That's a good idea Billy. I've been slammin my guy too, sore as hell from hangin and manuals. I want that monicker haha
I´m changing my length routine a bit for this month. i´m only using the extender as a complement directly after hard manual stretching (dld blasters + btc), about 4 times a day, warmup + 10 minutes manual stretching + 1hours extender at high tension (about 1200-1500 g). That gives about 40 minutes stretching + 4 hours in extender. I have already experienced a longer penile than usual in the extender. A lot more focus on intensity instead of long periods during the day. Hope it works and give gains.
BillyMan;280933 said:
OK guys here is a list of the people in it so far

1 -airshy
2 -alwaystrying
3 - BillyMan
4 - fedora
5 - Threak-X ?
6 - KinghtRider
7 - az_mike
8 - rustyg

I think we should try to get as many people as we can up until the 5th of October. After that they will have to wait until next month.

To DLD - Here is an idea, you know where right under our names it says "registered user" "moderator" "administrator" and the "MoS Supporter" or "Diamond Support" etc? Well how about the winner of this month gets the title or "Mr. October" under their name as a prize trophy sorta speak? I think that would be pretty cool. And we can have a competition each month. It is a great motivational tool to compete against other for gains. Males are very competitive so applying that need to stand out with Penis Enlargement should leave for some monster gains!

I like that "Mr. October" that is brilliant. I think we should hedge the bet and give the Maximum Gains Package to the winner.

great idea with mr october!

I took some pics today, bpfs, really hard to hold a ruler, stretch with the other hand and take pics! Finally made it, pressed the ruler bp on one side and pressed against a desk edge on the other side.
I decided to go for the bpfs as a measurement for this month because airshy started this thread and he uses bpfs.
We should make a team october thread in the picture proof section so all of us can post pics before the 5th of october to begin the gaining competition. As a matter of fact I will make a thread there right know!
I love the Mr. October idea. I know I could gain at least 1/4 inch this month(newbie gains). I've done it before. I'm leaving the country for 2 months though. I don't know what kind of computer access I'll have. Anyway, it looks like I'm gonna be working the newbie routine for about the next 9 weeks. After that look out for Mr. January.

That's right Chaco will be Mr. January!!!:)
fedora;281108 said:
great idea with mr october!

I took some pics today, bpfs, really hard to hold a ruler, stretch with the other hand and take pics! Finally made it, pressed the ruler bp on one side and pressed against a desk edge on the other side.
I decided to go for the bpfs as a measurement for this month because airshy started this thread and he uses bpfs.
We should make a team october thread in the picture proof section so all of us can post pics before the 5th of october to begin the gaining competition. As a matter of fact I will make a thread there right know!

I know exactly what you mean with the pics man. Hey idk about the BPFS length though since I only took erect measurements and I know that my bfps has already got quite a bit longer from manual stretching alone. DLD can be the judge though, if he thinks my pics aren't proof enough or legitimate, whoever he picks to win I will be happy with. And I sure as hell can't argue with that prize package!

Game on gents, I'm tugging like hell!
I started on September 19 and so would love to join in on this. My hopes are to gain at least 1/8 x 1/8, as long as I know its working I dont care if its slow, hell, an 1/8 of an inch a month is 2 inches in under a year and a half.

This group thing is a great idea, totally motivates us to Penis Enlargement our asses, well rather our dicks, off.
Welcome man! Just make sure you take some recent pics to prove your gains are recent.
lol. I'm not even sure if we will run it this month considering only like 8 people have signed up. But, it is a great idea that would be awesome with a little more time and planning
whether or not there is a prize, or even it if is just 4 of us... lets do this! anyone else is welcome to join and make this month a big gaining month at any time... though they will not be eligable for an official title...

a gain is a win lets win!
airshy;281324 said:
whether or not there is a prize, or even it if is just 4 of us... lets do this! anyone else is welcome to join and make this month a big gaining month at any time... though they will not be eligable for an official title...

a gain is a win lets win!

Well yeah I'm going for it anyways, but I really don't want DLD to have to fork over that big prize package to somebody is hardly anybody enters sorta thing
I am sure we all agree on that point. I have been doing manuals for the last few days as well as hanging ... hopefully they can get me to that 9 inch bpfsl goal!!!
I agree, the prize would be more fitting if there were more october joiners. Maybe we should do it witout prize, only with the title for the winner?
It could though be a good idea with the prize this time, it will probably mean a lot more will follow the team october results and make a bigger interest for this type of team thing which is a great idea.
The team idea and competition gives that extra motivation that a lot of Penis Enlargement:ers could use to stay commited during times when motivation not is at 100%.
We in the october team are the pioneers, hopefully we have a lot more joiners during november, then we can announce a week before november starts, to make more people join.
fedora;281370 said:
I agree, the prize would be more fitting if there were more october joiners. Maybe we should do it witout prize, only with the title for the winner?
It could though be a good idea with the prize this time, it will probably mean a lot more will follow the team october results and make a bigger interest for this type of team thing which is a great idea.
The team idea and competition gives that extra motivation that a lot of Penis Enlargement:ers could use to stay commited during times when motivation not is at 100%.
We in the october team are the pioneers, hopefully we have a lot more joiners during november, then we can announce a week before november starts, to make more people join.

Better yet, and more permanent for those who will join in this contest. lets make it a cash prize. Every one who wants to get involved will need to send $25.00 to my paypal account. Upon the ending of this challenge and when the winner is known I will release all funds to him with a full, Max. Gains Package to the winner.

WHn someone monetarily invests in a challenge the motivation is increased 10 fold. Send a fee for your involvement and I will release the funds to the winner. The prize will also include a full membership to MOS including the Power Assist. the Pay-site, The DVD and the Titan Pills.

This would make the contest so much more relevant. The people who get involved will put their ante in to become the winner. Once a winner is established I will name him, under his forum user name, Best Gainer on MOS, and the other people involved will get a name addition that reflects their determination to create a larger guys can determine the sub-name.

Competition has always spawned innovative and original ways of becoming the winner. Let this competition be competitive and allow the people involved to post how they created a larger penis...this type of competitive, influence, in priceless.
here is my current ideal training day:

4x10 min hanging with increasing weight each set with 3 min recovery. I do this 3 X a day at diffenent angles. The reason I have to increase weight is for some reason it has always taken me more time than most to stretch everything out and get into heavier weights. I add as soon as possible.

*that is 120 min a day hanging.

also - 3 x 10 min manual stretch throughout day.

late night is girth: ideal is 5x12 minute clamping sets with 4 min jelq / recovery.
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