kausion_420 said:
My first black �naked people movies� i seen had Lex in it. I was bout 16 so I figured by time I was his age I'd be the same size. A few years later and Im gainin on him girth wise although I will never know his actual legnth.

I think you have him beat on both.
I know this subject has pretty much been beat to death, but it looks like it's back and I'd like to comment from a woman's viewpoint. I was young, single, hot and active in Hawaii in the 70's when VietNam was the big issue and Oahu was the major staging area for the pacific. Living on an island with six military bases full of healthy young men was, shall we say, a lot of fun. I had occaision to see and be with men of all races and body types. This is first person research we're talking about. The answer is no, black men are not all bigger. No, Samoan men aren't either, by the way. But you're all missing the point here. I know this is a guy thing and you may resent the fact that women read your stuff, but we do. The point you all need to understand is that yes, a big penis feels good inside a woman, but if the guy behind it is a jerk, so what? A man who is sensitive to a woman's needs, communicates well, moves with confidence and has a great deal of fun while having fun is going to SEEM to be a lot bigger than maybe he really is. Black men have been conditioned to feel that they are better lovers and so, dear brothers, they really really are. Not because of size, but because of attitude. It's a state of mind. One black man, JG, bless his heart forever, rented a beachfront room on Waikiki, had flowers and champagne delivered, soft music, warm oil massaged me, spent an hour totally focused on me (and then I on him) and we had the most fabulous sex of my life, bar none. He was maybe 5 inches max. But he didn't know that or care and I sure didn't either. There were a few well-hung E-3's who just wanted to do it on the floor in a gas station restroom or something, no class, no cool, no luck. I tell you this because I see so many of you totally obsessed with length and witdh, but hopefully you are increasing in your capacity to really make your woman feel loved in proportion to the results you're seeing on your Penis Enlargement work, if not, you'll just end up being a lonely dork with a big dick. So, no, black men aren't all bigger, but they are more smooth and confident in most cases. And yes, women like the FEEL of a larger penis, but not at the cost of being with a dull, self-absorbed, totally clueless penophobe. Just doing the Penis Enlargement work leads to imbalance if you aren't becoming a more caring and confident lover at the same time....FYI

lextheimpaler said:
It's a myth. one that has it's roots in racism. TRUST me. I got caught up in it too. My first black �naked people movies� I saw, had Lex Steele, __________ and __________...I felt woefully inadequate.

That's why I got caught up in Penis Enlargement. I was not very sexually active, but the girls I have been with since have been.

Both have been with a number of men, black, white, asian...

one of them swore, I was the biggest, and had to call her sister and tell her...certain positions, were painful for both of these seasoned veterans...no doggy style, etc...

I'm only 7.5 nbp X 5.5.

BTW, I've seen alot more "amateur" black �naked people movies�, and trust me, that would crush the "myth"..nothing exciting there...It is a VERY destructful, negative thing..I think I'm even developing a complex now, because I am getting bigger, so I am fulfilling the "myth"...maybe I should stop Penis Enlargement'ing..as a protest!

(NOT) :)
Molly Jones said:
I know this subject has pretty much been beat to death, but it looks like it's back and I'd like to comment from a woman's viewpoint. I was young, single, hot and active in Hawaii in the 70's when VietNam was the big issue and Oahu was the major staging area for the pacific. Living on an island with six military bases full of healthy young men was, shall we say, a lot of fun. I had occaision to see and be with men of all races and body types. This is first person research we're talking about. The answer is no, black men are not all bigger. No, Samoan men aren't either, by the way. But you're all missing the point here. I know this is a guy thing and you may resent the fact that women read your stuff, but we do. The point you all need to understand is that yes, a big penis feels good inside a woman, but if the guy behind it is a jerk, so what? A man who is sensitive to a woman's needs, communicates well, moves with confidence and has a great deal of fun while having fun is going to SEEM to be a lot bigger than maybe he really is. Black men have been conditioned to feel that they are better lovers and so, dear brothers, they really really are. Not because of size, but because of attitude. It's a state of mind. One black man, JG, bless his heart forever, rented a beachfront room on Waikiki, had flowers and champagne delivered, soft music, warm oil massaged me, spent an hour totally focused on me (and then I on him) and we had the most fabulous sex of my life, bar none. He was maybe 5 inches max. But he didn't know that or care and I sure didn't either. There were a few well-hung E-3's who just wanted to do it on the floor in a gas station restroom or something, no class, no cool, no luck. I tell you this because I see so many of you totally obsessed with length and witdh, but hopefully you are increasing in your capacity to really make your woman feel loved in proportion to the results you're seeing on your Penis Enlargement work, if not, you'll just end up being a lonely dork with a big dick. So, no, black men aren't all bigger, but they are more smooth and confident in most cases. And yes, women like the FEEL of a larger penis, but not at the cost of being with a dull, self-absorbed, totally clueless penophobe. Just doing the Penis Enlargement work leads to imbalance if you aren't becoming a more caring and confident lover at the same time....FYI

