email them my banking account information, SSN# and fully name and address.

Dude my ex-girlfriend almost fell for this dumb sit I told her then showed her the scammers on MSNBC with Chris Hansen to cath a thief lol
If black men have bigger penises on average, does this mean black women have bigger and looser vagina's?

If Asian men have smaller penises on average, does this mean Asian women have smaller and tighter vagina's?

Putting white people in the middle of these two?

If penis size matters, well, then so does vagina size. The size of penis only matters when you compare how big the vagina is next to it, whether due to being too loose because of the big toys shoved up there on a constant basis, or naturally/genetically just being big or looser than other smaller vagina's for whatever reason.

Penis size shouldn't matter to a women who is not a promiscuous slut.
If black men have bigger penises on average, does this mean black women have bigger and looser vagina's?

If Asian men have smaller penises on average, does this mean Asian women have smaller and tighter vagina's?

Putting white people in the middle of these two?

If penis size matters, well, then so does vagina size. The size of penis only matters when you compare how big the vagina is next to it, whether due to being too loose because of the big toys shoved up there on a constant basis, or naturally/genetically just being big or looser than other smaller vagina's for whatever reason.

Penis size shouldn't matter to a women who is not a promiscuous slut.
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