You need a new wrapping method. You aren't getting enough tension. Take 2 squares of tp connected together and fold it in half long ways. Wrap that just below your glans then wrap a 6-8 in long strip of ace self adhesive bandage around it and strap down with the comfort strap. Make sure to stretch the bandage out some as you wrap around. you won't slip at all the bandage has great tack to it and you need the tp layer between for comfort.
And for diet try intermittent fasting. You eat all your calories in a 8hr window and eat nothing as in no calories from food or drink for 16hrs straight. It's not that hard cause that includes your sleeping hrs. It's very effective and will becoming more popular in the near future. I've done it and it's very effective. If you want to ramp it up even more eat no starches at all. Stick to lean meats and veggies don't eat direct carb sources. You will get enough carbs from trace amounts in food you eat. And of course it all comes down to calories. You have to be in a deficit for the day lose fat. Shoot for under 2k a day and the fat should melt off. I've hit 4% body fat doing this. If you workout do it at the end of your fast on an empty stomach. That's huge also
Jdcd, sorry my englisch ist not that good and i didn't understand your wrapping method. also i dont have the comfort strap anymore, since it broke. I dont know if fasting is the way to go , since it lowers your metabolism. Never heard of people how actually lost fat and not muscle with fasting. Idont want to loose muscle.
It doesn't lowner your metabolism that's a lie made up by the supplement industry. They know that you don't have time to eat six small whole food meals a day so you will then have to rely on shakes to fill in the gaps. I'm 6'1 200lb with 8% body fat and can bench press over 300lbs. I only eat in a 6hr window each day and lift on an empty stomach. Check out it has some great info on there. It takes over 36 hrs of not eating before your body will burn muscle for energy. When you dont eat for 16 straigh hours you will be burning stored body fat for energy. Your body will only go to muscle for fuel as a last choice for survival.
Just make sure to get at least 200 grams of protein a day and there is no way you will lose muscle.
putzaras;508739 said:
Yeah i havent gained any kind of length. Ido only SG , with breaks after an hour.I dont diet..I read a study where guys gained an average of 1 inch in 6 months with a extender , by just wearing it 4 hours a day.
hey dude!one of my best friends had the fat pad issue which was severely affecting his NBPL.he tried the Bathmate hardcore stretches and without losing the fat pad he solved the it looks like the portion of his cock which was buried under the fat pad is clearly exposed.that's why I renamed the expressive stretching as ''High Definition Penile Elongation''.sounds gr8,right?:)
DreamDick;514727 said:
hey dude!one of my best friends had the fat pad issue which was severely affecting his NBPL.he tried the Bathmate hardcore stretches and without losing the fat pad he solved the it looks like the portion of his cock which was buried under the fat pad is clearly exposed.that's why I renamed the expressive stretching as ''High Definition Penile Elongation''.sounds gr8,right?:)

ihope youre right. i lost over 2 inches the past year wich depresses me a lot. a year ago a had a very radical circumcision done (medical resaons) which made my shaft skin move up and actually loose an inch of erect length. i also gained over 80 pounds in 6 months which buried my penis even more. iam using SG now vor 4-5 months to reverse it but havent seen any gains only that my stretched length BPFSL is nearly the same as my old NBPenis EnlargementL length.

I also tried shake diets like velocity diet (6 shakes a day) but only gained back what i lost after 2 weeks.
putzaras;514847 said:
ihope youre right. i lost over 2 inches the past year wich depresses me a lot. a year ago a had a very radical circumcision done (medical resaons) which made my shaft skin move up and actually loose an inch of erect length. i also gained over 80 pounds in 6 months which buried my penis even more. iam using SG now vor 4-5 months to reverse it but havent seen any gains only that my stretched length BPFSL is nearly the same as my old NBPenis EnlargementL length.

I also tried shake diets like velocity diet (6 shakes a day) but only gained back what i lost after 2 weeks.
i think you need to use the SG wisely.use the SG as a healing tool.Follow the length portion of this routine.Use the SG after your stretching session to heal in an elongated position.You will see some good gains very fast if you do so.good luck:)
sadly i have no time for manual stretches ( i started med shool and have a full time job). iam starting to think that iam gonna need a foreskin reconstruction in order to get my old size back.
putzaras;514945 said:
sadly i have no time for manual stretches ( i started med shool and have a full time job). iam starting to think that iam gonna need a foreskin reconstruction in order to get my old size back.

hello buddy.most of our fellow Penis Enlargement practitioners have limited time for Penis Enlargement but yet we manage to do it.if you want to have a big dick,you have to get some time for do not need to spend an hour per day for your session.just 20 mins of high intensity stretching is enough for you as you have a great healing tool like the SG.the power assist is a great tool to do high intensity stretching and it's better to spend 20 mins a day with PA than spending an hour on low intensity can do it easily every morning right after you poo and then after your workout session use the SG to heal in an extended position.before going to bed at night wrap your penis with an ACE bandage to heal in an elongated position all night long.this routine is simple yet powerful and i bet you will grow rapidly.keep your faith in Penis Enlargement and think of the feeling of having a huge dick.:)
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i have just noticed that i forget to mention the name of the routine that i suggested.the routine is named as the ''SRT - Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory routine'' made by the living legend DLD.''Healing in an elongated/expanded position'' is the motto of this routine.:)
Losing fat definitely helped me. Gained about an inch.
Swerba;515665 said:
Losing fat definitely helped me. Gained about an inch.

I am working on it now! My diet started when I set out for Miami! I am looking to drop 30 pounds!
doublelongdaddy;515766 said:
I am working on it now! My diet started when I set out for Miami! I am looking to drop 30 pounds!

so you doing low carb or fasting or what?
putzaras;515883 said:
so you doing low carb or fasting or what?

Well I was just thinking about you this morning:) I knew somehow we would connect. Anyways, first the bad news, I weigh more than I though:( I am 199 pounds right now, I imagined I was 180. So now my weight loss will need to encompass 40 pounds and I was thinking is was more like 20 or 30. I guess this gives me the opportunity to do some very good before and after shots and really set the example of how to drop the weight.

My plan will include a steep increase is movement! Walks, stairs, cleaning the yard, washing the car, whatever it is I got to start moving. When I get myself into the mode of constantly moving a quick 10 pounds will leave. Next I need to start to turn the movement into a structured routine that includes both cardio and weight training. I like walking and light jogging. 1 mile a day for the first week and adding a mile making it 2 miles will be my best way to get the metabolism running and get my cardio in. I do not like to make a huge ordeal out of it, I only know movement is the first step and I do not want to overwhelm myself with a routine I will not be able to do. Next, weight training, 3 times a week will help me tone underlying muscle and give quick definition to my body as the cardio removes the fat. I plan for 3 days, 1.) Chest and Triceps, 2.) Back and Biceps 3.) Shoulders, Traps and Legs. I spend no more than 20 minutes on any given day. I use light weights, I am not looking to bulk up I am only looking to tone.

Diet will need to change so my plan is to first, this evening, eat a massive dinner with lots of fat and sweets and every other thing I love...this will be the last supper:) For the next 2 weeks I will go into a fasting mode taking in a very limited amount of food, paying close attention to hydrating myself and getting the daily vitamins I need. Men's One a Day are a great supplement for lazy guys like me:) I will set my caloric intake to right about 500 calories a day. Caloric intake will take place over 5 micro-mrals throughout the day. 100 calories per meal is a very small intake but it will help boost the glycemic index and jump start a very slow metabolism. At this rate I should shed about 10 pounds per week, making my goal weight 160 by December 1st. It is a lot more than I want to have to lose but it is what it is.
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