Wonderfully said. Big dick dork...LOL! HA!
theres a lot to read in this thread and i skimmed quickly through some of it so forgive me if im repeating someone else.

it is a scientifically proven fact black men have on average bigger penises than white people, also asians have smaller.

i can't be buggered finding the proof, but it is there. look for yourself before trying to shoot this argument down.

if you have personally seen a black man with a big/small penis it means shit. in general, noones personal experiences count for shit when it comes to statistics.
Shithead said:
theres a lot to read in this thread and i skimmed quickly through some of it so forgive me if im repeating someone else.

it is a scientifically proven fact black men have on average bigger penises than white people, also asians have smaller.

i can't be buggered finding the proof, but it is there. look for yourself before trying to shoot this argument down.

if you have personally seen a black man with a big/small penis it means shit. in general, noones personal experiences count for shit when it comes to statistics.

Yes, well there are studies which seem to indicate that black men are a bit bigger on average, but there is one point to consider: most, if not all of the studies which ''prove'' this are done with the men measuring themselves. Now, you might logically assume that since society puts so much pressure on black men to excel in physical prowess and sexual activity, the threshold for exaggerating their own size just to live up to the stereotypes would also be significantly lower. I might also point out that there are studies from credible sources which indicate clearly that there is little if any difference between the sizes of blacks and whites. Eastern Asian men may be a tad smaller on average, but that is also probably due to their environment and diet. I've heard that Asian men living in western nations are not necessarily any smaller than their male counterparts from different races.

I think the biggest reason why the myth still persists is because the �naked people movies� industry feeds it the fuel it needs to burn. There is a much greater demand for horse hung black men than there is for men of other nationalities/ethnic origins, so it's really no surprise that the ''black superstud'' is presented to a much greater degree in �naked people movies�.

I just get so sick and tired of this age-old bullshit argument being rehashed over and over again. I will never be convinced that blacks are any bigger than whites on average until someone does a study in which the men DON'T measure themselves, and there are at least a thousand participants from each ethnic group.

And shithead, I think Molly's first hand experience (especially since she's had a LOT of it) counts for far more than some half-assed self-measure study.
I have to say one thing here. Molly has said something that I myself have known for a long while. A bigger cock might feel better to SOME (not all) women out there but as she said.. so what. It's the man behind the penis that counts, you gotta know how to treat a girl and be confident in yourselfs, what good is having a 10 incher and an asshole of a personality whos dull and lifeless to a women. As if she will stay with a bloke like that just for that simple reason, his 10 incher.
I am actually glad that I realised this in my self, (actually talking to a lot of open women about it) to get there viewpoints. I used to be a bit of an obsessive thinking size was so important, when it really isnt guys. If a women truly loves you for what you are she will accept anything in between your legs.
As society has deemed the black man as a great lover, they soon start getting an extreme heightened confidence about it and start to beleive they are and that it's true, and for this reason they have a great confidence level which is what women really want.
Just becuase Molly's greatest fucks were from black dudes doesnt mean they are the greatest lovers, it just means she has only met men from other races who are not confidenct and feel insecure, in comparison to the black blokes who had a very smooth attitude about it and high confidence.
At the end of the day we are all human and we all bleed red, which means that no one from any race is better than anyone else. It's individualism that counts, and if you know what really matters then we could be as great lovers as each other regardless of race.
Shithead said:
it is a scientifically proven fact black men have on average bigger penises than white people, also asians have smaller.

