Ok, i used to be an amateur boxer for many years, and my trainer, this older Jamaican guy, had the biggest dick i had ever seen, even bigger than any of the ones i have seen here. This is where my interest began in this area.
Being the curious kid i was at the time, i asked him about it.
He totally fixed me up, he gave me some cool Penis Enlargement excercises to do, and we went shopping for some potent pecker formulas, etc...
It even reached the point where i was eating tree bark, which was something he was always doing, and i don't mean like hangin on the corner chewin a toothpick, gangsta styles, i mean like real trees.
I remember him, even though i showered/changed with a lot of black guys, i noticed nothing extraordinary about them, all were similar to myself, but he was a freak for some reason.

I tell you, for my money, i think Serbs+Montenegrans have the biggest peckers on average, as strange as it sounds. I know there are a few of them here. They are the biggest/tallest nation in the world. You here Greeks and Italians mentioned, but Serbia is right between them. So if it has something to do with the geography, usually it does, because of climate, vegetation, etc..., then that would be a factor too. But the majority of people there are big, and i mean naturally big, like Andre the Giant.
dude chinandballer what exactly did your trainer tell you to do and what did you guys go shopping for, what tree bark did you eat ? etc etc etc.
After rereading what Catlion said, i also believe warmer climates are a factor, and are generally healthier for the entire body. And i also heard that about homos, i live in Toronto, and there are a lot of homos here, and many of them are notorious ho's, much more than straight people, on average, and large peckers are a very important factor in their social whoring, so many of them get pecker extender surgery, which is done here locally, and very popular. The doctor who does it is even located in the gay part of town, and his name is Dr. Stubbs, of all things.

To answer Egghead

the excercizes he told me about were very similar to what is here, Kegels, or contracting as he called it, and squeezing, this was long before anybody ever heard of Penis Enlargement, about 10+ years ago. I'm not sure who claims they invented it, but it is open to debate. Obviously my trainer had known about them for a long time.

Some of the things we went shopping for were some home made recipes and drinks which were surprisingly tasty. Their purpose was to give you extra blood and increase the flow of blood throughout your body, giving you more energy, resulting in increased sexual drive and more frequent and harder erections.

The tree, i have no idea what it was called, i just knew it was imported from the carribean and grew beneath the water, like seaweed, which is also very good for your pecker. But like seaweed, it tasted like shit, i had to put sugar on it, you would cut it in half, spoon out the soft middle, which was full of moisture, and just chew on it and suck out the moisture.

There was definitely something to it, and the testorerone rich, aphrodisiac, exotic animal parts cuisine, also helped.

I can't tell you exactly what effect it had, because i was also growing naturally at the time, but my pecker was never less than 7 inches, from the time i started having sex, and it was particularly thick, which was always mentioned to me by girlfriends, as an example, i can't put the "ok" grip around it and have my fingers touching, and i am pretty big at over 6 feet and 200 lbs, wrapping a measuring tape around it, it is over 6 inches everywhere.
I'm sure these things had something to do with it, and my friends would ask me how my dick got so big, when they saw it. I would share some of my potent elixirs with them. It was funny, everyone wanted a big dick.

I can't seem to recall seeing a thicker dick than mine, with the exception of my trainer, whose looked like a "Louisville Slugger", it was quite honestly scary. I've seen a few on these �naked people movies� sites that look retarded, but i don't believe they're real, and of course, you can add silicone to your dick now, like a boob job, but thats only for idiots.

But like is the cycle of life, each generation is bigger, stronger, faster, and old records are broken by new ones. But i am not just yet ready to pass on the throne, i am too still getting bigger, stronger, faster, at 30+ years of age.
This is the most dumb and ignorant thread I have seen in a long time. In fact, it's ridiculous to think that it matters to anyone to know or think that they might have some insight to shed on the subject. I knew a guy once who had the longest dick I have ever seen and I've showered with guys before and saw their penises. Wow. We've got the whole world covered, all the families and genetics, and everything. This question as to which race or whatever is the biggest is dumb. Can I stress this enough? Hey which one is the smallest though? Who gives a fuck?
It's not a stupid thread

Impressionable young women are swayed into a belief that black men have bigger dicks, and therefore view them as being somehow superior to their own men, and sexually more adequate. Of course tv and mtv, which cater to young women are also massively responsible for creating this stereotype, not to mention all the black people constantly flapping their lips about it, especially when talking to young girls, and shows which are mostly viewed by women.

This is actually an old military ploy, used by many armies throughout history, for the purpose of mentally deflating an opponent, before an imminent attack.

Lets face it. There was a time you would have died to protect your woman from falling in the hands of the "enemy". Now your woman welcomes the enemy with open arms, and leaves you pulling your wang, all by your lonesome.

