Has this process of "cementing" been covered and explained in depth anywhere? What do you have to do to REALLY "cement" your gains? It would be nice to know that one day, I can get rid of the equipment I buy and be secure that I have achieved a biological equivalent of being endowed at birth, with casual stretching, jelqing, and kegels to keep up overall health.

What do I have to do to know that this is possible? Is it just a matter of time?
bluestcathode;622390 said:
Has this process of "cementing" been covered and explained in depth anywhere? What do you have to do to REALLY "cement" your gains? It would be nice to know that one day, I can get rid of the equipment I buy and be secure that I have achieved a biological equivalent of being endowed at birth, with casual stretching, jelqing, and kegels to keep up overall health.

What do I have to do to know that this is possible? Is it just a matter of time?

There are a few ways to ensure that your size does not fall under your final goal.

1- Gain up to 0.5 inches above your main goal. That way even if you lose any size- you'd still keep your final desired stats. For example- if your goal is 8 x 6- it is a good idea to aim at 8.5 x 6.5 so that even if you lose the 0.5- you can still get to keep your goal size.

2- Do a maintenance routine. So, for example- if your goal is 8 x 6- and you reach this size- you can stop PE-ing and just do a maintenance routine like 2-3 sessions a week for both length and girth.

3- Keep up with your routine for long enough for the size to gets cemented. It is not much of a science- PE works based on the process of cell division (mitosis- where one mother cell splits into two daughter cells). When the cell division process is complete and is a fact already- your size has been cemented. For example- when you pump for girth- your penis gains expansion- this expansion howeveer is not the process being complete- the mother cell still has not fully split into 2 daughter cells and therefore- after some time we lost the temporary expansion. This is what DLD's SRT routine is based on- the longer you keep yourself extended/expanded- the more quickly you will cement those gains.

I am not sure I gave a good explanation, but if you have any questions- ask me, I will be around. It is nothing complicating. :)

P.S- If the above written is not enouh- you can take a look at this link ( http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/search.php?searchid=9516930 ) :)
bluestcathode;622390 said:
Has this process of "cementing" been covered and explained in depth anywhere? What do you have to do to REALLY "cement" your gains? It would be nice to know that one day, I can get rid of the equipment I buy and be secure that I have achieved a biological equivalent of being endowed at birth, with casual stretching, jelqing, and kegels to keep up overall health.

What do I have to do to know that this is possible? Is it just a matter of time?

Zam outlined the key elements of cementing but I suggest that all men continue with PE for life. Once gains are made and you have secured them I would just switch over to a once a week workout that will keep your sexual systems in order and good function. It is similar to achieving your goals in the gym, you would not just quit after you would continue for good health and to retain the improvements you have made. I think the penis/mind connection is important too, during the PE process you become very connected with the penis and this relationship benefits you in many ways, keeping the relationship through the gains will always allow you to keep the mind/penis connection going.
Can you imagine if i get to 12 inches in lenght and 8 or more in girth and i spend years whit no PE,and one fine day i measure again and im 6.5 or 7 wtf hahahaha yeah sometimes i visualize myself being away and not being able to exercise what a night mare hahaha no its not funny at all.
bluestcathode;622390 said:
Has this process of "cementing" been covered and explained in depth anywhere? What do you have to do to REALLY "cement" your gains? It would be nice to know that one day, I can get rid of the equipment I buy and be secure that I have achieved a biological equivalent of being endowed at birth, with casual stretching, jelqing, and kegels to keep up overall health.

What do I have to do to know that this is possible? Is it just a matter of time?
yeah if we had been born whit a big ass dick probably we wouldnt be here,because id be like nah i dont need those weird exercises fortunately we found these forums and all of the great things that this place can offer us...
shortdick;622511 said:
yeah if we had been born whit a big ass dick probably we wouldnt be here,because id be like nah i dont need those weird exercises fortunately we found these forums and all of the great things that this place can offer us...

Oddly enough I have seen many huge guys get into PE hardcore. It always blows my mind that men that are at the perfect size want more but I guess this is the way things are.
Thanks for this good information.Natural medicine is very effective for penis enlargement.
hey DLD if I was going to choose one style of staying all together larger as in using UJW or a cock ring after my exercises and in the day what should i go for knowing i am going for length as a main goal ? would the more blood you get from the ring be better for healing overall than the UJW ?
Bigredcarr1$;624871 said:
hey DLD if I was going to choose one style of staying all together larger as in using UJW or a cock ring after my exercises and in the day what should i go for knowing i am going for length as a main goal ? would the more blood you get from the ring be better for healing overall than the UJW ?