Which scientist was this? Come on, if it was proven then there would be no debate about it's validity.
Guess what Shithead?
I just found a study which demonstrates that white men are a bit bigger than black men when erect (it was stated that black men take the lead in flaccid size, though). So much for your ''scientific proof''... not that this study proves anything, either. Just to make a point: I SERIOUSLY doubt either group has a distinct advantage. These studies don't mean jack shit.
Do any of you white guys like myself get hit on ALOT by black women? It happens to me all the time. I love it :) They are so different...anyway I was just wondering.
flyer0002 said:
its not just blacks, these stereotypical traits are usually carried throughout all tropical races, and its not a superiority thing, just genetic typing like irish with red hair.
and really are so many people obsessed with this? if its jealousy just fess up to it an dont act like black people are cocky jerks. ive always said im jealous of whites for straight hair and colored eyes.

I think it was just an innocent question. I have colored eyes and straight hair :p Why thank you LMAO

Anyway, this question always comes up now and then. Don't worry about it.
Let's face the facts - I've seen alot of men naked in the gym lockers and
the myth doesn't "size up". Most men from my viewpoint were the same size.
Yea there were some fluctuations but it was from all races not just blacks
in particular.
copper_handshak said:
Do any of you white guys like myself get hit on ALOT by black women? It happens to me all the time. I love it :) They are so different...anyway I was just wondering.

Well, the place where I live doesn't exactly have a bounty of black women, but when I go on vacation for example, then yes, it does happen to me a lot. I was also with a gorgeous black girl last summer. ;) Man, those lips.... ahhhhhhh... :drool:
She also complimented me on my lips, which are very full and 'sensual' according to her (what a gay word to describe them! :p ) . I do have big lips for a white dude. There's gotta be more than that, though. I think it's a combination of several of my traits that attracts black women.

I just wish there were more black hotties to go around in my hometown. I have a black friend (he's from Kenya originally), and he gets more attention than he wants from white girls. I guess opposites attract each other? At least in some cases.
I reckon Black men have the biggest cocks, from what I have seen on the net and in real life they seem to pack more.
White girls in the UK love the black meat, its the *thing* here with the younger generations that Black is Bigger.....black men seem to have hoards of babes around them lol and nice white smiles hahahaha alot of my black mates got big dicks and have alot of the woman onto them, so yeah....somethings cookin, good look to the Black men who have it....nice people, so cheers.
Im flattered RED.. all this nice chatter made me blush. Too bad my face is to chocolate to turn red.. hehe
i havnet read much of this thread but I have to agree, black dicks ARE bigger, for sure. come on now. over 95% of the black dicks u see on the net are big. ive seen black men in locker rooms and places, and i also think theyre bigger. hell, kausion420 is one of our black members and he was born with his cock being 9 inches.
I agree BeBoBox. Also, I think anyone trying to argue that everyone is created equal is just in denial. Why the need for racial pride? Who gives a shit if you're 'green' and someone else who is 'green' has a big or small dick.
thankyou for the few who agreed with me.

but to whoever it was saying that blacks only appear bigger to us because the ones in all the �naked people movies� are only selected because they have to fit the stereotype of big. i suppose you'll say that all the asian men chosen to do �naked people movies� are chosen because they fit the sterotype of small.

99% of black guys in �naked people movies� are big, 99% of asians in �naked people movies� are small. so if every race has equal average size, then why are they choosing small asian dicks.
I watch a lot of Japanese �naked people movies�, and even some Japanese-male/white female ones (So what - I don't believe in just watching guys who look like me screw girls. Variety is cool.).

I saw this one �naked people movies� with a Japanese guy screwing that young, pixie-like blonde �naked people movies�star Violet Blue. He looked to be about a good solid 7 inches long, with above average girth. Like all Japanese �naked people movies� the private areas were pixelated, but this particular one was was VERY finely pixelated, to the point that you could clearly see the outline of the penis as she sucked on it or fucked him. After suckin' on that trout for a couple of minutes, she looks up at him with loving eyes and goes, "Ooh, pretty big." *points at his johnson* The guy was expressionless, maybe he didn't understand a word she was saying (understandable - it's their job to fuck for the camera, not make international communication) - but imagine how much he would've smiled if he had understood her! My Japanese friend lends me his collection of Jap guy/white girl �naked people movies�, and some guys are actually about average or a bit above average. I would say on average a bit over 6 inches, and fairly thick. There indeed are Japanese guys with woeful penises, but I was surprised to find some that were pretty damn hung, at least by non-�naked people movies�/Penis Enlargement standards. These guys could easily be as big as many of you here if they say down for hours on end tugging their dicks, doing jelqs and whatnot. LMAO

I have also seen �naked people movies� pictures of black guys who were really pitifully hung, relative to their muscular build. I mean it would take a lot of effort to find those instances of black �naked people movies� that has pencil-dick black guys (that's another issue altogether - �naked people movies� producers obviously only hire black men who are hung, and furthermore under-hung black guys arne't likely to turn up for �naked people movies� auditions, are they? Duh... but more on that perhaps on another day) so I won't - but if I run into them again I promise to post them.