Enemy is defined as someone who steps into your territory with the idea of taking what is yours, whether it be women, or jewels, or land, or food, animals, anything of value and meaning to you.
The more you permit your enemies to take, the stronger they become, and the weaker you will become.

Lets take America as an example, and use black people as a reference, it could be anyone, arabs, asians, hispanic, whoever. Assuming the land as it is today was created by white people, using their vision of what a culture should be. We won't refer to white people as the enemy in this case, because all the laws that govern society were created by them, and you choose to abide them. If this was Africa or South America, i would refer to whites as the enemy. Anyway, back to the point.

The domino effect

Black guy in the jungle, runs like the wind everyday, chasing down cheetah's, and food.
White guy, sitting in comfortable, established empire, having food brought to him daily.


Black guy runs faster, fate plays a role in this development. Had the 2 roles been reversed, the white guy would run faster.


Black guys run faster, the legend grows. One black guy is presented an opportunity for better life because of it. Encourages other black guys to do it, and run even faster.


More blacks are brought into white society to play sports, run, etc...
Denying white people that opportunity to gain glory and make a better life for themselves. They have too much catching up to do, and the powers that be haven't the patience to wait.
Black guy cruises down the street in brand new Mercedes, busting out dapper threads. White guy living in a trailer wearing a pair of ripped track pants.

Mental effect

Black guy is viewed as more successful, having more money, nicer stuff, therefore, better.
Feelings of resentment and hostility towards the black guy arise.
Doubt in ones self worth create feelings of insecurity, the more the white guy witnesses this, the more insecure he becomes.This negative mental effect is contagious and carries on to his wife or daughter, who then passes it on to other acquaintances.
The white guy starts feeling he is not a good enough man, which then makes him start thinking about things like my dick is not big enough, etc...

The problem is then amplified when the "enemy" contributes to this belief, and pounces on what is sensed to be a weakness. What any good enemy would do, seize the opportunity to make someone weaker, therefore it will be even easier to take more from him.

I used this as an example to show how easily people can be negatively or wrongfully influenced by what they hear and see.

A perfect example would be this

If i asked you, who are the best basketball players in the world, or what country is the best.

I bet the majority of you would say, the U.S.

And you would all be wrong

The fact is Serbia, and former Yugoslavia has always been the best at basketball, winning the most World Championships, and most Olympic Gold Medals, even most recently, knocking out the Americans in the World Championship semi-finals, in America, with all the Nba all stars playing.

It's somehow relevant to this thread, Don't believe the hype.
Same with all those countries the U.S. went to war with, and reportedly "defeated".
I don't see any U.S. flags blowing in the wind of all those countries.

I don't want to come across as someone anti-US or anything, but living here, their history and culture is the one i am most familiar with. These were just some observations i made.
Okay, so I see some of your points, but I don't know what the hell the "enemy" means. I know you weren't implying anything about race, but the mere suggestion or idea that creates a reputation. Race is as stupid a concept as I've ever seen for what it's worth, but all right let's assume you can equate the reputation of a black male's penis and all that to your military ploy. I still don't see how it makes a dent to the big ass picture which we probably as a gender will never overcome and that is the there is too damn much emphasis placed on the size of the penis. Expectations abound when it comes to a man's performance, size, stamina...etc...women???Overwhelmingly I'd have to say if it's wet and warm and there's something to grab onto the looks, the amount of money a woman makes, the kind of job she has, the race of that woman, the family she's in, etc...would hardly enter the mind of a man when it comes to sex. I think the real question shouldn't be which race has the biggest dick...it should be why are women such dicks when it comes to sex and choosing partners? I'm not sorry either for saying most girls are stuck up snobby bitches who for the most part at an early age have unrealistic expectations on who they can get with and who could never.

I see your points, but face it what women percieve and believe to be as fact doesn't amount to shit in the scheme of things. If it's the size of one's member that is ultimately having a negative effect on the white man(laughing) then I'll be fucking damned because what it really is is what AC eludes to about the narcissistic bragging, which in turn is created and perpetuated by women. We feel the need to let it be known that yeah I gotta BIG dick. Where the whole "myth" came from is now irrelevant. It's here (that's obvious) but we either can deal with it or we can realize the real problem and that is we feel the need to be the biggest, the best, and be able to feel that sense of belonging. We want to be our woman's MAN. We don't want to be percieved as anything but her world. The sad part is we've been duped into thinking the size of our dicks mean the world. It doesn't and the reason we think it does is because all of us at one time or another have wondered if we were good enough, big enough, the best. And why is that??To reiterate yes women. So I agree with you there Chain.