You will want to use a cock ring after girth work and a ACE wrap after length work, both will work towards increasing length. If you had to just choose one for length it would be the Ace wrap. A cock ring is mainly to hold girth expansion but expansion of any kind always supports length gains.
Any help please is appreciated? Ok, so I am at 5.5" erect length and 5" erect girth. I am trying to gain 2" length or above) and as much girth as possible. I have 20 minutes in the morning and an hour in the evening to commit to (M-F). The weekends I have alot more time. I am planning to use manual PE exercises, my X30 (plan on using 20 minute sessions), my SG (for 10 hour periods M-F and 12 hours on the weekend), and have a year supply of VigRx in the mix. Can someone help me design a proven and very effective routine? I am seeing different information about how much rest, so I am confused. I think I have a damn powerful set of resources to work with, but do not want to over-train. My manual stretching seems to indicate that I have good length potential, so am I also being realistic about my goals? Can I possibly grow more? Someone please help. I am unsure as to the best way to combine these resources and how much to rest. Otherwise, here is what I was thinking for my program. Only train M-F, and rest on weekends. 15 minutes of Bathmate X30 during my morning shower, and if I have time, a few minutes of manual exercises before the X30. Wear the SG for 10-11 hours of my day after that. Then finish my day with 10 min Jelqing, 3 sets of 30 second multi-directional stretching, then use the X30 for 20 minutes. If I am too rushed in the morning, I will at a minimum wear the SG for 10-11 hours, do my evening routine of manual PE followed by 20 min of the X30. Rest on the weekends. I am during this time also using VigRx because I picked up a year's supply. Anybody here have any input? Not enough rest? A better way to maximize with these tools? Etc.
muaythairobot;626921 said:
Any help please is appreciated? Ok, so I am at 5.5" erect length and 5" erect girth. I am trying to gain 2" length or above) and as much girth as possible. I have 20 minutes in the morning and an hour in the evening to commit to (M-F). The weekends I have alot more time. I am planning to use manual PE exercises, my X30 (plan on using 20 minute sessions), my SG (for 10 hour periods M-F and 12 hours on the weekend), and have a year supply of VigRx in the mix. Can someone help me design a proven and very effective routine? I am seeing different information about how much rest, so I am confused. I think I have a damn powerful set of resources to work with, but do not want to over-train. My manual stretching seems to indicate that I have good length potential, so am I also being realistic about my goals? Can I possibly grow more? Someone please help. I am unsure as to the best way to combine these resources and how much to rest. Otherwise, here is what I was thinking for my program. Only train M-F, and rest on weekends. 15 minutes of Bathmate X30 during my morning shower, and if I have time, a few minutes of manual exercises before the X30. Wear the SG for 10-11 hours of my day after that. Then finish my day with 10 min Jelqing, 3 sets of 30 second multi-directional stretching, then use the X30 for 20 minutes. If I am too rushed in the morning, I will at a minimum wear the SG for 10-11 hours, do my evening routine of manual PE followed by 20 min of the X30. Rest on the weekends. I am during this time also using VigRx because I picked up a year's supply. Anybody here have any input? Not enough rest? A better way to maximize with these tools? Etc.

I answered this in another post you made so I hope you got that information. By the way, I love your avatar!
richieramos;629142 said:
If I am 6.2" how long wouwou it be to get 7"

This could happen as quickly as a month and as long as 6 months depending on how much work you put into it. In many cases newbies will make a quick initial gain within their first month that can be up to an inch. Start a good routine and stick with it always keeping intensity high and you will make this goal very quickly.
Hey, DLD recently just joined Matters of Size {I've been browsing the forums for a few months, just never made an account}. I'm curious as to if SRT or Phase Two would give me faster length gains. Recently just got the LengthMaster so thats why i'm curious about SRT.

Is it true that this stuff just gives temporary gains ? So if i gain two inches over a few years then stop doing the exercises does it go back to original size?
mmm IMO if you gain two inches and you would stop exercising maybe you may loose half an inch,lets say if you you want to get to eight you would aim to 8.5 i think,besides cementing the gains is quite important,once you get to your ideal size maintenance is the only thing you have to take care of.Lets say just once a week or something..
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