And finally I very much dislike 'Shithead's attitude on race and stereotype. How archaic, and how sili. By his reasoning he would nod enthusiastically and agree wholeheartedly when a black person tells him (assuming he's white) that whites are athletically inferior to blacks, and when an Asian man calls him an idiot because he belongs to a racial group that consistently scores lower on standardized tests than his ethnic group does. If that happens I would have no sympathy for 'Shithead' as racism begets racism in return - it's totally justified.

His way of thinking is a slap in the face of Progress. Plain and simple. Let's cut that shit out.
Blu said:
I watch a lot of Japanese �naked people movies�, and even some Japanese-male/white female ones (So what - I don't believe in just watching guys who look like me screw girls. Variety is cool.).

I saw this one �naked people movies� with a Japanese guy screwing that young, pixie-like blonde �naked people movies�star Violet Blue. He looked to be about a good solid 7 inches long, with above average girth. Like all Japanese �naked people movies� the private areas were pixelated, but this particular one was was VERY finely pixelated, to the point that you could clearly see the outline of the penis as she sucked on it or fucked him. After suckin' on that trout for a couple of minutes, she looks up at him with loving eyes and goes, "Ooh, pretty big." *points at his johnson* The guy was expressionless, maybe he didn't understand a word she was saying (understandable - it's their job to fuck for the camera, not make international communication) - but imagine how much he would've smiled if he had understood her! My Japanese friend lends me his collection of Jap guy/white girl �naked people movies�, and some guys are actually about average or a bit above average. I would say on average a bit over 6 inches, and fairly thick. There indeed are Japanese guys with woeful penises, but I was surprised to find some that were pretty damn hung, at least by non-�naked people movies�/Penis Enlargement standards. These guys could easily be as big as many of you here if they say down for hours on end tugging their dicks, doing jelqs and whatnot. LMAO

I have also seen �naked people movies� pictures of black guys who were really pitifully hung, relative to their muscular build. I mean it would take a lot of effort to find those instances of black �naked people movies� that has pencil-dick black guys (that's another issue altogether - �naked people movies� producers obviously only hire black men who are hung, and furthermore under-hung black guys arne't likely to turn up for �naked people movies� auditions, are they? Duh... but more on that perhaps on another day) so I won't - but if I run into them again I promise to post them.

And finally I very much dislike 'Shithead's attitude on race and stereotype. How archaic, and how sili. By his reasoning he would nod enthusiastically and agree wholeheartedly when a black person tells him (assuming he's white) that whites are athletically inferior to blacks, and when an Asian man calls him an idiot because he belongs to a racial group that consistently scores lower on standardized tests than his ethnic group does. If that happens I would have no sympathy for 'Shithead' as racism begets racism in return - it's totally justified.

His way of thinking is a slap in the face of Progress. Plain and simple. Let's cut that shit out.

Damn fucking straight.
whoa whoa hold on, your putting a dam lot of words in my mouth.

its a fact that races have different physical features, right? now if i point out that fact, it in no way means i am judging one race over another.

asians are probably shorter on average than black people, does that make them different in quality of a human being? noway.

i have no idea how you read racism into my statement "black people have bigger dicks". unless of course your attitude is that a bigger dick makes a better person. which in that case i completely disagree with you and your judging ways.

please correct me if i've misinterpreted what you've said.
sssg said:
This Universal Question Has Been Asked Forever....do Black Men Really Have Larger Cocks Than Men Of Other Races???what Do You Think??? How Do You Know???

There was a fellow on this site, Jamaican Joe, who had a big pecker. I do not know what happened to him? A friend of mine saw a picture of Joe once on this site. He said that he had a dick at least 8 inches long. Now whether this is the norm I do not know. But if you read what RED said I think he is correct, and some black blokes have bigger cocks.
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