Disco Dave;579718 said:
Dudes. Cut the Jackits in half and then place it where needed or wear 2 pcs in conjunction.

Maybe users who are having problems can try this and report back. If it still doesn't work, then I would call this a bunk product.
Users may try heating it as well.
Which you really SHOULDN'T have to as this and all silicone sleeves should be pliable as it has to fit 3.5"-6" FG's.

As noted before, Disco Dave may somehow have affiliations w/ flaccidjacket.
As long as the product is durable and safe; Then do what you have to do. Some guys may need to try certain methods. But Iam sure if the product didnt work; Then maybe besides the 1 or 2 people who has never emailed technical support for questions are OK. So Good luck with your journey or simply email them for tips that can make it easier for you. Never listen to a non-buyer or those whom may have never contacted customer service for possible helpful tips. Now Good Luck. Games Of Thrones is Back On. Gotta Go. Good Day Mates
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I would try soaking in hot water like smerc suggested, and then putting them on like you do an X Sleeve.

Basically, you get something cylindrical in shape that has a similar or slightly larger diameter than the sleeve, and you can put one end of the sleeve on that cylinder.. maybe 1 inch of it as a rough estimate to start. Then, from the other end, you start rolling the sleeve up towards the opposite end until you have the entire thing rolled up onto the cylindrical object. Put your dick up against the object, and then start rolling the sleeve back onto your stretched penis. Remove cylindrical object once completely unrolled. With the x sleeve, the "cylindrical object" is a weight that comes with it, but if you don't have a weight then anything you can find would work I assume. May take some practice/adjustments/the right object..

Someone try this out and see how it goes. Hopefully I made sense. If not, if you want, you can download the xsleeve video and partway through the video they show how it's done.
Well after 2 days of trying flaccid jacket I finally managed to get it on... just takes a bit of practice
I'm above average in girth (6.2 worse case and hit 6.5)
Like disco dave said best thing to do is cut it in half then you can stretch it over you penis pulling it apart with two hands (folded)
It certainly is stretching me but im worried that its really constricting my girth as its squashing it all in... is this safe?


Any links to the flaccid jackits? I recently started visiting the forums more but I must have missed this
Tna: your girth will not go anywhere. But you may soon notice added girth towards the lower portion and the head which will be similar to a baseball bat. But your base girth will still be there. Btw: Longstretch goto www.flaccidjackit.com or google the name.
Why is Absilicone still $17 a sleeve. Thats like paying $20 for a happy meal.
I purchased the FlaccidJacket sleeves and I cannot use them as a anti-turtle sleeve. These things are very constructive and do not stretch much at all. The formulation to the sleeves seem very stiff and rigid for me.
KingD;587101 said:
I purchased the FlaccidJacket sleeves and I cannot use them as a anti-turtle sleeve. These things are very constructive and do not stretch much at all. The formulation to the sleeves seem very stiff and rigid for me.

good to hear a review
Well, I wish I had found this thread previously. I ordered a set of flaccid jacket, got it today, and immediately see problems. I'm 6.25 girth, and this is just unreal to get to work. I will try to heat them in water tomorrow, but my take is this: 5" EG and below is fine. Pushing 5.5" or more and it's a problem.

Recommend NOT getting these. I will update if I can get it to work, but this is IMO way too much work for a product to.... work.

I had also hoped to use these as condom replacements on my Phallosan (using large bell & condom), but oh hell no that does not work.

FYI - the inner diameter of these is about 1".

Do the math.

EDIT: I used some hot water to temp fatigue it so I could stretch it out and actually get into it. I got it over the head and about an inch back towards the base. Released and immediately knew I had a problem. Constriction is way too much for girthier cocks. Thought I'd lose my shit just trying to get out of it.

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Thought I'd call them on their crap:


I ordered a set of Flaccid Jackets and am unhappy with the product as advertised.

My problem is that I cannot fit the jacket over my penis with my girth (6.25 inches erect, fairly large when flaccid). Others have complained about this same issue.

I note that the website does not indicate the inner diameter of the Flaccid Jacket. As I measure one of my FJs, I note it is about 1" ID. That is simply too small for men with larger girth sizes. I also note the website uses the vague terms 'smaller' and 'bigger' diameter penises when discussing fit. Conveniently obscure.

I understand you do not have a refund policy, so I've essentially wasted money on this product. That is disappointing, but not completely unforeseen. I will sell them to some smaller penis girth soul.

My wish is that you update your marketing website to indicate that there are limitations to what the FJ can accommodate. That would be appropriate and honest marketing. As currently stands, the FJ cannot be made to stretch to fit large girth penises. Certainly not with a 1" inner diameter and such thick sleeves.

Truthfully, the company treads a thin line with creating a very poor reputation within the PE community. At best it could be considered neutral at this point due to low exposure and discussion on various PE forums; that could change either way. I encourage you to reconsider how you are going about things in your marketing.

With regrets,
&&& - a dissatisfied customer
Disco Dave;587067 said:
Why is Absilicone still $17 a sleeve. Thats like paying $20 for a happy meal.

They don't have any government subsidies. Government subsidies are the main reason you can buy a burger at a place like McDonalds' for "only" $.99 True story, look it up.

I'm honestly surprised this guy/guys is still around. Fishy site, and with a little sense, it would seem a guy would realize this is way too easy of a "technique" for actual enlargement. Then, you have the "testimonial" pics. I take it the satisfied customer also featured his hands in the "how to" pics. :cool:
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hey guys i placed a order for the sleeves on tuesday have not gotten a confirmation email or anything as of yet how long after you guys placed your order did you receive the sleeves i am in ny i tried contacting them but no one has replied back
Stephano, you probably got scammed. I'd do a charge back.
I really wanted something to keep me from turtling. . .I received them today. I went to the gym, came home showered, massaged, and stretched my dick. I put on the flaccid jacket and I wish I could have a flaccid hang (length wise) like this all of the time.

I pumped while wearing it and I got a .5-1" gain inside the tube. . .which is crazy. Let's see if it can help me cement gains like that outside of the tube.

It's comfortable. I forgot I was wearing it until I started this thread. These things are TOUGH. I remember said something about absilicone cutting so easily. . .NOT THESE

S/N I'm going to order more Jelqing rings soon. . . .:)

What are your stats now brother?
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