I say if you're young...get your fuck on, but realize the size of your penis is not as important as other aspects in a relationship/life. Plus, shit...Penis Enlargement works damnit.
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Well I can answer whether or not (on behalf of all my mexican/scottish american brethren) lol we as a race have big cocks since I have approximately 350,000 dicks. It's the number one reason I can't seem to gain as much as I'd like.
I thought i defined "enemy"

basically anyone who wishes you ill, whether it's 2 people, 2 nations, 2 races, or more, whatever, you get the idea.

reading another thread here, this guy was saying how it bothered him that a number of black guys shoved their 12 inch peckers in his girlfriend when she was 15-16 years old.

that is an act of violence and aggression, which did not happen to him, but affected him in a negative way, now, he too is scarred. Which was certainly the intent of the black guys who did it, especially since they were older.

Now you can debate the factor of intent if you like, but what will you say, the motivation was love, or the 15 year old girl was to blame.

It doesn't have to be a racial issue, but in this example it was, and added to racial tensions. This guy now, most certainly looks at his black buddies or classmates differently. I'll bet you anything, and we can ask him, just to make sure.

It doesn't matter whether the size of their peckers were exaggerated, if they were 12 inches, or 5 inches, the point is the person feels violated, and this guy is affected, and he wasn't even there.

Now if you multiply occurences like this one, many more people are affected mentally, insecurity grows, and bad blood is born.

Bad Blood - Ministry
AncientChina said:
When some guys refer to the actual thought process of women, I sometimes wonder if they are thinking like girls who have cocks....seriously. Look behind what is being stated and figure just why. Yes, there probably is a bit of taboo breaking, and rebelion involved, as there is with just about any topic of sexuality, and women seem to think they are "oh so crazy, wild, and cool", sterotyping, a bit, but not by much.

So do you really think the size of the penis even plays a role here, or the fact that it's being said is playing the biggest role. Whether true or not it doesn't specifically matter because it's being stated out in the open, now think what attracts women, the "uncontrolable male" (which explains half of the allure of abusive relationships), the dominate or perceived dominate testoserone male, out of control and impenetrable by any female, it's that allure factor that drives interest, not exactly the mythical 12" incher. So hey the abusive boyfriend may just be an insecure pussy, who needs an ass kicking, and the boisting big dick guy may have only that, in reality. Even if a few women will state this as a reason, I would call bullshit, there is;

1) What they state.
2) What they state and don't want you to know.
2) What they state falsly to purposely confuse/complex you.
3) What they state and don't even know why.

No, this doesn't mean women are "stupid" so save me from bullshit argument feminist and those who are "maschoist-of-offense", especially if it has a point. Never doubt the cool, trend following factor for many women, look at the other billion very stupid and image driven things women do....Hell, if Skrech from Saved by the Bell was considered by "many" in the media to be the hottest guy on earth, some girls (not women) would convince themselves that yes, indeed Skrech is fucking hizhot dawg!

I think your logic is pretty good but flawed (It may not be what do I know? My opinion is all.). This is why this thread is stupid in essence, even if it had some shinning moments, it's still a dumb fucking thread.

1) There is no absolute answers known or given, all speculation and personal opinion.

I can tell you that the sun is fucking hot, and you know what, proof is there. This thread as become a lot of things, good, bad, and inbetween, but mostly irrational with hints of hope. Here is a rule of thought, if you can go 100 plus pages in a thread without an answer chances are it's fucking stupid in at least one way. About the ability of Africans (not all) such as Ethiopians and Kenyians I believe to genetically be gifted of the ability to run long distances is noted and atleast somewhat provable, the penis thing is still unanswerable, and I would be careful about genetic assesments in the wrong hands it turns just plain stupid.

This issue of how some perceive the issue of this thread can be broken down further into Small Men Vs. Real Men. Small men are pathetically insecuse, mentally and/or physically abusing tools. If the typical small, insecure man had a personality picture, it would be off a tiny, but very angry penis! They need a fucking tissue and a sob, and a shut the fuck up. More on real men here... I do agree as with rappers and the only popular images many of those may see, do seem to harbor a classic inferiority/superiority complex, it's very subtle but it's there, just look closely at some of these replies here....good of you for noticing that. At the same time and on the flip side if maintained well it offers discussion of something that we all may find tired and done with, but its still available for a reader, even if its a bit illogical. Let's face it much of the issues we find the most fascination with are pretty fucking stupid. Sir Dorko: "If Neo can fly then how come he doesn't fly away from all the Agent Smiths?"

