
Aug 5, 2012
okay so a little background. been doing p.e for a while now, but have never really been fully dedicated for a long period of time. i also used to wear very tight boxers, limiting gains (SRT - Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory theory). i so far haven't gained at all apart from a 0.1 inch girth gain. i've also tried curvature straightening (leftward curve) but never had any success, and feel i may have even made it worse. i got into a routine for about 2 weeks a month ago, but then focused on getting rid of my Hirsuties coronae glandis (which although isnt cmopletely gone, is greatly reduced in size and barely noticable by touch/ sight). ive been using the Bathmate on and off, but could never really wrap properly to recover, so, when the extender arrives this will be my new routine:

-Bathmate: 3x5 min sessions
-extender: ~3 hours
-stretches: 2 x 30 secs every direction
-jelqs: 200

may also wrap for a couple of hours

i'm going to be very dedicated to this when i start, set time aside and if i do it every day, or 5 times a week, it should become part of my routine.

any criticism/ advice of what i should/ shouldn't be adding?
forgot to add, with my dick straightened, my current stats are 6.5 inch nbpel x 4.8 inch midshaft girth.
short term goal is 6.8 nbpel x 5 inch msg, then 7.5 nbpel x 5.5 msg, and my long term goal is 8 x 6, and ill see what if i want to get bigger when im there..
I have a slight left curvature as well. I was bothered by it for some time, some time ago, but I have stopped. Since I have sex more regularly, the less I think about it, as long as it doesn't make you feel uncomfortable having sex. When I was 15 I started doing jelqs and I remember my curvature from even before 15, I'm 23 now. The jelqs helped my curvature, I did it for about two years and somewhere in the middle I too noticed that the results actually got worse, but I kept going and after two years up until now it's better than at the beginning point as far I can remember.

I had a long pause with Penis Enlargement, last year I got back to it using primarily Bathmate, I've noticed that my curvature got even a bit smaller. I was using Bathmate 4 times a week with 3 sessions for about 10 minutes each, but now I want to get more serious about Penis Enlargement and put some more effort into it. Today I've read about the SRT method and I've tried it. I have liked it very much. To me, it makes the most sense so far as to get fast and good gains. Going to concentrate on it for the next 2-3 months. Need to equip myself with some good extender though for the coming weeks of SRT.

I am not sure if what you have wrote is the sequence of your routine? but if it is, I would do it this way: (if you are not following the SRT method by DLD) in the morning stretches then after that the extender on and then in the evening jelqs and after than Bathmate.

BTW, how do you go about the Hirsuties coronae glandis? Do you use the CO2 laser treatment?
jordey;510321 said:
okay so a little background. been doing p.e for a while now, but have never really been fully dedicated for a long period of time. i also used to wear very tight boxers, limiting gains (srt theory). i so far haven't gained at all apart from a 0.1 inch girth gain. i've also tried curvature straightening (leftward curve) but never had any success, and feel i may have even made it worse. i got into a routine for about 2 weeks a month ago, but then focused on getting rid of my Hirsuties coronae glandis (which although isnt cmopletely gone, is greatly reduced in size and barely noticable by touch/ sight). ive been using the Bathmate on and off, but could never really wrap properly to recover, so, when the extender arrives this will be my new routine:

-Bathmate: 3x5 min sessions
-extender: ~3 hours
-stretches: 2 x 30 secs every direction
-jelqs: 200

may also wrap for a couple of hours

i'm going to be very dedicated to this when i start, set time aside and if i do it every day, or 5 times a week, it should become part of my routine.

any criticism/ advice of what i should/ shouldn't be adding?

What are you doing between the 5 minute Bathmate sets?
doublelongdaddy;510372 said:
What are you doing between the 5 minute Bathmate sets?

well usually i just stretch out abit, ive tried doing SSJ but find them hard in the shower (where i use my Bathmate). i think when i try this routine i'll do uli's, or should i be doing something else?
any other problems/ things i should be adding to my routine?
the curvature bothers me, i dont know why, and as i do p.e. it seems to make it worse even if it is only temporary. i reckon when straighten i would get maybe 0.2 inches more length, and it would be easier to track length gains when they come.
and as for Hirsuties coronae glandis, i just used smokers toothpaste for about a week, and it reduced the size of them all, theyre now almost unnoticeable by touch (which is the most important) and would only be seen if pointed out. i might try using the toothpaste again to reduce them further
Can you tell if you have have Peyronie's disease? As far as I know there is a difference between Peyronie's disease and natural curvature, a straight penis looks like this | a curvature can be seen as something like this \ or / or the so called banana shape ( or ) usually it is not Peyronie's disease if your curvature is more of an > sort of share than it's most likely Peyronie's disease. Other way to check it is to get hard and try to straighten your penis out, make it straight with your fingers, if you can do it easily without any pain it's just a natural curvature or curvature created later on, but still not Peyronie's disease. But if you try to straight it out and you can do it with your fingers and it is painful you might have Peyronie's disease.

