Size Doctor

Hey guys quick question about the size doctor and extenders in general I know they say aim for at least 6 hours a day I even heard that anything less is a waste of time when extending someone with knowledge is that true? Some days I can only wear it for maybe 2 to 3 hours do to schedule am I wasting my time ? Or does it still doing something for gains? Please let me know bc I don’t want to be wasting my time doing only 2 hours when I can give that time to a lengthmaster etc .

What you have to, or must keep in mind, is this advice takes into consideration that is the only PE the user is doing ... just extenders, and if so, then 2-3 hours daily isn't allot. It will give you something, but it needs to be allot longer.

Now, as many use different methods alongside the extenders, for example after hanging they go into the extender, use the extender at night, this is working on an already worked penis.

So if you are doing an intense routine, or even one not so intense but with allot in, using the extender for less time wouldn't seem bad, as its working on fatigued penis already, not having to do all the work for many hours on end.

Still wise, to wear the extenders for a long as you can.
So do we think that an extender is more a sort of ADS system? I've tried ADS before and never seemed to gain anything with just that. Had been thinking that my next cycle I might ditch the weights (have been doing 3 hours/day for 7 weeks) and just try the extender on its own - but don't want to do it (on its own) if it's normally considered as an add-on or an ADS to some other routine. To be honest though, the extender feels different - the penis seems fuller during traction as everything can circulate, and also other guys seem to gain with lower levels of force using just an extender. So I don't know if it's something inherent in how the extender works that can give gains at lower levels of force compared with the same force using weights?

It's one of the questions I had in the past days - how much weight-equivalent traction I should aim for with an extender, and whether I need to combine it with a weights programme (weights first, then extender second with less force). I managed 4.5 hours the other day but got a blister in the end - pressing the weight on the scales I think the weight equivalent might have been (estimating here) around 1.5-2kg.... is that too much?
I see an ADS as being a active device meaning with the right intensity it will bring growth but I also see it as a healing method and a lighter intensity to cement length growth. Are use the SiliStretcher - All Day Penis Vacuum Stretcher and Weight Hanger in the SRT - Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory routine and you can see the different roles that it plays. But it’s only a part of the routine, other exercises are done to speed the length process. But there has been people here that have only use an extender and have made good gains. I feel as though it has a very important place in a total routine.
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I see an ADS as being a active device meaning with the right intensity it will bring growth but I also see it as a healing method and a lighter intensity to cement length growth. Are use the sili stretcher in the SRT routine and you can see the different roles that it plays. But it’s only a part of the routine, other exercises are done to speed the length process. But there has been people here that have only use an extender and have made good gains. I feel as though it has a very important place in a total routine.
Thanks for this.

So I think what I'm going to do is to remeasure just before starting the next cycle. I feel intuitively that things have gotten bigger after my last hanging cycle but will wait to measure. If that has in the end provided some gain of some kind, then I'll probably rinse and repeat but adding as many extender hours as I can in addition. If on the other hand I find nothing much changed then I might go for an extender only cycle for 6+ hours a day if I can manage, and do it for a much longer period of time.

So in this second scenario, what kind of weight-traction do we think we are looking for? Looking around the web, the Penimaster for example seems to recommend maxing out at 1.1kg only and to me that's an ADS type of weight so would probably want to go a bit more than that, but I know I'm prone to blistering... So does anyone on here who is uncut have experience about their max traction they can take for longer periods of over 6 hours?

I've gotten the size doctor to work. It took some time to figure out the vacuum, the video above helps for sure, I like the flexibility of the device so I have options in my routines. I do think it is a bit big to use with the belt if going out in public. The silistretcher looks to be a better solution there. Will have to give that a try.
Well, after an hour my vacuum lost. and the spring "lock" slipped off. The o-ring came off and the white part of the stopper pulled back into the orange plastic part. I had to fool with it to get it back correctly. It is working again now but I have not worn it for more than an hour a day. Today I was going to extend my time. I think I may have to go to the silisleeve product. Seems more fool proof.
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When you first get your SizeDoctor , it will come pre-set for an erect 4” penis without tension. You want to adjust the SizeDoctor length by adding extension rods to equal your erect penis length . This measurement is the distance between the bottom of the brown retention base to the top of the brass caps on the orange vacuum bulb.