Great one! This is true in many situations and people, with the mythical penis I believe its mostly just narcisstic bragging, and a need to be part of collective thought (even if they think their thought is taboo and different, hell Neo-Nazi's think they are rebeling, tools.) and uphold an image of something. Is alcohol the coolest thing ever? Does it make you cool, can't anyone drink? Then why do so many people even those who may have gotten a sodomy ride on the pole unknown still state it's "fucking awesome"......yep you already got it.

hey China, i read through that link, "more real men here", and what they were saying on that forum, and those people are wrong, and a bit nieve to think that.

some men may act one way with one woman, and another way with another

it's about chemistry, and that takes 2 people

and the most important thing is this

these guys may act like jerks, or be called small men, but it is their subconscious mind taking over when it knows the woman is not right for them, therefore they act this way without even thinking about it.

I'm a bit guilty myself sometimes, my girlfriend is married, we've been together for years, we have no future, she has kids, she can't give me children and what i need.
yet we enjoy being with eachother.
i keep thinking it will end, but it never does, now she's obsessed with me.
sometimes i unwillingly make her feel like shit, so she will leave me, even though i don't really want her to, my subconscious mind knows this is best for me.
So i'm a bit fucked up, i don't mean to upset her and feel bad when i do, but i got no way out, it feels like.

Of course this is my situation, and others might actually have mental problems, and just act like idiots because they enjoy it, like a bully. But i would not like to be categorized with those people, just because i do or say something they might have done or said. The mindset behind it, is completely different. The people on that forum, and a lot of people, like to immediately jump to conclusions and generalize people.

They really got no business judging people, without walking in their shoes first
chainandballer said:
I thought i defined "enemy"

basically anyone who wishes you ill, whether it's 2 people, 2 nations, 2 races, or more, whatever, you get the idea.

reading another thread here, this guy was saying how it bothered him that a number of black guys shoved their 12 inch peckers in his girlfriend when she was 15-16 years old.

that is an act of violence and aggression, which did not happen to him, but affected him in a negative way, now, he too is scarred. Which was certainly the intent of the black guys who did it, especially since they were older.

Now you can debate the factor of intent if you like, but what will you say, the motivation was love, or the 15 year old girl was to blame.

It doesn't have to be a racial issue, but in this example it was, and added to racial tensions. This guy now, most certainly looks at his black buddies or classmates differently. I'll bet you anything, and we can ask him, just to make sure.

It doesn't matter whether the size of their peckers were exaggerated, if they were 12 inches, or 5 inches, the point is the person feels violated, and this guy is affected, and he wasn't even there.

Now if you multiply occurences like this one, many more people are affected mentally, insecurity grows, and bad blood is born.

Bad Blood - Ministry

Look some people have problems with race. I do not. If someone looks at people of all color as aggressive statatory rapists (which those guys were) then that is them. If they feel insecure they need to figure out a way to address it and handle it. I'm not going to identify an entire group of people or blame an entire group for something a few people did. That said I stated I see your point. In other words I acknowledge the reality. However, back to the enemy part I don't see how this applies to real life in social terms. The enemy? I don't know if black males who have sex with a young white girl is aiming to hurt others. Maybe it is indeed an act of empowerment for them in the idea of making the girl feel powerless. Even so, like all generalizations...this comparison of a military ploy to the black penis myth is pointless. There are far too many flaws and exceptions, which would not make this anywhere close to fact or a rule of any kind. If you think this myth is having a negative impact on white men then fine. I don't. Using that young man's girlfriend and her past experience as a 15 year old is one instance. It's not as rare an instance as there should ever be, but in whatever way one wants to view it someone has to realize the fact that she was 15 and they were adults was the REAL problem he probably had with it and not the fact that she told him they were very huge. That didn't help, but I don't believe he'd feel the same if she'd been 25 and the guys had been 30. If it was more race that he had a problem with than that is whole other story. I don't think it was if I recall, but I see it as the age difference. The size thing happens to everyone of every color. Every guy has been with a girl or known a girl that brags about her current or former boyfriend who was just SOOO fucking Huge it was unbelievable.
Yes Black Guys are ALL Bigger than all other men!!!!

O.K. Get the fuck outta here!!!! If you believe that!!!
Yeah, On every third Wednesday of the first month of the year, but only when the moon's full. But clear cocks are fucking enormous...I know..cause I went to highschool with this one dude..his name was Chris..and
lol I don't know are you black? If you are probably not...if you're purple damn...and if you're clear...then no. Seriously I want to destroy this thread lol. If there was some intelligent answers and insightful information or opinions as to an answer of where the idea came from then okay. It's not going to happen. It's just not one of those questions/topics that can be answered. I wouldn't care what the answer is either because there ain't a damn thing you can do about it nor should anyone have a reason to care. I can't wait for the day when the question is are (insert race here) women's vaginas the deepest or best or some ridiculous notion to entertain and distract ourselves with in order to avoid the real issues. If we keep fixating on the branches how the hell are we ever going to find the roots? Damn...I'm going to bed.
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