A natural curvature shouldn't be any problem in doing Penis Enlargement and after some time you might be able to straight it out, Peyronie's disease on the other side is harder to treat. If you feel anything that you think you shouldn't feel on your penis like scar tissue (flat lumps under your skin) you should contact your doctor first.
walkingmoon;510412 said:
Can you tell if you have have Peyronie's disease? As far as I know there is a difference between Peyronie's disease and natural curvature, a straight penis looks like this | a curvature can be seen as something like this \ or / or the so called banana shape ( or ) usually it is not Peyronie's disease if your curvature is more of an > sort of share than it's most likely Peyronie's disease. Other way to check it is to get hard and try to straighten your penis out, make it straight with your fingers, if you can do it easily without any pain it's just a natural curvature or curvature created later on, but still not Peyronie's disease. But if you try to straight it out and you can do it with your fingers and it is painful you might have Peyronie's disease.

A natural curvature shouldn't be any problem in doing Penis Enlargement and after some time you might be able to straight it out, Peyronie's disease on the other side is harder to treat. If you feel anything that you think you shouldn't feel on your penis like scar tissue (flat lumps under your skin) you should contact your doctor first.

looking at pictures of it, i dont think its peyronies disease. the curve isnt that severe and is leftward like a lot of guys, but i notice it. i can straighten it out without pain
Do you jelq against the curvature too? and do you stretch against the curvature? also for how long have you already been using the extender? I have never use it yet myself, but heard it is helping, need to get a good one myself too. What I know though from experience is that hanging works really great, for lenght as well as any curves. I havent done hanging for a long periode of time, still I could see a very slight positive difference and a very slight difference is good, after about an month/two :)
Just wanted to add:

BTW it might be bothering you because its in your mind so much, like when there are times things are not going well, everything looks worse than it really is, try to relax. Do you masturbate a lot? if you do, try to not for some time, go for sex only. And also if you are having sex regulary, did you hear any complaints from your partners? if not, just relax.
i usually jelq against the curve, but not really sure which way i should stretch to help it.
and i havent got the extender yet, its been ordered, getting my routine sorted first so when it arrives i can jump striaight in.
i dont have sex alot (not in a relationship). i do masturbate fairly frequently, once ever 2-4 days, so maybe ill cut down on this.
and yeah i know myself that alot of it is in my mind, as many guys (even in �naked people movies�) have the same curve as me, but until its straight im gonna be thinking about it, even if i realise its an irrational thought.
anyone got any tips/ things to add to my actual routine?
also, i spelt 'routine' wrong in the title and dont know how to change it, if anyone could tell me how it would be great!
You can use the V stretch as for stretching and the A stretch against the curve. Try to cut down masturbating, sometimes it can cause the curvature(I've read about few cases about it somewhere on the internet). Whenever you have a possibility, try to have sex as much as you can, just to get rid of that ugly thought of your curve that puts you down as I can sense.

I think only Admin can change anything on the site, so I guess you need to talk to DLD himself.
Changed the title.
thanks DLD!
yeah i tihnk it is from masturbating. most guys who have a curve (apart from upwards) it goes to the left, in the shape of the grip from the right hand, im aware of this when i do masturbate. it wouldnt hurt to cut down anyway though so ill be doing that.
i tihnk ill try those two stretches soon and see if i can get a feel for them!
dyou think i need to be adding anything to the routine as far as length/ girth gains go?
Routine looks good, I would like to see you jelqing in between the pumping sets to help with expansion but other than that it looks solid. With the curve just use erect jelqs and jelq against the curve, this will straighten you out over time.
doublelongdaddy;510747 said:
Routine looks good, I would like to see you jelqing in between the pumping sets to help with expansion but other than that it looks solid. With the curve just use erect jelqs and jelq against the curve, this will straighten you out over time.

okay thanks for the advice, i'll add in 50 jelqs between Bathmate sets
jordey;510753 said:
okay thanks for the advice, i'll add in 50 jelqs between Bathmate sets

Thank you! You will really see a drastic improvement in expansion!
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