Girth Fixing Bands (Grey Sleeves)
Sizing the correct fixing band for your girth

The national average flaccid penis girth is 3.66” circumference. We ship the SizeDoctor with the #3 grey fixing band pre-installed based on the national Flaccid Girth (FG) and calculating use with our blue SiliSleevs

To be more accurate, measure your FG and choose the proper fixing band accordingly and use the next size fixing band if using with the SiliSleevs .

FG 3.6” (9.0cm) use #1 fixing band
FG 3.6~4.2” (9.1-10.5cm) use #2 fixing band
FG 4.2~4.8” (10.6-12.0cm) use #3 fixing band
FG 4.9~5.4” (12.3-13.5cm) use #4 fixing band
FG 5.4~6.0” (13.6-15cm) use #5 fixing band
FG 6.0~6.5” (15.1-16.5cm) use #6 fixing band

How to wear the SizeDoctor
1) Put a little water soluble lube on the head of your penis.

2) Place the SizeDoctor brown retention base against your pelvic bone with your erect penis centered in the middle of the base.

3) Unlock the metal retainer clip on the top of the SizeDoctor orange vacuum bulb.

4) Attach the black adapter to the grey vacuum pump bulb. Attach to the valve with the o-ring on top of the SizeDoctororange vacuum bulb.

5) Press the SizeDoctor orange vacuum bulb towards the head of your penis and pump the vacuum pump bulb to suck your penis inside.

6) Once you are inside, remove the vacuum bulb and adapter, press the the black valve post in and engage the steel retainer clip.

How long to wear
For the first week wear the SizeDoctor for a total of one hour per day. Use the SizeDoctor for 20 minutes reps at a time, remove it, massage the penis for 3 minutes then repeat the process up until you complete a one hour session for the day. Repeat this practice each day for the first week.

Week number two, increase the duration of reps by 10 minutes at a time before removing to massage your penis. You will also increase the daily total time of use up to two hours a day. At this time you want to increase the length of the SizeDoctor extender to an additional .2” (0.5cm) by adjusting the rods .

By week number five, you can wear the size doctor 3~6 hours a day and up to 60 minutes at a time before removing to massage.

Each week you want to add 0.2” (0.5cm) to the extension of the rods (the shortest rods ) to gain length .
I got mine today. I need help putting on the gray piece on the head. I’m about ready to scream! I broke the biggest gray piece trying to put it on the head piece.

What is the easiest way to stretch this thing on the head piece? I don’t want to break another one.

This should be a big help. If you broke something simply request a replacement.

I got mine today. I need help putting on the gray piece on the head. I’m about ready to scream! I broke the biggest gray piece trying to put it on the head piece.

What is the easiest way to stretch this thing on the head piece? I don’t want to break another one.


Wow they are really hard to break. We stretch them allot to put on. You can heat up with a hair dryer to make it more pliable. There is a video showing how to put them on in the product description on ShopMOS
Thanks guys. I will try the hair dryer. The part that tore was the inside where the thinner rubber is at. Not the outside part. If that makes sense.

I wanted to use the bigger piece with the silicap and silisleave, so if the next piece down doesn’t work, who do I contact to get another bigger gray piece?

Thanks again guys!
Just PM me your order number, name and email and which number sleeve you need. I will get it straight for you.
Just PM me your order number, name and email and which number sleeve you need. I will get it straight for you.

Thank you! I will try the next size down and if it doesn’t fit properly I will contact you again. I think the hair dryer should make it easier to slip on.

Thanks for your help!
Don't forget the watch the video!
Your planning to wear it downwards with pants on or at home privately? And what is your stretched size?

If at home privately then 90 degree works fine and maybe slightly under that works to.

But if you wear it fully downwards outdoor under your pants this does not work with the sd. But even if it does, then I think you will get problems with practical usage.
When you mean it doesn’t work with the size doctor do you mean no results? I just figured to flip the base upside down so it can be worn downwards as to make it easy to walk around with.
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