Stripeee;743916 said:
Anyone ever tried pumping when basically flaccid?

only when I lose best results occur from pumping with the highest EQ for the longest I can muster (up to 10 mins)
Big Schwanz Acht;743941 said:
only when I lose best results occur from pumping with the highest EQ for the longest I can muster (up to 10 mins)

I agree with this and have thought this way for a while. Let us say that a session in the BathMate brings 20% expansion and your penis is at 80% erect, pumping is not doing anything but keeping you at you 100% size. If we take that same 20% and go in at 90% now you will add 10% expansion above your 100% size. I always worked as close to erect as possible.
I thought that is what I might hear, I find I just get fluid retention when I pump at a high erection level and struggle to maintain the erection to a high level, how much pressure do you use???
Stripeee;744023 said:
I thought that is what I might hear, I find I just get fluid retention when I pump at a high erection level and struggle to maintain the erection to a high level, how much pressure do you use???

Well do not become discouraged as flaccid pumping certainly has its benefits. It will help with flaccid size, it will bring good blood flow for healing, it is also a great warm up or down. Have you tried pumping in the SRT routine? This routine, called the Girth program (SRT 5x5x3) was created to combat fluid retention while increasing tissue expansion. It really is the best way to pump without issues. This also is good for those who can not keep erect for a great deal of time, 5 minutes is a short enough period that anyone can do it.
Stripeee;744023 said:
I thought that is what I might hear, I find I just get fluid retention when I pump at a high erection level and struggle to maintain the erection to a high level, how much pressure do you use???

Here's what I do and it seems to work pretty well:

I have a tablet that I can put-on any type of 'inspirational' video and have it running in the shower. If I still have a bit of residual vitamin V or C in my system, this clearly assists in maintaining EQ. I start-out at just enough pressure to keep the BM secure for hands-free normal shower duties (I shave in the shower too, so this stage of the session is usually 5-7 minutes). I remove, refill, and do as many squeezes as necessary to ward-off any FR that may have and then pump to 100% (you'll know when you hit this stage cuz you're no longer able to draw-out any more water and your d!ck is going to feel like it's gonna explode! I hold this for a few minutes and then release a bit of pressure, then slowly ramp-up to 100% again. I do this for another 5-7 minutes, then remove/squeeze/rinse/repeat.
Big Schwanz Acht;744054 said:
Here's what I do and it seems to work pretty well:

I have a tablet that I can put-on any type of 'inspirational' video and have it running in the shower. If I still have a bit of residual vitamin V or C in my system, this clearly assists in maintaining EQ. I start-out at just enough pressure to keep the BM secure for hands-free normal shower duties (I shave in the shower too, so this stage of the session is usually 5-7 minutes). I remove, refill, and do as many squeezes as necessary to ward-off any FR that may have and then pump to 100% (you'll know when you hit this stage cuz you're no longer able to draw-out any more water and your d!ck is going to feel like it's gonna explode! I hold this for a few minutes and then release a bit of pressure, then slowly ramp-up to 100% again. I do this for another 5-7 minutes, then remove/squeeze/rinse/repeat.

And this is how you get yourself a fucking fat cock!! I'll be following all your advice as soon as I have a new bathmate . You truly are the bathmate king!
more like the 'plagiarizing king' routine is a conglomeration of ideas, experiments and philosophy from the pages of MOS...sprinkle a bit of OCD dedication, and voila!
I’ve given the tight grip-upward jelqing a tryout today and after 5 minutes my dick had erupted leaking blood, there is still in underlying issue there unfortunately. As for Bathmate work I’ve tried the 5x5x3 routine and I just couldn’t remain erect enough throughout and my foreskin just rolled up when I attempted to jelq in between sets.

So basically I’ve come to the conclusion that ive just been cursed with a really crappy penis!
Stripeee;744149 said:
So basically I’ve come to the conclusion that ive just been cursed with a really crappy penis!

it'll be that much more satisfying when you've transformed it into the beast that it will become
I hope you’re right big Schwanz acht, I really do. I’m concerned because I’m just not seeing any results at all, and I don’t know how much more time I want to spend potentially chasing a lost cause
doing the same routine and expecting different results is 'chasing a lost cause'. If you find something isn't working, it's time to switch-it-up. Vary intensity/time of each exercise and most importantly, be the one in charge! All your gains will be due to your hard-work and dedication...don't let your own d!ck beat you
Big Schwanz Acht;744179 said:
doing the same routine and expecting different results is 'chasing a lost cause'. If you find something isn't working, it's time to switch-it-up. Vary intensity/time of each exercise and most importantly, be the one in charge! All your gains will be due to your hard-work and dedication...don't let your own d!ck beat you

Words from the wise!!
But that’s what I don’t get I’ve tried various combinations of stretching, jelqing and pumping but I cannot seem to find anything where I am able to get any results. What I’ve been doing lately has felt a bit better but even then it doesn’t progress or there’s always an issue. I’m sorry for being ‘that guy’ on the forum but I can’t help this negativity, whenever I try anything it never succeeds no matter how hard I try.
Stripeee;744235 said:
But that’s what I don’t get I’ve tried various combinations of stretching, jelqing and pumping but I cannot seem to find anything where I am able to get any results. What I’ve been doing lately has felt a bit better but even then it doesn’t progress or there’s always an issue. I’m sorry for being ‘that guy’ on the forum but I can’t help this negativity, whenever I try anything it never succeeds no matter how hard I try.

How ,long have you stuck with any one routine?
Stripeee;744235 said:
But that’s what I don’t get I’ve tried various combinations of stretching, jelqing and pumping but I cannot seem to find anything where I am able to get any results. What I’ve been doing lately has felt a bit better but even then it doesn’t progress or there’s always an issue. I’m sorry for being ‘that guy’ on the forum but I can’t help this negativity, whenever I try anything it never succeeds no matter how hard I try.

PE is and 'Art' AND a Science. The 'Art' portion is that mixture of exercises/diet/rest/equipment that yield results for your particular body/goals. The science part works because the Laws of Physics do not vary...the basic 'how much force' is required to move an object or 'the longer lever the greater force'. You'll just have to find 'that lever' to provide enough 'force' to see gains.

If you have a BM, mod it...if you have a LM, use it...if you have nothing, go manual
Big Schwanz Acht;744282 said:
PE is and 'Art' AND a Science. The 'Art' portion is that mixture of exercises/diet/rest/equipment that yield results for your particular body/goals. The science part works because the Laws of Physics do not vary...the basic 'how much force' is required to move an object or 'the longer lever the greater force'. You'll just have to find 'that lever' to provide enough 'force' to see gains.

If you have a BM, mod it...if you have a LM, use it...if you have nothing, go manual

Love this! Awesome way to explain this.
Big Schwanz Acht;744068 said:
more like the 'plagiarizing king' routine is a conglomeration of ideas, experiments and philosophy from the pages of MOS...sprinkle a bit of OCD dedication, and voila!

It would seem to be a recipe for success,:)
I spend around 2 months doing any one given routine but then I notice no change and think to myself that I’m doing something wrong and change it up. This is what I just don’t get, I’m stretching as hard as I can but am I gaining length, NO. Admittedly I am a little girthier and with good e.q feel a bit harder than before but not enough overall change.

I have come to the conclusion that the reason why am not gaining length is because of my foreskin. Every time I stretch the frenulum and skin just limit the stretch and hinder my grip. A private operation of some kind is looking increasingly likely. I’ve started to do what was suggested regarding tight upward jelqs, i can feel the base of my penis under strain so hopefully this will yield results, especially seeing as my Base thickness has improved a little.

Regarding b.m and l.m work, with the b.m I just end up with fluid retention around my glans if I do it to hard/too long, and as for l.m I attempted hanging after i managed to get a tight wrap but it dawned on my that my foreskin was under strain less so my shaft, also the wrap had slid on to my glans.
every person is different and it takes lots of patience/practice...but I'm not going to 'buy into' the fact that you're the 'one' guy that can't gain. You sound like an introspective, intelligent man so figure it out.
Big Schwanz Acht;745777 said:
every person is different and it takes lots of patience/practice...but I'm not going to 'buy into' the fact that you're the 'one' guy that can't gain. You sound like an introspective, intelligent man so figure it out.

A penis is a penis, not much differences from man to man, a head, a shaft and a couple of balls :) Every man can gain as every man has the same body part with differences being is size only. If you are not gaining it is because you either are not putting in enough effort (intensity), using incorrect form, using outdated exercise, inconsistent training, a complete disbelief in the system, any of these things can be a culprit to a lag or stop in gains.
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